No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

Here is a video from WoodenPotatoes who talks about end game. It’s recorded in Feb, but I am surprised how much stuff he hits right on the nail of the head;

The question is now – Are explorable dungeons too easy? For some people the story versions are impossible! But are they impossible because people are ignorant or because the game doesn’t tell them how to spec or the importance of having rings, accessories with certain stats, or to swap their weapons?
- The game actually has launched with over 30 dungeon paths – shorter paths that doesn’t challenge most peoples patience and takes 3-4 hours to complete.
But are they fun?
Are they only so fun you would do it for the reward. Would you do dungeons for no rewards in WoW or any other MMOs? Are dungeons in MMORPGs today fun enough in themselves?
So maybe the question is not if GW2 has end game, because it has loads of it, its more a question of how repeatable and how fun it is!? And what ArenaNet can do to change it?

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrosiaa.6054


Here is a video from WoodenPotatoes who talks about end game. It’s recorded in Feb, but I am surprised how much stuff he hits right on the nail of the head;

The question is now – Are explorable dungeons too easy? For some people the story versions are impossible! But are they impossible because people are ignorant or because the game doesn’t tell them how to spec or the importance of having rings, accessories with certain stats, or to swap their weapons?
- The game actually has launched with over 30 dungeon paths – shorter paths that doesn’t challenge most peoples patience and takes 3-4 hours to complete.
But are they fun?
Are they only so fun you would do it for the reward. Would you do dungeons for no rewards in WoW or any other MMOs? Are dungeons in MMORPGs today fun enough in themselves?
So maybe the question is not if GW2 has end game, because it has loads of it, its more a question of how repeatable and how fun it is!? And what ArenaNet can do to change it?

The dungeons are not fun in the slightest, nor do you get any rewards for it after you get your exotic set. They are short and don’t require you to do much other than attack and dodge red circles. I still think a raiding system similar to WoW’s is pretty much essential for a successful endgame.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

I don’t like the dungeons all that much myself, but I think it’s a lot more than dodging circles.
I like Guild Wars 2s dungeons more than any raid I ever played in WoW though. For the skill system and combat system.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Well said OP, that’s exactly my feeling. No pressure to play the game. Finally an MMO that lets you play for fun.

Also the level scaling is the best thing since sliced bread. You can play with friends that are in completely different levels and it feels challenging and rewarding.

This is the best MMO on the market right now hands down.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orlen.7810


no carrot on a stick in any game is bad plain and simple.

it doesn’t have to be gear but there should always be a carrot somewhere in a game, otherwise why bother?

lets be clear this game is not yet polished enough to be without a carrot to entice players to keep playing or better yet spend their money in the kitten poor effort that is the gem store.

the bugs the shocking trading post the rendering issue in pve and pvp is game breaking pure and simple.

This game needs a carrot right now.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

no carrot on a stick in any game is bad plain and simple.

it doesn’t have to be gear but there should always be a carrot somewhere in a game, otherwise why bother?

lets be clear this game is not yet polished enough to be without a carrot to entice players to keep playing or better yet spend their money in the kitten poor effort that is the gem store.

the bugs the shocking trading post the rendering issue in pve and pvp is game breaking pure and simple.

This game needs a carrot right now.

I agree with you that there could be more carrots, but I think the OP means gear carrots specifically
Other (better) carrots could be more skins, leaderboards, new events and areas… anything as long as it’s not stat-based, I’m okay with it

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orlen.7810


Here is a video from WoodenPotatoes who talks about end game. It’s recorded in Feb, but I am surprised how much stuff he hits right on the nail of the head;

The question is now – Are explorable dungeons too easy? For some people the story versions are impossible! But are they impossible because people are ignorant or because the game doesn’t tell them how to spec or the importance of having rings, accessories with certain stats, or to swap their weapons?
- The game actually has launched with over 30 dungeon paths – shorter paths that doesn’t challenge most peoples patience and takes 3-4 hours to complete.
But are they fun?
Are they only so fun you would do it for the reward. Would you do dungeons for no rewards in WoW or any other MMOs? Are dungeons in MMORPGs today fun enough in themselves?
So maybe the question is not if GW2 has end game, because it has loads of it, its more a question of how repeatable and how fun it is!? And what ArenaNet can do to change it?

