(edited by Moderator)
Non-human characters literally make me sick
Errr nope.
But I never managed to get a human character above lvl 5, simply because I don’t like the running animation when seen from behind. That is still a long way from feeling disgusted though….
I have human male and female characters, but whenever i make a char/asura/silvari, i just feel disgusted after 5 minutes in the tutorial and i have to delete them…
I just can’t play as a non-human character…no matter how hard i try for those last personal story achievement points… anyone else have this problem?
I’m all for marriage equality, etc. No disrespect to any supernatural entities/animal lovers/other stuff playing gw2[edit2]
it’s not that i hate the art/ animations/ or stuff …i just can’t play as them…
People are going to have different preferences, but …. we needed to know this … why?
Must it be said?….
That’s racist!
Must it be said?….
That’s racist!
you mean species-ist?
Cuz i’m fine with humans
People are going to have different preferences, but …. we needed to know this … why?
If you actually read my post, I was wondering how I could get over this problem and get those achievement points
People are going to have different preferences, but …. we needed to know this … why?
If you actually read my post, I was wondering how I could get over this problem and get those achievement points
Your OP mentioned achievement points, but only asked if others had the problem, not what you might do to address yours. Now that you’ve asked…
I did the Charr story achievements and then deleted the Charr character immediately on completion. Pick a class that will get through it quickly, enlist help to burn through the story, use the level-to-20 scroll if you have one so you don’t have to do DE’s and hearts, and use the carrot of “I get the achieves and I get to delete as soon as I’m done.” That, and maybe some Scotch…
man thats a fantasy MMO i just cant play human characters it ruins it for me, but i like the fact that are in the game obviously….
I have 3 sylvari characters and I love playin em more than my charr or my human characters, I knw im a human irl but why not step otside the box? its just a game have fun:)
Some people don’t enjoy playing other races or genders, and that’s completely OK. But getting sick? Maybe you should have some counselling cause it sounds like you got some deep emotional issues with it.
We can’t help you.
Norn would be awesome IRL, as we would first defeat their males with humanity’s epic bureaucracy skills, then take all their hot women.
I’ve know myriads of people that often explain why they simply cannot play “X” race. It’s pretty common.
The root of the problem is that Achievement Points are literally the worst thing to have ever happened to the entire gaming industry.
I’ve know myriads of people that often explain why they simply cannot play “X” race. It’s pretty common.
The root of the problem is that Achievement Points are literally the worst thing to have ever happened to the entire gaming industry.
I agree so many times I hear players say I hate “x” but I need to get these achievement points its pretty sad
Any thing not human is a beast. Except Sylvari. They’re just plants.
Any thing not human is a beast. Except Sylvari. They’re just plants.
Charrs are not beasts. Charrs are THE beasts.
pointless. thread is pointless.
I agree eradicate all Charr from the face of Tyria .
You see, Im disgusted with playing races other than Sylvari. I have created characters to lvl 80, spend around 50 laurels on them, and then had to delete them, because I couldnt bear the thought of being something other than sylvari, specially humans, which are disgusting to play in a so rich fantasy game, in fact, seeing humans kill my immersion. Nasty creatures who can only represent people’s lack of imagination; to come play a fantasy game and be such a boring, disgusting and dull race.
Legendary SoloQ
I have human male and female characters, but whenever i make a char/asura/silvari, i just feel disgusted after 5 minutes in the tutorial and i have to delete them…
Why? What’s disgusting about them? You need to answer that first. What about Norn?
I suspect you may be relating too personally to the character- thinking of it as an avatar of yourself. It’s not. It’s a character, a toon, an imaginary person that you’ve invented for your own entertainment. Someone you are watching, not someone you are.
If I’m off base, then refer to paragraph 1
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
This whole thread is highly disturbing.
People are going to have different preferences, but …. we needed to know this … why?
If you actually read my post, I was wondering how I could get over this problem and get those achievement points
Here’s how.
Get over it.
That is all.
…i don’t even know what i have just read. Seriously.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Guild wars 2 is not for you if you can’t do something because you don’t like the race. Try cod. All humans there. Ignore the aliens.
Haha, OP
I agree 100%
Any thing not human is a beast. Except Sylvari. They’re just plants.
After reading the furries article on ED, I cannot play as char…
the what article on what ?
