So as we all know by now, 1 character at 1 year of age gets an account-bound mini Queen Jenna, a lvl 20 scroll, and a birthday booster.
I have 14 characters, 8 class toons for myself, 4 storage characters and a character for each of my daughters. All 8 of my class characters are at level 80, have been since January. My daughters characters are level 22 and 12 and my storage toons don’t matter for level.
So for 14 Jennas, 14 level 20 scrolls, and 14 birthday boosters I get….1 scroll worth anything and the birthday boosters which last 24 hours each and are spread for their actual buff…you can’t wvw and pvp at the same time and if you use it and you just get rolled in wvw for a week it’s wasted.
I, like so many others, have been dedicated to your game, supported it with extra purchases, spread word-of-mouth, and I even bought the game for another friend so he could play. So my question is why do you hate the people who play your game, support it, and do their best to enjoy it? As everyone tries to point out with “This isn’t Guild Wars 1”, that’s obvious, because in GW1 we felt respected as players. In Guild Wars 2 I feel more like we just get what we get and that’s that. Nobody likes this, not one person thinks this was a good display of affection toward your fan base.