The dungeons are not fun in the slightest, nor do you get any rewards for it after you get your exotic set. They are short and don’t require you to do much other than attack and dodge red circles. I still think a raiding system similar to WoW’s is pretty much essential for a successful endgame.

kinda disagree, i raided heavily in wow, a few world first kills as well back in wolk.

i got bored of raiding very quickly and just did it out of habit after a while, but i wasn’t enjoying it. boss casts this move here…next teir boss casts this…oh thats the same as those other 20 bosses…cast this move there.

same boss week in week out for 7-8 months…and the kittening kitten still can’t grasp the concept of move from fire.

same boss week in week out for months and you move to the same spots take the same start positions employ the same tactic every time for the same ability and then do that for all abilities just like it that the other boss have in the next 4 teirs of content.

how do you not get bored of that?

i got bored of it after weeks never mind months yet i somehow did it for several years. that’s my own fault by the way.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orlen.7810


no carrot on a stick in any game is bad plain and simple.

it doesn’t have to be gear but there should always be a carrot somewhere in a game, otherwise why bother?

lets be clear this game is not yet polished enough to be without a carrot to entice players to keep playing or better yet spend their money in the kitten poor effort that is the gem store.

the bugs the shocking trading post the rendering issue in pve and pvp is game breaking pure and simple.

This game needs a carrot right now.

I agree with you that there could be more carrots, but I think the OP means gear carrots specifically
Other (better) carrots could be more skins, leaderboards, new events and areas… anything as long as it’s not stat-based, I’m okay with it

yeah i don’t want gear carrots either, but some form of carrot would be nice.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I agree with the OP. About all of it.

I have near 350 hours of total play, one level 80, a 65, and a 53. Im heading in the direction of leveling up as many classes as I can stomach, and then choosing one or two, maybe a third, as my mains and alts to focus on gearing. I can do this and be on par with everyone in 3 months because theres no treadmill.

My only concern is, that while I am taking time(maybe months, maybe sometime into 2013), I hope that new dungeons are not released too soon where since a lot of people focused on dungeon gear while I focused on leveling, everyone flocks to those dungeons and leaves the current ones vacant and empty. At some point I will switch my attention to dungeon farming, and I dont want to be waiting for hours for a group.

I do think that as you release more content, a dungeon finder would be needed as the population is more spread out into more dungeons, and not clumped into finding groups for a few dungeons.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CelticWish.2314


I want to add there are strong benefits w/ or w/o carrots. Good arguments in here for both sides. To those liking carrots and continual end game grind, the answer to that seems to be leveling a character to 80 in each profession.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Even though there may be arguments in general for people who like the carrot, this game was advertised from the beginning as not being gear or grind-centric. You can get gear and you can grind but you don’t need to.

Anybody then who buys this game knowing they want the carrot are not entirely smart in my opinion. It’s a game that’s not about the carrot, so why buy it if you want the carrot?

I agree with the OP. It’s a big part of the reason I play GW2.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evasionmoon.1345


I feel the same as you OP, thats why GW2 is such a GREAT game no carrot on a stick. Still plenty to do and play everyday.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlaxitov.5693


I’m almost done with one of three dungeon sets I want for different spec set ups.

I’m nowhere near thinking about even starting the legendary grind yet.

I want to grind out some gold to buy gems for account upgrades.

I’d like to level up and gear some alts when all that is done.

If those aren’t carrots, I don’t know what is.

The point the OP was making is that these carrots are optional. GW2 doesn’t have a huge gear gap between their tiers like so many other games so we aren’t forced to constantly upgrade to stay afloat. We can drop and pick it up as we feel, and that’s a really great thing. Games shouldn’t be like jobs.

These carrots are optional in any mmo. I gurantee I won’t complete my list before a GW2 expansion is out, thats how long of a task it really is.

