Precursor Crafting
It’s not great. It’s less time consuming to farm gold and buy a precursor.
I feel like it worse than making the legendary from the start, i thought making a legendary was bad enough till i saw this. I not gonna even bother finishing the pre, in the end it costs more to craft it then to just buy it straight out, for most legendaries at least, they should definately makes some changes, its not fun, i wanted adventure, a journey not craft thousands of ore into ingots, thats not fun having to farm the ore, its just grinding and grinding and grinding
I have a question here, If I make a legendary, can I sell it or will the final version be account bound?
I have master crafter and yes its way over the top, and no I won’t be flipping out the credit card to acquire the mats to do it this time because it seems to have encouraged gouging. The cost for making an ascended patch for armor has doubled with Hot.
I’m over it and shopping for an alternative.
You can sell a legendary but if you equip it, then you cannot. I thought id be lucky have all crafting to the max, but imagine the new players who have to start from scratch and if they went to buy mats on the TP they would just say forget this. I understand its not suppose to be easy and honestly I dont want it to be easy, but I wanted it to be fun, FUN. Im sorry but Anet has not kept to thier “no grind philosophy” in regards to making pres, however as far as the rest of the expansion I think they did a very good job, thats my opinion but this precursor crafting reeeeeally is killing it for me, i kittening love Guild Wars but this was a huge turn off for me
The goal of Precursor Crafting is to allow incremental progress towards your goal (versus the old system wherein you only had 0% of 100% of a Precursor).
The goal was never to make them easier to acquire but rather to provide a non-random method.
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
I get that but its not enjoyable to do, if you wanna be that new players that hears Guild Wars saying “we are not the grindy type” then they procees to give us grind makes it a huge turn off. Like I said i dont want it to be easy but im sure Aner has a bunch of bright and creative mind that they could of came up with other things besides crafting 40 Delrimor Steel Ingots and crafting over 1,500 ore to make a Basic Sword, etc. They could keep these but just lower them or give better drops, something, or creative an actual storyline in regards to each legenday doesnt have to be a long story just a mini one. And it could have been an actual journey with still some progression. Theres always a real FUN way of doing this. I think having a mini story and mini chapters for each legendary journey would be amazing
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
speed is only one factor of many in this equation. I dont think OP was thinking he could do it in less then 5 days. I think he is refering more to the fact it costs alot more to make then to buy, that coupled with gated mats etc… It isnt always just about speed here.
And no, its not about how long it takes to make a pre its about the process you have to go through, its not enjoyable, games are suppose to be enjoyable not make me dread doing something, and force myseld to grind because i reeeeally want it. I dont want to feel dreadful i wanna feel excited and looking forward to the adventure, the journey.
The cost (including time cost) of precursor crafting will eventually set the cost of the TP precursor. And precursor crafting will ALWAYS cost more. Because otherwise why would you buy it off the TP?
I assume Anet are aware of this and didn’t want to bottom out precursors making crafting them easy peasy.
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
speed is only one factor of many in this equation. I dont think OP was thinking he could do it in less then 5 days. I think he is refering more to the fact it costs alot more to make then to buy, that coupled with gated mats etc… It isnt always just about speed here.
But what if you just set it aside as a longer term goal and just play? Salvage drops, mine here and there, make the ingots when you can…every day you get a little closer. Which was, after all, the goal of the precursor crafting- to provide a known path that allows tangible progress beyond simply amassing gold. Prices fluctuate and sure, it may be more expensive right now with everyone rushing, but if you are willing to wait you might find that your normal play has gotten you 75% of the way there and prices for the rest of the things that you need have come down a bit. In the meantime you have enjoyed your playtime, instead of feeling like you’re stuck doing the highest gold/hr thing over and over. It isn’t always just about cost here.
If it’s cheaper to buy a pre than to craft one, the whole “it reduces RNG” is meaningless since buying a pre is also 100% non-RNG.
If it’s cheaper to buy a pre than to craft one, the whole “it reduces RNG” is meaningless since buying a pre is also 100% non-RNG.
But using gold as an “increment” means you’re subject to LOSING progress (due to inflation or spending).
I finished the first collection to craft Dawn. Then, I ordered Dawn on the TP and have one sitting in my storage right now.
