I don’t know, if this is a bug here now, or an unintentioned game design flaw.
However and whatever it is now, its something that needs to be fixed ASAP, because it is breaking the design of the achievement system that every achievement should be earnable, especially when you hav deeply already progressed in them.
I can understand when the game gets changed, that other elements of the game may intentionally or unintentiinally change together also with other game changes.
But players should never suffer from unintentional chain reactions of different kinds of game system changes.
I didn’t want to believe, when people said a few weeks ago pre patch, that you would have to haste now gettign the old achievement done, if you want to have it, otherwise you will lose it forever (basically) and sadly I had yesterday to realize, that these people seem to have been correct about that and personally I’m absolutely no ok with this lock out of achievement points.
And if some game changes ever go so far, that people would get locked out of those achievement points, then at least every player, that already has progressed on that locked out achievement should get it put with the game chances into completed status and receive the missing achievement points.
You did this baically over the course of Season 1 already several times ANet, like when you made some changes to two of the WvW Achievements, you granted all people who progressed on the old version of those achievements basically some free AP, therefore that you changed the achievements that basically would have locked out many people from finishing them and getting miore AP, so it was some kind of compensation for that little change.
I have now 2x the 3rd year Miniature Achievements
1 tells me my point count being 46/49 because thats the amount of 3rd year miniatures, that I have collected up to a point and put into my storage, because the old version counted miniatures through puttign them into storage, not by just owning them and having them in inventory (whyever!!)
The other one tells me now 47/49 – the one 1:1 copied achievement that counts the minis now for unlocking them into our account bound wardrobe.
This needs to be fixed by either 1 of 2 ways.
1) Reimplement the right click option for Miniatures to put them into your Storage (just only 1x possible), so that the old version of the Miniature achievement would count any minis being put into storage again. – when doing just only this solution, I for once would like to see a refund of my last bought mini moss heart that costed around 44 gold for me (or give me gems worth okittenold :P)
2) solution two should just let any miniature that you have and get for the first time into your inventory also let the count of the old miniature version of the achievement progress by +1.
Example: I buy, like i did my Mini Moss Heart from the TP, I run to the BLT NPC to get it and directly after the moment I colelct it from there and that Miniature lands in my inventory, it should count then towards the pre patch miniature achievement and when naturally right clicking it and unlocking it for the wardrobe through deletign it from my inventory this way, this then lets progress naturally the post patch miniature achievement.
By doing this solution, I for myself just demand as result of this fix then, that my pre petch achievement gets retroactively fixed and corrected to show me together with the post patch one the same amount of collected and wardrobe unlocked miniatures by showing me for both achievements a 47/49
Personally I prefer solution 2, because this should be the most easiest way to fix this problem for everyone, without that Anet has to give out any potential refunds or so due to upsetting the community …
And a last proposal on the end to reduce this achievement confusion you cause here also with the patch.
Please RENAME the post patch miniature achievements! Making them completely look 1:1 the same kinda feels beign totally wrong.
Also both achievements shouldn’t give players the same title!! Each sbhould give the player a different title
Pre Patch Achievements = Year 1 Miniature Achievements = Title: Miniature Collector
Post Patch Achievements = Unlock XX Miniatures for the Wardrobe = Title: Sage of Miniatures
@ Moderators: if this should be placed better into the Game Bugs section (when this is really some kind of bug, Devs feel free to confirm this maybe, then any Moderator can feel free to move this thread into the Game Bug Section)
But unless theres a bug confirmation or so, i feell this topic is placed better here as a general discussion about the way how all of this got handled and implemented in overall so far – which I dislike. This part of the patch could have been clearly integreated into the patch better.
What do other people think about all this??
(edited by Orpheal.8263)