Players enjoying, forum go-ers whining?
Myself and my friends really enjoy the game.
The game isnt perfect…no game is. But the general attitude on the forums is getting really tiring.
I enjoy coming to the forums and cathing up on new topics and chatting, but generally the forum really isnt a fun place to be.
Who cares about the gear…im enjoying the fractals. Im enjoying the challenge of progressing to higher and higher levels. Havent gotten anything of use from them yet, but who cares…the content is fun.
People need to get over it…honestly.
I agree that the forums are depressing.
When I’m on the forum, I can literally feel myself get dragged down into negativity. The ascended gear suddenly becomes something unreachable that I need to have (why? beat me. If you see that it took us 2.5 hours to beat the first difficulty, I won’t be needing ascended gear for a very, very long time. hell, my friends aren’t even level 80 yet, so I have to wait for them to catch up anyway). On the forums, the superfun FOTM dungeon becomes That Thing That Separates The Community And Makes It Impossible To Find A Group and I’m worried about that (doesn’t bother me ingame, I do any dungeon only with friends). On the forum, the lag that I expected and wasnt put off by ingame, suddenly becomes The Next Big Technological Failure.
On the forum, servers are empty and The Game Is Dying.
Not to mention the consortium chests, that I didnt even look at ingame, but are The Proof That Anet Sold Their Soul To Nexus on the forums.
As part of the silent lurker crowd, I agreed so strongly with OP and Tosha Daydreamer that here I am, posting. I play 4 hours a day, nearly every day. I’ve got 54% map completion on my 80 character, halfway through cooking and armorsmithing, and started 4 alts. I do not PvP at all, but enjoy PvE and dungeon diving with my guild, though I haven’t hit every dungeon.
I enjoyed the two ‘one-time’ events that I participated in, though being on Vent with the guild was critical to figuring out where to be. I eventually got the hang of fighting invisible enemies. I enjoyed that the zerg wiped and was forced to think about how to fight rolling enemies. I enjoyed that they’ve figured out how to make a fight interesting for a zerg, splitting it, making it do different things like we sometimes do individually for hearts on the normal map. I took off all my armor, so going down repeatedly wouldn’t break the bank (and wondered if that’s considered exploiting, lol). I earned over 10g, simply because they gave me a 20 slot box.
There were times during reinforcements that I got bored, sure. I’d just retreat and make a cup of cocoa. B/c that’s what you do in war, tour the front line, then have some R&R. I raised some eyebrows at the patch notes on the 15th, wondering if the devs play the same game I do (poor rangers and engies). But I also look at the 300g precursors and wonder if the rest of you play the same game I do.
TL;DR: I agree with OP and wonder how a reasonable player has gotten through all of the content that’s there.
I enjoyed the one-time event. Although it was problematic at times, overall it was an epic experience, which is lacking on other MMOs currently. So after everything was said and done, I check the forums. I see all these negative opinions on GW2 and all the rage-quit posts. I’m tempted to respond, but I know I’ll branded as a fanboy.
Maybe I am a fanboy. I want to defend this game since I’ve finally found my home. It’s like I’m a Tyrian patriot.
But what do I like about this game? The possibilities, the great great possibilities, that this game will release in the future. Four months in, and the game has a lot to offer without any subscription fees. Talk about bang for your buck. The combat system is amazing. Some say it’s not, but in my opinion is the best currently after the four-bars, eight-bars of skills that are overwhelming and annoying when UIs get changed and whatnot. And the customization that goes to your character. You want him to look cool? You can give him skins that appeals to your taste!
But the negative opinions in here do matter, and some of them have valid points. For me, if ANet (gods forbid) decides to implement the trinity system, I will definitely be disgruntled and perhaps leave. The current issue now is the Ascended items, which at first glance is the beginning of a treadmill, which I abhor.
But it looks like Ascended items are like Legendaries for armor. If ANet decided to implement legendary armor, the “Legendary” wall will be prolonged or even exacerbated. Instead, they gave us another type of Legendary, which are called Ascended.
Who are the “whiner”?
Players who want more Endgame.
Players who beg for higher numbers.
Players who want to grind.
