No mounts - I simply don't understand...
It seems that my character can run faster than toons in other mmos.
heh… unless u are a Norn, my friend has decided to play the biggest possible male norn which cracks me up every time I see him in game because to me it looks like hes running in slow motion. Anyway this is all highly beside the point. I got places to be, thats the aim of the game and my little legs were apparently built for walking… A LOT. I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
I’d think that if people were mounted, they would be less likely to stop and interact with the world / player base.
While there is little stopping me from strolling on by a DE or a player in need, as it stands. I feel I would be more likely to ride on by if dismounting were a step in the process.
Along with that, really, when I’m riding around on a mount, I really don’t pay attention to anything around me other than my map. I’ve no concern with what’s around me, because I can mostly just outrun whatever I may run into. How it is now, I have to watch out. Else I’ll wonder my way into trouble. I have to cut my way through the world. Sure, I can run through everything, but my chances of dying, and having to pay that pesky wp fee are a good bit higher.
Don’t get me wrong. Mounts are awesome. I’m just thinking of reasons as to why they’ve not been included.
Guild Wars is trying to be different if you add mounts then it is just like every other mmo . I personally dislike mounts found no use for them. Same with mini pets a little thing that follows you around and does nothing.
my banner give’s me a speed boost …. same thing
in everquest 1 (for a long time) Spirte of wolf gave me a speed boost… same thing
Guild Wars is trying to be different if you add mounts then it is just like every other mmo . I personally dislike mounts found no use for them. Same with mini pets a little thing that follows you around and does nothing.
“Trying to be different” Is not a valid reason for trying to milk players for way point costs. If this is really your logic then why on earth have they included the mini pets but not mounts? You are very much correct in that the mini pets don’t actually do anything however the mounts do actually give you a wonderful speed boosts so you can traverse the map over and over and over again and not begin to feel the exhaustion as if u were actually walking that much.
You see how you have kinda overridden your argument there. They can afford to not have to “be different” and throw in the pets coz there is no business strategy in not having them there.
my banner give’s me a speed boost …. same thing
in everquest 1 (for a long time) Spirte of wolf gave me a speed boost… same thing
Lol same here, I have switched to warrior and can be seen running around with a banner in my hand half the time. My party members love me for it too, but this is a really silly substitute…. we’re beating around the bush here
If walking/running was so important to the idea of experiencing the game… Stopping and helping others… then why do we have INSTANT TRANSPORT FROM ANYWHERE TO ANYWHERE waypoints? At least if I’m on a mount running past a DE, I have a chance of noticing it. When I waypoint from the Grove to Queensdale, I’m skipping all those zones containing people to help and content to explore, aren’t I?
I just really don’t get these “mounts prevent exploration and cooperation” false arguments. Under that argument, waypoints are way worse!
Personally, I don’t want mounts. I want cheaper waypoints. It shouldn’t cost me more to round-trip waypoint to a zone, than I get in reward for doing one or two DEs there.
That’s people.
They will request things they LIKE from other games, and it’s cool, it’s needed, it will benefit the game.
When someone else request things they DON’T LIKE from other games, it’s a rip off, it’s not needed, it will harm the game.
The game doesn’t need mounts. At no point on any of my characters have I felt that I needed to get anywhere quicker than I got their walking/waypointing.
I do not think travel costs are excessive, I am not a rich player, I do not farm for items or gold or anything, I just play casually and I have a few gold in the bank, I even just bought an extra character slot with in-game gold to gem exchange.
The game doesn’t need mounts. Travel costs are fine.
Don’t need weapons, either. Let’s all just kung fu fight each other.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Mounts in WoW made exploration boring. Flying mounts even more so. I’m glad this game does away with ’em.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
The only reason they want mounts is to have an advantage over the mobs.
No reason for mounts… waypoints are just fine. I’ve never had more than 3 gold, sitting at about 1g 50s now, and I use waypoints all the time. No complaints here. Mounts wouldn’t make sense with all the waypoints. If you think it’s too expensive, walk. Simple.
why some people try so hard to defend this decision to not have mounts in the game yet O_O
Don’t misunderstand me: I am the one preaching most of the time how people need to slow down and really appreciate everything the game has to offer and NOT race to max lvl and then try and grind the bestkittenloot because please believe me this is not FUN, even if you have convinced yourself that it is, lol.
