(edited by Errant Venture.9371)
People with mult 80s kittened by Laurel limit
I agree, daily/monthly achievements should be character bound and not account bound. This is alt unfriendly system.
I have to say, I’ve disagreed with all the posts about the moaning over dailys/laurels so far, but this is actually something I can see as a valid point. I don’t have multiple alts, so I never saw this as an issues, but yes I can see entirely how someone like yourself with a few alts will struggle to earn enough laurels for them all until they implement other ways of gaining laurels.
Character based laurels/dailys would seem to be the answer although they’d have to address the Karma issue too (I’m sure there are ways round)
Well, it’s only a bit less than four months as the monthly achievement will award laurels as well – 10, last I saw. But the overall point still applies; The account-gated nature of laurels is a considerable disincentive to players having more than one character.
no daily should remain as it is. they are planning to get more ways to get laurels so just be patient =.= its only the first patch there’s more content coming.
Ew. I didn’t even think about this. I wouldn’t try to get ascended gear on two characters either way, but I certainly understand why it would be miserable for those who do try. :-\
Wow, you should get an award or something. I vote to give this guy a free quaggan backpack, 5 lvl 80s with infused rings is impressive.
Anyway I second your post, so long as laurels and laurel gear are character bound.
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -
no daily should remain as it is. they are planning to get more ways to get laurels so just be patient =.= its only the first patch there’s more content coming
:( It took them two months to release another option besides just fractals to get the gear that already exists. Will we have to wait another 2 months for the next venue (which will probably be WvW related since the first two were PvE related)? At that rate it would be May before we saw another way to gain the gear in PvE 0_o
We should be able to get amulets for Pristine Fractal Relics like otherAscended(infused) gear.
Well, it’s only a bit less than four months as the monthly achievement will award laurels as well – 10, last I saw. But the overall point still applies; The account-gated nature of laurels is a considerable disincentive to players having more than one character.
Buy some extra character slots and go level some more alts?
I mean, there’s so much to do in the game, right?
Cost for ascended amulets is too big. We now need to do 50 dailies (2 months) just to get one amulet with one good infusion -.-
Is there so fun way get those op items? Like killing people in WvWvW? I still have green rings because i thought that 28 day i get reward for my hard work in WvWvW, but kitten.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
While I don’t wholly disagree with your suggestion, I would note that making this change will mean people won’t be able to use contributions from alts to complete their dailies and monthlies. People will then complain that they are “forced” to use one character exclusively so they can complete these achievements.
It may be very hard to design a reward system for dailies and monthlies that satisfies both groups.
What if, for each level 80 you had, they each received a laurel identical to the one you achieved on the character that finished the daily/monthly?
For example, say i have 3 level 80s, i complete the monthly on one of them, each of my 80s gets 10 Laurels each, these Laurels are bound to each alt, and they cannot be traded across characters, would this work? Or just cause problems?
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
While I don’t wholly disagree with your suggestion, I would note that making this change will mean people won’t be able to use contributions from alts to complete their dailies and monthlies. People will then complain that they are “forced” to use one character exclusively so they can complete these achievements.
It may be very hard to design a reward system for dailies and monthlies that satisfies both groups.
Again, this is understandable. Giving us only ONE mechanism to obtain amulets and restricting that mechanism so that it takes a month to complete each item is NOT understandable though. That’s why so many people had a problem with FoTM: it was the only way to get rings.
At the very least, allow us to buy Amulets with Pristine Fractal Relics. Currently they’re useless for people who’re already geared in rings, and it would give another means (which is much less limited) to acquire Amulets.
Completely agree. Yet another simple oversight on ANet’s part.
