(edited by DUNSTAN.8529)
Please nerf SoI (but not how you think)
Most serious business regeneration-based healing builds can beat the 10s from Chronomancers anyway, but being honest I’d rather ANet invest in making regeneration a stacking boon like might instead (with obvious number tweaks as a result). That would make it much more dynamic and interesting to use and coordinate.
While I see where you are coming from, I think ultimately a better solution would be to change how regeneration is applied. Priority should be given to higher regen ticks instead of longer duration regen sources. Regen on SoI could still be nerfed of course, but that wouldn’t stop problems of a similar nature from arising in the future (where classes with no HP but long regen ticks are overriding regen from classes built for HP but not necessarily boon duration).
While I see where you are coming from, I think ultimately a better solution would be to change how regeneration is applied. Priority should be given to higher regen ticks instead of longer duration regen sources. Regen on SoI could still be nerfed of course, but that wouldn’t stop problems of a similar nature from arising in the future (where classes with no HP but long regen ticks are overriding regen from classes built for HP but not necessarily boon duration).
The issue with this is that higher ticks over a shorter duration isn’t objectively better than smaller ticks over a longer duration. Just as many people would argue for either taking priority and I think that is a big part of the reason why Regeneration works the way it does.
I’d personally quite like it if Regeneration changed to stack in intensity and rebalanced appropriately. This stops being an issue and we get a bit more build diversity.
this is an ez fix but iltimately maybe intensity based would be the overall better chnage.
While I see where you are coming from, I think ultimately a better solution would be to change how regeneration is applied. Priority should be given to higher regen ticks instead of longer duration regen sources. Regen on SoI could still be nerfed of course, but that wouldn’t stop problems of a similar nature from arising in the future (where classes with no HP but long regen ticks are overriding regen from classes built for HP but not necessarily boon duration).
The issue with this is that higher ticks over a shorter duration isn’t objectively better than smaller ticks over a longer duration. Just as many people would argue for either taking priority and I think that is a big part of the reason why Regeneration works the way it does.
Then change it so that whatever source will heal for more is applied instead, accounting for duration and strength of each tick. Either way, the problem is that regen stacks in a very funny way, a way that sometimes is detrimental. So that means the solution should be to change how it stacks, not to just change the duration of some sources of regen
regen stacking in intensity would be ridiculously op in group comps and useless in small / solo stuff
Maybe they could add a hidden “regen” stat, and each stack of regen would increase it for a time. Then, they could implement the stat such that it provided decreasing returns in actual healing as it got higher. It might help keep regen stacking from getting too crazy and requiring a massive rebalancing.
Alternatively, they could just let them run in parallel, and apply the strongest regen in effect at any time.
Alternatively, they could just let them run in parallel, and apply the strongest regen in effect at any time.
So, basically, allow it to stack to greater values, but at any given tick make only the strongest (by heal power) count?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
or just nerf the healing duration until they come up with a better system then they revisit it.
Or, please nerf the boon meta completely. Boons should be short duration burst and not a full up time requirement.
^ this tbh. 100% boon uptime shoehorns classes into a rather boring playstyles that have to upkeep perma buffs taking all the panning away.
There’s no sense of burst because theres no cordinating bufffs and preplaning and calling out when something will be available.
Might, fury, quickness, alacrity, banners spirits all can be kept perma and make the compat boring and braindead.
Regen should be the same with certain build focushing more on hots and other builds on burst heals and other on both.
Make permanately upkeeping buffs a personal thing something that you have to do because your own dps or personal bufff uptime depends on it.
Have the aoe buffs as small windows of opportunity to coordinate heals or cc or burst.
(edited by zealex.9410)