You guys might as well say what you really mean.


I’m glad there isn’t gear that seperates the shirts from the skins in this game.

Well there is albeit that bar is low. A mmo player who really fails at hand eye coordination won’t be wearing a CoE exotic set anytime soon. So yeah, bads can celebrate that “elitists” will only look more accomplished than them.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Lol I’m just glad most people know the difference between optional and mandatory carrots. I remember at release how there was this crusade against ANY carrots, peoples’ hate and ignorance of gear treadmill got the best of them.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khallis.5708


“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

I play games to have fun and relax after a hard working day, not to get rewards.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khallis.5708


“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

I play games to have fun and relax after a hard working day, not to get rewards.

Pogo and Farmville sound right up your alley not MMOs, they have always been driven by rewards for timed played.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

Rewards are fine, but I shouldn’t have to spend 50 hours grinding for stat gear to experience new content. I appreciate content that’s locked out based on difficulty, not gear requirements.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086



How about this? I play GW2 and I enjoy it the way it is. You don’t, so why don’t you go play Farmville or whatever is up your alley?

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


I might be slightly off topic here, not sure, but I’ll say it anyway – I hate PvE as a rule. Once I have a max level character I go into PvP-only mode and ignore the raiding or other PvE endamge entirely. I almost never have alts because I can’t face repeating the levelling process.

In GW2 I got to 80, got my story to the point where I would have to do a dungeon to progress it (yuck) and instead of immediately going to JUST PvP I rolled an alt! So now I PvP and level that alt.

I think this all means that GW2 PvE must be more fun than other games!

I agree that no endgame gear treadmill is a MASSIVE plus. Well done Anet for that one.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfend.5287


Plenty of carrots for me, WvW being an ‘everlasting’ carrot; once you hit 80, multiple gear/builds for different venues are going to be a bundle of carrots. Custom skins for end-game gear/builds. Expansions will add and new weapon set/skills and like legendary, new armor…

Would have preferred the Strain/Phinney concept in EoTN, where there are no level carrots, but rather faction regions to progress in. The Fannum/WoW 1-80 style of over-steamed carrot is fine as levels mean absolutely nothing, except to throttle content.

If there were a way to slip the over-steamed carrots to the slobbering dog under the table, as in: turn off the arbitrary numbers spread across the UI, GW2 would be almost perfect carrot salad.

(edited by Wolfend.5287)

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: symke.3105


I remember when there were no video or computer games (yes I am at the age when I more and more frequently use words like “Back in my days”. I enjoyed reading fairy tales. Tales of heroes and damsels in distress, dragons living behind 7 hills, castles to conquer and beautiful worlds to emerge myself in. When I got older I started reading fantasy (still don’t know the true difference between them) and also discovered computer games.
Very early I found out that I enjoy FRP games the most. Games where my character was my extension, my avatar, fantasy “me”. That last is the most important.
FRP games, to me, are like living in a fairy tale or fantasy tale. Living, working, questing, communicating and all the rest. So I need many little or not so little reminders that this character I am in control of, is actually me. Not just some figure I use.
This is where GW2 disappoints me heavily. I understand they wanted to make a game that was low on immersion of character but big on immersion of world events but to me and probably many others, that is big minus for this game.
If I want something competitive I go and play basketball with my friends. Real one. Or something similar where I and not some computer code determines if I am to win or not.
That’s why I need carrots. You have chosen to make this “carrot on the stick” as an insult to those that want it. At least most people that use this term, use it as an intent to do that.
Little carrots. Like having an actual net on your basketball court basket. It does not improve your game, it doesn’t make you better, but it makes playing so much nicer when you hear the sound the ball makes when it goes through it.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I totally feel like in uni. I’d love fiddling with linux, learning cpp, building PCs and generally learning that kind of stuff EXCEPT when stuffed into an obligatory course, which made it a chore.

