Players pinging their loot
Turn off map/say chat during the event?
Good luck.
Turn off map/say chat during the event?
Good luck.
o yes i forgot it but then again my rng have to be changed. i need more luck to play more. its more then 4 months ago i looted an expensive item.
That’s luck.
Some players don’t fork out rl money to make themselves nice shinies. Some of us play and slowly accumulate gold, and make shinies.
Nothing to be fixed here.
There’s nothing to be fixed here. People like to show off when something nice/good happens to them, and there’s honestly nothing wrong with that. Hopefully your luck will change in the future.
I don’t like it either, but rng has a funny way of working in my favor. The other day, i looted Chaos Gun, and could not help but to link it in map/global chat. Not one of the better precursors out there; I know, but its better than nothing l right? I was freakin happy, but then one of my friends in our guild decides to go and loot an invisible box from a treasure mushroom… Man, everyone just has different luck I guess…
I understand RNG can be frustrating at times, but there is no need to rain on someone else’s parade. People like to celebrate by linking the good stuff and get a round of applause.
its just bad i play battlefield 1 and the rng is bad i dont get what i want and others always get rewarded. in gw2 i want something very bad but i cant get the gold for it. and thene there are ppl that dont know what to do with their gold. and no i dont beg i want it from the game and not from other players. but comeon its just something digital anet can make me very happy with nevermore skin its just an virtual skin and it cost them nothing like every other ingame worth money item. games are here to have nice things becouse irl i cant have an audi or ferrari. and nevermore is also asked too much for? if i get an item for 100g worth money then i have hope to play more becouse i get rewarded. and i dont have free time to make the gold with farming. i made alot of this texts messages but rng is still not changed. i need 2500g for the legendary.
if i get invisible boot box i can get the weapon…
Turn off map/say chat during the event?
Good luck.
o yes i forgot it
but then again my rng have to be changed. i need more luck to play more. its more then 4 months ago i looted an expensive item.
I have had like 4 drops maybe 5 from Teq when I found out about world bosses. Got Asc in back to back days. Now I have been holding out for one more for a short bow for my thief….nothing…last night did an 8 hour WvW fest and wouldn’t you know it a weapon crate drops from one of the reward caches.
I have never received armor box from TT but I have a guildie who has outfitted a whole toon plus more on TT drops. Just random and some are luckier than others. My first set of asc armor was crafted after I realized I just wasn’t going to get geared waiting for RNGesus.
Good luck tho
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
Well, you did win day 1 in the easter lottery so your RNG is rather good I’d say.
No, but one can “work for” the Gold necessary. Perhaps, that was what was meant. I’m not sure there is much RNG in obtaining Nevermore. Isn’t that what the Legendary Journeys sought to alleviate?
Nevermore has to be crafted – it is NOT a drop. In fact, you need to craft it over four steps. The stuff Teq people get is just a rare RNG drop, usually after days, weeks, or months worth of attempts (Some unlucky few only get it after years of attempts). Of course people are excited when they finally get that drop, and they show it off – you’ve not seen the dozens or hundreds of times they came out of the fight empty-handed.
Everyone in the game gets lots and lots of ‘trash’ drops. Earning gold requires saving up the earnings from the ‘garbage’, or learning how to play the market in some capacity.
You know that some of the people who ping loot after an event are lying, right? You can ping an item without even having it in your inventory. There are codes you can copy and paste, or type in. You can even ping items off of the trading post. So not all of those people are as fabulously lucky as they suggest they are.
I’m also a player who works full time, but I’ve just finished Nevermore IV, off my own back and not through gem purchases. I still need about 1000g to finish it. With my game time, I’d say about a month and it’ll be finished.
^ This. I just finished Chuka and Champawat IV myself. I work full time and enjoy the game for a couple of hours a day. I should have the Legendary within the next few weeks.
This entitled whining is incredibly irritating.
I’m also a player who works full time, but I’ve just finished Nevermore IV, off my own back and not through gem purchases. I still need about 1000g to finish it. With my game time, I’d say about a month and it’ll be finished.
^ This. I just finished Chuka and Champawat IV myself. I work full time and enjoy the game for a couple of hours a day. I should have the Legendary within the next few weeks.
