No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I’ll grant the flamethrower and elixir gun (even though they look similar).

I’ll even grant that typically in PvP, people don’t really have time to look at things like this, and that in a zerg you can’t see details like this anyway due to the explosion of particle effects everywhere.

But, what about grenades and bombs?

I think the problem is that it’s difficult to justify making an exception for Engineers, when every other weapon in the game is visible for a reason.

Can I hide my main hand sword? Then why should Engi’s be able to hide kits?

Bombs aren’t really an issue. You see them when they’re placed, anyway. Anyway, they should just make whatever is in the engineer’s hand visually distinctive enough. Dunno, make a proper grenade thrower, for example. Give engineers a large sack of bombs in one hand with a symbol printed upon. Just not involve backpack or armor pieces.

You say that it’s difficult to justify making an exception for Engineers, when every other weapon in the game is visible for a reason. Fine, but that has nothing to do with backpacks. And i could reply the same: any other class can have a proper aesthetical endgame, so why should engineers be the only exception? Why should the other classes not have huge backpacks that completely ruin their looks?

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fay.2357


From the perspective of a non engineer:

Nobody ever looks at the backpacks to see what kit/if the engineer is using a kit. That would take forever, and all the backpacks look basically the same anyway. You just see the skills they use, the same as you do for almost any other class.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


The reason that you cannot hide the kits is that they need to be visible to other players – it’s a PvP thing.

Completely false…… Especially with Asura Engi’s.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eastcorn.5901


From the perspective of a non engineer:

Nobody ever looks at the backpacks to see what kit/if the engineer is using a kit. That would take forever, and all the backpacks look basically the same anyway. You just see the skills they use, the same as you do for almost any other class.

Yep. Non-engineers have been saying this for a while. Yet Anet doesn’t seem to see this…

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I never said it was a good reason – I simply said it was (most likely) the reason that Anet doesn’t want kits to be invisible.

I agree, that for all practical purposes, especially in PvP or WvWvW, those packs are impossible to identify anyway, unless your opponent is standing still.

But, I imagine that visibility is the reason Anet won’t change it. If you can’t hide any other weapon, then why should you be able to hide the kits?

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


From the perspective of a non engineer:

Nobody ever looks at the backpacks to see what kit/if the engineer is using a kit. That would take forever, and all the backpacks look basically the same anyway. You just see the skills they use, the same as you do for almost any other class.

Yep. Non-engineers have been saying this for a while. Yet Anet doesn’t seem to see this…

This. I don’t understand this reasoning like seriously, I’ve never seen someone say oh look at the backpack in a PVP matches.

They only have a two second symbol for any of the sigil systems they have on any other character so why should this be an argument in the slightest? It’s not like people can see the d/p combo until someone shoots, so the weapon choice argument is nul and void as well.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ananda.5946


Would love an option to turn these off, too. They are super ugly and some of the kits even clip through the middle of my character’s head… It would take new art to make it work, though.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vech.7396


Back in the earlier days there was a graphical glitch that wouldn’t show the backpack part of a kit. Maybe was only to the player, and when it happened I always wondered why we couldn’t toggle it on/off….but even more so with newer more complicated back pieces being made, Blade Backpacks, Molten Jetpack…Maudrey…..etc. its a must. I don’t want it going to the hobo bag.. also for that matter wish we had some skins for our flamethrower and elixir guns, even the tool kit…maybe I want to hold a screwdriver or hammer instead!

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


The reason that you cannot hide the kits is that they need to be visible to other players – it’s a PvP thing.

Completely false…… Especially with Asura Engi’s.

Actually several weeks ago Josh Davis made a comment about Hobosacks on Ready Up. In effect, they didn’t want to disable hobosacks because people in PVP needed a way to identify what weapon you’re using. And until they solve that issue hobosacks won’t be going away.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


…. Although the total of 10 people in the whole game who actually like them aren’t really a crowd by any means.

Please provide your scientific evidence or poll data to support your “assumption”. I have no problem with the kit backpacks (to be honest, I hate all the flashy, cutsie, or over-blown effects back pieces most players run around in). That being said, I wouldn’t turn down more options on customizing how my characters look.
Did it ever dawn on you the reason Anet does not appear to care is that your perception of how many people HATE the backpacks is actually closer to 10 than those that like them or are simply indifferent to them?

