On coming back & Inventory Boatload

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladybutter.5280


Just came back to the game after months of break time. I played HOT then took a break when they started releasing LS3. The number one thing that hampered me from diving straight away to gaming is my inventory.

I realize that inventory management is really a task, specially now that:

  • the LS are introducing maps every episode
  • current events adding key items per release
  • fractal changes add new currencies

Ever since they changed the loot table of mobs having a loot/junk drop to containers, I think it’s getting out of hand.

Take HOT for example. There are different containers for every type of mob, and they have different rarity too. eg. (I’m not in game so these are not name accurate, and not every container is listed)

  • Saurian Cache (common, uncommon, exotic)
  • Mushroom Cache
  • Thorned Cache
  • Vine Cache

Add these to the other loot boxes, specific map currencies, materials and collectibles, you’ll be salvaging your way until you reach the DS gate. (I’m exaggerating I know, but tell me this doesn’t happen to you even once.)

With the current events and LS3 you now have:

  • key items (portal stones, detectors, whatnots)
  • map collectibles/tradeables (again)
  • new mats

Please don’t tell me selling and salvaging takes little time, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it, but it doesn’t mean the way it is now is okay.

So here are some ideas that I’m sitting on:

At LVL80 there are too many junk items

Common & Uncommon gear - they get salvaged or sold most of the time, can’t we change them to stackable salvage items (eg. unstable hide, etc.) if dropped in lvl 80 zones, or if the bags are opened by lvl 80 chars? I say level 80 because I believe they still have their uses while levelling.

Uncommon Runes & Sigils - IMO, they have no use now, rare sigils and runes are 1s-2s in TP, the only reason low levels can’t access them right away is because of level restriction. (Heck, I only use them to do mystic forge daily)

Map specific collectible/tradeables Chak eggs, blood rubies, petrified logs, reclaimed metal plates, sands, etc.

So aside from currencies which are handled nicely by the wallet, we have these tradeables specific for different maps. While it is not a good idea to consolidate them as a single item (bad idea, players won’t play on other ‘harder’ maps), can’t we have a different tab for these items? Then these items can be segregated by the map they can be acquired. Like a tab for Dry Top, Silverwastes, etc.

I’m thinking of two ways:

  • They add a single bag tab for each new map, it’s up to us to fill it up with our own slot bags and up to us to expand it with bag expansion gem slot.
    - OR -
  • It’s a fixed inventory slots, meaning, we can’t add or delete the slots, the game just have to do it by adjusting itself according to the items that we have.

Bonus: It would be wonderful if these tabs are account bound (imagine, you can run events and not worry if you have keys or not.)

Takeaway: You cannot place items that are not map specific

Quest/Key items Levvi’s detector, Aurene’s portal stone, Lore books, etc.

This is quite easy to suggest since MMOs usually implement this when their game gets bigger. Please pretty please can we have a key items tab? I’m thinking that this should be a fixed tab, only the game can add stuff into it, and it can’t get full as well. I mean, why should the game punish the players for wanting to keep the lore books/diaries?

Update Material Storage Blade shards, Spinel cores, Feldspar core

Self explanatory. If it can be used for crafting, please have a slot for it in material storage.

Container boxes are getting out of hand

I believe the reason for having container boxes specific for mobs/map is so that the developers have an easier time updating the loot table, is it possible to move those mob/map specific items to their regular loot table outside of the container?

Also, why do we have so many different types of the same named container? eg. ‘Gilded Coffer’ can’t be stacked with another ‘Gilded Coffer’

For now I think that’s all for my suggestions to at least minimize inventory management in GW2. Would be happy to hear what some of you think.

While there’s still a legacy currency issue (karma, relics, tokens, etc.) that I want to talk about, I still can’t wrap my mind on any suggestions how to clean the up even for a bit.

(edited by ladybutter.5280)

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kurfu.5623


As long as storage space is a profit item on the gem store, expect this trend to continue.

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


As long as storage space is a profit item on the gem store, expect this trend to continue.

I’m not convinced it’s that simple. That’s previously been given as a reason why Anet would never:

  • Let us send materials to the bank without having to run there (back in betas).
  • Give us storage for dungeon tokens, WvW badges and other currencies.
  • Make karma account-wide (people used to save karma consumables until they knew which character needed it).
  • Add a way to save skins without having to keep the piece of equipment they’re on.
  • Allow us to increase the number of materials stored in the bank.

And yet they did make all of those changes. They’ve also expressed an interest in adding more things to material storage, including some which aren’t strictly crafting materials like the new map currencies.

I understand why they keep adding new currencies and materials – it means you have to actually play the new content to get the new rewards and IMO it’s much better than the industry standard system of making these items RNG drops only from specific bosses or maps. But I do also think overall it makes for a confusing system. Especially when you have currencies which go in the wallet, other currencies which don’t, some of which are also crafting materials or consumables, but not all of them are…

I don’t have a problem with finding inventory space for all of them, but then I seem to carry a lot less stuff than most people. My main character typically has 1 salvage kit, 1 booster stack, 1 food stack, 3 spare weapons, bank, TP and merchant expresses, blood rubies, petrified wood, winterberrys and jade shards and then the Hero’s Band (yes I’ve still got it), HoM portal stone and Birthday Booster in her inventory (not shared slots). So that’s 16 slots taken up, including the currencies/consumables from the new maps. Even with no bag upgrades and 2 18 slot bags that leaves me 80 spaces for drops which is plenty for me.

