POLL: Would you like level cap to be raised?
Increasing the level cap would do a lot more harm than good.
I’m already against the new items, because they totally screw up the balance in WvW by pushing the already (mostly) good hardcore gamers and discriminating the casual games even more.
No. Increasing level cap adds nothing to the game – it only makes all currently used gear obsolete, which is a definitely bad thing.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
While I can easily adapt to a new cap and obtain the next tier of gear, raising the cap would hurt GW2’s ability to draw new players in. If the cap keeps increasing then new players have to play that much longer to get to the “endgame”, which may make many casual players quit before they get there.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
There is absolutely no point to level over 80 other than the fact that you are over 80. You still gain skill points etc. so it seems really pointless. Unless there is a branched class upgrade at like lvl 90 or something, it is completely pointless.
You forget trait points…and if they upgraded the levels to 90, that’s 10 more points you can put into a trait, unlocking a few more trait builds and powering up ones that already exist.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
It seems rather pointless to introduce a new tier of BiS L80 gear and raise the level cap shortly thereafter, especially since obtaining this BiS gear looks to be a lengthy process. So, no, it’s too soon.
No, at least not for quite a while yet.
I see this game releasing two expansions, Cantha and Elona, to put the level cap at a comfortable 100 for the life of this MMO. If they want to add more skills/build options there are other ways to do it than constantly increasing the level cap.
Besides, it’s easier to balance the game at a lower level and entry-level players can reach end game content more quickly without suffering through the inevitable deadzones of content that has been out leveled by the majority of players from launch.
There’s a lot of alternatives that work well for expansion progression, like some agony-like stat, or different experience bars per continent, so when you go to Cantha you’re level 1 again, but you don’t lose anything you earned, you just need to level again just to stop you from roflstomping the new content and getting to dungeons too fast.
The ideal model would be standalone-like games with zones covering levels 1 to 80.
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair
NO! I didn’t rush to reach level 80, it took me 2 months of healthy playing to reach level 80, I don’t need more grind for the sake of the next shiny thing!
Unless the only thing it did was show how much experience you have, and not have any actual relevance (so you’re still identical to an 80) it’s just the bullkitten Ascended debacle all over again, except far far worse.
Not level raise in either patches or expansion, we should stay at level 80 forever. I believe ArenaNet can pull it off, to show us good content without leveling treadmill, or gear treadmill.
I still think the level cap number we got now is bad. I never liked the number 80, it looks weird, I think 50 looks cooler, 50 looks like it got class, 80 got too much swag.
Just more lvl 80 content
there is a level scaling system precisely so they don’t have to worry about new areas being pointless for lower level characters or max leveled characters.
leveling up is about the last thing that drives me forward when playing GW2.
no. i felt like lvlin more so i made all 8 classes 80. and now its s BIG NO!!!!!! its pointless, will make more balance problems. need to refine n polish what is out and more 80 zones etc
The most fun I’ve had in this game has been those first few levels obtaining my skills. This is what I really want to experience in future updates, and I firmly believe new skills (skill capping, quests for skills, etc) can be added to the game without the need for extra levels. Extra levels is just another way to add more equipment and devalue old gear. That is not necessary for progression in this game. New equipment can be added to be on par with existing gear but offer totally different styles.
More levels doesn’t have to equal new fun content.
No (I actually mean yes level cap raises with expansions is fine and I love to level, but I don’t wanna get yelled at for being the .0001%)
No (I actually mean yes level cap raises with expansions is fine and I love to level, but I don’t wanna get yelled at for being the .0001%)
Just say yes if that’s what you truly believe. This is your game too, and I’m positive the developers want to hear your opinion. When people start getting fussy, ignore them and don’t reply. No one is right or wrong here.
If they include more skills, weapons and traits it’ll cause the same thing as raising the level cap where players aim to get more and moar.
Without having the same feel of being obselete.
Absolutely not. I’d rather see them expand the content at level 80 and sprinkle in some pre level 80 content rather than add another tier of levels to the game.
I do not want the level cap to increase. I’m a big fan of the idea of horizontal progression and I would love it if GW2 adhered to that model.
When I look at the amount of the world map that is currently available, which seems to be 50% or less, however, I wonder whether a level cap of 80 is what the devs really have in mind. Do we want all of the remaining areas to be level 80? I would be fine with that, because I would be happy with new areas providing new weapon and armor skins and whatnot. I played GW1 for a while and I would like to believe that horizontal progression is a sustainable model because I really disliked the endless WoW treadmill, but I’m not sure that’s sustainable in the current MMO market.
Given the size of the currently inaccessible world map, I can see how successive new level caps of 90 and 100 could easily be accommodated by the amount of space we have yet to expand into, and that doesn’t even take into consideration Elona and Cantha, or other parts of Tyria we haven’t seen before.