If I’m going to have to buy those new glory and WvW shards on the TP (because I’m not going to have the hundreds of each needed for crafting the tier 1 sword in a million years of playing this game), I might as well buy the whole thing ready-made and be done with it. Probably saved myself a pretty penny too.
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
speed is only one factor of many in this equation. I dont think OP was thinking he could do it in less then 5 days. I think he is refering more to the fact it costs alot more to make then to buy, that coupled with gated mats etc… It isnt always just about speed here.
But what if you just set it aside as a longer term goal and just play? Salvage drops, mine here and there, make the ingots when you can…every day you get a little closer. Which was, after all, the goal of the precursor crafting- to provide a known path that allows tangible progress beyond simply amassing gold. Prices fluctuate and sure, it may be more expensive right now with everyone rushing, but if you are willing to wait you might find that your normal play has gotten you 75% of the way there and prices for the rest of the things that you need have come down a bit. In the meantime you have enjoyed your playtime, instead of feeling like you’re stuck doing the highest gold/hr thing over and over. It isn’t always just about cost here.
I was speaking for the OP, not myself. I enjoy a process to obtaining things rather then pure RNG. This however is not an enjoyable process for me. was hoping it would be based more in exploring and questing and doing things around tyria, instead of sitting at a craft station exploring my backpack… but meh…
I enjoy parts of it. It’s nice to venture out and find that one odd thing required. Like for instance, if it weren’t for The Minstrel t1 collection I might’ve never seen the cute dancing moas Kappa has, since I’d never done the escort before and stuck around long enough to see that part. And I’ve played this game for over 2 years.
I also expected prices to be a bit steep too, I knew some actual component of crafting would be required that cost a bit, at t3, but I was kind of expecting something akin to exotics like the Foefire set needing Gift of Light or Volcanus. Maybe with new mat combinations for all new gifts too.
What we have is some obnoxiously expensive first tier precursors that look very bad. All of the experimental skins are just awful. I expected first tier to be reasonably cheap, 100g-ish and increase with t2 and t3 the final pre. But from reddit posts of those that were crazy enough to rush this, it looks like first tier crafting is also the most expensive step, and it doesn’t make sense. Only way I can explain this is if they’d try to discourage people from getting AP for t1 or t2, but that seems like a stretch.
Its great, its put in place to rectify the pricing of pres on the TP. Its for those who cannot put in 100s of gold into an item straight away. Legendaries aren’t something you get in one day with no items required, you have to work for it.
Isn’t it required for the ‘new’ legendaries? That is, you can’t buy those pres on the TP…can you MF them?
Having pre crafting as an option to buying is one thing, but with the new legendaries, there will be no buying, so everyone will be forced to go this grindy route if they want the new legendaries.
I think it should have remained an option, not the only way.
Let’s see … it’s a legendary journey, experience or what ever to get it. No CC needed since I will just gather the mats while I am out and about in the world, eventually I will get what I need just like I did to do Bolt after having the precursor drop from a trash mob a couple of months ago. Why should I do it fast? It’s a journey to enjoy and do only when I feel like it.
The goal of Precursor Crafting is to allow incremental progress towards your goal (versus the old system wherein you only had 0% of 100% of a Precursor).
The goal was never to make them easier to acquire but rather to provide a non-random method.
I don’t mind it being just as difficult. I just wanted it to require less grinding for gold, which is apparently not the case.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
The time to make a pre doesnt matter to me, i just thought there would be some kind of storyline or quests that reflects each legendary. Like doing the events for the 1st collection of Sunrise was fun and perfect, but going on to crafting it was excessive for first tier and going into the 2nd collection was bad. I wanted JOURNEY, EPICNESS, i wanted to feel like I was doing those things for a pre cursor. The cost doesnt matter to me, or the length of making one, i wanted adventure, adventure adventure!
I feel you OP. I wanted story quests. Like why is it a legendary weapon? what makes it so legendary? I would’ve loved it if we had like time traveling quests into the past to learn the history behind the weapon, and then if we managed to complete certain requirements within the dungeon/quest/instance, then a piece of the precursor would unlock. Like your character’s current weapon would be the very reason why it became known as a legendary weapon through the feats you accomplished. Now that would’ve been cool.
What the legendary crafting mastery is at the moment is just a shopping list of things you need to go buy, and that’s no different than what we were already doing to get Precursors.
