Pax Stream [merged]
When announced the Living Story:
Official Forum Response: FIX THE CURRENT STUFF BEFORE YOU ADD NEW CONTENT! announces a revamped world boss fight:
Never satisfied, always complaining.
(edited by Moderator)
Plus it might get annoying when you’re spammed by these messages.
It very much would. I don’t need or want to be alerted to every achievement and event completed by my guildmates. The spam would be maddening.
And so few people complete Legendaries, such a mechanic would be a waste of dev time.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Scanning through Dulfy’s coverage, it is comprehensive but not 100% complete (not that it could catch every word). The bit at the end is misleading, though. “Polymock” wasn’t the last word. When asked if there were last words, an audience member shouted “polymock” and a dev responded, “Polymock. That’s a word.”
As printed in Dulfy it could make people think a dev was making a hint at plans for Polymock.
Best pvp dodge ive ever seen…..I dont see this game ever getting pvp to a competitive level now….god kittening dammit
I missed it, what happened
Someone asked if there’ll be other SPvP types such as assault, capture the flag, etc.
Colin answered that they want to make SPvP easily watchable so that you can see the score, know who’s winning, etc. He ended it by saying adding different modes isn’t out of the question, aka one day it might be added. (all of what he said has been said before)
The first part of his answer didn’t really make sense, since capture the flag and assault are easily watchable? If you have no clue what you’re looking at, those two are much easier to watch imo.
he mentioned how easily its actually watcheable but never mention how boring it is to watch conquest mode in action. Do i want to watch a person stand in a circle and move to another circle? Go play tic tac toe wtf.
Mod jon_peters: you have to actively react to all the passive things going on
Mod jon_peters: so its still very reactionary and there is still a LOT of skill in spirit ranger
He went ham on this one, respect
We have no other evidence to go by but requests made on public forums such as this one, reddit, and guru. So I am arguing based off evidence, where as others are arguing based off of???
Well, there IS other evidence. One thing that is fairly consistent regardless of game that it is only a VERY small percentage of customers that represent themselves in forums or message boards. It doesn’t ALWAYS follow that such forums provide an accurate sample size of the overall sentiment (a reasonably good example was this recent Cutthroat Politics event… had you gone by the official forum sentiment, Gnashblade should have won handily).
On top of that, as a general rule, people don’t come to official forums to say “Good job!” They come to complain about something (whether the complaints tend to be reasonable or not is another argument entirely). As a result, official forums of ANY game tend to slant negatively by default.
When announced the Living Story:
Official Forum Response: FIX THE CURRENT STUFF BEFORE YOU ADD NEW CONTENT! announces a revamped world boss fight:
Never satisfied, always complaining.
Fixing something should not be a huge announcement at a major gaming convention. Especially when he teased that “they were listening” and we wanted challenging content. Then they give us this?
Who is this challenging for? A 5 year old?
People do care and are happy they are fixing things. Its just it shouldnt be hyped like this.
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
Scanning through Dulfy’s coverage, it is comprehensive but not 100% complete (not that it could catch every word). The bit at the end is misleading, though. “Polymock” wasn’t the last word. When asked if there were last words, an audience member shouted “polymock” and a dev responded, “Polymock. That’s a word.”
As printed in Dulfy it could make people think a dev was making a hint at plans for Polymock.
It was Martin that said that.
I’m pretty sure he said ‘’Polymock? Is that a word?’’ as a joke to wrap it up so they could get ready for the tournament.
Anet uses so much fail logic I’m really starting to lose it.
The charr armor thing………… OF COURSE it’s unpopular, BECAUSE of the armor issues, so because it’s unpopular because of the armor issue you won’t fix the armor issues? Where is your brain please?
And can someone please explain this to me?
“Our focus right now is making a game type that is easy to watch and understand. That is one of the things we have accomplished so far and we want to keep that concept”
……How have they “accomplished” this?
I do too. In fact, harder open world content was recently talked about here on the forums. Most were in favor of it if I remember. Even if not specifically in that thread, there’s a plethora of others just like it requesting the same thing, showing a lot of support.
They listened and gave us their idea of hard open world content – the Karka Queen. Haven’t seen many people interested in that fight. While changing Teq fight to make it a bit more interesting is a good thing, let’s just hope it won’t end the same.
Basically, if you do a big event that requires a lot of people to finish (like this one), you’d better be sure that it will appeal to a majority (or at least a big subgroup) of players. It doesn’t matter how much some people might want extremely hard content, if in the end they’ll find that there’s not enough of them to finish it.