My main concern about increasing the level cap is that it might make Tyria as we currently know somewhat irrelevant. I know the devs are trying to keep the lower level areas relevant, but I think that task would only get harder if there were level 90 or 100 areas where everybody was spending all their time.
If level scaling works well, then there is no reason not to raise the level cap with each expansion. I would stress the “if” though. If scaling can allow a level 80 to still find low level content challenging and rewarding, then there is no real detriment to a level cap increase.
I’d probably prefer an alternative progression, were the expansion would open up new skills to unlock and a way to increase the trait point cap with out a base level increase.
What are the perceived negatives of raising the level cap? If scaling can accommodate level scale increases, I guess people are then worried about having to reacquire max stat gear. For the most part, the stat side of exotic gear isn’t that hard to obtain. The gear that requires the most cost or effort to acquire usually doesn’t offer a stat advantage over cheaper exotics, it’s all about the looks and those looks can easily be transferred.
I think Arenanet has been clear that there will be gear progression tied with full expansions, so once that is a given, I don’t see why there would be a problem a level cap increase to go along with that. Once again, assuming that level scaling can successfully fold the new levels into the game.
No thanks. cosmetic > vertical
now? no. in 6-7 months? probably.
No, unless we’re given the option after the fact to upscale our level 80 Exotic/Ascended gear once we hit 90. The gear grind in GW2 is supposed to cosmetic once you reach BiS gear, and ANet would generate a large quantity of aggro from the players if they forced us to have to grind for new BiS gear with a level cap update.
We know the rest of the Ascended gear is coming; I’m sure most of us would rather we don’t have to replace it in the future.
I don’t mind a level cap increase if we don’t have to grind for gear stats again, as it’s pretty much a certainty that there’ll be plenty of new content to cater to the new level range if an expansion increases the cap, but I don’t want to be told “go grind for another month per character so you can get gear good enough that the elitists in dungeons will actually accept you again”
Maybe a bunch of new level 80 zones that reward trait points for map completion could be an interesting way to add progression. Just 5 or so for one more minor trait.
There extreme volume of "No"s in this thread, especially in comparison to the tiny handful of "Yes"s, have restored my faith in the GW2 community. Thank you =D
Despite that, I hope you all release you’re going to be massively disappointed. Unlike Ascended gear, this is something they brought up even BEFORE release. If they were willing to dump that ascended crap in our laps without warning, surely you realize they will be more than happy to drop new levels in our laps WITH warning.
Enjoy all your gear becoming obsolete! =D
This is your game too, and I’m positive the developers want to hear your opinion.
You are 100% correct here. Every one of the 5 “yes” answers will probably be quoted in the blog post Anet makes the day after the new level cap is released as proof that the idea was “Wildly successful”. =D
(edited by Tolmos.8395)
I feel if they add more zones to the world, there would be more incentive to go out and complete the zone other then just completing it for map completion…
Also the game needs more to do in my opinion..
No, whats the point in raising it? None.. new content is the key after they fixed existing bugs.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Doesn’t matter what we want, It’s Anet’s game, and they have already stated there WILL be a level cap raise eventually. I for one found a lvl 80 cap on release odd, but meh oh well.
I’m fine either way, but as I already said Anet has stated there will be one so posting if u want one or not is pointless.
There’s no reason for it.
Absolutely none, what-so-ever to raise the level cap.
Why make all of the old content even more obsolete by raising the level cap further?
Crafting and the dungeon sets have already been rendered utterly useless and obsolete thanks to the ascension set.
We want more content, more options – Not less, but newer.
dude you need to read some of the Anet posts. The Level Cap has a potential to be raised in later Expansions. Only the paid expansions when they come out have the potential of being raised lvl cap. I am too lazy to go find that post.
It was in the latest(?) AMA on Reddit. The statement was made by Mike O’Brian. They’ve also mentioned it before release but finding that is going to take a lot of digging.
As for me DON’T CARE. Power creep will happen with or without level cap judging by GW1 and leveling is easy enough. Increasing the level cap in GW2 is going to have a few awkward moments though, I have 200+ skill points. Game knows how many level of exp that is worth so why can’t I just buy the levels with skill points? Alternatively, I’ve spent all my skill points so how was I supposed to know it would be possible to buy levels with them?
They might just scale everyone up to the level of the zone like Southsun when it was first released and Eye of the North.
If it doesn’t cause problems it certainly won’t solve any. Filling up the exp bar a few more times doesn’t add anything to the game.
One of the Biggest problem will be: what happens to the end game gear people had at the previous cap? lots of people have put in lots and lots of effort to make them. Not to mention people with multiple sets. Not to mention people with multiple sets, what to do with them? salvage for ectos?
At this point in time….no
Perhaps in a year or two yes.
There are plenty of things to do as is.