I’m cool with the collection part, and I’m ok with the WvW memories required to craft. What I’m not cool with, is the drop rate on the PvP ones. I get easily twice as much of the WvW items than the PvP items. Not to mention you’re limited based on matchmaking with PvP. Is there a track that gives an appropriate amount of these Shards of Glory?
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It’s poo. The way that they described this system years back and again a few months back when they talked about it being implemented and did an entire press release made it sound like it would be fun and not a grind.
Is there anyone who reads that and thinks that it will requires hours spent spitting out intermediate pieces for crafting or grinding gold to buy them?
it kinda sounds like they did this to offset the current costs of the pre’s on the TP. I think if they make it cost less then the cost on the TP currently, to ‘craft’ these Pre’s we would see countless flame posts about it.
I think they will probably tune down the crafting costs to make it more enjoyable and obtainable by casual players (Look at the HP change from 400 down to 250), it just take time to them to analyze and action on it.
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The goal of Precursor Crafting is to allow incremental progress towards your goal (versus the old system wherein you only had 0% of 100% of a Precursor).
The goal was never to make them easier to acquire but rather to provide a non-random method.
Exactly this, I don’t see why people are complaining about having to spend tons of money on their pre etc etc. this system allows you to make 100% progress toward your pre if you keep working on it, not a cheap solution for skipping out on having to pay 800g on a pre from the tp. If you are buying raw mats from the tp at this point in time you are doing it wrong. HoT Just dropped, prices are in flux so trying to make it now when vultures are ready to prey on you is crazy (Unless you prepared time gated mats in advance from before). If anet decided to go the route most of you want, which would be to make it take Lonnggggggg to get but cost almost nothing then the precursor market would crash and burn.
I think they will probably tune down the crafting costs to make it more enjoyable and obtainable by casual players (Look at the HP change from 400 down to 250), it just take time to them to analyze and action on it.
I don’t think they need to tune it down. The market is just crazy right now. I’m pretty sure when they decided on these mat requirements they probably looked at precurser prices over a long period of time. Judging by that they determined the required cost to make a pre which would be either a bit less than tp prices. Like I said earlier HoT just launched so prices will continue to be out of wack for a while until the market manipulation and lack of materials settles.
An example of this is Ley Line tools which went from 25g+ to around 10g in one day. The market needs time to fix itself.
(edited by merchantchuck.4875)
Not at all. I made Spark in a few hours. There is no time gate so there’s not really anything to complain about. It was not that costly to craft. I don’t think I Spent over 100g. If you play the game you get what you need. Instead of crafting ascnded materials and seling them. Why not save them and use them? No problem. Once the servers are back up I’m going to continue on my second pre for some profit. Should be done in a few hours. Just gotta wait for world Boss rotations.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
It wouldnt crash and burn at all if we wanted the way they said it would be in regards to it being a journey, it can still have time gated stuff just if they lowered it a bit, like i said costs isnt such a huge thing its the process of making one that doesnt feel like an adventure, and they could make the quests hard as you progress, either way the system right now is cleary built for grinding, i dont mind some grind at all i really dont, ive made 5 legendaries and even before this system I realized it wasnt so bad and i enjoyed making a legendary but making a precursor is just ouright disappointing, if anything its easier making a legendary than making a pre at this point in my opnion at least
It wouldnt crash and burn at all if we wanted the way they said it would be in regards to it being a journey, it can still have time gated stuff just if they lowered it a bit, like i said costs isnt such a huge thing its the process of making one that doesnt feel like an adventure, and they could make the quests hard as you progress, either way the system right now is cleary built for grinding, i dont mind some grind at all i really dont, ive made 5 legendaries and even before this system I realized it wasnt so bad and i enjoyed making a legendary but making a precursor is just ouright disappointing, if anything its easier making a legendary than making a pre at this point in my opnion at least
Well maybe they can make it more of a journey, im not against that, could be fun, However I don’t want the market value to decrease until its simple to get because every person we bump into will have them then. Need to keep prices consistent
I completely agree, i dont want it to be easy at all, and id hate if everyone got a legendary too, than it wouldnt be so legendary, it would be more of an exotic at that point haha, but im sure Anet is creative to find a perfect balance of grind and adventure and difficulty, hopefully they can do small changes that would make a huge difference, i know ppl wont ever be 100% satisfied with everything, but at least Anet does listen like they did with Elite specs and if they dont there are many other things in the expansion that Anet did a great job at, that i enjoy, like…..GLIDING! :P
I was expecting it to be hard, time consuming and expensive. I was also expecting it to be an alternative to grinding. At this point my plan is to give it a miss and buy by next pre with gold :-(
I’m playing this game almost every day since the first beta and never – and I stress that a little more never – seen a precursor drop. I decided to not pay any gold or gem for this at TP and I was really hopeless about this. Now I have a way to get one precursor even it is grindy.