I like grinding, when optional. I like running dungeons for gear, if entirely optional. I like pvp, if optional. This game delivers. If any of that requires grind to get something particular, it gets boring fast. In WoW I stopped 1000 rep from exhalted on AV because I really needed the offhand yet became too much of a chore.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

“were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me.”

yeah god forbid a game reward people for you know playing the game, what a silly concept.

I play games to have fun and relax after a hard working day, not to get rewards.

Pogo and Farmville sound right up your alley not MMOs, they have always been driven by rewards for timed played.

That it “has always been about reward for time” is not strictly true (GW1 had the same system as GW2) plus it’s a non-argument. That something “has always been like this” is no reason to continue that way. Hell, if everybody thought like that, the wheel wouldn’t have been invented.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


To all the people that NEED a gear carrot:
There are lots of games with a gear focus carrot as end game. Yet instead of playing one of those games, yo cry because gw doesnt have it.

Then people complains that all the games are the same :rolleyes:

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrosiaa.6054


To all the people that NEED a gear carrot:
There are lots of games with a gear focus carrot as end game. Yet instead of playing one of those games, yo cry because gw doesnt have it.

Then people complains that all the games are the same :rolleyes:

The thing is, i love everything about GW2 except the boring PvE end game. I love the WvW, the PvP, the mechanics and just the world in general. I would hate to leave the game because to me it could have been so much more. Right now i’m bored as hell while waiting for the WvW to reset since theres nth left for me to do in pve.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


Agree with you OP. I played MMOs for about 9 years, I raided most of those as a healer of some sort or other. I did that grind, that tortuous inch by inch gear progression routine for far, far longer than it was fun, but I felt if I wanted to be involved in a genre I felt was my thing, I had to do it. Then a couple of years ago I said to myself “I’m not running this hamster wheel anymore, and I’m certainly not paying a sub to run it”.

It’s my motivation for being here. People see the experience as front loaded, it is if you consider 1-79 the beginning and 80 as the end. I don’t anymore, I appreciate this game sets out to deliver everything in one long smooth run of experiences. It doesn’t screech to a halt at the end, it turns into GW1 essentially, but with bells.

The MMO scene is eating itself. If more games take a leaf out of ANet’s book, then I can keep up with it and enjoy myself. But if they largely continue on the trajectory that WoW firmly established as mainstream? I’m out.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


To all the people that NEED a gear carrot:
There are lots of games with a gear focus carrot as end game. Yet instead of playing one of those games, yo cry because gw doesnt have it.

Then people complains that all the games are the same :rolleyes:

The thing is, i love everything about GW2 except the boring PvE end game. I love the WvW, the PvP, the mechanics and just the world in general. I would hate to leave the game because to me it could have been so much more. Right now i’m bored as hell while waiting for the WvW to reset since theres nth left for me to do in pve.

GW2 really doesn’t have to be your only fix, it’ll sit quite happily alongside any other MMO you feel gives you what it doesn’t. It doesn’t demand that you juggle subs if you want to dip in and out of it. Even if you can literally find no reason beyond wvw to log on (I can think of a lot, but that’s me), do you like GW2 enough to keep a hand in, knowing it doesn’t cost you a dime to do that? If so that’s good because it’s not going to remain this way, things will develop over time.

In the meantime, there’s literally nothing stopping you from playing WoW, or Eve, or Tera or whatever p2p game is out there that you feel gives you what GW2 lacks…..right?

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I couldn’t agree with the OP more. I’m still not 80 and yet I don’t feel left behind because I don’t have to worry about the gear grind & end game shenanigans. And what you said about being left behind by your friends if you stop playing for a month…I know exactly what you mean. Playing WoW with a friend, he shelved it for a little while & when he came back it took him forever to catch up to me to be competative. Wasn’t fun. And things like downleveling in GW2 makes playing with low lvl friends fun, so we can explore the whole world instead of focusing on getting that next next next tier piece.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cherrie.8907


Personally, I feel that while GW2 is a very good game, there is a huge design flaw that makes a lot of people not enjoy it as much as the other.