Perhaps as this game matures there will be a time for this game to make a major shake up as GW1 did with the addition of heros. That time is not here yet……
SInce lvling to 80 seemed like cake than a chore, leveling to 90 or 100 wouldn’t make a difference
nope. 80 is what it is now and forever.
Gw1 was capped at lvl 20 and that never changed.
“Q: What of the level cap? Have you guys decided whether you’re going to be increasing the level cap in future expansions?
Colin: Yeah. The level cap will be 80 on the initial release of the game, and we absolutely would increase it further into the game, probably through expansions is the most likely place we would do that."
My Elephant Goes[TOOT]
Don’t care either way.
I don’t see much reason to gain 10 levels just to fight critters that are 10 levels harder.
I dont care much as level means almost jack in this game
And people bringing GW1 into this shouldnt because GW1 was not a Open world MMORPG. Unlike GW2 content in gw1 was locked as a leaner dungeon crawler working your way from point A to B to C and so on.
GW2 use’s levels the same way any othere open world mmo dose, to lock you out of content unless you fallow the path to higher levels doing the quest and fallowing the storys told.
You can see its effacts from level 1 to level 80 in the ceranet game as you get to higher levels it tells a story and has a passage of time, with the alince forming over zone’s and the introduction to there new technology’s untell you get orr were you can see them all working to together.
Yes, because Arenanet expressed some type of sentiment towards raising the level cap. And I support the company 99.9%. They understand what their doing and even if they are doing something right people will always complain.
""I hope we’ve been clear that GW2 is not a game with virtually no stat progression in it like GW1 was" – Mike O’brien
“In GW1 we never advanced the level cap through four campaigns/expansions. The game design didn’t allow for it. But GW2 was designed without those restrictions, and we’ve always expected that we will someday raise the level cap in GW2.” – Mike O’Brien
(edited by Martin The Brave.8731)
No. Don’t want it. Don’t need it.
There’s no need whatsover to increase our power. People are used to ascended gear by now and things will even out again once Anet rolls it out in full.
To raise the bar again is just……no.
Progression does NOT mean we need to get more powerful.
This game and any mmo for that matter would be so much better if progression was achieved through the exploration of new content and the acquisition of new gear. Imagine what a breath of fresh air it would be if the devs weren’t bound by the worry of how something is going to be handled statistically and instead devoted all their time to simply making the world better, to putting more in it?
Progression through aesthetics, NOT through stupid numbers.
No. All it does is place all the old loot and content on a lower, irrelevant tier.
Can anyone actually say there is a very good reason to raise the level cap? Because there isn’t without an abundant amount of content.
What I would want to see is some sort of “prestige” or better reward system for gathering MASSIVE amounts of skillpoints.
I don’t want all of my characters to suddenly not be max level any more. I have enough to deal with knowing that all of my “max” gear is slowly becoming outdated by a new tier. Although not slowly enough to actually replace it unless I want to grind Fractals, which I have no plans of doing.
I would like my original intentions of having more than one character of some professions to remain feasible. With a new character build taking up to 16 inventory slots, this is a tempting method for enjoying multiple builds in a single profession.
If I wanted progression via numbers going up, I would have been playing other MMOs for the last decade. And in the end, numbers are all that changes. You get 10% stronger, so do the enemies added with new content. The only “advantage” in this type of progression is going back to lower level zones to “roflstomp” everythng in site, but GW2’s scaling system removes that ability, making power progession beyond the current maximum completley pointless.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
NO, I think we’re at the perfect level cap
That’s pretty much the last straw for most players if they increase the level cap.
That’s pretty much the last straw for most players if they increase the level cap.
Why would it be? They never stated that they weren’t going to increase the level cap. They in fact stated it multiple times that would increase it and also add new tiers of gear. This isn’t Guildwars 1 and it was never intended to be, People enjoyed the game from 1-80 right? What’s stopping them from enjoying it 80-90?
Yes only if its give you no bonuses. A kind of sub job level up system that lets you unlock cross class skills.
In some ways you can get higher then level 80 its just level 80 over and over giving you more skill points.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Again, I say no.
Just add content. That’s it. That’s how we’ll progress. I don’t understand why you feel we need numbers. Not one bit.
Add more zones for lowbies.
Add more zones for max levels.
Add more zones for inbetween.
Supplement those zones with new weapons and armor that we can acquire through quests and dungeons and such.
WHY is more power needed?
Why commit to worrying about numbers and vertical progression when players would rather have you provide rich content devoid of any of those worries?
Why focus on spreadsheets when you can focus on developing a world for your players to play in?
keep this thread going everyone
Hell, link it on Reddit.
Wow, I am surprised by the amount of people not wanting a level increase. Maybe the community will be loud enough to prevent Anet from increasing level in future expansions.
Personally, I would be okay with them adding additional levels. I also wouldn’t mind if they didn’t add more.
NO unless new content is proper introduced