On the fly Roleplaying! And why its fun.
Yesterday i got someone who revived me saying Get Up Soldier And Give them Hell !..something like that..was funny though.I myself dont really roleplay..well if i do its just me myself and i fantasizing in my own head.
Yesterday i got someone who revived me saying Get Up Soldier And Give them Hell !..something like that..was funny though
.I myself dont really roleplay..well if i do its just me myself and i fantasizing in my own head.
That’s a cool way to do it, but in the end the games strongest asset is letting your character have a deeper interaction with the world itself, allowing role playing to be 80% expressed simply by performing in an event or doing something that would be considered game play.
I don’t see the necessity for the why it’s fun part, of course it’s fun!
I’ve had many instances of it happening, one which was rather strange, I afk’d in LA one time on a pedestal around the fountain. I was looking quite dapper in my pink tophat and town clothes. And when I came back from afk there was 3 people dancing around me with no clothes on!
A very interesting conversation took place.
I don’t see the necessity for the why it’s fun part, of course it’s fun!
I’ve had many instances of it happening, one which was rather strange, I afk’d in LA one time on a pedestal around the fountain. I was looking quite dapper in my pink tophat and town clothes. And when I came back from afk there was 3 people dancing around me with no clothes on!
A very interesting conversation took place.
Hah that does sound interesting
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
Another example of how basic game play mechanics can transform into indirect and immerse Role play
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
I tend to yell out “This man needs help!!” or “He was so young…”
Good times, indeed.
try getting this to flow with tarnished coasters
try getting this to flow with tarnished coasters
Is that a server I dunno about?
Is it a zone? Cause I think I heard about the tarnish coast being a very chaotic endgame zone.
RP is the endgame for me.
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
I tend to yell out “This man needs help!!” or “He was so young…”
Good times, indeed.
WTB emote that lets you fall down on your knees, look up in the sky and cry out “NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!”
On my Char Guardian, I ran up to a downed player and said, “There, there son. Relax while I bandage your wounds”
He Replied with “Thank you” when he got up he called me a dumbkitten and ran off.
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.
I see a lot of this RP stuff going on on Tarnished Coast in the wild. Most of it is pretty funny too. GW2 begs for RP. You feel like your character really is part of the world…
On my Char Guardian, I ran up to a downed player and said, “There, there son. Relax while I bandage your wounds”
He Replied with “Thank you” when he got up he called me a dumbkitten and ran off.
No respect these days. -.-
On my Char Guardian, I ran up to a downed player and said, “There, there son. Relax while I bandage your wounds”
He Replied with “Thank you” when he got up he called me a dumbkitten and ran off.
hah, hes just jelly of how much fun your having, one time I got so into /say Role play dialogue that someone swore I was either a GM or an NPC
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
I tend to yell out “This man needs help!!” or “He was so young…”
Good times, indeed.
WTB emote that lets you fall down on your knees, look up in the sky and cry out “NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!”
Lol this is what I do with my char.
And if other people try rezzing I yell out “GET OFFkittenGIVE HIM SOME AIR!”
I love playing my Asura…gnome goblin thing whatever, and using the exclamation “My Ears”
RP is the endgame for me.
I’ll probably join you, endgame is just sad. I jumped on Tarnished Coast but its all Tavern Rp’s and everyone takes themselves way to seriously. Even if they type utter garbage. Playing a homeless drunk in LA now THAT’S living. I often take a break from the grind to preform this in LA overflow to the enjoyment and annoyance of many.
I think it has to do with being older, or atleast more mature. I know when I was younger I often thought it as silly, and nerdy/dorky as you would have it. Now being “older” I embrace the dorkiness.
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.
Man, the possibilities of RP. I actually want a toy or a consumable that lets you make a campfire so you can settle in the wilds or inside a cave. You can interact with the campfire, giving you actions like roast meat, play with fire (with a chance of burning you), etc.
Of course, you can’t use this in the main cities.
RP is the endgame for me.
I’ll probably join you, endgame is just sad. I jumped on Tarnished Coast but its all Tavern Rp’s and everyone takes themselves way to seriously. Even if they type utter garbage. Playing a homeless drunk in LA now THAT’S living. I often take a break from the grind to preform this in LA overflow to the enjoyment and annoyance of many.