These “Whiner” will not be satisfied until all new content is gated towards them.
The gem shop keeps the game servers running and this type of “whiner” do not pay the bills.
Forums is just another facet of a game. I wouldnt take the forums too seriously its just people killing a few spare minutes. Tired of real world news? Get away from it a bit by reading the game forums instead where none of it really matters. Some players like dungeons, some the trading post, some pvp, some the forums, some griefing, and etc.
Because of Ascended Gear, the game is picking up for the better. My friends are coming back to the game, and we are ALL having a BLAST in the FoTM. A lot of people are enjoying these new dungeons and the progression.
ArenaNet will see the numbers. If you guys hate it so much quit the game. I guarantee you that the people enjoying it will greatly outweigh the 50 or so people who whine and complain on these forms about it. So just quit. A lot of us are having a blast with these new dungeons.
I have found parts of the game I dislike. I have found parts of the game that I love. Most people I’ve talked to have felt the same or they just stopped logging in. My guild is 350+ strong and we still have a strong representation, most of which were really happy with what’s going on, a few disappointed, but no one outright saying they were going to quit.
Forum whiners are kind of a catch 22. They say they are going to quit or have quit, but by posting on the forums they are still participating in the game. And it happens all the time.
Forum posts aren’t really indicative of the over-all attitude towards the game.
If you pay attention though you’ll notice it’s the same hand-ful of people that complain and try to stir up a frenzy over everything. And they perpetuate each other by going to one another’s threads and agreeing or “furthering the cause” as they seem to think. I could give you five that have posted in every single gripe thread since launch. Multiple times.
Fun game: If you are browsing the forums while playing and come across something where a dozen people “quit and aren’t coming back because argharghargh”, add them to your friends list and see how many are still running around having a good ol time.
People aren’t quitting. And it’s rather hypocritical they come here and call Anet liars for whatever reason, then lie to the community about going away.
I know my initial terms where extreme – most people are not all “fanbois” or “whiners” but sometimes more one, and sometimes more the other.
I was feeling mischievous this morning and incorporated a certain amount of Troll into my post :P
However, one thing I have noticed is that the majority of the initial replies are negative and the majority of the later replies are more balanced and some even supportive. This simply feeds my impression that there is a section of the community in these games that just hangs around the forums to spread negativity and doom.
I’ve seen it time and time again. Sometimes a game really deserves it (SWTOR anyone?) but quite often these types of posts are not from people who play, they’re from people who just hate.
[EU] Gandara
Interesting considering all my guild chats and 99% of the map chat in LA (not counting the lfg Fotm) are badmouthing the ascended gear, and justifiably so.
So much for the minority. If you take 100 people from multiple facits in game and 99 are against the ascended gear, you can therefore say the majority does not want the changes, even if the total population is something like a million or even 2.
The forums against it as well just make it oh much more obvious the majority is against ascended gear
I’ve seen it time and time again. Sometimes a game really deserves it (SWTOR anyone?) but quite often these types of posts are not from people who play, they’re from people who just hate.
Oh I’m sure, as per your argument, SWTOR players are enjoying that game while haters whine on the forums (and forums of other games).
I’m enjoying the game a lot. So is everyone on my server, I don’t see any whining about the game in chat anywhere.
It only happens here on the forums.
Also Im puzzled why so many people are threatening to quit. What is there to quit? There is no subscription.
Are you going to take your ball and go home?
You will be back.
See you when you come back.
I’ve heard this one before and many others like it before…
AoC release
Warhammer release
SWTOR beta + release
^ all games that are dead or on life support
Go ahead and try to marginalize the voices on your forum. Go ahead and even ignore them. It doesn’t change anything. This game is headed for the same fate as the ones above if they don’t clean up their act very quickly.
Those games all had a subscription as well. This one doesn’t.
Warhammer was fundamentally broken to begin with, and had insane balance issues between classes that never got fixed.
AoC was a trainwreck… DX10 STILL bogs down high end PC’s
SWTOR was bug ridden and almost unplayable a lot of the time.
SWG…. I never played it but I tried the free trial and quit within 2 minutes of playtime. I don’t see how anyone could even call that a game let alone one of the best MMO’s. Sorry if I offended anyone with that but its true.