The gap is that GW2 seems perfect for very casual players (no monthly fee, constant exp req for levels, small gear differences between normal and exotic) and that it has some really hardcore grinding goals (legendary items, other expensive achievements) – but there seem to be very little in between, no short-term goals really.

I’m not a hardcore player myself (anymore), I’d say myself I am casual, though by boyfriend disagrees. I do play a few hours every day, enjoying the slow wolrd completion. Bot beyond that goal, I can see nothing, absolutely no goal I can aim for that’s withing my hands reach, resonably. All the goals seem to be long-term goals giving little of feeling of achievement for months or weeks.
All the things I’d like to eventually achieve seem to be gold sinks, so I can’t work on few of them at a time either.

I am not a person who plays multiple games at the same time, I’ve never ejnoyed that.
I have not really returned to a game I’ve put away either.
I loved GW1 and I love GW2 so far, but i can’t shake off the feeling that I won’t find anything to focus on to keep me entertained for long.
Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want grind (if I wanted it, I wouldn;t nag here but farm for my Legendary), I’d like to see smaller goals I can focus on the way to the bigger ones, that don;t go against. And GW2 seems to be lacking that. So I see casuals extremely happy – and that’s great! – and extreme hardcores happy – okay too – but people in between seem to be having a bit of a harder time.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlaxitov.5693


Again, I love the way this system works. I don’t need game belittling stats on gear to consider obtaining it worthwhile. In the meantime the normalized stats discourages bads from crying out for dungeon nerfs for the sake of their ego. What more could you ask for?

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BRB DOG ON FIRE.1503


I enjoyed the gear progression in WoW. It made me feel like I am accomplishing something, like I was becoming superior.

WoW and GW2 are different enough that the two can coexist.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Not everybody needs a computer game to feel good about themselves. The carrot creates a need to do content, whether you enjoy it or not. GW2 is based around the idea that you play because you enjoy it. That’s a very different approach.

With that, it must be noted that fun is not the same for everybody so there will be a number of people who decided this game isn’t fun for them. That’s fair enough but they should realises that this game isn’t for them and is not likely at all to change in that direction. Not likely at all.

I do think that more content for when you are level 80 is a good thing. It won’t be much longer before a lot of people have leveled to 80, completed the world and got their favourite armour together.

So next week we get a content update. Not just an event but also actual content. More things to do. So let’s see what that update brings us. It might be just the extension a lot of people are looking for and with at least another content update planned for this year, I would think that things are going at a good pace.

Gear progression was never the intent of GW2, just like GW1. The havoc it would wreak in pvp alone is reason enough not to do it. ’

No, I think that this game is just fine without the gear progression, but I do welcome content updates. I am not far from world completion and finishing my dungeon runs for my main. I have alts, but more to do for my main would be great.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kushkillers.8324


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the people who do not like GW2 for the reasons stated in this thread are younger players. By younger I mean less than 22ish years old. Most adults do not have time for MMO’s like WoW due to the responsibilities of being an adult. If you have finished EVERY single thing possible in GW2 already then you need to stop playing as this game is not really for you (and yes you are not what I consider a responsible adult if you have completed GW2 to a full 100% already). If you have hours upon hours of time to play an game each day then yes you need to move/go back to something like WoW. Sure over time there will be more content and expansions however it is very clear that GW2 has a unique playstyle and ArenaNet does not want their product to be an elitist MMO that requires players to put in 40 hours a week just to have “fun”.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Isn’t it interesting that if you ’like" a game…you become a derogatory “fanboi”. But if you hate the game…you are incisive critic whose views should be well appreciated by all since you are so obviously a talented player.


Don’t need carrots. Imagination suffices.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vitigis.4160


Kid spends 400 hours playing game- complains that there’s nothing left to do one month after games release. News at 11.

The neat thing about this design is that (once all the bugs are squashed) they can drop in DE content in where/any time they want. The possibilities for things to do are endless then.

I also do not agree that people play MMO’s for progression. We play them for fun. Progression != fun. Sometimes progression is fun, but I (and many others) do not find raiding 3 nights a week for 4 hours at a time, a fun thing to do in the same way that I do not find mowing my lawn once a week fun. I do it because I have to to keep my yard looking nice…..or my gear up to par with the latest blah blah expansion.

GW2’s basic premise should be the new paradigm.

Q-everyone has it better than me-Q

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Isn’t it interesting that if you ’like" a game…you become a derogatory “fanboi”. But if you hate the game…you are incisive critic whose views should be well appreciated by all since you are so obviously a talented player.


Don’t need carrots. Imagination suffices.

Exactly. And the moment somebody uses the term “fanboi” I stop reading.

What amazes me is the amount of time and energy the “critics” of this game spend on these forums talking about a game the supposedly hate.

It’s just a cry for attention.

Nothing more.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


Finally a MMO, were I can breathe, were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me. Finally a MMO with an actual narrative ending. The other MMOs I played didn’t launch with a story that concluded.

It’s funny. Not being forced to do something, strangely enough encourages me to want to play more. In prior MMOs were the carrot-on-a-stick was uber-gear that dropped from long repetitive dungeon crawls fueled by players spamming their stupid rotations, made me not want to participate.

It took very few hours once I had gotten to lvl 80 to buy my exotic (max stats) armor from the TP, and then transmuted it, and bought some nice dye, to get the coolest looking character I’ve ever had in a RPG.

I can put this game on the shelf, or play a little without, a subscription fee or worrying about my friends outgearing me a month from now. Gear treadmill is terrible and exhausting and feels like a second job.

I love that the carrot in GW2 is optional. I don’t think a legendary at this point is viable, but it’s more fun to pursue when you are not being forced to do it. Nobody likes to be forced to do something just to be competitive in the pvp sphere, or to be allowed by the community to run the content.

I hope they will make semi legendary armors and weapons. Mid long term tangible rewards to work towards. And I hope working for those will require me to run through some of my favorite zones levelling up, like Arathi highlands (centaur genocide!!)

Amen brother although I want some of those legendaries… Goal has been set!

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I don’t mind the carrots necessarily, but some should be less grindy and more prestige… Like great, you have all the stuff for twilight, but now you have to rally a group together to come help you go through a unique chain to forge it (at least for legendary items).

I’m not a fan of slot machines, yet alot of carrots, in the form of skins, are found within it… There’s a really cool laser gun looking rifle that I’d love to grab, but I have to “roll for it” rather than try to earn it through a challenge. I suppose I could buy it off the TP, but where’s the fun in that?

With respect to EM dungeons and their gear, some paths should be intentionally harder yet more rewarding (token-wise, higher drop rates, etc).

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


What makes GW2 different is that its not meant to be played like a MMO, even though it calls itself one. Quite the conundrum. MMOs historically aren’t the type where you just pick up and play every now and then. No fee means no need to keep playing. No REAL progression means no curve to keep up with. Other MMOs always had that pull, that carrot, that makes you want to keep playing. GW2 just doesn’t have it. You “finish” it, whatever that means to you, then you wait for an expansion if it offers anything you want. I just can’t say I’ve ever finished a MMO in a month before. Usually, I’m just getting to the meat of a MMO in that time. Roll an alt? I’m trying, but I already know that those higher lvl zones are the same ones I already did, so what is there to look forward to? Kind of sucks the wind out of your sails.

Personally once I put a game down, I don’t go back to it, because there are always newer games to play. Why play something again, when there is plenty out there I haven’t played yet?

Literally this game is like playing Skyrim with a multiplayer component, but just not as good. You pay $60. You beat the game and you move on waiting for an expansion pack.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I will say there is a certain approach GW2 takes in introducing the idea of a casual style of MMO play where regardless of commitment, everyone is still on a level playing field… And I like it. It’s nice to know you lose out on nothing from having the game collect dust for a few days/weeks. However, that casual mentality also bleeds into some of their designs and comes out grindy, lazy, or just plain flawed/bad.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


To the OP all your points are valid….but not the only valid ones though.