This game is a prime example where it has ACTUALLY been tailored to fun, to exploring and taking the time to try everything it has to offer, and to testing your skills against different fun challenges.
HOWEVER: When part of the primary focus is on finding everything the map has to offer (and I much enjoy 100%ing maps) who here can sweep the whole thing mechanically top to bottom and never have to backtrack once? I don’t want to be forced to have to either do my exploring in a mechanical fashion or constantly fork out money to teleport back and forth which I have been doing so far but this decision to not have mounts and force u to do that is nothing more than a way to keep the economy stable by making people poor! and it REALLY frustrates me when I am lvling many characters at once.
If you still can think of an argument, disagree with this scenario: You are in WvWvW and your guild mates have called you in, so u zone in and have to run 3/4 across the map to get to the battle they are in, so u spend a few minutes running across thekittenthing only to be ganked by some random team of badguys just as u were so close, only to find your nearest way point is the one you just ran from -_- This is a nightmare, and the grief factor would be reduced by 500% if I had some kind of basic mount I could jump up on to increase the movement speed by some 75% or whatever they wanna make it. Get real guys. Game where the object is to explore THE WORLD and you force me to do it on foot. Disappointment.
I will start with your example and go from there.
the objective in WvW per my understanding, is they want you to have to cover the long distances on foot as a way of making folks plan ahead as well as use strategy.
I find nothing wrong with paying waypoint fee. Again per my understanding it is meant to make do some foot travel. I myself have started checking the fees and so not always going straight to the WP i wish to go to but teleport short and then run some. More then once this has enabled me to make more coin due to DEs I have run into doing it this has way.
edit: sorry the last sentence originally didn’t make any sense. dang cell phone
(edited by Krosslite.1950)
Something fancy to ride is nice… but dramatic increase movement speed is a big no. It will break the balance of a lot of things.
Mounts in WoW made exploration boring. Flying mounts even more so. I’m glad this game does away with ’em.
Maps made it boring as well. I think we should eliminate in game maps and go back to ones that the player makes themselves.
I don’t feel like I need a mount in pve maps. Never missed having one, and kinda like exploring on foot, speed boosts are enough for me.
However, I do see the OP’s point in wvw, I would like a mount there, but then you would be chased on mounts…. and then they would want to attack from mounts and…. wait… mounted combat – that would be awesome!
Mounts are always kind of clunky. There isn’t really a good implementation of them anywhere in the MMO genre, save maybe Ultima Online, but that game’s style was a lot easier to design and code for.
Don’t want mounts. Besides, there aren’t horses in this game.
Only options for mounts would be Centaurs and Dolyak.
OAh, the generation of silver platter gamers decides to make a stand for yet another absurd cause. Gawd forbid you have to WALK, what a preposterous idea!
Seriously guys, condescending sarcasm aside, it’s really not that big of a deal. Use a speed boost skill or something, stop being lazy.
What condescending sarcasm? I’m sorry but to be condescending you have to at least make a valid point so try harder. Also you need to try your hand once more time at reading and this time try harder. The issue is not WALKING from a to b. The issue is walking there and again, and again, and then again and then some more.
Jesus, if certain simpletons are gonna play THIS card for the sake of trying to pretend they have an argument sure: For your sake so you feel special why don’t we make it you have to walk everywhere once, and then once you have traversed every inch of ground within a radius of 100 feet around you can then mount in that area… sigh, or you could grow up, either way.
I really like to take my time, ESPECIALLY in this game, I have no problems with going back and forth and re-doing content with friends, it’s all enjoyable and ANet have given me a beautiful world to enjoy in such a manner. However forcing me to go back to a low lvl area and pay high lvl costs for waypoints so I dont have to physically walk out to my friends? that is some heavily messed up stuff. really wrong. Mounts will happen, theres no doubt but please dont milk us too long and make them happen sooner then later.