I have almost all the mats for Zap without grind btw. I just didn’t sell my extra stacks of something for some extra gold to buy something I didn’t need
I like this feature and I like that it’s not easy too
I literally I don’t see the point in precursor crafting as it is currently
You can farm the mats and do the tasks to craft the precursor
You can farm the mats and then instead sell the mats and just buy the pre in half the time.
Precursor feels like more work than the weapon gift, gift of fortune, and gift of mastery combined and I feel those three things were about equal so I initial figured crafting a pre would be on par with creating gift of fortune or even the weapon’s own gift.
It’s been stated the cost of pre is about 100-50g from there current TP cost. Mats and time don’t matter because you’ll be doing about the same amount of time farming the gold though the crafting is left out so farming gold is simply hands down the best option available. Sell the mats and buy the Pre is the way to go.
Gold, Luck, or Crafting and it kind of sad when Crafting involves both huge amounts of gold and luck and yes some pre crafting achievements still involve luck.
(edited by Doam.8305)
I’ve been wondering something: Can precursors still drop from the Mystic Toilet?
Anyway what’s wrong with having long term goals? There’s no need to instantly be able to craft the precursors, and by extension no need to instantly have all the materials.
I have a question here, If I make a legendary, can I sell it or will the final version be account bound?
Not sure. I know the precursors are account bound though.
Isn’t it required for the ‘new’ legendaries? That is, you can’t buy those pres on the TP…can you MF them?
Yes it is. I think partly the idea was that if you see someone with the new legendary you know that the person had to really work to earn it.
I’ve been wondering something: Can precursors still drop from the Mystic Toilet?
First generation yes.
Is there anyone who reads that and thinks that it will requires hours spent spitting out intermediate pieces for crafting or grinding gold to buy them?
Yes and the article even says as much (well not the grinding gold part). What did you think they meant when they describe getting the precursor as being done in three tiers with iterations?
I literally I don’t see the point in precursor crafting as it is currently
You can farm the mats and do the tasks to craft the precursor
You can farm the mats and then instead sell the mats and just buy the pre in half the time.
Giving people options is not a bad thing. Both of those options are equally valid means of getting the same end, it’s simply a matter of which one you prefer. Remember the new system has taken nothing away from you (in regards to the first gen legendaries at least), but simply added a new means of acquiring them.
Don’t think it is outrageous at all. It is a legendary. I liked the hunt for the places to ponder and kneel. I’m kinda stuck now haha but will find out what to do. Im exited.
Was just wondering. I got all the pondering and kneeling done. The chest in the achievements says RECIPES. This makes me think you get more than one recipe? I got only one.
Did something go wrong or is it normal to get one recipe?
I got 1 recipe sheet that taught 4 crafting recipes. One for the inscription, 2 for the “halves” of the weapon (hilt and blade in my case) and 1 to make the weapon out of those components.
The goal of Precursor Crafting is to allow incremental progress towards your goal (versus the old system wherein you only had 0% of 100% of a Precursor).
The goal was never to make them easier to acquire but rather to provide a non-random method.
Which already existed (TP). On both incremental progress and RNG counts.
And precursor crafting will ALWAYS cost more. Because otherwise why would you buy it off the TP?
You’d buy it off TP in order to avoid the time investment on non-material requirements.
Basically, crafting value is “cost A” + “time” +"effort". TP is “cost B”. It’s nonsensical to have A>=B, because that would mean the time and effort for crafting are valued at 0 (or at negative).
Is there anyone who reads that and thinks that it will requires hours spent spitting out intermediate pieces for crafting or grinding gold to buy them?
Yes and the article even says as much (well not the grinding gold part). What did you think they meant when they describe getting the precursor as being done in three tiers with iterations?
That they would take a lot of time and effort to make.
What i didn’t think is that this would get turned into mostly mat/gold grind. After all, TP avenue offers that in spades already.
