| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Thanks for ending the test right after I logged in for my lunch break.
Shoot I thought it was at noon for some reason. Guess I just missed it.
Thanks for the possibility to participate! I had a lot of fun during the test, I’m glad I pre-purchased the expansion.
Other than exceptionally long loading screen after selecting the demo character, I noticed no problems.
May I only suggest for future events, to give the test characters legendary-level equipment to lessen the inventory clutter?
missed the stress test
I was happy to see my previous stress test toon saved so I could continue from where I left off.
Overall, this time around was a lot more fluid and…interesting at the same time. After my other two experiences thus far, I think I have a good handle on Mirage and oh boy will this be fun to run come launch.
The main two bugs I ran into, though, were as follows:
- When I was fighting the Legendary Distressed Choya, there was a phase around 10% where it spawned Healing Coalescences. However, I am pretty sure the number of champion variants it spawned was way too much and we ended up failing that one because the healing was too crazy at that point. (Got a nice screenshot though)
- When I was engaging some of the bonus event mobs during Casino Blitz, my auto-attack stopped working and I eventually died because I couldn’t defend myself. It eventually started working again, but this is definitely something to look into.
thanks for the test anet! And I actually seeing where it going to lead with holosmith, no light saber! sword and dual swords are bad ideas!
Sad that we couldn’t try the other mounts, very impatient to check out the manta!
Want to see more of the map, she seem a little empty
I passed a very good moment thanks!
→ About Prime Hunts: Some champion are just overtuned/invincible, like this hyena in the north inside the pyramid.
(edited by hugo.4705)
So I have two main comments for this. The first I think is a bug, in that sand shades do not always spawn on the first click. I find myself having to spam F1 in order to get it to spawn, and then wait until it has actually spawned before I dare to click another skill or action, lest the sand shade doesn’t actually appear.
There are some “skill queuing” issues with other classes and skills, but this to me is the most obvious and egregious.
The second thing which I am actually really very annoyed with is the way the time of the test was announced, and then silently changed. I saw the initial announcement, saw that it was going to start at 8PM UK time and thought “Great! Perfect time for me!” I then get in the game a little over 30 minutes ago (30 minutes before the originally scheduled start) and see that it is already going. And then I get booted out at 8pm UK time (so 10 minutes ago). I check the thread and see that the time had been changed.
It is because of this type of shenanigans that people clamour for an in-game notification system, whether that’s an ingame mail or a pop-up, or some other system. But it is ridiculous to make an announcement with a fixed date and time, and then decide to change it, because you think “it will allow more EU players to join”. Perhaps think of that before you make an announcement, yeah?
I stumbled upon the demo somewhat by accident, by logging in and noticing the PoF background and the demo slots. So I agree that an ingame notification system might be wise for rather short and under-the-radar events like these.
wait wut i tought it would start at 19h GMT? did the time changed last minute or something
edit: it did wow nice way to say screw you to people that are not looking 24/7 at the forums. even woodenpotatoes video still said 19h GMT
(edited by My Attack Will Kill.7816)
Zone seemed fine. Dolyak stance in soulbeast did not function whatsoever other than reset for timer, but that is probably not related to lag or graphic functions. Did not notice any lag, but I did not notice many ppl either. Perhaps time the stress test to peak hours for diff regions to gauge server performance. Ty for the opportunity.
Will there be any more tests of Path of Fire? I would really appriciate it
MyAttackWillKill, it’s 19h for Europe, For GMT it was earlier: 17h
Thank you for giving us more time to try the expansion.
However please do something about Winds of Disenchantment.
This skill is seriously broken. Give it a 3 minutes cd, nerf it or simply remove it from the game.
I mean, boonrip on 10 targets is broken already, but that’s also on a ½s interval, over 10 seconds, with projectile block, boon prevention, combo field and unblockable.
Basically pop 1 in a zerg fight and it’s over. It can’t even be noticed among all the other stuff.
MyAttackWillKill, it’s 19h for Europe, For GMT it was earlier.
they changed the time it was 21h for Europe. so ALOT of players are just logging in to stress test just to figure out time was changed last day
yep a lot of people notice that, that’s sad btw…
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
wait wut i tought it would start at 19h GMT? did the time changed last minute or something
edit: it did wow nice way to say screw you to people that are not looking 24/7 at the forums. even woodenpotatoes video still said 19h GMT
They changed the time sometime yesterday, and they immediately changed the time listed on the announcement when that happened. If WP didn’t update it, then that’s on WP.