You say he doesn’t have fair argument in his post, yet you don’t have one either. Because you have to go to a certain place “again, and again, and then again and then some more” is not a reason to have mounts.
Now I’m not saying I’m for or against mounts but I just don’t see how they would fit into the game or it’s world. It’s already easy enough (in my opinion) to get from place to place. Just use speed buffs and mobility skills.
The game was just not designed with them in mind and I really don’t think we’ll ever see them in GW2.
Yes you say that about WvWvW and it is probably the only compelling argument here, however if you have studied WvWvW you will notice that that simply does not deter people from doing so. Those who feel like trying to be sneaky and infiltrating far away places in small teams or even alone will continue to do so, some ppl just enjoy that, and why shouldn’t they? Mainly coz the game doesn’t facilitate you the capability to hold onto said location once you infiltrate it -_- this is a bit sad… but still WvWvW is pretty sweet and there’s plenty of time for improvement.
Having to go to a place, many times is indeed a very compelling argument to have mounts the game wants me to do that, it scales me down so that doing so remains fun and I can repeat the game again and again with new friends that decide to join, then goes ahead and charges me massive amounts for teleporting around in starting locations… I don’t see this happening in the long term, in this vast world of exploration if I have no means of comfortably getting around, playing my 4th or 5th alt will simply become a nightmare.
Some professions have better speed boosts than others. Equality would be nice.
-Slow Engineer
Why not just have a mounts grant perma swiftness while riding them? Some classes can nearly perma swift and I dont think an extra 33% would break the balance or exploration of the game. Plus that lets them make mounts more about aesthetics (like spvp gear)rather than an uber advantage over someone who doesnt have one. They could require a bit of a grind, be unique to your personal story, rewarded for achieves, the possibilities are endless.
Flying mounts; no that would cause all the problems seen with it in wow and require a major over haul of the game
Underwater mounts; that would be super awesome, I can already imagine my engineers submarine.
Mounts in pvp; no, it would be let players run past each other instead of engaging in skirmishes which are really cool. WvW would be solved by keeps having waypoints automatically rather than having to invest heavily for something that you could easily lose or not use. Just my 2 cents
(edited by Colton.9460)
Horses died out a long long time ago. No centar would let another “ride” them. They are a race of people not beasts. Doylaks are slower than walking. I would like to see the Asura that tries to “mount” a Charr, and tell them where to go.(seen this in another thread)
There are no mounts. No domesticated animal that can be used as a mount. It’s lore breaking. Just deal with it
(edited by Kailthir.6384)
I would spend gems.
Asura and Charr would just make mounts, and Asura would easily fit on a Moa.
Horses died out a long long time ago. No centar would let another “ride” them. They are a race of people not beasts. Doylaks are slower than walking. I would like to see the Asura that tries to “mount” a Charr, and tell them where to go.(seen this in another thread)
There are no mounts. No domesticated animal that can be used as a mount. It’s lore breaking. Just deal with it
So they couldnt have spectral animals to ride, have mechanical mounts, make moas a little bigger, or idk maybe make a new creature? I dont see how any of those are lorebreaking. If they cant add new creatures to the game without breaking lore, how will an expansion ever be released?
And realism( I know you said lore, but in the same vein) is not really this games strong suit, I mean my char runs on all fours at the same speed a norn jogs in place. Mounts would be fun, interesting, and downright awesome; plus if they just gave swiftness, wouldn’t harm the game in any way. So why not?
(edited by Colton.9460)
I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
I’m enjoying it so much I want to play it through again, that is the problem at hand. The game needs re-playability to survive in the long run, do you honestly believe people wanna re-explore the whole world a second time on foot? I honestly find it impossible to believe they would do this to themselves. Can u find me a post where mods have said with 100% certainty that they wanna do this to themselves and us? That would be most useful, I was unable to find this, instead found a ton of players who said the mounts will come in due time, but the average poster is reliable as ever…
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
“Will there be mounts?