GW2 has some annoying bugs but runs very smoothly almost all the time, is beautiful, has amazing World PvP and as they are proving, some of the most interesting and well done PvE ever made as well.
Honestly I think some people are just bitter and will trash any game that comes out because they get a sick sense of enjoyment out of it.
Interesting considering all my guild chats and 99% of the map chat in LA (not counting the lfg Fotm) are badmouthing the ascended gear, and justifiably so.
So much for the minority. If you take 100 people from multiple facits in game and 99 are against the ascended gear, you can therefore say the majority does not want the changes, even if the total population is something like a million or even 2.
The forums against it as well just make it oh much more obvious the majority is against ascended gear
I disbelieve. The opinion of my guild as a whole is different. And the tone of /m, from what I seen all weekend long, was generally positive. People were having fun with Fractals and trying to discover the recipes. There were a few people screaming about treadmills and ascended gear being a problem, but largely those people were treated like the bum on a corner with a cardboard sign that had “Jesus is coming” scribbled on it in feces. They were ignored.
I would be inclined to believe that maybe there’s a difference in attitudes between servers, but overflow meant we were all intermingled. So I can’t even give you that consideration.
Perhaps your guild doesn’t like it because you don’t like it. Birds of a feather flock together. It would be weird if they all loved it but you. And perhaps the few complaints jumped out to you in /m because those were the ones you agreed with. In fact, I know that’s the case, because 99% of LA didn’t even know about ascended gear. People with friend invites were asking noob questions, some people were indifferent and were looking for groups for story, others didn’t know Fractals and Lost Shore were two different areas and a lot of people could care less about ascended because they were under lvl 80 and wanted to do the dungeon and events since they scaled up.
So you are bad at math, bad at reading, or are a selective listener.
Selection bias.
Most players stay quiet, simple as that. Some of those mind, some like, many don’t understand what the fuss is about. So stop claiming a majority. The majority is silent. Therefore, everyone here should stop pretending he/she is the majority
. Forums are no indication, nor are ingame chats. One might even say, “a quiet customer is a happy customer”.
As such, keep it civil, stick to constructive criticism. I see several good posts doing exactly that. And hundreds of posts just tossing mud as if Arenanet is the opposing presidential candidate. Might just be me, but if I see posts like that, it only serves to discredit their side of the debate.
forum posters are gamers….(bought an account)
SO you know for sure a significant portion ofthe playerbase is unhappy for sure…..
The amount of complaints is really high so even with the negativity excuse is still a significant number….
But tha is not even an issue because actually even if they were 100 players they would have lot of rights to complain due to the manifesto thing……(legally).
The reality is most players that doesn t come on the forum IGNORE what s happening….
Thus they think they are still playing the same game they bought…..with just a boring random dungeon….(boring due to issue to find a party of your fractal level).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
_*Do people think, in general, that these forums (and game forums in general) are so negative because the people who are really enjoying themselves just play and don’t come here to whine?*
The reason why Ascended gear was introduced was because player feedback, arguably in this forum, told ArenaNet that people wanted more “progression” in the game.
If complaining worked to get a gear treadmill, do you really think people should stop complaining against it?
IMO, those complaining about the complaints (lol?) are being somewhat hypocrites, since they were complaining about the game until a very short while ago.
You win an Internet with that explanation.
Those games all had a subscription as well. This one doesn’t.
Warhammer was fundamentally broken to begin with, and had insane balance issues between classes that never got fixed.
AoC was a trainwreck… DX10 STILL bogs down high end PC’s
SWTOR was bug ridden and almost unplayable a lot of the time.
SWG…. I never played it but I tried the free trial and quit within 2 minutes of playtime. I don’t see how anyone could even call that a game let alone one of the best MMO’s. Sorry if I offended anyone with that but its true.
GW2 has some annoying bugs but runs very smoothly almost all the time, is beautiful, has amazing World PvP and as they are proving, some of the most interesting and well done PvE ever made as well.
Honestly I think some people are just bitter and will trash any game that comes out because they get a sick sense of enjoyment out of it.