My character is dressed up as a pirate. I plan to hangout in Bloodtide Coast and just /say Yarr! to anyone who pass me by. I also plan to just mumble to myself (still as /say) saying, “Now, where did I bury that treasure…”
Rp’ing on the fly?….fun…but…but…type and fight?? I usually die then…but, hey if you’re down..good time to rp :P
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Rp’ing on the fly?….fun…but…but…type and fight?? I usually die then…but, hey if you’re down..good time to rp :P
I type out /say dialogue as i fight all the time, its easy
RP is the endgame for me.
I’ll probably join you, endgame is just sad. I jumped on Tarnished Coast but its all Tavern Rp’s and everyone takes themselves way to seriously. Even if they type utter garbage. Playing a homeless drunk in LA now THAT’S living. I often take a break from the grind to preform this in LA overflow to the enjoyment and annoyance of many.
No it’s not ALL tavern RP! I’ve done SO much RP out in the wilds on Tarnished Coast, my friendlist is filling up with awesome people who love RP and do a great job, well outside of a tavern! Try talking in /say for a bit and see who pops up to join you! It’s pretty funny – I met one pair of RPers, and while I was talking to them, we collected 3 or 4 more, like moths to a lamp!
As a Mesmer player I constantly refer to my clones and phantasms as ‘minions’ and during large boss fights or world events I randomly shout out “Go my minions! Fight for your master” or something along those lines. I just think it’s great to roleplay your character. I play MMORPG’s to escape from reality so I try to ‘live’ my character the best I can.
I approve this:D with such a living world why not:)
I haven’t been too impressed with what I’ve seen so far regarding role-play. The setting itself is brilliant, so it’s a real shame that most of it is ignored in favour of most role-players lingering around cities and talking about stuff instead of doing it. Of course, there’s the odd event here and there but you’re lucky to see one that doesn’t just invite anyone and everyone to participate to fuel some sort of warped popularity contest.
Roleplay Lite (which I define as simply saying a few things in character while teaming with or grouping up with others) is tremendous fun and pretty much anybody can do it. City of Heroes used to be a great game for that (no worries about whether “thee” or “thou” is most appropriate ). But this game has yet to find its feet that way. I try and do it out in the field a bit, but it’s very rare that someone responds. I’ll keep trying though!
Roleplaying proper (which I would define as organized mutual storytelling – including actions) is a different kettle of fish – also a hell of a lot of fun but requiring a lot of commitment and a degree of literacy and keyboard dexterity that not everyone has.
I’ve actually never done roleplaying in a game – I’ve done such through email, forums, etc, but not in game. I’m getting a bit tempted now though…
Alt: Sharl Thorne | Norn Guardian | Bearborn | Honorable
Alt: Afanen Braith | Human Ranger | Commoner | Honorable
Roleplay Lite (which I define as simply saying a few things in character while teaming with or grouping up with others) is tremendous fun and pretty much anybody can do it. City of Heroes used to be a great game for that (no worries about whether “thee” or “thou” is most appropriate
). But this game has yet to find its feet that way. I try and do it out in the field a bit, but it’s very rare that someone responds. I’ll keep trying though!
Roleplaying proper (which I would define as organized mutual storytelling – including actions) is a different kettle of fish – also a hell of a lot of fun but requiring a lot of commitment and a degree of literacy and keyboard dexterity that not everyone has.
Wow, as a long-time COH player, I couldn’t really disagree more with your categorizations.
RPing while teaming and fighting out in the world is a much more true and ‘proper’ type of RP, to me, than sitting about on one’s butt talking about things.
One of them is living your character out in a living world.
One of them is using the game as a glorified chat room.
Get the RP out of Pocket D and into the world!
One time while doing the jumping puzzles around lions arch, I do them just about everyday for fun, I ran into a guild that was having a jumping puzzle guild event. After some chatting they invited me to join them. At the end of one they all sat facing each other in a circle. They told me to sit down with them but as I was walking around the circle I had an idea.
I started to stop behind each one and type “duck” and after about 3 ducks I typed GOOSE! and turned walk off and started to run around the circle. To my delight the person who I stood behind got up and started chasing me. After a few circles I quickly got to his spot and typed /sit. And then he began walking around us typing duck at each person. We carried on this game about 4 times and I was laughing the whole time.