And of course there are the low population servers. Or those when most of the players are asleep/at work etc. Or both. Even teq wasn’t exactly trivial if it was being done by five people.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
I do too. In fact, harder open world content was recently talked about here on the forums. Most were in favor of it if I remember. Even if not specifically in that thread, there’s a plethora of others just like it requesting the same thing, showing a lot of support.
They listened and gave us their idea of hard open world content – the Karka Queen. Haven’t seen many people interested in that fight. While changing Teq fight to make it a bit more interesting is a good thing, let’s just hope it won’t end the same.
Basically, if you do a big event that requires a lot of people to finish (like this one), you’d better be sure that it will appeal to a majority of players. It doesn’t matter how much some people might want extremely hard content, if in the end they’ll find that there’s not enough of them to finish it.
And of course there are the low population servers. Or those when most of the players are asleep/at work etc. Or both. Even teq wasn’t exactly trivial if it was being done by five people.
In other words, they also need to scale these bosses down when there aren’t as many players.
Best pvp dodge ive ever seen…..I dont see this game ever getting pvp to a competitive level now….god kittening dammit
I missed it, what happened
Someone asked if there’ll be other SPvP types such as assault, capture the flag, etc.
Colin answered that they want to make SPvP easily watchable so that you can see the score, know who’s winning, etc. He ended it by saying adding different modes isn’t out of the question, aka one day it might be added. (all of what he said has been said before)
The first part of his answer didn’t really make sense, since capture the flag and assault are easily watchable? If you have no clue what you’re looking at, those two are much easier to watch imo.
His answer was a little more positive toward it than that. He said that they were looking at more game types, but that they have to be careful to make sure that whatever they add is really good because it will mean splitting resources. They don’t want to harm the current game modes, and he mentioned one of the problems with GW1 PvP being that not all of them attracted a strong enough playerbase to keep them healthy.
I’d like to know just what format was lacking in GW1? Hero Battles and Codex are the two that I know for a fact were very unpopular from start to finish. Sure, they had their followers, but nothing overwhelming. Hero Battles was basically sPvP with Heroes ( NPC’s that you could modify their builds ), and Codex was TDM with a selection of skills you could choose prior to the match. The skills were randomly chosen each day, if I remember correctly. It’s not very surprising that these two were the bottom of the barrel when it came to competitive PvP.
HA and GvG were popular for pretty much the duration of GW1. Of course, it started seeing a steady decline in competitive Guilds that actively participated from 2010 onwards. Still, I don’t think it classifies as “unpopular”, rather normal maybe.
RA, always popular with all skill levels of players.
FA and JQ, popular-ish, and surprisingly fun. Even towards my end in GW1 ( July 2012 ) it was still up and going, and didn’t take long to get into a match.
Then the other one, I forget the name of it. I did it a handful of times. It was nothing more than zerg vs. zerg capturing points on the map. The few times I did it, I think it was tied to the Zaishen challenges. Aside from those days it was busy, I’ve always heard it was a dead format. Which, again, should be because it’s a zergfest.
So aside from those three, which ones was he talking about specifically? I mean really, it should be obvious which ones they should implement in the games, and that’s usually the tried-and-trues AKA: TDM, HA or legit GvG, and something like FA/JQ with 10-15 people that’s objective-based ( not capturing nodes ).
Scanning through Dulfy’s coverage, it is comprehensive but not 100% complete (not that it could catch every word). The bit at the end is misleading, though. “Polymock” wasn’t the last word. When asked if there were last words, an audience member shouted “polymock” and a dev responded, “Polymock. That’s a word.”
As printed in Dulfy it could make people think a dev was making a hint at plans for Polymock.
Ya it was a rough draft as I was typing same time as the livestream. I went through my recordings and corrected it though
-cheers at Dulfy- I like the reformatting you did as a whole, too. I’m glad that got fixed, because the number of “we’re getting Polymock!” threads might have been out of control
Livestream in a nutshell:
GvG Spam
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
We have no other evidence to go by but requests made on public forums such as this one, reddit, and guru. So I am arguing based off evidence, where as others are arguing based off of???
Well, there IS other evidence. One thing that is fairly consistent regardless of game that it is only a VERY small percentage of customers that represent themselves in forums or message boards. It doesn’t ALWAYS follow that such forums provide an accurate sample size of the overall sentiment (a reasonably good example was this recent Cutthroat Politics event… had you gone by the official forum sentiment, Gnashblade should have won handily).
