Path of Fire Stress Test August 31, 2017
I’m curious why they decided to go with 2pm PST on the stress test, and for a couple of hours only. In US, most people will be at work or school, and for most of EU that’s very late in the evening (midnight for me). And on a business day instead of friday/saturday evening? Makes no sense whatsoever, unless I am very much misunderstanding the meaning of a ‘stress test’.
Nevertheless, it’s nice to get some more PoF time, even at very odd hours deep in the thursday/friday night.
Same reason they did previous Stress Tests at that time. It’s when the Devs are at work.
Same reason they did previous Stress Tests at that time. It’s when the Devs are at work.
They don’t exactly run stress tests very often. One would think they want as much people on the servers as only possible, thus it would be logical to launch the test on the busiest hours of Friday night, for example.
These devs work really hard; during the datacenter blackout and the snowstorm case, they stayed up all night fixing things and keeping us up to date. It seems very unlikely to me that they would pick the most quiet hours of the day to pull off a STRESS TEST, just because that’s “when they usually are at work”.
I really need you guys to keep this test running long enough for me to get home at 7:30 est and delete my demo characters so i can reuse the name on my main toon.
I believe (no, I know) the majority of players who are able to join the test will consider this a nice “bonus,” an opportunity to spend a bit of extra time in the game and will not feel entitled to getting additional or extra free items.
Works for me! Need that mount fix……(such addictions we have @.o )…
I thought I missed the stress test for a minute, then I just realized that it only JUST turned Thursday facepalm its late……. Please enable elite specs, I really want to like weaver so i can finally play my elementalist with joy instead of depressingly disliking him (can’t seem to make a build i like). I’m looking at cleric setup, ice and lightning. Extra dmg from cc’s, sword and (Ford) focus.
Also confirm Weaver trait functions with Elemental Enchantment? I couldn’t quite tell when I was testing in pvp b4.
Let’s just get 50 firebrands in one spot spamming tome skills. That should do the trick.
how exactly do we get on the stress server? is there a download?
If the elite specs will indeed be available, that’d be nice so I can actually have a much more accurate test for my main since they will be spending most of their time in PvE anyways.
Also a thought, maybe given the limited time of this test, we should be put directly into Amnoon with the Raptor unlocked and the two masteries that could be unlocked during the preview weekend instantly unlocked for us so we can get straight to the nitty-gritty.
While I appreciate the suggestion, and I can see what motivated it, we really need those who want to participate to go through the process as if it was release day.
I guess that is fair enough. Although, I do hope that the Lily of the Elon passes can be used by the demo characters this time around. It’d be a really nice bonus since the boat seems to already be docked in Amnoon, and it probably is just a matter of enabling it from what I understand.
how exactly do we get on the stress server? is there a download?
You log into your account and create a Demo character. That’s it.
Good luck.
Do we need an empty character slot to join the stress test (I don’t have one at the moment) or will we be given a separate one to create our demo character?
Do we need a free character slot to join the stress test (I don’t have one at the moment) or will we be given a separate one to create our demo character?
You are given Demo character slot(s) that must be used to access the Demo areas/content.
Are any bug findings to be reported in the bugs forum or on this thread?
“Is this gonna be a stand up fight or another bug hunt?”
“Hey man, I only need to know one ting. Where. They. Are”
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
A stress test! Oh, so we’re supposed to hunt down and round up Scourges into an arena and make them portal battle!
Let’s see if I get this right… Guild Wars 2 players are wanted to get into game on 31 August 2017 and use demo accounts, spend hours in Path of Fire, just tot test PoF product.
Will I get payed? Will I get any rewards? Will I get anything for my time spent on testing your product or content?
From what I understand I get nothing from testing other virtual content. The demo account will be erased, and I won’t get any reward or attention from my time spent there, in that expansion. Why should I do that?! There is no fun in wasting valuable time that will be erased and forgotten later. Every second of life counts.