If I’m not playing this game I’m not buying gems, their source of income for this game. Subscription or not is meaningless. If I’m not here, I’m not buying. They can’t support development and bandwidth without anyone buying gems.
Honestly, I’m not here to trash the game but get them to fix what wasn’t originally broken before this patch. This isn’t out of anger or sick enjoyment or whatever other labels you want to use, it is out of necessity to try to save this game before it sinks. Get that through your head!
As I said before, I utterly despise spreading doom and gloom/ as I am not a negative individual at all. I have rarely shared a negative statement, and have rather opposed negative “tantrums”, as I see it regarding other stuff in game. However, this joint uproar can’t hardly be called coincidential, negative trolling (although I am sure many trolls will join the “cause” just to troll), or just another “vocal minority”-many GW2 lovers have been actually deeply disappointed for the first time, as opposed to the usual, frequently unjustified negative drivel. Though I probably won’t stop playing, I honestly don’t have as much enthusiasm as I did, even a week ago, when I created and played my 6th character with purchased gems (my female Charr warrior.) Whilst negativity breeds negativity, I feel there’s so much more at stake in here than just a bunch of negative trolls trying to boicott the forums. Many of these people are hardly trolls (much less “whiners”), and wish the game they love(d) well. This is why many of us have also voiced our concerns, not because we usually are negative, but because we feel something has gone wrong with game development vs initial feel/vibe of gameplay, which was so much more all-player friendly (ironically) than its current state, because it tried to get the attention of “all types of progression (players)”. I hope ANet is able to differentiate between baseless negativity and true, heartfelt concern in their playerbase, as I feel there’s no logical (or even profittable) need to alienate many of its fanbase to go chasing after too many playstyles that may not fit the unique Guild Wars universe atmosphere at all.
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
GW2 was primarily marketed as a pvp-oriented game. sPvP and WvW were the primary focuses with explorable dungeons as gravy for anyone who cared about PvE. We were told all along that there would be no treadmill. Exotics would be the top-dog statwise and legendary weapons would be nothing more than unique skins.
Now they have changed everything by adding a new level of gear and also making legendary gear better statwise than exotics. Quite simply they lied. They have also shown that they are changing the focus of the game to be more pve-driven. There are plenty of other MMOs out there for people that want to run the PvE treadmill. GW2 was suppose to be a unique MMO and not cater to that crowd.
I can understand that PvE people want a sense of progression. They could have easily achieved this just by adding the Agony mechanic and the new expansion slots and have them only activate while in dungeons. There was no need at all to add the extra stats.
So now they aren’t only appeasing the pve crowd but they are also forcing any WvW focused player to grind the treadmill again if they want the absolute best stats. And before you say “but you’re not forced to grind the treadmill”, don’t be fooled into thinking that WvW players don’t also care about being min-maxed and having the best gear. It does matter and the percentage increase is significant enough that any hardcore player will want the gear.
I play this game for WvW, I don’t want to be forced to run a dungeon to upgrade my gear stats. The fractals are not fun to me at all and it’s apparent that many like me share the same sentiment.
I’ve heard this one before and many others like it before…
AoC release
Warhammer release
SWTOR beta + release^ all games that are dead or on life support
Go ahead and try to marginalize the voices on your forum. Go ahead and even ignore them. It doesn’t change anything. This game is headed for the same fate as the ones above if they don’t clean up their act very quickly.
Every, Every MMO forums are heavily biased towards the negative. If you go by the forums for WoW, that game should have died by the end of 2004, and again in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
I think it’s naive to suggest that everyone who isn’t complaining on the forum is a happy camper. Many of my friends who play MMOs avoid the forums like the plague for a number of reasons, or simply can’t be bothered to use them. However, they all have opinions about how the game is working and any changes made to the game, and they’re definitely not always positive opinions.
But you won’t ever see them complaining on the forum. They’ll just simply quit the MMO and move on to something else. And that’s a whole lot of “goodbye” posts you’re not ever seeing. They vote with their actions rather than with their words.