On top of that, as a general rule, people don’t come to official forums to say “Good job!” They come to complain about something (whether the complaints tend to be reasonable or not is another argument entirely). As a result, official forums of ANY game tend to slant negatively by default.
But that’s assuming that people on the forums always have different views than those that don’t go on the forums.
Either way, when they say they are listening to the community, what do they mean if they are referring to public forums?
I suspect one of the major hangups with GvG is the entire “multiple guilds” thing. Match fixing was more than doable in GW1, in GW2 with one player potentially belonging to up to four prospective opponents, it might be an even bigger concern.
But that’s assuming that people on the forums always have different views than those that don’t go on the forums.
Either way, when they say they are listening to the community, what do they mean if they are referring to public forums?
I, in honesty, was not making an assumption whatsoever. The forum MIGHT represent the larger player base. On the other hand it might not; and there’s evidence to suggest that at least in some cases, forum sentiment and overall sentiment don’t always mesh.
And another thing to keep in mind: Listening =/= do everything that is demanded on the official forums. You can listen to someone else perfect well and decide at the end of the day, “Nope. I don’t agree.” clearly does not agree with many of the complaints voiced on their official forums. Whether that’s because they have other sources of feedback or simple design differences… I don’t know. I will say (in my limited experience in game development) that the opinions on official forums are not particularly sought by the developers of said game. It’s but one avenue for feedback, and one that developers know is going to be fairly negative (if not outright toxic).
As I heard it said; “Official forums exist so that whiny players can be gathered into one place and summarily ignored.”
I just feel the need to point out the irony, which I’m sure has been pointed out before….
Of a game called “Guild Wars” having their PAX livestream chat spammed with a plea for a “guild vs guild” mode…
But that’s assuming that people on the forums always have different views than those that don’t go on the forums.
Either way, when they say they are listening to the community, what do they mean if they are referring to public forums?
I, in honesty, was not making an assumption whatsoever. The forum MIGHT represent the larger player base. On the other hand it might not; and there’s evidence to suggest that at least in some cases, forum sentiment and overall sentiment don’t always mesh.
And another thing to keep in mind: Listening =/= do everything that is demanded on the official forums. You can listen to someone else perfect well and decide at the end of the day, “Nope. I don’t agree.” clearly does not agree with many of the complaints voiced on their official forums. Whether that’s because they have other sources of feedback or simple design differences… I don’t know. I will say (in my limited experience in game development) that the opinions on official forums are not particularly sought by the developers of said game. It’s but one avenue for feedback, and one that developers know is going to be fairly negative (if not outright toxic).
As I heard it said; “Official forums exist so that whiny players can be gathered into one place and summarily ignored.”
Sounds like an awful way to view and treat a community. It’s saying that anyone that doesn’t nod and agree with all changes is “whiny” and should be ignored. Not only is that a sure-fire way to make people develop a distaste for you as a company, but it’s a great way for people not believe anything you say if you ever bring up the “listening to the community” bit.
The only people that think that anyone that dissents an opinion of a particular company or product is a whiner is themselves either an apologist, white-knight, or shill. All of which are far worse that what they claim of others.
Not all negative opinions are right, but not even close to all of them are wrong.
Sounds like an awful way to view and treat a community. It’s saying that anyone that doesn’t nod and agree with all changes is “whiny” and should be ignored. Not only is that a sure-fire way to make people develop a distaste for you as a company, but it’s a great way for people not believe anything you say if you ever bring up the “listening to the community” bit.
The only people that think that anyone that dissents an opinion of a particular company or product is a whiner is themselves either an apologist, white-knight, or shill. All of which are far worse that what they claim of others.
Not all negative opinions are right, but not even close to all of them are wrong.
Again, you are making the assumption that “Official Forums” = “The Community”. That isn’t true. They are a PART of the community, and one that regardless of game, is largely inhabited by people who just want to kitten.
I think one thing to note is that the actual developers to the game rarely actually visit official forums. The people who slog through the mire pretty much have no control over the game whatsoever. Their job is to find the pieces of corn within the steaming pile of kitten that most official forums are… and having to read through that abuse is trying.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
I’m just wondering how GvG would work when you have people that are in multiple guilds.
Sounds like an awful way to view and treat a community. It’s saying that anyone that doesn’t nod and agree with all changes is “whiny” and should be ignored. Not only is that a sure-fire way to make people develop a distaste for you as a company, but it’s a great way for people not believe anything you say if you ever bring up the “listening to the community” bit.