Rp’ing on the fly?….fun…but…but…type and fight?? I usually die then…but, hey if you’re down..good time to rp :P
I type out /say dialogue as i fight all the time, its easy
Easy for you…I usually die, lol. But, RP’ers are pretty good about rezzing…. and community. The latter being the main reason we always roll new guilds on RP servers. Even if we’re not technically Roleplayers.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Content Marketing Lead
I love these stories of emergent role-play, especially stories from Worlds where role-playing is not as prevalent. Keep them coming.
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra
Me and my guild mate were basically standing in Lion’s Arch and chatting in /say
Since we both don’t use L33T speak and shortened words, we were just fooling around about how ugly my colour choice was for my gear.
A guy then ran up and said we made his day because he actually thought we were two NPCs that ArenaNet have created that had a random conversation, and he was watching us for a while until he noticed us being normal players.
I’m so flattered.
I role-played paper and pen but not at all in games, it is a new concept to me but I find myself drawn into random /say on the map
Some hilarious moments in the escort quests- like in Queensdale where you escort a caravan of beer- the dolyak went off the path and someone said " my god woman be careful of the beer!’ and some one else said “this woman had wayy to much beer” yet someome else said “it is for the soldiers think of the soldiers” one person went "zzzzz’ and when there was the inevitable attack someone said " that’s what you get for sleeping on the post soldier"
It made a boring escort event so much more fun
My boyfriend and I do this all the time. I tend to “fall” off of cliffs fairly frequently. I can’t judge the heights very well sometimes. We also like to pick fights with each other occasionally too. lol (but in character!)
Tarnished Coast is considered an unofficial North American RP server. I see RP everywhere I go there. Yes, certainly in the bars and cities, but also all over the world. I love to randomly run little RP-PvE events with the guild out in the world.
Playing a homeless drunk in LA now THAT’S living. I often take a break from the grind to preform this in LA overflow to the enjoyment and annoyance of many.
My character is dressed up as a pirate. I plan to hangout in Bloodtide Coast and just /say Yarr! to anyone who pass me by. I also plan to just mumble to myself (still as /say) saying, “Now, where did I bury that treasure…”
You two are awesome. I wish more people would have just little “flavour” characters like that. It’s a lot like meeting a performer in a theme park!
No it’s not ALL tavern RP!
I’ve done SO much RP out in the wilds on Tarnished Coast, my friendlist is filling up with awesome people who love RP and do a great job, well outside of a tavern! Try talking in /say for a bit and see who pops up to join you! It’s pretty funny – I met one pair of RPers, and while I was talking to them, we collected 3 or 4 more, like moths to a lamp!
This is pretty much my experience on TC exactly. I will nab a couple of guildies and start walking out into the wilds. Before long, we’ve picked up several more into a little impromptu RP entourage
<3 you TC!
A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R
I play a guardian on Tarnished Coast as an alt and have been playing him as a wannabe Seraph. So whenever I am in a DE with other people I will yell out things i say like “For the Queen!” And when the event is over and we succeed I will say things like “Well done heroes! The Queen thanks you for your loyal service!”
I had one person send me a private tell laughing because he tried to use me to spend Karma thinking I was the event NPC…..
>>Roleplay lite<<
>>Roleplay proper<<
After 20 years of GMing in real life I can tell you, there’s no such thing. Roleplaying is roleplaying and everyone has their favorite way of doing it – when you start throwing out these categories that put people in boxes, it stops being as much fun.
Over on rpg.net they have a term they like to toss around, “badwrongfun”, which is to say, “my fun is better than yours” or, “you’re doing it wrong”. If you’re having fun, and not hurting anyone else by doing it, then there is no “wrong fun”.
I like my rp in mmos to be spontaneous. Unlike a pen and paper game, someone has already done the work of describing the world for you, so you’re job now is to live in it. Guild Wars is so fantastic because they make living in that world so easy! The first game was harder, because of all the instancing you really had to organize your rp or do it all in the cities, but now you’re not stuck with that. I rp everywhere I go and if I’m talking in /say then I am in character.
And I meet people ALL THE TIME, IC on the Tarnished Coast server. I’ve had some great adventures with some fantastic characters. I hung out at an arena with some Charr and earned a smidge of respect for my little human Thief my sparring with them , (you can use your attacks to feign actions, and /sit, /kneel, /sleep, to fall down) I fought Giants along side Norn who I bandaged up afterwords – using previous adventures in game to develop “relationships” with NPCs that I relied on for help. I play up her adventurous spirit, her biases, her impatience; I also refuse some quests if they make no sense for her character.