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
Yikes ..yeah didn’t really think about it either…..have nine 80s myself, which including monthlies will take longer than getting a legendary.
no daily should remain as it is. they are planning to get more ways to get laurels so just be patient =.= its only the first patch there’s more content coming
:( It took them two months to release another option besides just fractals to get the gear that already exists. Will we have to wait another 2 months for the next venue (which will probably be WvW related since the first two were PvE related)? At that rate it would be May before we saw another way to gain the gear in PvE 0_o
And after 2 months, AN released ascended amulets that should be obtainded in FotM and additionally for Laurels we get. Rings and Amulets for Laurels and rings from fractals (daily chests) or Pristine Fractal relicts.
This is not a step forward.
What if, for each of your 80’s, you had to farm fractals to get your ascended gear.
And now you don’t.
I’d be fine with that, because I’d have the CHOICE to farm my gear at my own pace. Here, I’m restricted to one amulet per MONTH.
I agree, daily/monthly achievements should be character bound and not account bound. This is alt unfriendly system.
It would be an absolute nightmare to try and get dailies on one character without massive waypoint costs.
As much as I don’t have a single character, I disagree with this.
The fact that dailies are limited to one laurel per day per account, no matter what, is actually a kind of DR system. It’s tailored so grinders and casual players are equalized – a grinder can play 10 hours per day, but he still won’t make more laurels than a casual player who plays 1 hour per day. This is how the entire economy should be balanced. Allowing people to get more than one laurel per day would benefit people with alts, sure, but losing this DR system isn’t worth it.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
While I don’t wholly disagree with your suggestion, I would note that making this change will mean people won’t be able to use contributions from alts to complete their dailies and monthlies. People will then complain that they are “forced” to use one character exclusively so they can complete these achievements.
It may be very hard to design a reward system for dailies and monthlies that satisfies both groups.
Again, this is understandable. Giving us only ONE mechanism to obtain amulets and restricting that mechanism so that it takes a month to complete each item is NOT understandable though. That’s why so many people had a problem with FoTM: it was the only way to get rings.
At the very least, allow us to buy Amulets with Pristine Fractal Relics. Currently they’re useless for people who’re already geared in rings, and it would give another means (which is much less limited) to acquire Amulets.
I agree with that suggestion. As it is now I takes a huge period of time (not play time) to get amulets which is ridiculous.
I agree, daily/monthly achievements should be character bound and not account bound. This is alt unfriendly system.
Their entire direction since Nov 15th has been alt unfriendly. OP is absolutely right. Dailies should be per character, not per account. And they needed to add the weeklys and give us the amount we already earned from achievements we have already completed.
Well, it’s only a bit less than four months as the monthly achievement will award laurels as well – 10, last I saw. But the overall point still applies; The account-gated nature of laurels is a considerable disincentive to players having more than one character.
Buy some extra character slots and go level some more alts?
I mean, there’s so much to do in the game, right?
Oh, I have I have… um… Nine level 80 characters. So I certainly feel the pain of the OP. And I have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) the rest of the game. I have ambitions of seeing all the personal story paths.
What I don’t have is a burning need to get ascended gear for all of them ASAP – but I do want to do it eventually, and I don’t think it should take me nine (or ten, or whatever it is by then) times as many calendar days. I’ve no issues with it taking me nine times as many hours-in-game, but the calendar-time gating is irksome.
but the calendar-time gating is irksome.
This is my main problem. I don’t mind having to put in 5x the amount of time to get my 5 characters geared. But I should have to put in 5x the GAME TIME, calendar-gating me is simply ridiculous.
As soon as I read the intention to have laurels as daily rewards, this was my first thought. The first thing that popped into my head was that this will screw over people who don’t have mains but rather play several characters.
Even once laurels are achieved through other achivements, for the most part, it’s a one time thing. The repeatable and primary means of acquiring them is through dailies and monthlies. If I want ascended amulets I will be taking a very long time, never mind it being very restrictive on my ability to have multiple amulet options for multiple builds.
On top of all that, I will be a in very hard spot when it comes to looking at ever buying the vanity items like the mini pets. People with mains will be able to work on them much more easily because they don’t have multiple amulets to buy to kit out their alts, but people with alts will be forced to make hard choices.