The only people that think that anyone that dissents an opinion of a particular company or product is a whiner is themselves either an apologist, white-knight, or shill. All of which are far worse that what they claim of others.
Not all negative opinions are right, but not even close to all of them are wrong.
Again, you are making the assumption that “Official Forums” = “The Community”. That isn’t true. They are a PART of the community, and one that regardless of game, is largely inhabited by people who just want to kitten.
I think one thing to note is that the actual developers to the game rarely actually visit official forums. The people who slog through the mire pretty much have no control over the game whatsoever. Their job is to find the pieces of corn within the steaming pile of kitten that most official forums are… and having to read through that abuse is trying.
“is largely inhabited by people who just want to kitten.”
And you say I assume…
You are very likely one of the pillars of defense I mentioned earlier. Not sure which one, but I’m gonna go with apologist.
“Because there are so many of you, it is technically difficult to make each of you feel like you are the center of things.”
Quite different from what they have been telling us with manifesto :P
I kinda get it but .. yea
“is largely inhabited by people who just want to kitten.”
And you say I assume…
You are very likely one of the pillars of defense I mentioned earlier. Not sure which one, but I’m gonna go with apologist.
Call me whatever you wish. If labeling people and lumping them into groups makes you feel better, be my guest. But what I said is still very much true. The majority of people who visit official forums do so to complain about something, be it reasoned, rational, or neither.
A developer has to take tons of feedback from multiple sources (official forums being one of them, even if the developers themselves don’t often frequent it). Conventions like PAX are another… and interestingly enough, are near overwhelmingly positive.
Sometimes they’ll agree with you. Most of the time they won’t. And it doesn’t matter if you are a cheery convention goer or a bitter forum denizen.
GW2 is hardly unique in that regard. I have my things I like, I have my things I don’t. I really wish the story would “get on with it” for example, and I largely dislike RNG as a method of achieving prestige. But I’ve stated my case on those, and clearly doesn’t agree. We still have more meandering Living Story coming up, and RNG still determines far too much for my personal taste… although the potential for crafted precursors would be a step in the right direction.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
Call me whatever you wish. If labeling people and lumping them into groups makes you feel better, be my guest. But what I said is still very much true. The majority of people who visit official forums do so to complain about something, be it reasoned, rational, or neither.
I would just like to point out that the irony of this paragraph is stifling.
I would just like to point out that the irony of this paragraph is stifling.
I would like to know what I’m supposedly complaining about. It’s an observation, one that is largely true, regardless of game or how popular it is. It’s something I have come to accept as what it is.
I’m not telling you that you can’t or shouldn’t offer critique. I would recommend constructive criticism to be DIRELY needed, in fact. I would, personally, like to see developers engaged on their official forums more, and I think it would help dispel much of the toxicity that festers.
But I also know that there are only so many hours in the day, and thus the job of gathering feedback is done by others; who often don’t feel compelled to engage people because they know they’ll just be screamed at for things beyond their control, and where you get snark like the comment I relayed before from community managers.
I would like to see developers make fewer promises (because at the end of the day, that is at the core of most complaints when those promises are changed over time)… but I also know that a game without hype rarely ever gets out the gate.
How CAN a developer make their fans feel like they are being listened to, especially if you eventually decide to do something else repeatedly? How CAN you remain true to promises made if you start getting feedback that suggests to do so would be a bad move? How can you appeal to a wide swath of people and keep them appeased? Should you even try?
I don’t know if there IS an answer to these dilemmas, honestly.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
The irony was that you are constantly lumping forum-goers into the same group, but then critique me for supposedly doing a similar thing.
The route any game developer should take is-
1: Ask for feedback often and in widely view-able/accessible formats. Actually listen. Acknowledge that you have listening and mirror back the feedback to make sure there is a clear line of communication.
2: Listen to overwhelming feedback and at least attempt to implement it, even if only in small scale at first.
3: Explain your actions. Always. If something won’t work, don’t use double talk or question avoidance. Address the concerns of the community quickly, accurately, truthfully, and wholly.
4: Be transparent. Tell the community what you are working on. If it doesn’t work out, go back to point 3 and explain why. If the community is overwhelmingly disappointed, make it happen anyway (in some form at least). The community is why the game was made and why it continues to be able to exist.
5: Admit when you were wrong, and attempt to remedy it as soon as possible. And again, be transparent! A public apology is one of the single most powerful actions a public figure or company can make.