Honestly, I’m not here to trash the game but get them to fix what wasn’t originally broken before this patch. This isn’t out of anger or sick enjoyment or whatever other labels you want to use, it is out of necessity to try to save this game before it sinks. Get that through your head!
A buddy’s girlfriend spent $120 on gems for chest to get MINI PETS. Her character is only level 30 something. She doesn’t even really play, she just too-ra-loos around areas killing stuff and harvesting and considers that a good time.
My wife would never put her credit card into a game. She scoffs at the idea of spending cash on virtual goods. But bought a gem card from Best Buy when she was there shopping for other things because somehow buying that card was different than just buying the gems in the game. Don’t tell me how this doesn’t make sense, I know.
The point is, there are plenty of people out there like them. Naive or just don’t care and have some extra money so they buy stuff without putting a ton of though in to it. I buy max bag slots for all of my characters. It’s convenience. I’m not going to make my play-time more inconvenient as some sort of misguided protest against a patch. And I’m sure there are plenty of players like me.
Anet likes the money they are getting from the base of players that are active on the forums. But if you take that sub group of players, and then divide if further into those that are so unhappy they are “quitting” or “not buying gems anymore”, and then divide that further into the number that actually do quit playing and those that have bought gems before but don’t again…well, you can see how small that number gets.
Those guys aren’t the ones keeping the lights on at the Anet offices.
Generally there has been a lack of conviction on the parts of those users. Like I posted earlier, and anyone can check for themselves using their friendslists, most of the people that say they quit are still in the game almost every day. I bet they are also still buying gems and trying to get ascended gear/account bound dyes/legendaries/dungeon tokens and all of the other things they come on here and say are ruining the game.
(edited by AcidicVision.5498)
Well, the OP didn’t single out anyone specifically, yet there are tons of defensive posts as if he/she had. I’ll just say, that yes, the forum is filled with a lot of negativity. Some of it is justified, but a lot of it is aggressive or threats to quit if “XXXXXX” isn’t changed etc. In a nutshell, they’re just not productive. A lot of posts are blatant exaggerations, full of misinformation, imagined statistics, dire warnings of a game in it’s last breath of life, and such other nonsense. Even more amusing is the people who “quit” who still frequent the forums to complain, about a game they no longer play, such irony. Of course, all this is common to every MMO on the planet.
Now that being said, some of the posts that were productive, were conveniantly “lost” or buried, or deleted, whatever the case maybe. Not only does that add fuel to the fire, but it gives the impression that feedback is not necessarily wanted. I’m not talking about posts saying “ascended gear sucks” “I quit cause there’s no end game” “Anet are liars” “This event was terrible” etc. I’m talking about well thought out posts with constructive criticism, that while I may not have always agreed with, the time, effort, and thought put into those posts warranted more than they received. People who enjoy the game and love it, shows in their posts when they provide such criticism, after all in the end they are only looking for the game to grow. The fact these posts seem to go unseen or are overshadowed by people with some twisted sense of entitlement is a true shame.
Yes there is a lot of negative on the forums, some justified and some that is not, but the well thought out posts of constructive criticism go unnoticed or are buried in an avalanche of BS that prevails on these forums.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
I’ve heard this one before and many others like it before…
AoC release
Warhammer release
SWTOR beta + release^ all games that are dead or on life support
Go ahead and try to marginalize the voices on your forum. Go ahead and even ignore them. It doesn’t change anything. This game is headed for the same fate as the ones above if they don’t clean up their act very quickly.
Every, Every MMO forums are heavily biased towards the negative. If you go by the forums for WoW, that game should have died by the end of 2004, and again in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
So one game that is a success vs several that are failures and you want me to think this game will be as resilient as WoW? Really?
In fact, I know that’s the case, because 99% of LA didn’t even know about ascended gear.
Yes, you´re probably right here, the majority may not be against ascended gear and you gave the best reason why – though, don´t know why, your arguments seem still kind of flawed to me.
I better get over to the other thread where a handfull of whiners made over 10000 postings in a few days, maybe I´ll find out.
So one game that is a success vs several that are failures and you want me to think this game will be as resilient as WoW? Really?