I literally I don’t see the point in precursor crafting as it is currently
You can farm the mats and do the tasks to craft the precursor
You can farm the mats and then instead sell the mats and just buy the pre in half the time.Giving people options is not a bad thing. Both of those options are equally valid means of getting the same end, it’s simply a matter of which one you prefer. Remember the new system has taken nothing away from you (in regards to the first gen legendaries at least), but simply added a new means of acquiring them.
Problem is, that new means is in all ways inferior to an already existing one. And by saying “in all ways” i mean exactly this. There’s no real, meaningful choice here.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I got 1 recipe sheet that taught 4 crafting recipes. One for the inscription, 2 for the “halves” of the weapon (hilt and blade in my case) and 1 to make the weapon out of those components.
XD ye facepalm me!! Should’ve checked on my weaponsmit hahaha instead on my engineer. I thought since we could use hammer I can also consume it on engi. Apparently not. Got the recipe again from the trader and let my weaponsmit consume it and got the rest of them unlocked Guess I was too exited.
(edited by Wild Sister.7529)
To each their own I suppose, but I think this is way more fun and engaging. I’m not sure how people think this is more of a grind than the original method.
I loved the first collection, and how the tasks you are doing relate to the overall theme of the weapon. For those complaining that there is no story, did you read the text for the collection?
I’m now working on building up the required materials to craft the first version of the pre cursor and while it will take a considerable amount of effort, I much prefer having these smaller milestones to aim for than just “grind 1000 gold”
In my opinion, the biggest mistake they made with the original Legendaries was making the pre cursors tradeable. I am very happy to see that they fixed that with the 2nd gen weapons. Now when you see someone with H.O.P.E. or Evermore, you’ll know without a doubt that they earned it.
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
speed is only one factor of many in this equation. I dont think OP was thinking he could do it in less then 5 days. I think he is refering more to the fact it costs alot more to make then to buy, that coupled with gated mats etc… It isnt always just about speed here.
But what if you just set it aside as a longer term goal and just play? Salvage drops, mine here and there, make the ingots when you can…every day you get a little closer. Which was, after all, the goal of the precursor crafting- to provide a known path that allows tangible progress beyond simply amassing gold. Prices fluctuate and sure, it may be more expensive right now with everyone rushing, but if you are willing to wait you might find that your normal play has gotten you 75% of the way there and prices for the rest of the things that you need have come down a bit. In the meantime you have enjoyed your playtime, instead of feeling like you’re stuck doing the highest gold/hr thing over and over. It isn’t always just about cost here.
Just…play? I’ve been trying for THREE YEARS to complete a Bifrost. Just “playing the game” doesn’t net you the goods. Right now I have everything except the kitten ed precursor. And the entire second rank of the precursor is a big “screw you” to me who has no where near the remaining materials nor money to buy all the Spiritwood and other mats I need.
The goal of Precursor Crafting is to allow incremental progress towards your goal (versus the old system wherein you only had 0% of 100% of a Precursor).
The goal was never to make them easier to acquire but rather to provide a non-random method.
Which already existed (TP). On both incremental progress and RNG counts.
I’ve already addressed the issues with TP acquisition (progress can be lost due to changes in supply/demand or inflation since the Precursor to Gold ratio is variable).
This method allows you to earn incremental credit towards your Precursor without the risk of losing it.
It has been out for less than a week. Did people really expect to just be able to bang out Dusk in five days?
speed is only one factor of many in this equation. I dont think OP was thinking he could do it in less then 5 days. I think he is refering more to the fact it costs alot more to make then to buy, that coupled with gated mats etc… It isnt always just about speed here.
But what if you just set it aside as a longer term goal and just play? Salvage drops, mine here and there, make the ingots when you can…every day you get a little closer. Which was, after all, the goal of the precursor crafting- to provide a known path that allows tangible progress beyond simply amassing gold. Prices fluctuate and sure, it may be more expensive right now with everyone rushing, but if you are willing to wait you might find that your normal play has gotten you 75% of the way there and prices for the rest of the things that you need have come down a bit. In the meantime you have enjoyed your playtime, instead of feeling like you’re stuck doing the highest gold/hr thing over and over. It isn’t always just about cost here.