The decision to treat resources as account restricted as opposed to character restricted is a horrible one IMO. If they are worried about multiple characters giving progress towards a single character’s resources (which is fine IMO but I can see how they intend for this to be character progression paced out over time) design the laurel system to be soulbound and design all the methods of obtaining them to be friendly to alts. It’s a really crappy one-sided system atm.
They needed to increase their concurrent user count so we all get to enjoy this lame “feature”.
10 FotM dailys = 1 ascended ring.
35 days worth of dailys = 1 ascended amulet.
That’s rather dumb.
What if, for each of your 80’s, you had to farm fractals to get your ascended gear.
And now you don’t.
I’d be fine with that, because I’d have the CHOICE to farm my gear at my own pace. Here, I’m restricted to one amulet per MONTH.
Well guess what? You can still choose to go and farm your gear at your own pace in Fractals, OR you can choose to pick them up via dailies/monthlies instead without doing fractals.
Though wait for it, this is really mindblowing, you can even CHOOSE to do both at the same time!
This is exactly what I CAN’T do. I can ONLY get my amulets (the only pieces I need for BiS on all my characters) via the daily/laurel system. I don’t have any other options, and there’s a strict calendar-gating mechanism which limits my ability to acquire those pieces to a snail’s pace.
What if, for each of your 80’s, you had to farm fractals to get your ascended gear.
And now you don’t.
I’d be fine with that, because I’d have the CHOICE to farm my gear at my own pace. Here, I’m restricted to one amulet per MONTH.
Well guess what? You can still choose to go and farm your gear at your own pace in Fractals, OR you can choose to pick them up via dailies/monthlies instead without doing fractals.
Though wait for it, this is really mindblowing, you can even CHOOSE to do both at the same time!
No you cant, the laurel necks arent obtainable through fractals. So there is no pace other than what the game sets for you, which is dailies each day and not missing one. Smells like WoW.
They were talking about adding stuff based on achievements as well – though it wasn’t 100% clear whether achievements (e.g. all those jumping puzzles/story completion/etc things) would earn laurels or something else, it sounded like they would be earning laurels. That wasn’t included in the initial release because it wasn’t ready yet.
If achievements are going to earn laurels, it’ll remove the daily/monthly calendar gating. If you’ve got multiple level 80 characters, you will have multiple story achievements/etc available to get laurels awarded for. It’d greatly increase the amount of laurels available (kind of like karma jugs improved karma availability).
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry
(edited by Melana.8345)
They were talking about adding stuff based on achievements as well – though it wasn’t 100% clear whether achievements (e.g. all those jumping puzzles/story completion/etc things) would earn laurels or something else, it sounded like they would be earning laurels. That wasn’t included in the initial release because it wasn’t ready yet.
If achievements are going to earn laurels, it’ll remove the daily/monthly calendar gating. If you’ve got multiple level 80 characters, you will have multiple story achievements/etc available to get laurels awarded for
. It’d greatly increase the amount of laurels available (kind of like karma jugs improved karma availability).
They’ve already stated that achievement based Laurels wouldn’t be for any of the repeatable acchievements. They’d just be one-off rewards and the gating would still be in place. Don’t forget there’s a lot of OTHER cool stuff to buy with Laurels and I’m going to be required to put ALL of mine towards amulets and not cosmetic items in order to stay competitive.
If, if, if. Well if doesnt cut it. Adding something half finished like this is not acceptable, especially not after they say they are adding mutliple options to obtain things.
There is nothing in this patch that has me interested really, I was hoping to delve into fractals a bit more, level another character or two and gear them up. But currently the big ifs really took all the fun away for me to play.