Other than map travel and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”
Other than this where do they make it abundantly clear? This is asked with sincerity since this was the only thing a search brought up. I am fine with the game not having mounts, but I really dont see the argument against aesthetic mounts; which, come on would be hella cool.
(edited by Colton.9460)
Horses died out a long long time ago. No centar would let another “ride” them. They are a race of people not beasts. Doylaks are slower than walking. I would like to see the Asura that tries to “mount” a Charr, and tell them where to go.(seen this in another thread)
There are no mounts. No domesticated animal that can be used as a mount. It’s lore breaking. Just deal with it
There’s actually reason to believe horses aren’t extinct, they’re just extremely rare or are no longer in Tyria yet still reside in other places on the planet. This is because in the Edge of Destiny novel, there’s one point where an Asuran portal is flickering randomly between different places on the planet (this was a modified gate that didn’t need to connect to another gate to work) and one of the places it opened to was a meadow (?) with a herd of horses grazing. Unless the portal could go through time and/or space, there’s good reason to believe horses exist somewhere.
Of course even if we did suddenly find enough horses to give everyone and anyone who wanted one, they don’t come trained — it takes years to train a horse to the point it’s reliable. More if they’re born and bred wild, and it takes generations to domesticate. So lorewise, even though horses are around, unless some race has an underground horse-breeding and training organization, horses wouldn’t be more than toys for the rich, elite, and eccentric for a good long while. Long enough that barring significant time leaps in the game, whether horses are extinct or not doesn’t change the fact they are not viable mounts.
Plus I don’t see any race other than human or sylvari riding a horse. Norn are too big and heavy to ride, I have my doubts charr would be able to comfortably ride at all given their body structure (plus they’re giant, predatory felines which don’t mix well with prey animals such as horses), and asura either prefer golems or sentient beings they can order around — horses would test their patience too much and I’d fully expect an entire obituary section set up dedicated to all the asura who got themselves kill by horses.
So they couldnt have spectral animals to ride, have mechanical mounts, make moas a little bigger, or idk maybe make a new creature? I dont see how any of those are lorebreaking. If they cant add new creatures to the game without breaking lore, how will an expansion ever be released?
And realism( I know you said lore, but in the same vein) is not really this games strong suit, I mean my char runs on all fours at the same speed a norn jogs in place. Mounts would be fun, interesting, and downright awesome; plus if they just gave swiftness, wouldn’t harm the game in any way. So why not?
It’s not just creating a creature that works as a mount, it’s making one that fits in the game and doesn’t break anything. Though any mounts at all means taking a not small amount of resources (people, time, and money) away from other content which, imo, is more important than what amounts to a very costly cosmetic speed buff. To make a mount you need concept art, 3D modelling, texturing, animation for the mount and brand new animation for character models, the mounts would need to be designed and tested to work with everything in the range of character customization (height and physique mostly), armour clipping issue would need to be addressed — possibly meaning changing armour bones and animations. Then there’s testing mounts to make sure they don’t break the world with such things as people being able to get to where they shouldn’t and things breaking due to the mounts.
It’s easy to say “adding mounts would be easy” but the reality isn’t, especially in a game which was designed from the ground up to not have mounts.
The game does not need mounts. Arenanet has come up with a good balance for travel — waypoints allow for instant travel to anywhere you want to go without having to spend 20+ minutes running there, yet they’re spaced out enough that when you venture away from them, what you do and who you see matters.
Give tonics a speed boost for all I care (the lack of ability to fight and jump is actually a fair trade for a permanent speed boost while in that form, and it would make tonics a bit more useful), but mounts aren’t needed in this game. Unless Arenanet can do them right to make them fit GW2 and the GW2 universe, the resources should not be spent on them over higher priority content such as dungeons, armour, DE’s, and expansions which add to the story and don’t break lore.
“Will there be mounts?
Other than map travel and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release.”Other than this where do they make it abundantly clear? This is asked with sincerity since this was the only thing a search brought up. I am fine with the game not having mounts, but I really dont see the argument against aesthetic mounts; which, come on would be hella cool.