My problem is Asura and Asura alone. I have human, Norn, and Sylvari characters and would love to have a char, but I don’t think char look good in anything besides heavy armor (there should seriously be a third heavy class). I dislike male norns since they seem like a beef cake joke, but that’s about it.
I’m not sure if my dislike of Asura stems from their competitive edge, their all knowing smug attitudes, or the fact that they look like naked mole rats/aliens.
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
I’ve know myriads of people that often explain why they simply cannot play “X” race. It’s pretty common.
The root of the problem is that Achievement Points are literally the worst thing to have ever happened to the entire gaming industry.
I agree so many times I hear players say I hate “x” but I need to get these achievement points its pretty sad
As opposed to other games where you hate a dungeon but have to run it for specific gear. All reward based games end up having things you don’t want to do (ie raid) to get specific rewards.
On topic: OP, I think that getting sick is an excessive reaction. It’s understandable to prefer one race, or not be able to feel another race…but if you’re experiencing illness over it…I think you should talk to a professional about it.
…i don’t even know what i have just read. Seriously.
…neither do I.
You can either get help for a phobia or not play a game that brings out that phobia.
pretty sure it’s not that because I play lots of other games (skyrim,halo4,deadspace2) with aliens in them…
it’s JUST guild war’s 2 asura, silvari and charr…
This is such a bizarre conversation. I’ve never heard of anything like this. Here’s some advice: If your hobby is literally making you sick, get a new hobby. Or maybe just write those achievement points off and don’t worry about getting them.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
What did I just read?
I’m stunned. Totally.
Any thing not human is a beast. Except Sylvari. They’re just plants.
After reading the furries article on ED, I cannot play as char…
Unlike some other games, gw2 don’t really have any sexual undertones, so there’s no reason for you to think about your characters “in that way,” if you can’t distance yourself from those thoughts, maybe there’s some kind of a bigger issue there. Just saying.
Sadly, you have now broken the ToS:
‘You warrant and represent that You have no economic, physical, emotional, psychological, or privacy related considerations that would be adversely impacted by Your use of the Game.’
I just can’t play as a non-human character…no matter how hard i try for those last personal story achievement points… anyone else have this problem?
Okay, so, only make human characters? It’s not the end of the game.
In answer to your question…
No. No one else has this problem. Because that’s ridiculous, and bordering on disturbing. Don’t.
So … what is it you want them to do, exactly? Take out all the nonhumans just for your precious snowflake self? Gift you with the achievement points for them?
I swear, some people really don’t understand the concept of a game.
In GW1people complained that they could only play humans. Now they complain they need to play more races/ What a funny world we live in
To the OP you may want to look in to some psychological analysis by a certified professional. They may or may not be able to help but they can at least let you know if you have anything serious you need to deal with.
I find it odd in a fantasy game with multiple species available that people would want to play a human.
Read the Books and the Lore you will be disgusted on how humans are they are the worst race and almost all the conflicts aside from the Elder Dragons started because of them.. Humans are trash compared to races like Charr
No offense to anyone im talking about ingame lore :P
in fact im ashamed that my main character is a human
I play human gw1, so I play human gw2.
Well, personally I think all of the races in this game are terrible. I’m a D&D player, so I’m used to dwarves, gnomes, elves, orcs, and other cool races. Then I get on guild wars 2 and I see plant people that look like green humans with flowers for heads, charr that look like oversized fluff balls, and Asura that look like little rat people with big ears. The ONLY reason I leveled a sylvari Elementalist to 80 was because I imagined him as a High Elf Mage.
The races/classes of the future will never be as good as in the past. D&D had the best races.
As an asura I cant stand to play any of the stupid races either.
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
And who gives a flying kitten about this?
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Download texmod and remake your character on your screen into a human. It’s your side only so it’s not against TOS. People used to do it in Guild Wars 1 to remake weapon appearances on their side of the screen.
Ok. It’s the complete opposite for me. I just love every race/classes with a preference with sylvari necromancer hence why it’s my main. Anyway, I’m glad to know what’s player number w/e preference.
We thank for your thread and sharing your own opinions about it but most of the answers are derailing/trolling from the main topic unfortunately.
If you want to open a new thread to stand and start a real debate/discussion regarding GW2, then it will be fine.
Thank you.