This is the first time I’m strongly considering quitting this game. I was waiting for a patch that gave me more to do, but the laurels and daily thing is straight up awful. Forcing us into doing something we’ve done since release, to be able to get 1 item 20-30 days later (depending how fast you finish your monthly). It’s a slap in the face to everyone with alts.
I just about have 8 80s now, one of each profession. I remember back when Anet said we could play the game any way we want, and still get endgame gear. I would like to know when I’ll be able to crafted ascended gear, thanks.
I made 400 level 80 characters why does the game not revolve around me? Guys the reality is there’s no uber end of the world grind here that you don’t bring on yourself.
I didn’t bring it on myself. All of the in-denial, self-loathing ex-WoW players brought it on myself. Along with the Pokemon mini-game that everyone made fun of Blizzard for doing.
It’s tailored so grinders and casual players are equalized – a grinder can play 10 hours per day, but he still won’t make more laurels than a casual player who plays 1 hour per day. This is how the entire economy should be balanced. Allowing people to get more than one laurel per day would benefit people with alts, sure, but losing this DR system isn’t worth it.
And yet this system also screws casuals. You’ve got time for three hours of gaming per week (seems totally casual to me), but they’re all on the same day? Sucks to be you, you’ll never stack laurels.
They were talking about adding stuff based on achievements as well – though it wasn’t 100% clear whether achievements (e.g. all those jumping puzzles/story completion/etc things) would earn laurels or something else, it sounded like they would be earning laurels. That wasn’t included in the initial release because it wasn’t ready yet.
If achievements are going to earn laurels, it’ll remove the daily/monthly calendar gating. If you’ve got multiple level 80 characters, you will have multiple story achievements/etc available to get laurels awarded for
. It’d greatly increase the amount of laurels available (kind of like karma jugs improved karma availability).
They’ve already stated that achievement based Laurels wouldn’t be for any of the repeatable acchievements. They’d just be one-off rewards and the gating would still be in place. Don’t forget there’s a lot of OTHER cool stuff to buy with Laurels and I’m going to be required to put ALL of mine towards amulets and not cosmetic items in order to stay competitive.
True – but that doesn’t mean that having multiple chars doesn’t increase the number of achievements you’ll have available.
There’s weapon-type “kills” achievements, hero/story achievements, achievements for completing more than the 301 hearts available to a single character, etc, that people with only one character will not be able to complete.
I’m also facing similar issues…I have 10 characters currently though only 2 are level 80 yet (the third is about 68 with several others in the 30-40 range), and am likely to have at least the 15 to see all the stories. I’d love ArenaNet to have released the achievement part of laurels at the same time as the daily/monthly part…but given the option between being able to start gaining them now (slowly) verses having to wait another month or two for the achievements part to be done, I’d rather they released the part that was ready now so I can start now.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry
(edited by Melana.8345)
Completely agree with the OP. This new system is garbage with the costs the way they are currently. People who like to play multiple characters are punished unfairly. At the very least to buy an ascended ring all you need to do is run FotM 10 daily ten times. At which point you can buy whichever one you choose. If you don’t like FotM you have to wait 25 days (25 daily quests completed plus monthly) to get to the same point. I thought they wanted to encourage us to visit more of the game world instead of funneling us right back into FotM. Sigh……
And I get that ANet wants us to grind for legendaries and other cool skins but last time I checked ascended gear is more powerful than exotic gear and thus wasn’t supposed to require a large grind to acquire according to their manifesto “We’re not in the business of making grindy games”. I guess their idea of grind vs. the majority of players is very different. Almost a month for one piece, lol. Seems like grinding to me.
Also, this system doesn’t take into account people who want to try different builds. How many months will it take to acquire different sets of gear? So what happened to play how you want to play? Don’t worry….it takes no time to farm the 250 t6 mats for each ascended backpiece. Good thing there isn’t any sort of DR on farming those items….lol
So what happened to play how you want to play?
My question exactly. Still waiting on when we’ll be able to craft ascended gear.