I can’t find it, but there was an interview or a question asked at a con a year or two ago where a higher-up dev was asked specifically about mounts being in GW2, and the answer the dev gave was basically there won’t be mounts unless they can be done right and are more than just pretty and cool speed buffs.
Things can change but the wiki FAQ pretty supports that that’s how they still feel with mounts. It’s a pretty firm no, but they’re leaving things open enough that if they can create mounts that fit what they want for the game, they can go ahead without people calling them liars or make it so anything and everything they’ve said no to being brought into question and possibly being added to the game.
I know the allure of mounts having collected them in other MMO’s (sooo much time on them in WoW…), but I’d rather them be done right or not at all than have them brought in at the cost of other things :3
There is simply no reason to add them.
Not for a speed boost, characters move fast enough as it is now.
Not for fast travel, there’s waypoints/gates.
Not for aesthetics, mounts are usually ugly and just clutter up everything.
Not because of immersion or lore, this is GW, not something else.
Not because of collecting, there’s miniatures.
For some reason the quote system wont work but:
Not for a speed boost, characters move fast enough as it is now.
This is your opinion, personally(and others in this thread agree) I dont think I move fast enough when after walking halfway across a WvWvW map, the battle I was racing to is over.
Not for fast travel, there’s waypoints/gates.
Fair, but some people prefer to walk briskly through the landscape, not skip around everywhere
Not for aesthetics, mounts are usually ugly and just clutter up everything.
Once again, this is your opinion. I have no doubt in my mind that anet could make epic looking mounts. If they are disabled in cities and in combat, I dont see how they would lead to the clutter we see in WoW.
Not because of immersion or lore, this is GW, not something else.
So what? Just because this is GW they cant add or change anything?
Not because of collecting, there’s miniatures.
I like collecting mounts, I like collecting miniatures. This is like saying why collect coins, you can collect stamps. Some people like collecting different things.
I see no reason why we shouldnt have them if people want them, they cool to look at and dont harm the game in any way. Back and forth from these point of views seem mute though. Opinion verses opinion really doesnt seem like it would lead to anything productive. Zephire.8049 pointed out a really good reason not to; time trade off from fixing bugs, and producing actual content. This just seems logical, and I find this argument satisfactory.
(edited by Colton.9460)
You don’t really need them since you can quick travel so easily there isn’t far to run.
I don’t like running for an utter eternity in WvW either. The distances you have to cover every time you die are idiotic. Pretty sure you can build waypoints. Probably costs money, which is stupid, it should take supply, the utterly stupid repair costs are bad enough. You could also die less, that’s what I try to do. :P
You never know, they might add them in an xpac. They’ll need SOMETHING interesting in xpacs, ya know.
No mounts in WvW was purposely designed. The fact that you have to walk all the way back just adds another layer of caution and strategy to the battle. It adds value to staying alive.
And the fact that you can’t be anywhere all that quickly makes the overall fighting realistic. You need to wait for reinforcements, or need to travel to the frontline. If your world is doing well enough you can also install waypoints in the keeps, which does the job of getting people across the map, but doesn’t always instantly teleport them to where they have to be.
I don’t see a reason to add mounts in the game. There really is no point other than people liking them. Which is not good enough of a reason. Arenanet has the philosophy that they will never do anything half-assed. Unless they can make it what they envision it to be, they won’t implement something. And as far as I can tell, mounts that simply give speed isn’t adding much depth, given that people travel fairly quickly with orwithout waypoints.
And really? you people complain about waypoint costs? They cost so little compared to the amount you make just playing the game…There’s not much in the game that requires you to spend gold anyways, putting a little bit of gold into the waypoints isn’t a big deal.
I don’t want mounts in this game. Reasons are many, most of all because players with mounts will not join events, will not care so much about dead people and would reach too easily waypoints and points on map. There are many waypoints that let you reach all locations in maps and yes, complaining about their costs can be a problem at lv 60-70. When you reach lv 80 you can afford that price easily and have a way to farm lot of money in the game. If you usually die too fast and use to ress, that cannot be a technic problem, but just yours, about your armor and expecially about your build. So yeah, I still don’t want mounts in game.