Those games all had subscriptions and were fundamentally broken or incomplete at launch. Most people are not ok with paying $15 a month for something that doesn’t work or isn’t done. And they will still perform poorly after they have gone F2P because they were designed around a sub model and have horrendous time sinks and grind.
GW2 has no sub fee, the campaign was complete at launch from start to finish (looking at you AoC), WvW was up, running and worked (Illum says hi)…I could go on, but you get the point.
Not to say launch did not have its problems and bugs. Stuck skill points or hearts that prevented map completions were particularly frustrating. But, comparing those games to this one is pointless. They are different animals.
Btw, Guild Wars was a resilient as WoW. Self-sustaining, profitable, and supported fully for over half a decade. It also didn’t have a monthly fee. That’s a factor you can’t really downplay.
In fact, I know that’s the case, because 99% of LA didn’t even know about ascended gear.
Yes, you´re probably right here, the majority may not be against ascended gear and you gave the best reason why – though, don´t know why, your arguments seem still kind of flawed to me.
I better get over to the other thread where a handfull of whiners made over 10000 postings in a few days, maybe I´ll find out.
My fault. That was poorly worded. But had you read the entire post or one I quoted the context would have been clear. I didn’t mean that 99% (lets say 9/10) people didn’t know about ascended gear and only 1% did. I meant that not 9/10 people did know.
The post I quoted said that 99% of LA were complaining about the new gear. My retort was that his claim was impossible because of that 99% of people in LA, some people liked it, some didn’t, some just didn’t care, and some didn’t know anything about it.
Hope that was clearer so you can put your condescension back in its cage.
So one game that is a success vs several that are failures and you want me to think this game will be as resilient as WoW? Really?
Those games all had subscriptions and were fundamentally broken or incomplete at launch. Most people are not ok with paying $15 a month for something that doesn’t work or isn’t done. And they will still perform poorly after they have gone F2P because they were designed around a sub model and have horrendous time sinks and grind.
GW2 has no sub fee, the campaign was complete at launch from start to finish (looking at you AoC), WvW was up, running and worked (Illum says hi)…I could go on, but you get the point.
Not to say launch did not have its problems and bugs. Stuck skill points or hearts that prevented map completions were particularly frustrating. But, comparing those games to this one is pointless. They are different animals.
Btw, Guild Wars was a resilient as WoW. Self-sustaining, profitable, and supported fully for over half a decade. It also didn’t have a monthly fee. That’s a factor you can’t really downplay.
You need to stop holding on to the idea that non-subscription with gems is an automatic winning formula. Even if people continue to play, but boycott the gem store (which some have already posted they would do), that is not a win due to bandwidth and maintenance.
We really have no idea what the fallout will be from this patch yet after less than a week. Up until this point I would say it has been resilient, but so were many games for the first 3 months believe it or not.
Why people are “whining” I try to explain it for you:
Imagine you go to McDonald’s and order a Happy Meal, you get your burger take 1 bite and then they rip it off from you, replacing it with tofu sausages. And than they say; Hey no problem at all, a lot of people want it, now we deliver it. But of course it was not necessary to tell you, before placing your order. We also know the restaurant down the road sells tofu sausages quite successfully, so we also jumped on the train. And hey no way to be worried, at least you have something to eat don’t starving, so whats your problem.
Would you ever place on order by McDonald’s after this?
“On any MMO forum. I see this on the WoW forums as well, and that game is far from “dying”.”
Didn’t WoW lose 30% of it’s subscribers (or 3 mil of 12 mil, which is a tad less then 30%, I can’t remember which) recently?
“Imagine you go to McDonald’s and order a Happy Meal, you get your burger take 1 bite and then they rip it off from you, replacing it with tofu sausages”
Oh come on now. Tofu is still perfectly edible, and probably tastier then mickey D’s. You should have said dead rat. That’d get their knickers in a twist!
Why is this surprising again? If you don’t like the game you won’t be playing it, so you will be on the forums. If you do like the game you will be playing it, so you won’t be on the forums.
Do people think, in general, that these forums (and game forums in general) are so negative because the people who are really enjoying themselves just play and don’t come here to whine?
Most players don’t participate in forums, regardless of their opinion.