That being said, a note on the launcher and/or an in-game mail would be a good thing to see when we have stress tests/demos coming up.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
i agree. just a small post on the forums saying the time changed not even anything on the launcher or ingame or whatever. very bad communication like always
I like that mobs are finally normal: they are not hitting nearly as hard as HoT mobs, which offers me more relaxing and lazy playstyle
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
i agree. just a small post on the forums saying the time changed not even anything on the launcher or ingame or whatever. very bad communication like always
I would think an in-game mail would be helpful for both sides. If you are conducting a stress test, it would make more sense to get as many people participating as possible and not just the ones that read the forums everyday…
[…] Dolyak stance in soulbeast did not function whatsoever other than reset for timer […]
Dolyak Stance didn’t work outside of Soulbeast either.
And yeah, no lags, but not too many people either. I fully agree that communication didn’t work too well here. There was nothing on the launcher as well, as mentioned by others. I can imagine only a bare fraction of the people that would have made this the stress test the devs had hoped it to be actually were in the Crystal Desert.
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
i agree. just a small post on the forums saying the time changed not even anything on the launcher or ingame or whatever. very bad communication like always
I would think an in-game mail would be helpful for both sides.
yep ingame mail and a notice on the launcher. but no lets change the already made post to something else people will probably notice it… -.-
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
i agree. just a small post on the forums saying the time changed not even anything on the launcher or ingame or whatever. very bad communication like always
I would think an in-game mail would be helpful for both sides.
yep ingame mail and a notice on the launcher. but no lets change the already made post to something else people will probably notice it… -.-
Yep…I am not too upset about missing it…I just really want them to improve their servers which are really outdated and terrible. Not to mention the engine this game runs on…
Loved the stress test…but after it was over…i logged in with my normal char….and what should i say? after testing the mirage again in the test…i really miss the movement with my normal mesmer….for the close range weapon sword…..why can´t we move while using sword 2 ? it is like the enemie takes a step and you must cancel sword 2 because you dont hit anything when the aggro changes….
can we (as mesmers) please move with sword 2 (doggie eyes)
also can you make a recolour of the shadow raven from last halloween? have posted it here in forum but it is already on page 4…..
but: thank you, really i love you for giving us another stress test, now i was able to test the ele and the thief….ok and the mirage again…. ^^
BUG: I could see blue “bridges” across all the “jump gaps” in the desert at long and mid range. When I got close they disappeared. Looks like a debugging artifact. I did not see them in any previous tests.
Other than that I enjoyed the time in the game. Thanks.
Wow, I just rushed home to catch the end of this, and I learned the time was changed today… Bleh…
Please give us advanced warning next time. I was really excited to get into the demo.
I guess, I’ll just keep hoping for another beta, so we can keep testing the elite specs. Some of them still need a lot of work. And unless we start testing new builds, the specs that need the most work will never be fixed with a single patch…
Why run it when most people are at work for the NA?
Because that is also when we are at work
I lol’d pretty hard at that when I was reading that at work Hopefully no one noticed
I will go straight to point I like PoF very much. It is nice. Landscape is pretty mobs are smart and i like new death animations. Hydra is the best xD
I have a few points i would like to meniton
1st Raptor doesn’t jump up at all only forward. Imo it should jump parabolicaly since if you want to get through jump and there is even smallest obstacle in your way you can’t since it will block you.
Also i think mounts need more jump 4 maybe. I noticed they consume endurance on it so maybe splitting it in 4 would help, after all it is animal that lived there whole its life so it should have better endurance than common person.
2nd Deadeye
I only focused on this class since i play main thief.
I will be straight i didn’t like idea of rifle thief from the very begining but i can’t helo it now so whatever i will do somehow.
Anyway DE is very weak. Does a lot dmg yes but is very vulnerable. Since we loose 3 jumps from DD and we become stative after #5 it is very easy to kill us from behind or by shadowstep. I know price for camping is high but we should be able to avoid it somehow if we notice in time.