Just…play? I’ve been trying for THREE YEARS to complete a Bifrost. Just “playing the game” doesn’t net you the goods. Right now I have everything except the kitten ed precursor. And the entire second rank of the precursor is a big “screw you” to me who has no where near the remaining materials nor money to buy all the Spiritwood and other mats I need.
I have to agree and disagree with this on certain points. I too have been playing since launch (3+ years), and JUST now (earlier this year) got my legendary. I have to say, MOST of the things you actually WILL get by “just playing”, as I netted MOST of the “mats” needed to craft it. Minus the precursor and a few mats for GOF (Gift Of Fortune), I was able to “deposit collectibles” now “deposit materials” my way through most all of it. The only thing I had to “buy” off of the AH/TP was the precursor and like 95 Lord whatever stones (there was NO way I was gonna run whatever I had to a billion times to actually get them, so I saved up and “dropped” the 400 or whatever gold it was at the time). So all in all, luckily through “just playing” I was able to also “save” the ~400/500 gold for the lord stones, and about ~1000 gold for the dawn/precursor! The rest I had banked over the 3 years of playing.
So while it’s not impossible to get one from “just playing”, the whole “we don’t wanna make an endless grind like other games” statement from launch has turned out to be a complete lie IMHO. I’m sure they could have came up with a much better way to obtain a hard to obtain item like this, rather than 5,000,000 mats of this 1,000,000 mats of that, 1500 gold, yadda yadda yadda – it’s not even that it’s “hard” – it’s just that it’s so bloody much that it is, a “grind”. Whether you do it or try to do it “fast” or you “just take your time”, either way, it’s a “grind”. It’s by no means challenging – just wait till you get all the mats/gold – whether it’s 1 month, or 72 months! Nonetheless, point being, it’s still a grind! The GOF and the precursor are what make it so ridiculous too! The rest is a cake walk!
Happy grinding y’all :LOL:
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
For the record, I expected a long list of tasks. What I did not expect were those tasks to include materials a) needed for other items, and b) obtainable on the auction house. The whole justification of “Preserve the cost” is insulting. Especially with all of the stealth-nerfs to the rate of getting a kitten ed precursor via RNG since launch.
There’s nothing legendary about this new system except for the time/gold gate that already existed and new grind. It doesn’t add enjoyment. How the devs described the journey and what’s been delivered cannot be reconciled.
For the record, I expected a long list of tasks. What I did not expect were those tasks to include materials a) needed for other items, and b) obtainable on the auction house. The whole justification of “Preserve the cost” is insulting. Especially with all of the stealth-nerfs to the rate of getting a kitten ed precursor via RNG since launch.
Do you know what would happen if it was a list of tasks?
It would take players about 30 minutes to figure them out and write up a guide, followed by every single player following the guide and having several precursors by the end of the week.
Do you know what would happen when millions of precursors suddenly are available to players? They start working on the legendary.
Do you know what happens when millions of legendaries start to be worked on? All of the materials get bought out instantly and now you get to pay 50g for each ingredient raising the cost of making a Legendary to TENS of THOUSANDS of gold each.
That’s why there is a gate that is based on slowly acquiring the Precursor, so that the entire game doesn’t collapse.
I might also add that, leveling your crafting skills to be able to craft a legendary isn’t hard either. I had to laugh at the website I found that helps you raise your crafting level because it included “price” for how much it would cost on the AH/TP if you had to buy the things off of it to do so. Well, almost needless to say since I had been “depositing all collectibles” since day one, I didn’t have to buy a single “mat”. I was able to level my crafting for building a Sunrise (weapon and armor smith respectively) from 0-500 (I know, only 400 is required for legendary, but since it’s now max 500 I figured I’d go all the way!) without spending a single copper. “Deposit all collectibles/materials” is VERY good, use it ALL the time before vending and you’ll appreciate it in the long run! As did I! Now, since I have just completed another world completion and have 3 GOE (Gift Of Exploration) I have it in my mind to “save up” for another legendary or more. So I’ve even “purchased” the “thing” (storage expander) that increases your collectibles storage 2x (+250 ea), so now my collectibles bank stacks hold 500 instead of 250, I HIGHLY recommend that too! Especially if you’re saving for a legendary! It’s only 800 gems! That’s only $10, or ~159 gold (as of this writing), and WELL worth it! From what I understand you can get enough to increase your storage all the way up to a capacity of 1500 mat stacks! (you can “purchase” up to 5)
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock