Possible solutions to WP's (after April 15th)
And then they turn around and offer that same info via API so it’s just a kick in the teeth to all the players without a second monitor.
This change ONLY affects waypoints which can be contested, such as settlements in Southsun, or the beach teq spawns at in Sparkfly Fen. Keep in mind this is also likely intended to fix issues caused by overflow maps, which show contested waypoints as being open. Let me tell you something, waypointing into shank anchorage, before it’s actually taken, into a massive blob of risen is not a fun experience.
And then they turn around and offer that same info via API so it’s just a kick in the teeth to all the players without a second monitor.
Overwolf has an ingame overlay that you can install “widgets” or whatever onto. Quite a few of them happen to be GW2 event timers. The one I have I like faaaaaaaaaaaar more than gw2stuff.com as it explicitly tells you what steps remain and the events inside those steps.
This post is factually incorrect. No where does it state that this change is happening April 15th. The blog states that this is a feature that MAY be implemented by DECEMBER 2014.
I wish people would stop whining about this. This game already 10,000x easier to travel in than any other game because you can just instantly port anywhere in the world, at any time of day, without any help from allies or any item.
I’d much rather have mounts or some similar system that actually requires me to move across a map that i’m playing on and see what it looks like rather than port in – kill a boss or harvest a node – port out, rinse and repeat.
Is all these complaints really worth the 1 iron ore worth of silver that you lose?
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/