ArenaNet does some of things currently (mostly partially, but still) or has done them in the past. If they did all of them (continually), there would be a much happier sentiment among the community as a whole (IMO).
Man, this is why I rarely come to forums for any game. You usually get people who offer no constructive feedback and just pure negative toxicity to the game/community. I feel like I come into these forums to a different game because when I do login, people aren’t this negative and are actually enjoying the game in a whole. Sure every game has there challenges and can’t adhere to everyone’s wants, this should be logical at this point. Everything they showed at PAX looked fantastically in the right direction, it might not be what I want personally but I know the reality of making a expansion/timeframe will come eventually. I couldn’t even fathom having to read forums on a daily basis if I worked for Anet, no matter the retort you give or the valid reasoning, someone will always have something negative to say unconstructively. I think I’m going to go back to playing the game now..keep up revamps! Good kitten!
My intent is not to “lump” anyone. I speak to a general sentiment of official forums. It’s human nature to speak up when dissatisfied and be silent when content. Who specifically fits that description and who doesn’t is of little concern to me. I think that’s a little different than creating “groups” of people, and then labeling them to fit that group.
But we can agree to disagree on that if you don’t think there’s a distinction.
As for the rest:
1) I think DOES do this, honestly, although I suspect you think they should do it more frequently. I personally disagree, because to be perfectly blunt, most fan ideas are terrible, and they should not be encouraged.
2) There’s a difference between what you PERCEIVE is overwhelming feedback, and what is REALLY overwhelming feedback. Again, the official forums are not always representative of the whole community.
3) This is something that (and hell, most game developers) really need to do better. There seems to be this stigma within development communities that to simply admit something can’t be done would lead to people quitting the game entirely. I’m not sure where this stigma came from, but it’s remarkably prevalent by my experience.
4) does this for the most part, and I would hope you agree. I’m not sure how feasible it is to “make it happen anyway”, though. If something can’t be done, it can’t be done, no matter how much wishing and hoping you do.
5) What if doesn’t think they’re wrong though?
Number 2 and number 1 go hand in hand very closely. If forum feedback isn’t a good way to judge players interests, find ways that will work. In-game or email based polls might be a good option if you are attempting to be as all-inclusive as possible.
And I’m sure they don’t think they are wrong often. That would be where number 3 comes in. If they think they’re right, explain why. But if a point in time comes when they have to go back on what they said, apologize and give a very thorough explanation how things went wrong and what their plans are to change it in the future.
Number 2 kind of assumes that the players are right about something. You remember the most recent update made in response to player feedback right? Having a stronger focus on large dynamic events and giving champions better loot has created a scenario where players will farm champions to the exclusion of everything else. Even worse is that they will focus on farming champions even if causes an event, in which they were perfectly capable of completing, to fail.
I think they should listen to players but that doesn’t mean they absolutely have to implement what players suggest. Not all suggestions are good suggestions and some that may seem good initially might be bad for the game in the long run. They should carefully analyze the feedback and try to see envision what issues might result from implementing them before actually doing so.
Number 2 kind of assumes that the players are right about something. You remember the most recent update made in response to player feedback right? Having a stronger focus on large dynamic events and giving champions better loot has created a scenario where players will farm champions to the exclusion of everything else. Even worse is that they will focus on farming champions even if causes an event, in which they were perfectly capable of completing, to fail.
I think they should listen to players but that doesn’t mean they absolutely have to implement what players suggest. Not all suggestions are good suggestions and some that may seem good initially might be bad for the game in the long run. They should carefully analyze the feedback and try to see envision what issues might result from implementing them before actually doing so.
Champion loot was extremely needed and the results are promising (even according to Anet). The thing is, you can’t take one version of implementation and say that it’s the only way. For example, they could have not let all Champions drop the boxes (like ones that spawn by the dozens all the time) or they could have put an internal timer on how often a box of a certain type can drop (i.e. Gear Boxes can only be acquired one per account every ~15/20 minutes or something). That way there is still incentive do go out and kill these enemies with other players, but the mass farming potential would be greatly crippled. That being said, Anet did this on purpose. They wanted the market flooded with mats to soften the blow of the coming update.
Number 2 kind of assumes that the players are right about something. You remember the most recent update made in response to player feedback right? Having a stronger focus on large dynamic events and giving champions better loot has created a scenario where players will farm champions to the exclusion of everything else. Even worse is that they will focus on farming champions even if causes an event, in which they were perfectly capable of completing, to fail.