As MMOs go, I’ve had more luck finding other ready and willing RPers in Guild Wars 2 than I have in most other games I’ve played for years.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I don’t see the necessity for the why it’s fun part, of course it’s fun!
I’ve had many instances of it happening, one which was rather strange, I afk’d in LA one time on a pedestal around the fountain. I was looking quite dapper in my pink tophat and town clothes. And when I came back from afk there was 3 people dancing around me with no clothes on!
A very interesting conversation took place.
Aren’t you a big Charr by the way? If you are, then I knelt before your pink awesomeness on a pedestal in Divinity Reach once…
My Norn Guardian is as short and slim as they come, while her sister (my daughter’s character) is at the other end of the scale.
Being only a little taller than tallest human males led to a very funny encounter when a fellow Norn asken whether I am human or Norn. Replying in character made it a conversation and it actually led up to us three grouping for a bit. We were having so much fun we were really laughing.
So, thank you, Mr. Thorwalds, wherever your travels have taken you since then. My only regret is that we never saw you again.
This is probably one of the mostkitten threads i’ve seen on this forum, which is unfortunate.
Yesterday i got someone who revived me saying Get Up Soldier And Give them Hell !..something like that..was funny though
.I myself dont really roleplay..well if i do its just me myself and i fantasizing in my own head.
While on the topic, is there a way to macro / keybind these kind of things. I would love to have my character say something like this on a press of a key. Not to spam of course but to have my character say stuff while in battle.
I don’t see the necessity for the why it’s fun part, of course it’s fun!
I’ve had many instances of it happening, one which was rather strange, I afk’d in LA one time on a pedestal around the fountain. I was looking quite dapper in my pink tophat and town clothes. And when I came back from afk there was 3 people dancing around me with no clothes on!
A very interesting conversation took place.
Aren’t you a big Charr by the way? If you are, then I knelt before your pink awesomeness on a pedestal in Divinity Reach once…
Hrmm nope guess someone is ripping off my style, and since I’m human I guess that makes this charr my mortal enemy!
I don’t really roleplay much, but whenever someone is downed or dies I get overly emotional as I try to save them from the brink of death.
Always fun.
I tend to yell out “This man needs help!!” or “He was so young…”
Good times, indeed.
WTB emote that lets you fall down on your knees, look up in the sky and cry out “NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!”
I’d LOVE to see packages of emotes you can either buy with gems or get some other way that include new animations, sound effects, voice acting with this kind of stuff in it. I’d also like to see some kind of macro system where you can have “catch-phrases” pre-loaded so fumble-fingers like me don’t get ourselves killed trying to write things out.
I wish I could find more ppl to RP with.
Are there any RP servers and are ppl serious about it there?
Totally, totally agree with the OP. I’ve been roleplaying exclusively on the fly. No taverns. No vapid chit-chat on the side of a road in Divinity’s Reach. I’m adventuring, and I’m always in character.
It’s been amazing! One roleplayer often causes a snowball effect and several others join in. An example: About twelve of us were in character for the Swamp event in Queensdale, totally on the fly. It was a lot of fun hearing little quips like:
“Sweet Dwayna, what the hell is that thing?”
“Whatever it is, we’re sending it back to the abyss.”
Sure, it was cheesy, but so what? I loved it.
Much respect to all of you that like to RP. I have always felt silly doing it though. I like to keep my imagination in my head mostly. Even when I’m working out like jogging at night or something my imagination will sometimes run wild like I’m sprinting towards some great battle or fleeing maybe lol. I played paper pencil D&D and ran my own games with a close group of friends for years but we were a lot more focused on the combat and stories rather than acting things out. I’ve always considered playing on a RP server but I always feel like people will take it too seriously and that I won’t fit in. I wouldn’t want to always be in character for one thing.
I must admit that I’m really bad at playing (=fighting) and typing at the same time, otherwise I’d probably try some roleplaying ingame, too. I am a roleplayer at heart, after all But then, I can very well compensate for the lack of ingame rp with real-world larp
I’d love it to be revived in-character though.