Open world or dungeons and why for you

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raiden.9024


for me the 5 mans are a waste of dev time, so much OPEN WORLD to explore make new DE events, phase area’s during Living Story bring the world to life more than funnelling ppl into a cave(dungeon) that’s a disconnect from the world, GW2 best asset is its DE events and its easy gameplay lends its self to CO-OP MMO experience than the old Dungeons crawler made for EQ/WoW fans.

No mob stealing No node stealing = big community that helps out each other = great
5 mans = turns ppl into elitest and turns the community on itself = bad, look at WoW

I think GW2 would be in an even better place if it was just to focus on the unique play style they have made and keep to OPEN WORLD stuff and drop the dungeons, legendary quest lines for armor sets or grind out dungeons ? I know what sounds better

what’s your choice and why

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Personally, I strongly disagree.

Dynamic events are cool and all, but are not challenging. Due to their nature, there is no limit on them and consequently fall into one of three categories:
1. Populated to the point that the only challenge is tagging the mobs before they die
2. Unpopulated to the point that they are so challenging they are either undoable or not worth the effort
3. Unpopulated, but easy enough. These are OK, but are not exactly fun.

Dungeons create an environment where ANet knows the number of players involved and can balance accordingly. This allows for challenging content that is also doable and rewarding.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I like both, although I don’t often do dungeons. Both game elements have their place though, so I don’t think either is a waste.

Open World:
This is great for my desire to explore. I can randomly help (or not) as I please. There are lot of nifty story pieces and lore to discover. It also has plenty that I’ve probably missed, and they could easily add events and such to it at any point (and I believe they have stated at one point that this is an intent…adding more DE’s and such). I can set my own pace and just play as I please…lolli-gagging along enjoying the scenery or hell bent on getting to that quest marker…whichever I feel like. Its a very unstructured sandbox with lots of possibilities…

I like dungeons. They hold a specific lore and require a team tactic to tackle. However, most people doing them tend to be kitten, so I avoid them even though I’d like to experience them. Dungeons give you a ‘structured’ play element for those that have a small group of people that they’d like to play with. Dungeons also open up the ability to add harder instanced content. The initial dungeons, after being modified and ‘finished’ will give the devs a baseline for new ones to be added in the future (what people like, what do they find to hard, do they need to make a normal mode and a hard mode version, etc)

I think both pieces are necessary to the game, although it is not necessary for you to do (or even like) both options. If you asked me to choose one or the other I’d have to quote the animated movie ‘The Road to El Dorado’ and say “Both. Both is good”

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: niea.7504


I think both pieces are necessary to the game, although it is not necessary for you to do (or even like) both options. If you asked me to choose one or the other I’d have to quote the animated movie ‘The Road to El Dorado’ and say “Both. Both is good”

Exactly. Why choose between them?

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


While I do a lot of PVE I find dungeons fun. It’s refreshing to do a dungeon after leveling your alt for weeks, try some coordinated team play with your friends, see how fast, or how efficient you can be, or just kill everything and see what loot will you get. If they gotten rid of dungeons entirely I wouldn’t stop playing, but it would make me sad, because one of the activities that I like just got deleted.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I tend to agree that, if asked to chose between new dungeons or enhanced experiences in real world zones, I would chose the latter.

Ideally, I would love to see an extension of the difficulty we see in Southsun or the temple events – mechanic oriented fights/meta events/encounters designed to be challenging for groups of 10-100. I wouldnt even mind if the zone was deserted most days – if the reason it was there was for those times when people grouped up and took an organized approach to real world activities.

I dont see any reason that just about any boss couldnt be moved into the open world. Even more complex bosses would work – they may not die often and may frustrate individuals heading into the area – but it would prove outstanding end game content for organized guilds and groups.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I enjoy both in most games, but I can’t stand the roleless dungeons in this game personally. I can see why some would because it changes it up from the norm.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Well if you think about it; the large event chain DE’s are exactly like an open world dungeon. The only thing Anet has to get right is scaling & challenge, which are almost one and the same. We don’t get tokens for armor or weapons but if they would only add a region or boss specific drop to each of those major chained DE’s (as rare drops ofc) imagine the treasure hunters running the events for a chance at them.

Example: I want a Taidha Covington Risen pirate themed skin for my Ranger’s gear/weapons. Plz & thx.

EDIT: And most importantly there has to be the ultimate exotic gear drop of all. One of the huge DE chain events has to drop a tin foil hat!

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


As I’ve said before, dungeons are not fun. From my first experience in AC getting hit by fireballs passing nowhere near me, to my latest one in MF where mobs that I’m pounding on lose interest and wander back into the cheezy chill field, I’ve found them to be both buggy and the exact opposite of what I find fun. Plus they hold no rewards for me since I don’t care much about how my character looks.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I like to do both, mainly dungeons.

The nice part about dungeons is that I can control who I play with. Dungeons with the guild are usually quick and successful.