Hey there!
The thread about hobosacks is very old! It has 22 pages of people from the engineer community complaining about them! It even has a red post from some anet guy that says he understands the problem because he plays engineer and he is also annoyed about not being able to show his backpiece!
Not sure if you noticed but a lot of the living story(endgame lol) rewards are backpieces which are negated completely for the engineer. It’s like a huge “kitten you engi” sign.
It’s been one of the top threads in that subforum since it was started. The guy who started it even quit the game and I will assume this was the reason!
Should the engineer community start a poll about them just to please you random forum guy? Because apparently the whole research topic about people looking at kits in pvp to check what the engineer was running isnt enough! Spoiler: Nobody looks at the kits for 2 reasons.
1) They are hard to see in the clusterkitten of animations and even if you saw them tool and bomb are identical. Not similar, identical! The rest are close enough. They have the same gorgeous brown color!
2) You must be very..lacking in intelligence to see a big flame, a bunch of grenades thrown at you or the engi planting red circles right next to him to go all “Golly Gee! I wonder what kit he is using! Let me look at his back for a second!”

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lakdav.3694


The reason that you cannot hide the kits is that they need to be visible to other players – it’s a PvP thing.

Completely false…… Especially with Asura Engi’s.

Actually several weeks ago Josh Davis made a comment about Hobosacks on Ready Up. In effect, they didn’t want to disable hobosacks because people in PVP needed a way to identify what weapon you’re using. And until they solve that issue hobosacks won’t be going away.

Solve the issue? Like with the standardized models that they are about to implement now? Or a similar icon system as the elementalist attunements thats in the game since beta?

Its really not the matter of if they can, its a matter of them making the actual effort.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saephaan.7285


The reason that you cannot hide the kits is that they need to be visible to other players – it’s a PvP thing.

Completely false…… Especially with Asura Engi’s.

Actually several weeks ago Josh Davis made a comment about Hobosacks on Ready Up. In effect, they didn’t want to disable hobosacks because people in PVP needed a way to identify what weapon you’re using. And until they solve that issue hobosacks won’t be going away.

Solve the issue? Like with the standardized models that they are about to implement now? Or a similar icon system as the elementalist attunements thats in the game since beta?

Its really not the matter of if they can, its a matter of them making the actual effort.

I agree 100% with you, yeah it’s not game breaker BUT engies have been asking a lot for this.
Don’t say that:" but I like it that’s just your opinion"
There are literally 2 posts on engi forum that ask for the same and in both 2 devs say they will work on it because they don’t like the hobosacks too from a year or so ago, and 1 is even older.
Even devs want hobosacks out, most of the engi community that goes on forum want them out, look at that post with 100k views.
I could keep talking, repeating the same, but tbh this is it, this is the issue.
We are not being taking seriously, probably engi community is even being ignored.
I keep saying that they don’t even tell us to go kitten ourselves.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karmapolice.4193


Any chance of this ever getting worked on? The pvp excuse is completely ridiculous.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


Please make the hobosacks go away, they are vile and clownish

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eyestrain.3056


Agreeing that “the backpack is a pvp tell” is extremely dubious. All of the backpacks look the same at a glance, the held weapons are a much more obvious tell, and in the time you’d spend trying to get a good look at the backpack I guarantee the engi would already be attacking you and you’d know what kit they’re in.
As for magnet pull, the cone shaped white lines extending to your character are super visible even if you can’t even see the engi.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saephaan.7285


hobosacks u.u.u.u.u..u.u.u.u..u.u.u.u.u..u.u.u.u..u.u.u.u.u.u.u.u..u.u.u.u.u

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


dont worry.. we will soon get merged over into the engi forum thread where we got about 3 weeks ago a dev response that translates to “yea…yea.. -eyeroll- i dont care but i gonna go and look…or pretend to do so”

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wasted.6817


The fix i need is the ability to kitten this piece of junk. It was a funny npc, it became a nightmarish backpack.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Meh, another engineer main here. I don’t really mind the forced backpacks, but I would certainly welcome not having them and I can see why others dislike them.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!