But I do think they should do something to simplify the system. Problem is I’m not sure what would be the best way to do it. There’s some ‘quick fixes’ like putting blood rubies etc. into the wallet and adding a merchant to sell whatever they salvage into. But I’m not sure that would be the best way to do it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


they have already stated that certain things are going to be depositable. its not hard to stop during a meta, between events, and sort your bags. if youre carrying along a bunch of kitten already, bank it. dont do a meta with 3 sets of RP armor kitten

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


they have already stated that certain things are going to be depositable. its not hard to stop during a meta, between events, and sort your bags. if youre carrying along a bunch of kitten already, bank it. dont do a meta with 3 sets of RP armor kitten

It used to be worse before the salvage all feature was added.

Also, people have the right to bring the items and gear they want to bring. It’s the game that treats players as if they all had full free space and 2-3 bag slots bought from the gem store.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


they have already stated that certain things are going to be depositable. its not hard to stop during a meta, between events, and sort your bags. if youre carrying along a bunch of kitten already, bank it. dont do a meta with 3 sets of RP armor kitten

It used to be worse before the salvage all feature was added.

Also, people have the right to bring the items and gear they want to bring. It’s the game that treats players as if they all had full free space and 2-3 bag slots bought from the gem store.

its A META. youre gonna get lots of phat loot. empty your packs. make your body ready. dont bring 3 bags of crap you dont need, TO A META. thats like doing SW and not bringing keys and shovels and extractors. part of playing the game is gearing appropriately for the event youre about to do. dont neglect prep and then whine about the consequences.

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladybutter.5280


its A META. youre gonna get lots of phat loot. empty your packs. make your body ready. dont bring 3 bags of crap you dont need, TO A META. thats like doing SW and not bringing keys and shovels and extractors. part of playing the game is gearing appropriately for the event youre about to do. dont neglect prep and then whine about the consequences.

We already know that. I doubt anyone here tries to run a meta with 20 slots free and believes he/she can finish it without running into inventory cleaning.

What my post wants to address is that this is a thing that’s getting out of hand.

See, if a return player wants to see what’s new and jump right into things, play on a map, and decide to come back, inventory sorting and cleaning is one of the things too unattractive to do so they can as you say ‘prep’ for the new content.

Who knows how many key items a certain LS episode/map might give you.

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I can tell you that this is one of my main reasons I don’t really play when I log in, not on the mains at least. I am always somewhat of a hoarder, so inventory management has always been a pain in this game. But now, also with the daily chests it’s completely mad. Simply for having logged in a few times to chat a little, I did get free chests. Then I did not open them because of limited bag-space. But after 3 chests or so? The next one opens automatically it seems. So that filed up my bag. Now if I log in on those alts I have filled bags, multiple chest in the left corner and a ‘overflow’ window with items.

I do not want to start fixing that before I can play, so I don’t play on them.

Now obviously the blame is partly with me, on the other hand, while being a hoarder I can’t say I have had this problem in other MMO’s and when I play a game I don’t want to spend my time managing inventory.

As long as storage space is a profit item on the gem store, expect this trend to continue.

Ah yeah, another example of how the cash-shop focus negatively effects the game itself.

It’s also completely mad how they have many recipes that require like 1000 of some math, but the default max stack is 250, and then they sell items to increase that. How cheat. When you require 100 of x math in recipes, then you should also allow to stack to that number by default. I remember that before you could buy them and they started to drop in those recipe’s I wanted to make a topic about that requesting it. But before I made the topic they already dropped in that item in the cash-shop.

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree inventory management has become increasingly worse over time despite the change to the wallet etc. I think anyone playing will realize this is going to push people away, not everyone wants to sort their bags every 10 minutes because you get swamped in high quantity, low quality loot. Every time I take a break and come back I eventually get annoyed by the constant task of salvaging, despite the quality of life change a while back for salvage all I still think it’s not enough.

Since it’s an mmo some management is fine, but people should be able to focus on having fun rather than checking the inventory all the time.

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Friday.9078


I don’t have a problem with the normal loot taking bag space (I just stop somewhere safe, sell to TP, salvage or go find a merchant – no merchant and those runes and sigils get dumped) and I think the loot bags (boxes, caches, bags) are fine as each kind does stack. I don’t even have a problem witth the map specific currencies (petrified wood etc) as once they are in your bank the game “sees” them account wide and they are salvagable into unbound magic which goes into your wallet. I have farmed myself extra bag tabs for all of my chars, plus 3 more bank tabs. While these are a cash shop item, I agree we won’t see them for free.

I do however agree completely that if an item’s use is only for crafting please, please could we get it into the crafting material storage!

The other thing I totally agree on is the keys – for heaven’s sake give us an account wide “Keyring” – bandit keys, shovels, chak acid, machetes etc etc etc ad nauseum.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]