Possible Duel-Spec system

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plagueis.9672


I know there are people that hate the duel-spec system in MMOs. My idea is not a dual-spec where you can change it when ever you want to, when ever you want to.
It is kind of like a preset system. I know when I play as a Warrior, I like to be in a certain spec to play WvW, and again if I am going to dungeon. Or solo PvE in the world. So I have next to me 3 print-out specs that I like so when I need to change them I just go to LA and see the dude. Kind a nerve racking because you only have 1 shot of putting the in the spec. If you make a mistake you have to repay to get all the traits back.
Well instead of having me carry these papers or try to remember them, why can we have a system where we have already made a preset of it. You could go to the trainer, pay a little money and unlock 1-2 slots. Then when you wanted to change that spec to do something specific, you back to the trainer pay some silver and then just change the spec. I think it helps save time, especially if you are using the same few specs over and over again.
You would not be able to change it when ever you want to like in Rift or WoW, you would have to go to the trainer and load the spec. If you wanted to take to this far, you have your utilities skill reload to that preset, but that might be a little over the top. I dont know, I think this something that will save some time, stop having to memorize or have printed specs hanging around your desk.
I know that there will be some trolling……so have it. Happy Holidays all.

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


I just want the template system like in GW1. Perhaps just have a fee for each template, a one time purchase for each one.

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tsyras.5274


Sorry to be the grammar kitten…but DUAL-spec. A duel is fight between 2 people.

There definitely needs to be a template system (I would like it to include equipment stats). I really want gear appearance and stats to be completely separated. This would allow us to freely switch specs and to maintain the appearance we have worked hard to achieve.

I am fine with these slots costing gems.

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunt.6835


personally i dont like ( pvp wise ). I used to play Rift. It was too easy to switch build to counter enemy or even copying the build.

just like how people switching characters in spvp right now.


Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


This is probably my most wanted change / addition to GW2 so I’m going to include a post I made regarding this in the Horizontal Progression CDI as well as a link to another thread that discusses this with the hopes that someday this will get enough traction to be considered by ArenaNet.

I do think that it’s important that multiple build templates need to be an earned and permanent addition to the character and must be able to be switched ‘on the fly’ outside of combat. If this poses a problem in spvp I see no reason not to just disallow the switch during a match.

It must also not cost anything to switch except for the initial template addition, which should be as hard to acquire/expensive as crafting an ascended item to continue to evolve and customize your character long after reaching level 80 (horizontal progression).

The reasoning behind this is detailed in the below quote & link.

Earned Build & Equipment Tabs

Here is an example of what I would consider Horizontal Progression that has nothing to do with cosmetics, but rather with evolving the flexibility of the character. I’m partially quoting a comment I made on another thread about adding extra stored build/trait tabs.

Make extra build tabs a one time upgrade, like a bank tab or commander tag. Make it expensive, make us work for it but make it a permanent evolution of our character. Allowing characters to progress beyond 80 not by power but flexibility is an idea that to me would be a game changer and I dream of the day it gets implemented.

The mechanics are simple: Out of combat only and with a small channeled switch animation, swaps build as well as armor/weapon sets and skills.

Maybe this would be considered Diagonal Progression since the character isn’t growing in power, just an earned ability to adapt to situations or group compositions as they change whether in WvW, PvE, or sPvP.

The ways to earn an extra build tab could be interesting too. Maybe something that needs to be crafted from hard to find materials, a bit like ascended items. This would ensure the tabs aren’t just bought but earned through playing multiple aspects of the game.

If there is no limit to how many extra build tabs you could have you could continue to refine your character well past the time it takes to settle on any cosmetic changes or having all gear be best in slot.

EDIT: Link to original post discussing this idea.
Multiple trait / gear tabs?

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hedger.9261


It must also not cost anything to switch except for the initial template addition, which should be as hard to acquire/expensive as crafting an ascended item to continue to evolve and customize your character long after reaching level 80 (horizontal progression).

Make extra build tabs a one time upgrade, like a bank tab or commander tag. Make it expensive, make us work for it but make it a permanent evolution of our character. Allowing characters to progress beyond 80 not by power but flexibility is an idea that to me would be a game changer and I dream of the day it gets implemented.

The mechanics are simple: Out of combat only and with a small channeled switch animation, swaps build as well as armor/weapon sets and skills.

The ways to earn an extra build tab could be interesting too. Maybe something that needs to be crafted from hard to find materials, a bit like ascended items. This would ensure the tabs aren’t just bought but earned through playing multiple aspects of the game.

If there is no limit to how many extra build tabs you could have you could continue to refine your character well past the time it takes to settle on any cosmetic changes or having all gear be best in slot.

I think there should be greater restriction to when and where you can swap templates.

I agree that having multiple trait templates available would a nice feature, and that obtaining that feature should be no easy task. But I do not think switching templates should be as convenient as just getting out of combat. You should at least be required to go to a specific area before you can change templates. If you can have as many templates as you like that you can swap into or out of when ever your not directly engaged you would just switch to your best build per situation, and none of your decisions would matter since you could just change them when ever you dropped combat for a moment.

Your linked post made me come to this conclusion. You really should be slightly less effective if you choose to change your objective in the middle of what ever it was that you were doing or if your opponent catches you out of your element. If you choose to roam, then you miss out on the safety and profitability of the zerg. If you choose to zerg, then your at the mercy of those who roam if you get separated. You should not be able to seamlessly go from one to the other getting the benefits of both while risking the consequences of neither.

With that said, the place where you go to swap templates should be relatively safe and easy to access. In WvW it should be something you can build in keeps or SM, and a permanent one in spawn. Outside of WvW maybe any place of power with something added to LA that would qualify. You wouldnt need to channel anything, just be within range of the object and you can swap.

Possible Duel-Spec system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


This actually wouldn’t be a radical change to the flexibility we already have out of combat. Currently once out of combat we can:

1. Change all armor
2. Change all weapons
3. Change all utility skills
4. Change any Adept, Master or Grandmaster trait

The reason I feel it’s important to add all trait points to that list without having to visit another location is to allow flexibility and thus strategy that is fluid to the situation and group composition.

This would make dungeon encounters more interesting for instead of deciding what build would work best overall for all challenges (thus the zerker>all meta) each party member would be able to switch builds between encounters strategically. Also would allow the devs to design more varied content; one section might be all about survivability while just around the corner you need fast high dps etc.

ArenaNet already recently implemented a bit of this with the trait reset consumables (whatever they’re called) so it seems they are at least comfortable with the idea. The problem I see with those consumables is that they cost money…so you would have to make a big decision each time whether it would be worth it beforehand. This kills the flexibility of experimentation and really ensures no one will ever use them.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~