I am sorry, but like Benjamin Franklin said: “Time is money”. I shall not help you with my time unless you pay me.
I had been rendered speechless precisely four times in my entire life.
That count is now five.
Enjoy your free hours on Thursday, as I will — and many will — enjoy a couple of hours in the new map for Guild Wars 2. To each his/her/their own.
Gaile…you really need to come to Australia some time, would love to meet you! You seem like a really cool person!
To be in line with tonight’s STRESS TEST, I’m going to prepare myself drinking 10 coffee at least before it
PS: good opportunity to have a taste of POF, having missed the previous demo.
How long does it exactly last?
This is crucial information for me because I want to test various build on real pve, maybe on raid Golem if it’s accessible.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Can someone give me the exact time of the Stress time in PST time?
How long does it exactly last?This is crucial information for me because I want to test various build on real pve, maybe on raid Golem if it’s accessible.
Think that was already answered earlier in the thread.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
Gaile’s OP. I tried to copy it but my phone is incapable of this minor operation :/
I understand it will run for 2 hours
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
Gaile’s OP. I tried to copy it but my phone is incapable of this minor operation :/
I understand it will run for 2 hours
Nop. She didn’t mention how long it would run for in her OP. She added it in another post:
‘’The developers intend for the test to run a couple of hours and they hope to enable the elite specs. One of the advantages of our release system is it has a great deal of flexibility so it depends exactly on how our internal ‘pre-testing’ goes as to what will be enabled.’’
cya @ 23:00 tonight <3
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?
Oh kitten , that’s a late one for us working next day.
I can give my best and throw in 2h tops (and die next day bacause of not enough sleep).
So… who can I contact in your office to send me some of the local best ungrinded coffee?
Just a bit out of Topic: I think I know one of the 4 speechless times before this 5th…
3 Days of speechlessness because you were just joyful and depleted by the Farewell to Gaile partying from April 4th to April 7th, 2008 in GW1. You were not the only one who was speechless…
Let’s see if I get this right… Guild Wars 2 players are wanted to get into game on 31 August 2017 and use demo accounts, spend hours in Path of Fire, just tot test PoF product.
Will I get payed? Will I get any rewards? Will I get anything for my time spent on testing your product or content?
From what I understand I get nothing from testing other virtual content. The demo account will be erased, and I won’t get any reward or attention from my time spent there, in that expansion. Why should I do that?! There is no fun in wasting valuable time that will be erased and forgotten later. Every second of life counts.
I am sorry, but like Benjamin Franklin said: “Time is money”. I shall not help you with my time unless you pay me.
Simple answer over complaining about it: do not do it.
Say a car dealership offered to let you have a sneak test drive before the car was shown to the public. If you wanted to see that car you would be all over it, getting a chance to see the car first WOULD be your payment. If you do not consider that adequate then the answer is simple: decline the offer.
Nobody is FORCING you to participate in the stress test. Most people that want to see the expansion will be more than happy to participate in the stress test if their schedule permits them to. It is basically an extra beta weekend but at a different time.
If the elite specs will indeed be available, that’d be nice so I can actually have a much more accurate test for my main since they will be spending most of their time in PvE anyways.
Also a thought, maybe given the limited time of this test, we should be put directly into Amnoon with the Raptor unlocked and the two masteries that could be unlocked during the preview weekend instantly unlocked for us so we can get straight to the nitty-gritty.
While I appreciate the suggestion, and I can see what motivated it, we really need those who want to participate to go through the process as if it was release day.
Looks like it will be the third time going through the initial instance for me (plus watching it before the first time on youtube). I had hoped to avoid that as I am starting to memorize people’s lines.
Hopefully the heart has at least been changed so we do not need to put out every fire and rez everyone in order to get 100% complete.