I think they should listen to players but that doesn’t mean they absolutely have to implement what players suggest. Not all suggestions are good suggestions and some that may seem good initially might be bad for the game in the long run. They should carefully analyze the feedback and try to see envision what issues might result from implementing them before actually doing so.
Champion loot was extremely needed and the results are promising (even according to Anet). The thing is, you can’t take one version of implementation and say that it’s the only way. For example, they could have not let all Champions drop the boxes (like ones that spawn by the dozens all the time) or they could have put an internal timer on how often a box of a certain type can drop (i.e. Gear Boxes can only be acquired one per account every ~15/20 minutes or something). That way there is still incentive do go out and kill these enemies with other players, but the mass farming potential would be greatly crippled. That being said, Anet did this on purpose. They wanted the market flooded with mats to soften the blow of the coming update.
Champions needed better loot. That much I won’t argue against. However, ArenaNet probably didn’t realize the potential for abuse or the unintended consequences of this change. The champion loot, which needed to be improved in order to give players incentive to fight them, was simply too good. What I mean is, people have no reason to do other activities because they weren’t as rewarding at this point. If the champions didn’t drop skill points then there would be more incentive to explore the world and cap the skill points scattered around. It also would mean people would actually complete events still.
I don’t know about intentionally letting the market flood with tier 5/6 materials. Maybe that’s true but the drastic reduction in people doing events with guaranteed rares caused the prices of rares and ectos to go up. There’s no way to get ectos other than through salvaging rares. The refined tier 6’s can be attained through node gathering or salvaging in addition to champion chests. Now the fine tier 6’s like Cyrstalline Dust can only be gotten through drops or through the mystic forge. That I can understand increasing the supply for. With that being said, I don’t agree with increasing the supply of tier 6’s while decreasing the supply of ectos.
After seeing this I wonder which ones of the developers even plays this game. Or if they even play games at all.
Also I cannot remember the community wanting to change tequatl so we can fight it only on the busiest servers, or wanted the change to the dragons.
All I remember is that dragons make terrible foes and I even want to say as I need less of them, not more.
i feel….uneasy….this is probably the worst reveal ive ever experienced… lost for words….their big reveal is revamped old stuff? and they are labelling it as new content reveal? …. i just….wow…
Wheres raids? wheres new pvp modes? wheres gvg? wheres anything that the playerbase ACTUALLY wants….anet please im begging you….dont do your big reveal at PAX as 1 revamped old boss….thats pathetic.
We don’t want no kittening raids, i agree on GvG though.
i feel….uneasy….this is probably the worst reveal ive ever experienced… lost for words….their big reveal is revamped old stuff? and they are labelling it as new content reveal? …. i just….wow…
Wheres raids? wheres new pvp modes? wheres gvg? wheres anything that the playerbase ACTUALLY wants….anet please im begging you….dont do your big reveal at PAX as 1 revamped old boss….thats pathetic.
We don’t want no kittening raids, i agree on GvG though.
What do you dislike about the idea of raids? Theres no power creep or gear grinding for stats…meaning every raid made will be relevant no outdated content syndrome like WoW…see illidan and lichking etc.
With no specific holy trinity system, everyone is MORE not completely but MORE self-reliant, as such if a fight is difficult enough that only 10% of the population can do it…it means that the only thing stopping the 90% completing it is player skill and co-ordination….not improved gear stats etc….
Remember raids dont have to be this week long slug fest of 25 hours+ raiding schedule etc….they could simply be a well tailored difficult pve encounter for 10 players that takes approximately 3 hours or so to complete…the rewards? Account bound skins ( like Zenith blade or hellfire / radiant skins ) that look kitten as kitten….prestige > stat gain also through in a title.
What do you dislike about the idea of raids? Theres no power creep or gear grinding for stats…meaning every raid made will be relevant no outdated content syndrome like WoW…see illidan and lichking etc.
That might have been true before November, but now we do have a start of power creep and gear grind for stats.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
We MIGHT have a power creep on our hands. It’s very difficult (if not impossible) to gauge a trend based on a sample size of one.
We dont have a power creep at all….they have explicitly stated a number of times that ascended level tier was always intended to be in the game. Ideally they should have released full ascended gear on launch and have admitted their fault regarding this. For now what we will see is the addition of acsended weapons tommorrow and then ascended armor later on in the year….and then thats it….no more stats will be gained through new gear types…they have adamantly said this about 1000000 times now.
Regarding PvP questions etc please take a look at