At my age I have to come to accept that there is room in my gaming life for many “types” of gaming models…..there does not have to be “this one is better than that” all the time….it depends on how I feel.

Sometimes I want the unpressured rambling freestyle of GW2….sometimes I want the hack and slash of D3 and sometimes I want the “structured gear progression” discipline of WoW… just depends on how I feel….(the WoW subscription is a bit of a disincentive to this approach though for that game).

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selo.1250


Its funny how many of these rose tinted mantra posts are beeing made every day.
“its good becouse i say so”

It might be good for you, but people are leaving in droves becouse of lack of things to do. My guild of 75 people logging in at start have dropped to 10.
So many have their char at lvl 80 and full exotic and max stats, so they stoped playing becouse they cant progress their character anymore.

Theres no queues to WvW even on the more populated servers, and theres almost more bots then players in Orr

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


I need more carrots on a stick….cant get legendary with the insane price that are up now have farm all fun stuff for legendary but the gold…and farming gold is boring as hell.

Game is good but needs some end game badly aka carrots on a stick );

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


The community is great! And I’m sure the no carrot-on-a-stick has a lot to do with it. Those who were looking for a game to gear grind and show off their kitten have left, or are leaving, and those of us who enjoy playing this game because its fun, remain.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


Its funny how many of these rose tinted mantra posts are beeing made every day.
“its good becouse i say so”

It might be good for you, but people are leaving in droves becouse of lack of things to do. My guild of 75 people logging in at start have dropped to 10.
So many have their char at lvl 80 and full exotic and max stats, so they stoped playing becouse they cant progress their character anymore.

Theres no queues to WvW even on the more populated servers, and theres almost more bots then players in Orr

You’re not happy, you’re guild weren’t happy, so you don’t see why anyone else should be? Isn’t that just an elaborate way of calling anyone who says anything positive that doesn’t accord with your view a “fanboy”?

Ironically the forum is absolutely rammed with negative topics covering a multitude of issues, both valid and downright petty (just like most MMO forums are these days), and you’re taking issue in this one.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


I definitely agree but all the same once you have exotics, the armor sets you want and have done some wvwvw what’s left?

personally i want to see pvp arenas in cities for 1v1.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selo.1250



You’re not happy, you’re guild weren’t happy, so you don’t see why anyone else should be? Isn’t that just an elaborate way of calling anyone who says anything positive that doesn’t accord with your view a “fanboy”?

Ironically the forum is absolutely rammed with negative topics covering a multitude of issues, both valid and downright petty (just like most MMO forums are these days), and you’re taking issue in this one.

You directly took that as me saying everyone should disslike it didnt you? Its so typical with fanboys going all defensive when someone critize “their game”

Its also strange that all fanboys only see the negative posts when i see the forum rammed with posts trying to convince the players that the game is good and “your playing it wrong”

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


Loot, rewards, incentives? Like it or not these are the things that keep the vast majority of people playing.

Even if the “vast majority” needs that gear carrot to keep playing, I would not want that for GW2. I am perfectly fine with GW2 being a niche game, same as GW1. Let those who do not enjoy the gear treadmill play GW2, and let the rest play every other MMO out there. Because honestly, if you do not like the gear thingy, you don’t have a lot of MMO’s to choose from.

You make a very good point. This game doesn’t NEED to be huge and draw in millions of players. I think people who love this style will really commit and keep things going with the cash shop. God knows I’ve spent a fair amount of money there already. I think things should be more specialized sometimes. Try to appeal to everyone, appeal to no one.

No carrot on a stick is a wonderful thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


I played UO for five years without a gear carrot to keep chasing, so i really don’t need one, and would prefer if my MMO didn’t have it. I’ve played enough of those types, and none have kept me entertained as much as UO did, or kept me as long.

Heres hoping Anet can keep their game fresh and interesting with patches and other types of content, because if they can, I’ll be here awhile.

I’m really enjoying this game so far, and its a slight breath of fresh air for me as far as “AAA” MMOs go.

(edited by tic.7425)