Would love to help, but heading out of town this afternoon. I’ll let some of my buds know though in case they want to jump in to help.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I’m curious why they decided to go with 2pm PST on the stress test, and for a couple of hours only. In US, most people will be at work or school, and for most of EU that’s very late in the evening (midnight for me). And on a business day instead of friday/saturday evening? Makes no sense whatsoever, unless I am very much misunderstanding the meaning of a ‘stress test’.
Nevertheless, it’s nice to get some more PoF time, even at very odd hours deep in the thursday/friday night.
The point of a stress test is to give them info. Which means it needs to be done in their business hours. Our getting a peek at things is a side benefit. Having it at 2 splits the difference between them being there and some NA people online (mostly on the East Coast).
Of course, it could just be they have something else before that.
I bet my PC will be stressed too. I’m predicting an average of 20 fps :-)
I shall make the servers SQUEAAAAAL LIKE A PIGGY!
On a side note, I really hope the specs are activated. I would love to see how deadeye performs in PvE
What is STRESS test?
Pushing the whole shebang to near-breaking point, basically.
When loads get exceptionally heavy, weird and wonderful things can sometimes happen. If you’re really lucky, the worst that happens is that things slow down a bit. You never are though. Arcane, baffling storage problems that no-one remotely anticipated suddenly pop out of the woodwork in droves. Mechanisms that normally work fine, suddenly hit practical limits that no-one even realised were there. Code things that have always happened in one order, suddenly start happening the other way around, and the code goes off down nightmare pathways it’s never been into before. And on, and on. If you’re a tester, it can be Christmas; if you’re a developer, it’s sometimes more like Halloween.
[Ex-professional tester here… 8-)]
(edited by Doghouse.1562)
11pm is typically when my ability to function in any sensible manner is done for the day (I’m EU-based). I shall, however, make my minionmancer asura and simply exist in whatever capacity is available. Things shall Rise! as I fall on my face due to tiredness for science! Yay!
EDIT: As I turn back into the pumpkin at midnight, I can only do an hour. But I will attempt to make that hour incredibly stressful.
Are any bug findings to be reported in the bugs forum or on this thread?
“Is this gonna be a stand up fight or another bug hunt?”
“Hey man, I only need to know one ting. Where. They. Are”
Let’s go ahead and do one of two things:
- Type /bug and submit a brief report in the game. This is very helpful, because the report will be accompanied by location and other account data that helps the devs analyze the report
- Post in this forum thread
Thanks for asking — we’re happy to accept bug reports!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Let’s see if I get this right… Guild Wars 2 players are wanted to get into game on 31 August 2017 and use demo accounts, spend hours in Path of Fire, just tot test PoF product.
Will I get payed? Will I get any rewards? Will I get anything for my time spent on testing your product or content?
From what I understand I get nothing from testing other virtual content. The demo account will be erased, and I won’t get any reward or attention from my time spent there, in that expansion. Why should I do that?! There is no fun in wasting valuable time that will be erased and forgotten later. Every second of life counts.
I am sorry, but like Benjamin Franklin said: “Time is money”. I shall not help you with my time unless you pay me.
I had been rendered speechless precisely four times in my entire life.
That count is now five.
Enjoy your free hours on Thursday, as I will — and many will — enjoy a couple of hours in the new map for Guild Wars 2. To each his/her/their own.
Gaile…you really need to come to Australia some time, would love to meet you! You seem like a really cool person!
That’s really nice of you! There are few things I dream of more than visiting Australia and New Zealand. In fact, when people do those “bucket list” polls on FB, I often list that very thing. Someday, I hope! <3
Oh kitten , that’s a late one for us working next day.
I can give my best and throw in 2h tops (and die next day bacause of not enough sleep).
So… who can I contact in your office to send me some of the local best ungrinded coffee?
I will send you some of Starbucks’ best. Let me see… do you accept shipments by modem?
To be in line with tonight’s STRESS TEST, I’m going to prepare myself drinking 10 coffee at least before it
PS: good opportunity to have a taste of POF, having missed the previous demo.