This entitled whining is incredibly irritating.
Gz! I have Chuka, it’s an amazing shortbow and the story is heartbreaking.
Turn off map/say chat during the event?
Good luck.
o yes i forgot it
but then again my rng have to be changed. i need more luck to play more. its more then 4 months ago i looted an expensive item.
There’s already been a fix for this in a recent patch, so you should have some good drops by now:
Fixed a bug that prevented random number generation from being affected by wishful thinking.
Killed Teq probably around 200 times, 0 hoards.
Should I start begging for a free legendary too?
Grow a little; be happy for their good fortune.
1: You can go on the wiki and get an item code and link it, so changing it to not be linkable would help little. A lot of times things get linked, players don’t even have it.
2: I did Tequatl everyday at least once a day for four months and got three of Tequatl’s Hoard and another named chest. If you really want it, you can get it. Although, it is a tough grind, or as some would call it “farming”.
You want to swear at people getting loot ? So once you finally get that loot you want so badly..Post it again in here and let us all swear at you !
Basically,grow up and be happy for others getting something worthwhile.
I understand RNG can be frustrating at times, but there is no need to rain on someone else’s parade. People like to celebrate by linking the good stuff and get a round of applause.
Yeah, I’m always delighted when someone links the loot they got or the legendary they just made, congrats to them!
Since item codes are public knowledge, I never believe any item being pinged in chat. Players have been trolling precursors since the earliest days of the game. Teq is no different.
RIP City of Heroes
Well, you did win day 1 in the easter lottery so your RNG is rather good I’d say.
this is real life luck not gw2 rng
ppl said that items can be pinged tyvm for this. next time if they link it i just think its a pinged code
(edited by titje.2745)
Joke thread? Someone else got something and I didn’t. ANET MAKE IT SO NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE NICE THINGS!!!!1111!!111one!111!
Turn off map/say chat during the event?
Good luck.
o yes i forgot it
but then again my rng have to be changed. i need more luck to play more. its more then 4 months ago i looted an expensive item.
So basically you are angry because you don’t get a precursor drop every week? Grow up, say “gz” to those players and move on.
(edited by Chingiz.9167)
look.. the issue is with you here. “don’t like people, don’t go outside”.. I mean.. you can’t force others not to link. I mean, I get why it would annoy you, but annoyance isn’t really a foundation of a restriction. You can turn of the map chat if you don’t want people pinging their loots.
I absolutely hate the SAB musics and sounds, but I can’t do more than just turn of player instruments and the like. You just gotta deal with it
I am in the very middle with this. The “people want applause” for something is as equally childish then getting mad at them for having it. The problem I see is not about “being childish”, it’s a psychologic effect happening to everyone- to get something you look for and everyone else gets it. Some people can just deal with it more, but that does not mean the poor guys not/never getting it are whiny crybabies.
I don’t think the OP is actually hating for not getting it, he is just getting frustrated – which is totally fine and understandable and a part of a set of emotions and just totally human.
But since I am somewhat agains people posting pictures of their food or other ADHD-like stuff on Facebook, Twitter and all these bullkitten sites I am of course also against this “Look at me!!!!!111!!” sort of people.
Totally out of context, but I’d go with
A gentleman never tells there. :-) You don’t know these people and they do not honestly care about you after all as well, so why want some fake accolades and congratulations?
When I got my first Zodiac weapon in FF14 after several months I just said “I finally got it” in the guild chat and that’s it. I did not feel any worse than yelling it out in the area where everybody was farming it in vain for weeks straight.
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
(edited by Zedek.8932)
I am in the very middle with this. The “people want applause” for something is as equally childish then getting mad at them for having it. The problem I see is not about “being childish”, it’s a psychologic effect happening to everyone- to get something you look for and everyone else gets it. Some people can just deal with it more, but that does not mean the poor guys not/never getting it are whiny crybabies.
yes this. i quit world of warcraft in 2015 becouse of this. i wanted some mounts very bad but i never got one dropped. but there was another player who got every mount i wanted in few weeks he got maybe 5 or 6 new mounts and he always show off and laugh at me. 1 time an mount (a purple mount from a portal) just spawned near him like wtf lucky. and with his showoff i thought f it i quit wow and everything solved.
so then i stopped and not must think on wow anymore but it was not easy. becouse i played it so long. but now i am happy i quit it.
and yes you can say quit gw2. but no. i play alot of first person shooters and sometimes if i have a bad day i want something else to play then fps so i have gw2. or irl things
and gw2 have no saving money function so i cant spare money. and 2500 gold is not less gold. and sometimes there are nice items in gem store so i buy gems with the gold and i can start all over again.
this game have nice graphics and i like games with good graphics so i dont quit
and i have a nice guild.
and i only gz ppl if they made a legendary and show in the map chat becouse they spend much work in it. but a hoard… never.
At the risk of getting infracted, I’m going to speak my mind but attempt to do so politely.
First, I’m certain that at some point if it hasn’t been already, the sort of malady the OP is experiencing may actually receive a name, and all of the special treatment that confers in today’s society.
kitten it! I was doing so well.
But wait, don’t infract me just yet! OP: there is likely a considerable body of analysis surrounding the idea that those who do better than us, do so purely, or mostly, by luck.
This is a fallacy.
In a raid of one hundred players you are likely to have a couple of players who receive rare loot, and they are going to be elated and link this in chat. Why? Because for as many players who “lucked out”, there will be players like me who ran Teq for months once a day, and finally got his hoard to drop.
I’m also one of those jerks who links his Bolt whenever he gets the chance. Why? Because I spent one and a half years farming for it. I " lucked out" with a precursor feom the karka queen boss event chest, which I flipped for Zap years ago. However in the grand scheme of things, Zap was a small portion of my overall journey that took me through all walks of the game.
Most of the players whom you seem to have inferred to have bought their legendaries did not buy them. They simply played the game.
Don’t be envious, or jealous of players linking their drops. All that will do is sour your mood. You want Nevermore? Play the game, you will most assuredly get it eventually, and it will be a day to remember!
tl;dr: when someone gets good loot, congratulate them. The chances are they have been looking forward to it, as you have, for some time.
It is unfortunate that MMOs have so much RNG. This allows brand new players or someone who does something the first time to get the rare item while people who have been playing since start or have been doing something many times still do not get that item. Its a very unfair system. It would be much more fair to give some kind of token so that everyone has an equal chance.
But a large foundation of MMOs is the idea of “lottery”. They prey on peoples’ desire to get something for no work, or to get something great for a small investment. That’s why we have Black Lion Chests, the Mystic Toilet, Ecto gambling, etc. as well. As long as the majority of players fall for this type of thing, we won’t see a fair system in games.
If you can’t be happy for someone else who links their loot, join the counter-culture that links grey items to show how insignificant pixel RNG is.
Doesn’t change the fact you got screwed for loot, but it can make you feel better by taking the existential edge off it.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Linking the spoon everyoone get after Teq is a tradition in my megaserver.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
It is unfortunate that MMOs have so much RNG. This allows brand new players or someone who does something the first time to get the rare item while people who have been playing since start or have been doing something many times still do not get that item. Its a very unfair system. It would be much more fair to give some kind of token so that everyone has an equal chance.
But a large foundation of MMOs is the idea of “lottery”. They prey on peoples’ desire to get something for no work, or to get something great for a small investment. That’s why we have Black Lion Chests, the Mystic Toilet, Ecto gambling, etc. as well. As long as the majority of players fall for this type of thing, we won’t see a fair system in games.
that’s not unfortunate, its fun as we all have a fair chance of getting something, which in turn makes every drop just a little bit more interesting and as long as its in a game where gear power is not everything then all is well. As for GW2 obviously this applies, aside from which almost everything is already tokenised.
Personally I like seeing someone celebrate a random drop or finally getting their legendary, its nice to see it matters to people
The alternative is no-one celebrates anything in chat – sounds miserable!
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)
I feel happy for those who got rare loot and I am interesting in seeing what dropped. OP you can easily change the chat panel during world boss kills etc and blocked everyone out. MMOs at core are about loot and character progression, sharing with other people. Otherwise you might as well play single player RPGs like Skyrim.
It’s interesting you feel angry and the urge to swear at people being happy and sharing their lucky loot drop, there’s some other underlining issues perhaps but regardless most people are curious and happy to have loot linked – loot that warrants linking of course and not random stuff.
It is unfortunate that MMOs have so much RNG. This allows brand new players or someone who does something the first time to get the rare item while people who have been playing since start or have been doing something many times still do not get that item. Its a very unfair system. It would be much more fair to give some kind of token so that everyone has an equal chance.
But a large foundation of MMOs is the idea of “lottery”. They prey on peoples’ desire to get something for no work, or to get something great for a small investment. That’s why we have Black Lion Chests, the Mystic Toilet, Ecto gambling, etc. as well. As long as the majority of players fall for this type of thing, we won’t see a fair system in games.
that’s not unfortunate, its fun as we all have a fair chance of getting something
I disagree. Everyone having a fair chance would be everyone getting a guaranteed token for each completion, then turn in X tokens for the prize.
As I said, RNG means I can do something over and over and never get the item while a new person can get the item the first try. That is not fair.
It is a fair CHANCE. It means while the opportunity to get it is equal for everyone, it isn’t something sure for anyone.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Went after Teq religiously for a year and he granted me 3 hoards and the occasional ascended weapon. Nice guy.
Of course, I’ve never seen a precursor or anything of value besides an ascended weapon drop before though….
I mean really though. These things are so rare that you can’t expect people to not tell other people. If they can’t link it, they’ll just type it out in chat. What next? Ban talking about ascended chests in chat?
Anyhow, it’s really just a skin. There’s no need to let it dominate your life.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
It is unfortunate that MMOs have so much RNG. This allows brand new players or someone who does something the first time to get the rare item while people who have been playing since start or have been doing something many times still do not get that item. Its a very unfair system. It would be much more fair to give some kind of token so that everyone has an equal chance.
But a large foundation of MMOs is the idea of “lottery”. They prey on peoples’ desire to get something for no work, or to get something great for a small investment. That’s why we have Black Lion Chests, the Mystic Toilet, Ecto gambling, etc. as well. As long as the majority of players fall for this type of thing, we won’t see a fair system in games.
that’s not unfortunate, its fun as we all have a fair chance of getting something
I disagree. Everyone having a fair chance would be everyone getting a guaranteed token for each completion, then turn in X tokens for the prize.
As I said, RNG means I can do something over and over and never get the item while a new person can get the item the first try. That is not fair.
no that would mean theres no joy in getting anything, everything is farmed, nothing is unexpected, dull dull dull. Everyone has an equal change of getting something, and we all benefit from the pleasure of getting the unexpected loot – even if you don’t care about it, you still get pleasure from it.
Lets bear in mind there are a million different types of token already on GW2 and almost everything can be bought already. Some misunderstand the purpose of RNG and dont think this way, they see it as some kind of denial, and the root of that problem comes from games where loot = keeping up with the joneses, games where envious eyes look bitterly on the loot of others.
As above, i’ve never had any loot drop that was worth more than maybe 20 gold, but it doesn’t matter because im not disadvantaged, and i know any drop could mean something nice. Gratz to those who got that precurser drop i say, 1 day i hope it will be me.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)
….why is this thread a thing?
You’d probably get enraged quick in Tera where the game tells you everytime someone in the same zone has gotten something rare from a loot box or has enchanted a piece of gear fully, or Black Desert which pings that to you and all manner of other things by default (though I’ve heard there’s a way to turn that off.)
no that would mean theres no joy in getting anything, everything is farmed, nothing is unexpected, dull dull dull. Everyone has an equal change of getting something, and we all benefit from the pleasure of getting the unexpected loot – even if you don’t care about it, you still get pleasure from it.
Lets bear in mind there are a million different types of token already on GW2 and almost everything can be bought already. Some misunderstand the purpose of RNG and dont think this way, they see it as some kind of denial, and the root of that problem comes from games where loot = keeping up with the joneses, games where envious eyes look bitterly on the loot of others.
As above, i’ve never had any loot drop that was worth more than maybe 20 gold, but it doesn’t matter because im not disadvantaged, and i know any drop could mean something nice. Gratz to those who got that precurser drop i say, 1 day i hope it will be me.
It’s not a matter of right and wrong though. Some like to work for it and some like RNG.
I personally think RNG isn’t really my thing either, I rather do a task and get rewarded, rather than do a task and maybe get rewarded.
This is why I like the reward structure of SAB. Its guaranteed after you complete a world in trib mode that you get a weapon skin. And doing so takes long enough to be entertained (well unless it’s not your thing ofcourse)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Ye i agree, you should have both, RNG and farmable stuff. you do stuff and get rewarded, and at the same time RNG is applied, its not mutually exclusive. Looking at an RNG item and saying i want to guarantee that i will get it is not the point, that’s what farming is for.
Put it another way, if you are looking at a random drop and aiming for it, your missing the point, you cannot do that, probability will beat you down.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)
While I do agree with many of the posters here saying “just say congrats and move on”.
Getting upset because someone else got something (jealousy) is rarely an appealing trait. At the same time being a braggart or flaunting is often just as unappealing. For the people that ping an item because they are super happy they got it I understand and congrats! For the ones that save said loot or just copy an item code to ping it to “show off” not so much.
Example: I saw the same player pinging the same precursor “drop” at teq. After the 6th day/who knows how many times, it’s just bragging or looking for attention.
As far as the RNG thing goes, it’s the fairest unfair system available :P. It’s fair in the sense that in theory everyone has the same chance at getting a desirable item each time. So player a that does the event once a week may get the most desirable drop the first try; player B may do the event thousands of times and never see the same drop… Fair chances, the results how ever may feel very unfair to one player.
(edited by Miku.6297)
It is unfortunate that MMOs have so much RNG. This allows brand new players or someone who does something the first time to get the rare item while people who have been playing since start or have been doing something many times still do not get that item. Its a very unfair system. It would be much more fair to give some kind of token so that everyone has an equal chance.
But a large foundation of MMOs is the idea of “lottery”. They prey on peoples’ desire to get something for no work, or to get something great for a small investment. That’s why we have Black Lion Chests, the Mystic Toilet, Ecto gambling, etc. as well. As long as the majority of players fall for this type of thing, we won’t see a fair system in games.
that’s not unfortunate, its fun as we all have a fair chance of getting something
I disagree. Everyone having a fair chance would be everyone getting a guaranteed token for each completion, then turn in X tokens for the prize.
As I said, RNG means I can do something over and over and never get the item while a new person can get the item the first try. That is not fair.
no that would mean theres no joy in getting anything, everything is farmed, nothing is unexpected
I would prefer to have the “unexpected” things be little bonuses that are not something that people really want. When people really want something and can play for 4 years and never get it, but they see someone new get it right away, that is not joy.
Maybe you shouldn’t spend four years trying to get some pixels? :p
I’m more annoyed by ppl linking the precursor and it’s mats before throwing it in the mystic toilet in LA, and then proceed to link the legendary…
I’m more annoyed by ppl linking the precursor and it’s mats before throwing it in the mystic toilet in LA, and then proceed to link the legendary…
Too bad. We’re proud of the months we’ve spent building our legendaries, and enjoy showing off at the moment.
I’m more annoyed by ppl linking the precursor and it’s mats before throwing it in the mystic toilet in LA, and then proceed to link the legendary...
I’m even more annoyed by those kids walking and playing on my lawn. GET OFF MY GRASS!!!
Please, grow up and stop being an old grumpy charr
Yea, I mean all that time being salty could have been used to like, do something useful,and get a little closer to whatever you wanted.
I mean, I get offended really easily. But even I just don’t understand what’s the point on doing useless things so much. Life’s really too short for that.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Maybe you shouldn’t spend four years trying to get some pixels? :p
but but but.. THEY’RE SHINY PIXELS!
but seriously though, gaming has always been about being a skritt chasing a shiny
The first time I did Tequatl I got a Zojja Weaponchest.
I had not played in many months, never done Tequatl and the whole Ascended thing was quit new to me so I figured that extra Chest was par for the course. So I happily asked in mapchat “what weapons other people had gotten”.
I am sure that if OP had been there he would have popped a vein.
But relax, it only took me 200 Ogre Wars to get my Sam!
(edited by Tyncale.1629)