I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
I’m enjoying it so much I want to play it through again, that is the problem at hand. The game needs re-playability to survive in the long run, do you honestly believe people wanna re-explore the whole world a second time on foot? I honestly find it impossible to believe they would do this to themselves. Can u find me a post where mods have said with 100% certainty that they wanna do this to themselves and us? That would be most useful, I was unable to find this, instead found a ton of players who said the mounts will come in due time, but the average poster is reliable as ever…
The only form of “mounts” in the game will be as part of gameplay… sort of like being turned into a pig or mountain cat for an RH. Otherwise, Colin Johanson – who I’d say is about as authoritative about the future of GW2 as it gets – says the game won’t have them.
Or how about Eric Flannum as a source?
And just to mention – as an elementalist, I can maintain a near-constant 33% speed boost simply by spec’ing appropriately in my traits (20 into air w/Quick Glyphs & Inscription) and using my glyph for health. I have a constant regenerating (and stacking) 33% swiftness boon. My husband says that trying to swim behind me is like following a motorboat in a rowboat… I have to admit, my short little asuran legs kicking in the water DO kick up a little wake that is somewhat similar. LOL
Shadowflare, I think you mean half-kittened. The moderators can be fairly strict about small stuff like that for some reason, so please take note.
Getting to battles in WvWvW is a hassle, like I said before, having mounts their would be bad, but keeps should just have the waypoints in them. Yes you should try not to die and travel in groups, but if you just arrive and everyone is fighting on the other side of the map you are kittened. Waypoints are costly and most of the time no one wants to be altruistic since the keeps can be taken, they can lose interest in WvWvW, and you cannot travel to contested keeps.
most of all because players with mounts will not join events, will not care so much about dead people and would reach too easily waypoints and points on map.
Make mounts lv 80 only, then they have as much reason to do the things you listed throughout the world as they do now. If your goal is to move through an area as quickly as possible then your motivation to enter into event and res people is the same.
(edited by Colton.9460)
I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
I’m enjoying it so much I want to play it through again, that is the problem at hand. The game needs re-playability to survive in the long run, do you honestly believe people wanna re-explore the whole world a second time on foot? I honestly find it impossible to believe they would do this to themselves. Can u find me a post where mods have said with 100% certainty that they wanna do this to themselves and us? That would be most useful, I was unable to find this, instead found a ton of players who said the mounts will come in due time, but the average poster is reliable as ever…
The only form of “mounts” in the game will be as part of gameplay… sort of like being turned into a pig or mountain cat for an RH. Otherwise, Colin Johanson – who I’d say is about as authoritative about the future of GW2 as it gets – says the game won’t have them.
Or how about Eric Flannum as a source? just to mention – as an elementalist, I can maintain a near-constant 33% speed boost simply by spec’ing appropriately in my traits (20 into air w/Quick Glyphs & Inscription) and using my glyph for health. I have a constant regenerating (and stacking) 33% swiftness boon. My husband says that trying to swim behind me is like following a motorboat in a rowboat… I have to admit, my short little asuran legs kicking in the water DO kick up a little wake that is somewhat similar. LOL
All Colin Johanson said is that you wont have a flying zepplin mount on release( in reference to the trailer) , all Eric Flannum said is that they thought about flying mounts but decided against it. This is hardly indicative of a firm stance against land mounts. I am still waiting to here where they condemn land mounts and say they wont ever have them. Also, I am glad you have perma swiftness, really I am; but my build cant do that, and by kitten I want something awesome to ride.
It seems like people are just drawing conclusions from very vague statements, the devs where smart they didnt say that they wouldn’t (in case the majority of the player base really wanted them, or so they could have something to put in the game at a later date). You should show that you are against them, since hopefully they will see the base is divided and will listen to you, but please dont put words in their mouths.
(edited by Colton.9460)
The mai nquestion you would have to ask is:
“What do mounts actually add to the gameplay?”
And then you’ll realize it’s not a whole lot besides being able to travel a bit faster. The game areas are simply too small for that.
Sorry, Colton – I just don’t see any ambiguity in the statement, “there are no mounts in GW2.”