The problem with DEs is that you get a lot of deadweight. Players coming in and just throwing in 10k damage and afking or dying and laying dead waiting for someone to rez. With the new scaling, this is a huge issue. It took us 1 1/4 hours to finish the Temple of Lyssa a few days ago simply because it was scaled so high and so many players were being lazy participants or non-participants.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I would love them to add more to the open world- more De’s, more meta events, even events spanning several maps.
Many people love dungeons, even though I don’t run them myself, I think that people would love more dungeons with interesting mechanics.
So best of both worlds why not?

Gunnar’s Hold

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I prefer open world, due to the freedom. You can solo or group of your own accord, and you can leave or take a break whenever you want. I don’t think you’d make many friends if you decide to quit in the middle of a group instance regularly. =p

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


I burned out ( in other games) on the “uber gamer” stuff: dungeons/raids/pvp/soloing champions etc…..

It was a challenge I suppose, but eventually I got tired of it…totally tired. Also, many of these things attract nasty players.

So GW2 is perfect for me, do what I what, when I want, with whom I want.

I don’t bother with dungeons and PUGs, I just do open world and the game does not really penalize the player who does this. I really like the open world DE, despite the weird scaling issues that persist ( hopefully they get better).

But there is a strong interest in dungeon type things, so it will always be a part of the game, though I don’t get involved.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


People apparently like dungeons. Which makes me wonder why ANet didn’t make GW2 with the GW1 mission system

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I can see why they go with dungeons from a story telling stand point. Easier to pace out a story that way without being swamped by random interference. My issue is with them being the culmination of events that so far have been available for soloing.

Especially as they have all this code in the engine for scaling mobs up and down depending on the number of people present anyways. Given all that, requiring 5 people minimum (unless you want to demonstrate your “skills” on stream and recording) seems paradoxical.

And that is before you account for glaring issues like having the whole dungeon group being dumped the moment the group leader leaves. Never mind if someone is busy with a final cutscene they want to catch or something, leader leaves, everyone out of the instance (no chest for you, laggard).

The open world was at the outset set up to minimize griefing, but vote kicks and the above mentioned leader issues with group instances brings griefing right back. Never mind all the debate over using magic find gear in groups. If things could be run solo, with the appropriate scaling, none of this would be a issue.

Btw, i have 2 characters so far sitting at the final personal story mission simply because it leads me into a dungeon. I have so far soloed all the rest of their stories, so why the heck am i required to team up with others for the final leg?

Never mind that unless i make sure that my character is the team leader for that final leg, some other character will do the final cutscenes. To me that is a bigger violation of the “personal story” than all the bruhaha over trahearne.

(edited by digiowl.9620)

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynne.8416


OP, you are talking about two totally different play styles.
Dungeons are instanced and available only for a maximum of 5 players.
Dungeons require a “time” commitment usually lasting an hour or more. These five players need to strategize and coordinate their efforts in order to complete the dungeon and gain the reward. In most cases Dungeon players have min/maxed their gear/skills/traits for the dungeon, which is why you see LF specific profession to complete their team.

Open world PvE on the other hand can handle any number of players, in any gear/skill/trait line and don’t necessarily have to “coordinate” their skills in order to complete the area. Communication/strategy is not required. Also time commitment is not required as most hearts/events/skill challenges can be completed in a matter of minutes. You can choose to team up or not, all up to each individual.

I prefer Open world because it is “fun” for me. It’s not stressful, no one is “depending” on me not to screw up and I can go from area to area at my leisure. I have fun assisting others, running from area to area, and mostly the fact that I can leave whenever I want.

Dungeon groups, in my experience, is more stressful, as players expect to complete the dungeon for the reward and failure is “not an option” as it’s a waste of an hour or so.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The two different play modes serve different populations. Some players like both, some like open world, some prefer dungeons. MMO’s need to appeal to a broad customer base. It’s good for the company and the game, which means it’s good for the players.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


When the game opened i was Open World 100% but as rewards diminished so did my playing the content.

I tried Dungeons and fotm they are nothing but repetitive frustration and staring at your corpse for ages..

Now i just do Dailies and world events 24/7 because rewards are there..

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I love the open the world in this game. I go everywhere and do everything.

I was put off dungeons a few months ago because of a jerk in a pug but I’ve been thinking I’d really like to experience them again. I’d like to find a guild where I can play whatever character I’d like within any dungeon that’s run. That might be difficult but there must be some out there. I’ll get around to looking one day.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I love the open the world in this game. I go everywhere and do everything.

I was put off dungeons a few months ago because of a jerk in a pug but I’ve been thinking I’d really like to experience them again. I’d like to find a guild where I can play whatever character I’d like within any dungeon that’s run. That might be difficult but there must be some out there. I’ll get around to looking one day.

Plenty of guilds out there like that. My guild is like that. We don’t care if a run takes longer or if it’s most efficient. We run dungeons for fun.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I love the open the world in this game. I go everywhere and do everything.

