Potential new races to play as

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I only counted Act I steps. The are 5 races, two major choices for each race, and several times in each ‘path’ offering a choice of column A vs column B, for a total of 22 new instanced ‘stories’.

But if you want to call it “6 or 7,” no problem — all the other changes still need to happen.

the tl;dr remains the same: it’s very costly to add a new race to GW2.

Oh, I see, but your math is still off a bit, because the first PSS is the same in the Act I. For example, The Wild Hunt is the first step if you choose the Norn race no matter what. So it’s 19 after all They did 16 much more complex story steps for HoT.
I think it’s doable to add a new race to the next expansion.

Edit: minor issue whit the quoting system

Of course it’s “doable” — it’s just far more expensive than adding a new profession. Factor in that they are already working on LS3 (which is another set of complex story steps) and on an expansion (still more complex story steps). I’m sure they’ll add a new race at some point; I just don’t see it happening any time soon.

(FYI my ‘math’ was going to the wiki and counting each possible story step for each race. Regardless, the number of stories isn’t relevant to my argument.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Largos PLEASE?!

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


Regarding personal story and new races:

They can simply do what they did with Living Story, that is, no “personal choice” for new races, this may make the race personal story alot more generic and linear, but honestly it may be the best way to make the system flow better.

Plus it lets A-net tell one “good” story instead of 6 meh stories.

Again, I feel like any new races should have their “own” personal story steps, rather tahn being tied to DE, DE 2.0 or anything else, perhaps slowly introducing them to DE and DE2.0 via those stories themselves.

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BunjiKugashira.9754


Regarding personal story and new races:

They can simply do what they did with Living Story, that is, no “personal choice” for new races, this may make the race personal story alot more generic and linear, but honestly it may be the best way to make the system flow better.

Plus it lets A-net tell one “good” story instead of 6 meh stories.

Again, I feel like any new races should have their “own” personal story steps, rather tahn being tied to DE, DE 2.0 or anything else, perhaps slowly introducing them to DE and DE2.0 via those stories themselves.

A separate story would be nice, but I bet ANet will pull another Revenant: they’ll just rope the new race into the existing story. First you join one of the orders, defeat Zhaitan and Mordremoth and then your race decides to join the other race’s struggles. Who cares about chronological order, right?

Shana Flamewielder
Sylvari Elementalist of [SFF]
Abaddons Maul

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sstefanovv.5269


just to give my 2 cents:

1: Tengu, could wourk, technically counts as a high-sentient race, only lore wise stands in its way that they are hiding behind their wall (perhaps ls3 will change that)
2: Koda, kind off the same as above, but harder lore wise since they are a bunch of self-centered, arrogant spiritual creatures. (i dont like them that much) But i suppose they could work too if some lore developes around them. THough i wonder their popularity.
3. Hylek, never going to happen. They are a lesser sentient race. Plus they dont look that appealing to play with, so the playerbase for them will be very small, even if implemented. So not worth the effort either.
4. Ogre, also a lesser sentient race. Aside from the issues that they are too big, and in 90% of the encounters are to be killed on sight.
5. Centaur: Not nessecerily a lesser race, but the majority of the centaur are the main protagonists in the human story, the only ones who arent violent towards the current 5 races are the hippie centaur in drytop. Though to be fair, there are said to be more of such tribes in the maguuma wastes. THough there are a lot of clipping issues with their armor (and toys, and backpacks)

and some other suggestions i read here:
Skritt: never gonna happen, armor wise a pain to do, plus lore wise they have a hive mind. So unless they do it in a way where your character gets significantly more kittened the more alone he is, (they are only on pair with the higher races in very large groups), it wouldnt make sense to have them playable.

Quaggan: They cant even hold a sword let alone fight with it. At most you can ¨coooOOooo¨ the mobs to death. Never gonna happen :p

Largos: might be possible if bubbles ever comes around the corner. Though dont expect it any time soon since it requires a underwater combat revamp.

So in conclusion, if we ever get it, i think Tengu are first, and possibly the Koda or the Largos in the 3rd or 4th expansion.

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyrulisse.1246


Mursaat. Yes it will never happen, just never going to forget my floaty buddies.

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706



I’m dyin’. XD

The usual votes of Tengu (closest to being playable), Skritt (closest to being shiny), and Kodan (closest to being… balanced #sunglasses)

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
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Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


2: Koda, kind off the same as above, but harder lore wise since they are a bunch of self-centered, arrogant spiritual creatures. (i don’t like them that much) But i suppose they could work too if some lore develops around them. Though i wonder their popularity.

I kinda like them but at the same time think they’re somewhat comically pretentious, like the annoying friend who bothers people with the sound of one hand clapping question. Like the intention is to seem deep but comes across as silly instead. “Wait! Why are you running away!” “Am I the one who is running away?” “Yes you are! You are deliberately going in a direction that’s away from me when I need important information from you!”

Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jhoul.6923


Largos would give me hope of UW content.


Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I would love the Steam Creatures from the strange dimension that appear in the “Scarlet War” and in the 8 Ball Asura Personal Story to develop conscience and become active as a new race in Tytia. Of course it is just a wish, too hard to adapt, since they shouldn’t use normal armor, their customizing features should need to be extremely innovative to really work, and their story will not match at all the basic timeline the Personal story actually has… But still, I thing it would be amazing to play a sentient pseudo robot from another dimension.

BTW, new race personal preference line, beggining by the most interesting to the most boring.

Steam Creatures > Skritt > Tengu > Golem > Quaggan > Hylek >> Karka >> Dredge >> Ogre >>> Harpy >>>> Centaur >>>> Grawl >>>> Dwarf >>>>>>>> Krait >>>>>>>>>> Jotun > Moa > Everything Else > Kodan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ooze >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Largos.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”