If you choose to hear a “yet” tacked onto that, so be it – but arguing that a completely non-verbalized “yet” is somehow more valid or more likely is not a position I care to debate against.
I’m going to go with what they’ve actually said – “there are no mounts in GW2,” instead of what someone wants to hear.
If you demand mounts, pay a visit to SW:TOR – levelling is free to play – and go to Tatooine or Hoth.
Basically, they design a zone to contain a certain amount of things. Mobs, sights, events, quests, nodes. They pick a density for those. As in “a 30 second trip from questgiver to waypoint”. Once mounts are introduced, the area is simply stretched but nothing new is being added.
So, once we get mounts you know what will happen? Streched-out zones that require an equal time to travel from A to B, but on an expensive mount.
Therefore I dearly hope that they will not introduce mounts.
I would definately pay Gems for a nice selection of mounts. (that should draw some attention
I agree with the pro-arguments for mounts. I do not really buy the anti-argument of not bothering with DE’s anymore when mounted, actually I wish I could run faster to a DE that I know is happening. Having to run to that yellow circle is not always fun and some DE’s get announced in chat and are much further away. Would love a mount then, since I am not going to pay 2 silver for a WP, only to earn 1.5 silver with the DE itself.
Also, isn’t it always a great moment when the Cavalry arrives to save the day? I can see them coming, Heroes on all kinds of exotic Beasts running towards your aid from all directions!
I love Mounts in Rift.
Not sure about mounts in PvP, could be all kinds of issues with it, though I definately think there is too much running involved in WvW right now (played a few evenings of WvW for my Monthly).
For PvE I see absolutely no reason not too. I would waypoint less and actual travel a lot more with a fast mount.
Anet would lose some of the gold sink that is waypointing but could create new ones with a Mount feature, imo.
Unless I’m mistaken, I think ArenaNet said they might add mounts in the future to the game. Although they aren’t really needed, I do think they are fun to collect, much like the mini pets are fun to collect. As long as it’s not something huge and fits in lore wise, I honestly don’t have a problem with them.
I made a post but it seems to have disappeared. Is this the dreaded "45th "post bug? Where the 45th post just disappears?
Unless I’m mistaken, I think ArenaNet said they might add mounts in the future to the game. Although they aren’t really needed, I do think they are fun to collect, much like the mini pets are fun to collect. As long as it’s not something huge and fits in lore wise, I honestly don’t have a problem with them.
I agree. I personally don’t want mounts for faster traveling but I think they might be cool. I had 4 mounts in another game and none of them I choose for the riding speed. It was just cool to have them and to look at them.
I’m not saying that they HAVE to be implemented but I would actually like it.
They can have mounts, but they should run at the same speed or even a bit slower normal characters. That way it is purely cosmetic. Oh and you can’t jump while on a mount (as a failsafe for the jumping puzzles, vistas, skill point whatevers), and you can’t activate skills, you can rez people however, so it actually makes mounts another layer of cosmetic/lore/beauty to the game than it being a tactical benefit.
If the goal of the people who want mounts is to run faster, then just strap on a swiftness buff that cds every few seconds (I think every class has a swiftness buff). If the goal on the other hand is cosmetic, then they should run at the same speed of a char (with the downside that you can’t even buff swiftness on your mount). If the reasoning is to get to point B from point A because you’re lazy… well…
Waypoints makes travel across the map so easy that I really don’t see any reason for mounts. Also, why would we have mounts for PvE, but not for PvP? This would just make no sense, but I can give you reasons behind the no mount mentality for WvW.
With mounts, speed buff would lose any kind of necessity for groups. Everyone would just pick up their mounts from their pockets and run around at maximum speed. So, introducing mounts would have some impact on the game mechanics and, as they are not really needed, the devs probably thought the game would be better without them.
And I’m sorry, but if something as minimal as mounts is enough to make you quit the whole game, then my friend, I believe your problem is not that, exactly, but the game itself. It would be the same as someone else saying ’I’ll quit if they don’t make Asuras taller".
(edited by deriver.5381)