I was put off dungeons a few months ago because of a jerk in a pug but I’ve been thinking I’d really like to experience them again. I’d like to find a guild where I can play whatever character I’d like within any dungeon that’s run. That might be difficult but there must be some out there. I’ll get around to looking one day.

Plenty of guilds out there like that. My guild is like that. We don’t care if a run takes longer or if it’s most efficient. We run dungeons for fun.

I figured there must be. I ran the molten facility yesterday twice with different people who didn’t care who was what. From the guy who was swinging Eternity to the poor little bloke who kept getting mashed and left the group out of embarrassment everybody just ran and did the job. That put me back in the dungeon running frame of mind.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dikeido.8436


for me the 5 mans are a waste of dev time, so much OPEN WORLD to explore make new DE events, phase area’s during Living Story bring the world to life more than funnelling ppl into a cave(dungeon) that’s a disconnect from the world, GW2 best asset is its DE events and its easy gameplay lends its self to CO-OP MMO experience than the old Dungeons crawler made for EQ/WoW fans.

No mob stealing No node stealing = big community that helps out each other = great
5 mans = turns ppl into elitest and turns the community on itself = bad, look at WoW

I think GW2 would be in an even better place if it was just to focus on the unique play style they have made and keep to OPEN WORLD stuff and drop the dungeons, legendary quest lines for armor sets or grind out dungeons ? I know what sounds better

what’s your choice and why

You know what I love about Phasing. I love not being able to see my friend even though we are on the same area. How bout this:
Me: Hey look at that huge barrel there.
Friend: What are you taking about?

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I look at it like this open world is about moving as a GW2 community over all where you can meet new ppl and chat with them and build a better feeling of the community. As for dungeons this is where the dev. can show off they can make very complex boss fights with out fear of making ppl dc or comply crash. That the thing about open world vs dungeons there are a set of limitations. In open world you can have a lot more ppl but at the same time you cant make fights that complex with out destroying some ppl pc. In dungeons you have a very limited number of ppl but because of that you can make fights very complex due to the low number of players.

GW2 is best using both of these and it should never try to comply do away with one view over the other.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raire.7983


I love open-world. I like the freedom, the art, the atmosphere (even the social atmosphere around events or in WvW). I like zipping through things I actually want to do. I can get caught up in something and stay somewhere for hours, but I like to be able to switch zones or even characters if nothing grabs me.

I haven’t been in any GW2 dungeons, but my feelings on dungeons generally (including from single player games) are that I can’t stand them. I don’t like linear content. I generally don’t like being “stuck” inside something. I don’t like committing to an activity for a period of time, that I probably won’t enjoy. And I find LFG’ing, for access to content, to be something of a hurdle.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tael.5432


I like both.

However I don’t want dungeons to be neglected at all, neither the open world. They both have their places. As people have already said, dungeons require a commitment of time and of 5 people. Open world events people can come and go as they please.

I do like dungeons because it requires more strategies and teams working together and communicating.

Fairy Tael – Elementalist

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Disagree. Open world for me is a waste of time, that being said, most of the dungeons are waste of time too. I’d prefer UW/FoW/DoA 8 player instance which is extremely hard.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zauselbart.8142


I never understood why people play mmorpgs only to lock themselves away in a dungeon with a handful of people — and often the same people over and over again — reducing the whole gameworld to a lobby for a dungeon crawler and a catwalk to show off the shinies.

That can easily be done in any coop game or singleplayer game that offers coop mode.

The occasional dungeon here and there can be nice — once every few weeks — but too much of it narrows the view, imo. Add to that the often involved drama and elitism of frequent dungeon runs — ‘frequent’ as in ‘the main focus’ — that indicate that people clearly don’t enjoy the game itself but follow simple reward mechanisms (skinner box) and you can find me turning away bored and disgusted.

Open world is the strength and key feature of any mmo — or at least it should be, unfortunately the vast majority of mmos is the exact opposite — that’s why I have enjoyed EVE Online for several years now and I immediately lose interest whenever I hear the term of ‘end game dungeons’ when an upcoming mmo is advertised.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Preference? Open World.
Reason? I’ve not once been told by someone in open world to skip a cut scene.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballads.2509


Whats wrong with combining them both and bringing back OPEN DUNGEONS! Remember them from other games? Huge subterranean complexes with mobs difficulty jacked up. This games dynamic scaling should mesh well here. Scatter in a dozen Bosses on various re spawn timers/conditions and Bam you gotta a winner.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veldan.4637


To me, GW2’s dungeons aren’t even nearly as fun as other MMO dungeons, mainly from the lack of heal/tank/dps/support class setups. So I’m all for open world content, which is lacking imo anyway since GW2 has no real “elite” areas in the world, and DEs got boring and pointless a long time ago.

Whats wrong with combining them both and bringing back OPEN DUNGEONS! Remember them from other games? Huge subterranean complexes with mobs difficulty jacked up. This games dynamic scaling should mesh well here. Scatter in a dozen Bosses on various re spawn timers/conditions and Bam you gotta a winner.

that would be awesome