When I talk about the various topics in guild that are brought up on these boards, the responses are totally different.
Some recent examples:
Ascended armour: forums consensus = bad, a treadmill. Guild consensus = could be good, let’s wait and see, only a “must have” for deep Fractal adventures.
My guild consensus = uh oh… well, that’s a troubling development, but let’s wait and see.
Event: forums consensus = laggy, unfair, skews the economy etc. Guild consensus = one of the best events in online gaming ever.
My guild consensus = Lost Shores was, overall, a disappointment, ANet’s QA process needs a serious review.
Fractals: forum consensus = elitist, gated, treadmill etc. Guild consensus = excellent fun, innovative and rewarding.
My guild consensus = Decent, but has some problems, needs work. Let’s see how it goes from here.
Players that are casual, like to explore, to “potter”, to craft, to try a bit-of-this, a-bit-of-that are seeing this as the best game in years to cater to their playstyle.
Speaking as a gaming omnivore myself, I can say your statement is not as universally encompassing as you seem to think it is.
I see a great deal of room for improvement with this game. The nice thing is that MMOs evolve and grow, so those improvements could very well happen. The question is: is the development track one I’m interested in? Current signs point to: no.
But I also believe any MMO needs to be cut a lot of slack in its first year, which can be a period of (radical) adjustments.
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)
“On any MMO forum. I see this on the WoW forums as well, and that game is far from “dying”.”
Didn’t WoW lose 30% of it’s subscribers (or 3 mil of 12 mil, which is a tad less then 30%, I can’t remember which) recently?
It is also an 8 year old game, in a saturated market where there is really not much growth in the player base for MMOs. It was bound to happen at some point, just for that reason alone.
There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.
Do people think, in general, that these forums (and game forums in general) are so negative because the people who are really enjoying themselves just play and don’t come here to whine?
I mean this seriously.
When I talk about the various topics in guild that are brought up on these boards, the responses are totally different.
Some recent examples:
Ascended armour: forums consensus = bad, a treadmill. Guild consensus = could be good, let’s wait and see, only a “must have” for deep Fractal adventures.
Event: forums consensus = laggy, unfair, skews the economy etc. Guild consensus = one of the best events in online gaming ever.
Fractals: forum consensus = elitist, gated, treadmill etc. Guild consensus = excellent fun, innovative and rewarding.
On my guild forums, negative posters just get ignored or asked to stop being so attention seeking. We can all spot them. They enjoy dragging things down and foreseeing doom.
These forums seem to be riddled with this type of post like a cancer. It’s depressing. I come here to read about the game – people’s thoughts and experiences, some tips and info. But the majority of thread titles are just doom.
According to this forum – the game died 4 weeks after release, no one is playing except for hardcore grinders and treadmill lovers. My experience in game is the total opposite. Players that are casual, like to explore, to “potter”, to craft, to try a bit-of-this, a-bit-of-that are seeing this as the best game in years to cater to their playstyle.
Anyway, I’ll leave it there.
Although, if my theory is true, the following responses will be mainly negative as the forum population will see and answer this, whilst the regular players will miss it because they’re online and having fun
I don’t ever post in the forums and I can speak for my entire guild who are still very active and we haven’t seen any drop off since we came over from swtor.
Sure people take a few days to play new games like halo and black ops and assassins creed but they are back and ready to run stuff soon as they are done. Everyone in my guild has enjoyed the new content we run dungeons almost every day, pvp or lvl alts together or do jumping puzzles.
Amidst all the hate to Anet I thought I would post and say there is people who are having a blast but just do not come to this dark place that is the forums. Great job Anet love the fractals love the new content and the speed at which you have given us content get the bugs worked out and you will keep me and the members of my guild enjoying this game…
signed very happy customer
Cedagalice – Inner Council Member of Ex-Cineribus
This is where your opinion should be on the topic. in your own thread. Oh sure, we know, you want to be heard and you think because you make your own special thread where you insult people instead of stick to the topic you will be rewarded by the system because you brown-nosed, incorrect.
Do you just copy/paste this in EVERY thread? Where is he insulting anyone? Same with when you posted the exact same thing in my thread word for word. You are not a forum admin, let them do their jobs, and while I am at it, I am reporting you for spamming.