Marking target is very bad it should be automaticly set after you attack target. Also Withdraw and Roll for Initiative should automaticly remove crouch. It is very distractive to use skill and then focus on standing up.
OMG when i saw it i was like What? Range is very very small. If you are sniper that can’t move from his spot you need to be sure you can hit fly on mile away. 1500 is not enough should be 2500 or 3000 in crouch because that is realistic distance you would want to put between you and your target if you were sniper.
Ranger has range 1200 on longbow so he can literary attack us from spot where he is.
Point of camping is that enemy is in range and you are not otherwise it is gunfight in a bar which makes whole Dead eye pointless since we could do gunfights with p/p AND even do more dmg. I checked it personaly since i could not believe it and it is possible to kill your target faster with p/p than with rifle AND you even have better survavibility due to 3 DD jumps.
The last one is i was really dissapointed when i saw that those contracts were only a new currency. really guys i thought, I believed we will literary recieve msg where will be like “I heard you are assassin for hire here is your target.” and the harder the target would be the higher would be the price. (Something like dark brotherhood from Skyrim) but this was really sad for me.
Thanks for reading this i hope i helped.
Keep on good job guys i love this game x)
PS: I know it is maybe a bit late for it but could third attack on Impact strike get combo finisher blast. Please thief doesn’t have enough finishers. Thx.
(edited by Jack Redline.5379)
cant get in- there are NO demo character slots for me or old demo toons. alas i cant participate
Same issue for me – has anyone worked out how to fix? I tried a rebuild and no luck
Did you restart the client?
I did – tried the 64 bit and 32 bit clients… Tough now – will have to wait for launch (or any other stress tests (if any)).
Was able to get on for about an hour or so.
The only two things that I came across while in there:
It felt “laggy” compared to the first time I was on the mount a few weeks ago. Seemed like the response time was off and all in all it felt “heavier”. Not sure if this was due to lag or if you all changed something with the raptor.
Also seemed to get “stuck” more often at the top of ramps.
Activating the get on mount key was also hit and miss at times.
Class – Soulbeast:
Only problem I ran into was that when I merged I would sometimes not get the merge skills and then I had to hit the unmerge key a few times before it registered and separated me from my pet. It happened 3 different times.
Missed it because you decided to change the time…
i agree. just a small post on the forums saying the time changed not even anything on the launcher or ingame or whatever. very bad communication like always
rather the official forum than twitter or buried on some post on reddit.
1st Raptor doesn’t jump up at all only forward. Imo it should jump parabolicaly since if you want to get through jump and there is even smallest obstacle in your way you can’t since it will block you.
Also i think mounts need more jump 4 maybe. I noticed they consume endurance on it so maybe splitting it in 4 would help, after all it is animal that lived there whole its life so it should have better endurance than common person.2nd Deadeye
I only focused on this class since i play main thief.
I will be straight i didn’t like idea of rifle thief from the very begining but i can’t helo it now so whatever i will do somehow.
Anyway DE is very weak. Does a lot dmg yes but is very vulnerable. Since we loose 3 jumps from DD and we become stative after #5 it is very easy to kill us from behind or by shadowstep. I know price for camping is high but we should be able to avoid it somehow if we notice in time.
Marking target is very bad it should be automaticly set after you attack target. Also Withdraw and Roll for Initiative should automaticly remove crouch. It is very distractive to use skill and then focus on standing up.
OMG when i saw it i was like What? Range is very very small. If you are sniper that can’t move from his spot you need to be sure you can hit fly on mile away. 1500 is not enough should be 2500 or 3000 in crouch because that is realistic distance you would want to put between you and your target if you were sniper.
Ranger has range 1200 on longbow so he can literary attack us from spot where he is.
Point of camping is that enemy is in range and you are not otherwise it is gunfight in a bar which makes whole Dead eye pointless since we could do gunfights with p/p AND even do more dmg. I checked it personaly since i could not believe it and it is possible to kill your target faster with p/p than with rifle AND you even have better survavibility due to 3 DD jumps.