That is cool, then — a good opportunity for you. As I said in the OP, it may be a little choppy with the stress part of the stress test — basically loading the server and seeing that it holds up — but I think you’ll enjoy seeing the new part of the world!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Are any bug findings to be reported in the bugs forum or on this thread?
“Is this gonna be a stand up fight or another bug hunt?”
“Hey man, I only need to know one ting. Where. They. Are”Let’s go ahead and do one of two things:
- Type /bug and submit a brief report in the game. This is very helpful, because the report will be accompanied by location and other account data that helps the devs analyze the report
- Post in this forum thread
Thanks for asking — we’re happy to accept bug reports!
Perfect! Thanks for clarifying.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
Will we be getting the same two characters? I want to test out my Deadshot build in the actual game, but if there is still time I’m totally down for minion mastering
Will we be getting the same two characters? I want to test out my Deadshot build in the actual game, but if there is still time I’m totally down for minion mastering
I am going to figure that it’s most likely that previous demo characters will be wiped. But if not, one of the devs suggested you make a new character for this stress test. That’s because the previous character build may no longer be relevant; in fact if I heard him right, it may not even be functional. With a fresh character, you’ll have the most reasonable experience of the current game and that will make your experience and the stress test most valid. You are certainly welcome to create a new character that exactly replicates your previous demo character, or spin off one totally different — as you wish. Thanks!
Will we be getting the same two characters? I want to test out my Deadshot build in the actual game, but if there is still time I’m totally down for minion mastering
You are more than welcome to try any profession or build. We’re not expressly asking anyone to use a certain profession — I think it would be best to have a variety. Thanks for asking.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Is there any news on how long it will last? Because it will open at 5am in my time haha
For people who need time conversions:
7am Australia (next day)
Useful post- thanks! Sorry to get picky, though, but… …correct time in Australia isn’t that simple. Australia has 5 standard time zones (plus others in its overseas dependencies). And, fortunately, it’s winter – because not all of the states and territories use DST, so things get even messier.
As far as I can make out, the main equivalent times for the test start (all on 1st September) are:
05:00 Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
05:45 Australian Central Western Standard Time (ACWST)
06:30 Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)
07:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
07:30 Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST)
(And I get confused enough by BST…)
Thank you, Doghouse. That’s very helpful!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I have found one bug, sometimes when I use Renewed Focus I get elite mantra preparing sound “Justice, courage, resolve”
I have it now too.
Stress test = Everyone logs in the demo, has to make a core necro.
I had been rendered speechless precisely four times in my entire life.
That count is now five.
Given that you have a job that basically combines retail and dealing with people on the internet, I find that very hard to believe. That, or you’re REALLY good at blocking out memories. (That’s a valuable skill, these days.)
Besides, they do kind of have a point. They paid to play this game (free accounts can’t post here). They gave money to get what they wanted. To turn around and ask them to give up their possibly limited play time for free isn’t something that will feel fair to everyone. BUT most of those people are tactful enough to simply and quietly not say anything and just not log into the test.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get some housework done so I can have the free time to jump into the test. I, personally, think it will be fun.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Gaile, that’s a bit offtopic, but it seems that you’re active in this thread so I’ll ask.
Are we ever going to hear any response from the devs to our feedback to the previous beta weekend?
During the HoT beta period we had a lot of partecipation in the class subforums, but now everything is silent.
(edited by Kidel.2057)
I know you didn’t ask me, but the PoF beta was a little different from HoT – mainly because HoT had several beta rounds, which gave ArenaNet time to react to feedback.
This time, the time between betas, and from first beta to release, is much shorter, and I’d be surprised if they can do anything much. We’ll have to hope/wait for balance patches later in the year or in 2018.
Stormbluff Isle ( )
Gaile, that’s a bit offtopic, but it seems that you’re active in this thread so I’ll ask.
Are we ever going to hear any response from the devs to our feedback to the previous beta weekend?During the HoT beta period we had a lot of partecipation in the class subforums, but now everything is silent.
