Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katie Feathermoore.5031

Katie Feathermoore.5031

Why is it that despite the personal story being 3-4 times as long as any of the original Guild Wars campaigns, our only reward is a sweet(maybe) skin…in rare stats?

Even before ascended gear this is pretty bad, but now it’s just a joke. To be rewarded with something that is 2 tiers behind and will just end up getting transmuted or salvaged is embarrassing. Is it too much to ask that they give every character 1 ascended weapon as a reward for completing the entire story?

Of the 11 weapons I can wield as a ranger, I think getting 1 ascended as a reward isn’t too much to ask. Max damage weapons are a GW tradition for story rewards. Bring them back.

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JDGumby.7685


The crap rewards are quite fitting to cap off a crap story, if you think about it.

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mepheles.2087


This could potentially be bad, as most people have enough money to fully craft a new toon to 80. Therefore free ascended for pretty much doing nothing at all.

Gates of Madness

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Why is it that despite the personal story being 3-4 times as long as any of the original Guild Wars campaigns, our only reward is a sweet(maybe) skin…in rare stats?

Even before ascended gear this is pretty bad, but now it’s just a joke. To be rewarded with something that is 2 tiers behind and will just end up getting transmuted or salvaged is embarrassing. Is it too much to ask that they give every character 1 ascended weapon as a reward for completing the entire story?

Of the 11 weapons I can wield as a ranger, I think getting 1 ascended as a reward isn’t too much to ask. Max damage weapons are a GW tradition for story rewards. Bring them back.

While I definitely agree with you; I am sure no matter how they implement this, someone will find a way to exploit it.
I don’t see a problem with giving the pact weapon ticket a boost in value to let us choose one single ascended weapon. Considering some people prefer to play toons with 1handed weapons in both slots, that is one single weapon out of four needed to fill them. Even if you play a toon with 2handed weapons that is still one of two needed.
It’s a good idea as long as it’s implemented well.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
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Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


Except playing thru the entire personal story. Crafting to 80 and doing the whole PS will take a number of hours. I’m ok with this method IF the ascended item is soulbound. Let the character choose the stats and then soulbind it. Perhaps add an extra story quest to make it interesting. A holy grail/sword in the stone kinda thing.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdChimera.1806


Personally, I would have really enjoyed it if they did the legendary weapon system in with the personal story somehow. Instead of it being grind for your legendary, you go through an epic story line and aquire an epic reward. Maybe something like how Rytlock got his sword. Though it would have been difficult to do to have something different for each legendary, but it would have been soooooooo much more rewarding and fun, for both the personal story and a legendary. But thats my opinion.

Personal Story Rewards Are Terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katie Feathermoore.5031

Katie Feathermoore.5031

@ Mepheles, as Seras said you have to do the entire personal story, so it would take a while.

@Seras, I would be totally fine with it being soulbound, that would make sense as a culmination of on’es “personal” story. The reward is something that one character has earned.