The last one is i was really dissapointed when i saw that those contracts were only a new currency.really guys i thought, I believed we will literary recieve msg where will be like “I heard you are assassin for hire here is your target.” and the harder the target would be the higher would be the price. (Something like dark brotherhood from Skyrim) but this was really sad for me.
Thanks for reading this i hope i helped.
Keep on good job guys i love this game x)
PS: I know it is maybe a bit late for it but could third attack on Impact strike get combo finisher blast. Please thief doesn’t have enough finishers. Thx.
They have a bunny mount for the vertical leaping. Raptor is only supposed to jump forward well.
As for your Deadeye stuff…
Seriously. No. There is no shortage of deadeye vids on youtube right now that show both how deadly AND survivable deadeye is if you play it well. What next? Give them a base 30K vitality just in case they get hit with conditions and an auto dodge that triggers when attacked while crouching? Maybe an instantly activated invuln that lasts for 10 seconds when they first crouch? Those suggestions are just as absurd as what you ask for the class.
You can jump normally with raptor as well. In options you can change the “long” jump to act as a dodge (and be activaded with V), and then you have a normal jump, like a player character would (with space).
You can jump normally with raptor as well. In options you can change the “long” jump to act as a dodge (and be activaded with V), and then you have a normal jump, like a player character would (with space).
Oooh, wish I’d seen that. I got to do the test since my mom needed me to stay home to take delivery of some boxes (though then she needed me to come do other stuff that conflicted with the Guild Chat stream so sadly I missed that one).
Mindful of Gaile’s request that we make new characters, I deleted my Renegade from last time and made a Scourge. To save time I didn’t customize her much, just swapped out the default scepter for a Viper’s axe and swapped a trait line, plus traited her to make just one big sand minion so as to get around my ground targeting deficiencies.
I didn’t think to skip the story (besides, the devs needed people working on that, plus it was a good crucible test for solo Scourge). I was pleasantly surprised. In the PvP weekend I’d only gone against golems, and only for a few minutes each. That time, Scourge felt unwieldy and low power. Today it did very well for me, handily beating the story as well as helping out against hydras and bounties. I think I only had to death-wp one time, and that was trying to solo the mine HP which I’d never seen before; got the HP guy down to 8% and downed-skill him down even further before I succumbed.
There’s still learning curve on Scourge for me but I think I’ll make it work.
As for bugs, I didn’t notice anything during the test that stood out. The raptor worked fine (oh, yes, thanks so much for having the raptor unlocked from the start), other than hitching up at tiny little ridges and not normal jumping, which I will fix next time with the hint I quoted. I even came in second in the race! (I did note that the raptor seemed willing to do its special long jumps even when I was low on endurance, so perhaps I should have used the jump more liberally in the race and maybe won. Grats to Volosmith on that win). I unlocked the second mastery step and enjoyed the “Interrupt” I saw on many mobs as I skidded into combat with them.
-After- the stress test, within ten minutes after it concluded, I did experience something odd which may or may not have been related: I got on my usual dailies completion Reaper and went to the Metrica Potato Farm for daily foraging. Hopping up the steps my screen suddenly froze, but instead of then crashing, the game restarted with me on the ground below the steps, somewhat damaged, and autorunning. Thereafter the game behaved normally for the rest of my daily completion.
I did have a slight bug i think today when i initiated combat with a mob while mounted, and when i got on the ground none of my attacks worked i had to remount and get back off for them to work.
Today’s Guild Chat is on YouTube, if you are interested. =) (Hugh is hilarious; you won’t want to miss that! I was so happy to see him, again; I’ve missed him.)
As for the Stress Test, the only ‘bug’ I encountered was the mount/dismount bug where your character ends up halfway buried in the ground, under the mount if not moving, and buried and leaving it behind if moving.
Oh, edit: I had the same bug last few times we were allowed to play in Elona.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
1) Any update on the “stress test” from yesterday?? I logged in but was disappointed to find fewer than 20 players (at least on my server (US East Coast).
2) Will the (now closed) gate in Fields of Ruin be opened on release of path of Fire? Will access be available from both sides of it?
BUG: When in the Holosmith Photon Forge Mode, all kits are disabled for 6 seconds, functioning as expected. However, when equipped with the Grenade Kit, you are able to swap out of Photon Forge immediately by equipping the Grenade Kit.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.