The HoT beta was an actual beta; the PoF “beta” is just demonstrations of what we’ll see in the game, while also letting us give feedback and letting the devs fix any glaring issues that pop up during the demo. They were at a different stage of development than they are with these PoF demos.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
Will we be getting the same two characters? I want to test out my Deadshot build in the actual game, but if there is still time I’m totally down for minion mastering
I am going to figure that it’s most likely that previous demo characters will be wiped. But if not, one of the devs suggested you make a new character for this stress test. That’s because the previous character build may no longer be relevant; in fact if I heard him right, it may not even be functional. With a fresh character, you’ll have the most reasonable experience of the current game and that will make your experience and the stress test most valid. You are certainly welcome to create a new character that exactly replicates your previous demo character, or spin off one totally different — as you wish. Thanks!
Will we be getting the same two characters? I want to test out my Deadshot build in the actual game, but if there is still time I’m totally down for minion mastering
You are more than welcome to try any profession or build. We’re not expressly asking anyone to use a certain profession — I think it would be best to have a variety. Thanks for asking.
I meant, will it be two open slots, or would I need to delete the new character and make another? The other two demos had two open slots
Gaile, that’s a bit offtopic, but it seems that you’re active in this thread so I’ll ask.
Are we ever going to hear any response from the devs to our feedback to the previous beta weekend?During the HoT beta period we had a lot of partecipation in the class subforums, but now everything is silent.
The HoT beta was an actual beta; the PoF “beta” is just demonstrations of what we’ll see in the game, while also letting us give feedback and letting the devs fix any glaring issues that pop up during the demo. They were at a different stage of development than they are with these PoF demos.
I don’t really wish to discuss it, I merely wanted to ask and maybe prompt a response. I don’t see however how the stage of the development should have anything to do with how the community is managed and informed.
Let’s see if I get this right… Guild Wars 2 players are wanted to get into game on 31 August 2017 and use demo accounts, spend hours in Path of Fire, just tot test PoF product.
Will I get payed? Will I get any rewards? Will I get anything for my time spent on testing your product or content?
From what I understand I get nothing from testing other virtual content. The demo account will be erased, and I won’t get any reward or attention from my time spent there, in that expansion. Why should I do that?! There is no fun in wasting valuable time that will be erased and forgotten later. Every second of life counts.
I am sorry, but like Benjamin Franklin said: “Time is money”. I shall not help you with my time unless you pay me.
I had been rendered speechless precisely four times in my entire life.
That count is now five.
Enjoy your free hours on Thursday, as I will — and many will — enjoy a couple of hours in the new map for Guild Wars 2. To each his/her/their own.
Gaile…you really need to come to Australia some time, would love to meet you! You seem like a really cool person!
That’s really nice of you! There are few things I dream of more than visiting Australia and New Zealand. In fact, when people do those “bucket list” polls on FB, I often list that very thing. Someday, I hope! <3
Oh kitten , that’s a late one for us working next day.
I can give my best and throw in 2h tops (and die next day bacause of not enough sleep).
So… who can I contact in your office to send me some of the local best ungrinded coffee?I will send you some of Starbucks’ best. Let me see… do you accept shipments by modem?
To be in line with tonight’s STRESS TEST, I’m going to prepare myself drinking 10 coffee at least before it
PS: good opportunity to have a taste of POF, having missed the previous demo.
That is cool, then — a good opportunity for you. As I said in the OP, it may be a little choppy with the stress part of the stress test — basically loading the server and seeing that it holds up
— but I think you’ll enjoy seeing the new part of the world!
Devs like this are the best part of Guild Wars 2 and why it will always be my favorite game to play!
My gaming rig “blew up”.
So I’m, as fast as the ISP can, downloading the client on my laptop, to be ready and help for the stress test (thoug I’ll play with 10 FPS bst case).
EU Servers