If you think harder about it, people with multiple 80’s (I have 7) are kittened by vertical progression. Laurels are just a mechanism of exclusion for the altoholic, vertical progression is the reason we will not be able to play this game over time.
Most of these solutions do come back to the same issue: 8 toons means 8x as much work. In GW1 that was okay, maxed gear wasn’t an issue (you worked for the skins). In GW2, with vertical progression this problem will be here to stay.
Aside from any fairness claim, there’s a very serious issue at hand here. Any item cost should be fun for as many players as possible. Grinders shouldn’t get it in a day, while altoholic casuals shouldn’t take 10 years. Alts are a massive factor in this, an 8x multiplier (for anyone who merely wants all classes, disregarding class-race combos).
So, better solution (though some ideas here are worth mentioning): the vault.
Allow players to customize items, which places them in their vault (alike the pvp vault – runes/sigils etc are kept seperate). These can be retrieved as many times as wanted, account-wide. However, customization means it cannot be salvaged, sold, traded etc – only used.
For altoholics this greatly reduces the issue, without giving any advantage over the 1-toon-player as far as I see. Items like jewelry you’ll need 1 of, armorsets you need 3, weapons a few more. But it stays within reach. It promotes investing in good gear – since it’s not just 1 character that benefits. It offers no ingame advantage, just smoothes an imbalance. And lore-wise, it’s fair enough to say your toons share their gear. For those role players who do not want that, there could be an option of showing the vault account or soul-wide (like the HoM).
The vault system itself has plenty to say for it. With this twist, the altoholic will be saved a lot of headaches, certainly until ascended armor comes up.
A shorter-term solution can be to turn soulbound into accountbound. This can allow the same, but is very annoying to use if you regularly switch characters. Still, if a vault were to take a lot of time, that may serve.
if the monthly awards 10 laurels, you can get 80 laurels a month, which means you can qequip 2 of your alts/month.
Waiting for ascended crafting recipes. Then it’ll be all good.
In addition, laurels will be awarded for achievement points as well. We don’t know the ratio.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
(edited by Vorch.2985)
if the monthly awards 10 laurels, you can get 80 laurels a month, which means you can qequip 2 of your alts/month.
It’s 35 Laurels per Amulet, and you’ll get 40/41 Laurels per month (30/31 dailes + 10 for monthly). So every 7-ish months you’ll have enough spare Laurels left over to equip a second toon that month.
Yeah it seems they really dont put much thought into their releases. I wonder when they’re going to make it so you can get ascended via any means instead of this crap. Not impressed.
So, the major flaw with the new Laurel system seems to be that dailies are account bound and not character bound. I can only earn ONE Laurel per day and it will cost me 35 Laurels to get my ascended Amulet.
Hey, if people complained so hard and loud that ANet had to stop their plans for a proper end game gear progression, let them at least structure what’s left of it in a way that creates a little bit of longevity for the endgame(apart from legendaries).
It’s another form of DR basically, which is necessary so people don’t end up maxing their alts in a week and demanding more gear which ANet can’t release because of the horizontal progression guys flipping their crap.
Laurels will be awarded for achievement points as well. We don’t know the ratio.
Thought that warranted the highlights
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
if the monthly awards 10 laurels, you can get 80 laurels a month, which means you can qequip 2 of your alts/month.
It’s 35 Laurels per Amulet, and you’ll get 40/41 Laurels per month (30/31 dailes + 10 for monthly). So every 7-ish months you’ll have enough spare Laurels left over to equip a second toon that month.
How about PvP dailies and monthlies? Those dont reward laurels? (and dont forget february has only 28 days)
Laurels will be awarded for achievement points as well. We don’t know the ratio.
Thought that warranted the highlights
Those are still going to be one-off rewards and the calendar gating will still be in place.
How about PvP dailies and monthlies? Those dont reward laurels? (and dont forget february has only 28 days)
PvP Dailies do not reward laurels