Have a nice day
“There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.”
I love how I’ve played and gotten bored of nearly all MMOs on the market and generally enjoy most of them for a bit (until I need to start 100% grinding) so I must obviously want to play mortal kombat.
Sorry mate, square hole round peg, stop trying to force me through your pre conceptions.
“There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.”
I love how I’ve played and gotten bored of nearly all MMOs on the market and generally enjoy most of them for a bit (until I need to start 100% grinding) so I must obviously want to play mortal kombat.
Sorry mate, square hole round peg, stop trying to force me through your pre conceptions.
Do you see the irony? You end up leaving because most MMO’s make you grind. Well that’s because that’s how MMO’s work. My point being, you are looking for a game that is not an MMO, but yet still trying to find it while playing MMO’s.
You’re welcome for the revelation.
I’ll go by the numbers. In the 1st month there were a lot of guild members logged in. By the second month, there were less than 1/2. Now, its less than 10 on during prime time. You think this is isolated?
There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.
This is so true. Man, am I ever a moron for buying an MMO sold on the premise of horizontal progression when all I really wanted was Street Fighter. What an astute observation! Bravo!
There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.
This is so true. Man, am I ever a moron for buying an MMO sold on the premise of horizontal progression when all I really wanted was Street Fighter. What an astute observation! Bravo!
That is what you want, you just don’t realize it. League of Legends maybe? Point is, make everyone even and fair, and you have an arcade game, not an in depth long term MMO, with growth.
I’ll go by the numbers. In the 1st month there were a lot of guild members logged in. By the second month, there were less than 1/2. Now, its less than 10 on during prime time. You think this is isolated?
That’s the way games work, they are always at their height at launch, then a few months later you get your player base that is going to hang around when the unhappy players leave.
Everyone whines about something.
“curse you IOJ thief in wvw! I’d fart in your general direction!”…if i wasn’t dead.
There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.
This is so true. Man, am I ever a moron for buying an MMO sold on the premise of horizontal progression when all I really wanted was Street Fighter. What an astute observation! Bravo!
That is what you want, you just don’t realize it. League of Legends maybe? Point is, make everyone even and fair, and you have an arcade game, not an in depth long term MMO, with growth.
You’re so smart where can I sign up to your blog or podcasts so you can tell me more about myself.
“You end up leaving because most MMO’s make you grind. Well that’s because that’s how MMO’s work. "
I don’t really see the irony. I like FPSers, yet that doesn’t mean I like all of them. I’ve played a lot of MMOs, I liked some of them (GW1, on again off again with STO, I played a few others for quite a while that I forgot over time). I just have a very keen edge to a grind fest now, seeing as I left GW2 within 2 days of the game announcing one after playing GW1 for 7 years and am now looking for a new fun MMO to play.
Again, I will put it to you – I like the idea behind most MMOs I just think they fail at their execution. Your square hole/round pegging me again. I like fighting games, yet I don’t play them excedingly frequently because I do really feel like playing mortal kombat again or street fighter, I did that enough when I was young. Still like stuff like little fighter 2. Obviously, must mean I hate fighting games. Haven’t played an FPS in a few months since blacklight went P2W, obvliously, must hate FPSs.
It’s just the autism speaking, ignore them and enjoy the game.
What a kind thing to say!
“There is always going to be players who just don’t get MMO’s and want everything handed to them with no time put in, they are looking for a “fair” arcade beat em up, in the wrong place.”
I love how I’ve played and gotten bored of nearly all MMOs on the market and generally enjoy most of them for a bit (until I need to start 100% grinding) so I must obviously want to play mortal kombat.
Sorry mate, square hole round peg, stop trying to force me through your pre conceptions.
Do you see the irony? You end up leaving because most MMO’s make you grind. Well that’s because that’s how MMO’s work. My point being, you are looking for a game that is not an MMO, but yet still trying to find it while playing MMO’s.
You’re welcome for the revelation.
Most mmo’s presidents didn’t create press releases saying you don’t have to grind either. I don’t need to link it to you right?