Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


A good guild doesn’t demand 100% representation. It, by virtue of the sorts of members it has and the things it does, naturally encourages you to rep 100%. I’ve only ever been part of 1 guild at a time, especially since i’m an officer. It looks very bad on the guild, imo, if the officers aren’t repping. But the real reason is that I really enjoy being with my guild. They’re a fun lot and even though we aren’t all on the at the same time, when we are on we do a lot of stuff together, chat, help newbies do dungeons, fractals, events, map exploration and craft gear for them.

One of my guildies who is a newbie to the game reached 80 on their first character and needed exotic gear. One of the other officers was saying as I logged in that they would have crafted a set of medium armour for them but didn’t have a 400 leather worker. So seeing, I relogged my leatherworker and made a set and gifted it to them. The little things in game don’t mean much, they’re just pixels after all but the little gestures are what good guildies do for one another and bind the guild together.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drow.2081


Interesting views. I’m loath to leave a guild once I’ve joined. Leads to guild hopping. Which I don’t disdain. I just don’t have the energy to spare for it. Been there. Done that. Own the t-shirt shop. But my stance stays. Demanding 100% rep is invasive and rude. I didn’t join your guild(s) with my ACCOUNT. I joined with my CHARACTER. You don’t like it, bite me.

I also post on guildwars2guru.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Interesting views. I’m loath to leave a guild once I’ve joined. Leads to guild hopping. Which I don’t disdain. I just don’t have the energy to spare for it. Been there. Done that. Own the t-shirt shop. But my stance stays. Demanding 100% rep is invasive and rude. I didn’t join your guild(s) with my ACCOUNT. I joined with my CHARACTER. You don’t like it, bite me.

I think of it differently from you. If I were playing WoW, for example, I obviously join a guild based on my character(s) because guilds are character-based. However, that’s not the case in GW2. When you join a guild in GW2, your entire account joins. When you create a new character, you’ll start off not repping that guild, but it will be in your list of guilds when you look at the Guild Panel. So, yes, you DID join the guild with your account due to how the game’s guild system is set up.

That doesn’t mean you have to stick to one guild if you don’t want to, obviously.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


you get the benefits of guild influence and better guild activiites too.

my last guild don’t require 100% rep, and after a while half of the guilds rep other guilds. So in the end you can only interact with half the amount of people.

There is also a need to contribute on guild influence for guild buff/mission etc.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I really do not understand why someone who isnt willing to 100% rep would join a guild asking for it.

Of course if the guild isnt up front about that requirement there may be a problem.

(edited by Ashen.2907)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hybrid.5027


I’m the guild leader of a prominent NA dungeon guild. We have a 99% rep policy. Exceptions are for bank guilds, if you need to do missions with another guild due to time zone issues, or if you don’t want to advertise being in a dungeon guild when you PvP to avoid trash talk.

Why do we have a strict repping policy? To avoid being used. If we didn’t have a repping policy, what would happen is that new people would join the guild but continue to rep their casual guild with friends. They would rep us solely to try to fill up dungeon groups and go right back to repping their other guild when finished. Essentially, we would be an extended friendlist for them full of trusted super-pugs. Unfortunately for that attitude, we do not wish to be a friendlist we wish to be a community. You don’t get a sense of community unless people play together all the time and talk together in chat and on VOIP.

So yeah, if your guild is a a glorified friendlist for Dungeons/Worldbosses/Dry Top etc then there no need to have a rep policy. But if your guild is an actual community that provides value to the members, you have to insist on repping.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

It really depends on the guild and what they are trying to accomplish.

If its a new guild trying to build an active community I would more than assume they would require 100% rep. If you just rep for a few minutes everyday and just drop in to say hi you are not doing them any favors as non reppers makes the guild look inactive or dying. As they built a core group that reps all the time they could probably be more lax with thier rep.

Then thier are activity based guilds like TTS that just exist to do runs. That many show up rep for the run and return to thier main guild. These guilds do not need people to 100 rep then as they are large and have rosters full of people to do the run.

From a guild leader that has always focused on building community, I dont require 100% rep, but you will not move up in my guild at all if you dont. I feel like this is the best way to let ppl try out this guild and reward when they pledge 100% rep (with the exception of a bank). If you are providing them with a superior experiance they will pledge 100% for the rank to show they are fully commited to the community and be proud of it.

At the same time I require majority rep from all initiates. I need to keep my roster active. You are not helping my guild by popping in every once in awhile to try to fill your groups or just joining for guild missions. We send out guests invites for our events for a reason. So, I will kick people I see that do not rep most of the time they are on and non full reppers are marked every month and removed for inactivity and non rep at the end of the month.

Roster activity can make a break a guild. I could have filled my roster 10x over. But I rather have 150 members with 30 plus online that are highly active reppers than a roster of 500 with around 100 online where over half hardly rep. One of these looks vastly healthier over the other.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


It is very simple.

Don’t agree with 100% rep requirements? don’t join.

Have a bank toon and maybe you’re part of a guild like TTS? Discuss it before hand.

Otherwise guilds can ask anything they wish.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Not gonna be associated with a Guild that takes itself that seriously…..sorry.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The problem is having multiple guilds. There should have been just one per account, then allow players other methods to group together.

For example. These two:

Super-guild groups
Let’s call these “alliances”.

Alliances pool the resources of several guilds. Allowing things like guilds working together towards common goals, or big guilds being able to split themselves into sub-guilds, without having to become independent of each other.

With alliances, guilds can join together for greater things like guild missions or guild-started world bosses and WvW, without anyone stopping representing their own guild.

- — -

Non-guild groups
Let’s call it “Societies” based on the the “Tyrian Explorers Society”.

These are groups people can join and interact with without leaving their guild or stop representing. Something similar to Diablo III’s "communities’, they have no skills, crafts, points, score or ranking nor any other form of numeric value like influence and merits. They merely have one or more admistrators that volunteer to create, manage and moderate the Society, a simple BBS to post messages, and a chat. So it’s basically in-game IRC+simple forum without having to use third party sites or applications for it.

The chat panels would get an expanding list (like the one to select lines for the combat log) to pick which society chats you want to see. Players would be able to join a lot of societies, but have only 2-4 chats active at the same time.

So, if you want to join together with people who do fractals, or explore, or hunt enemies, natural-started world bosses, or do dungeon runs, or make frequent visits to higher level areas like Magumma Wastes, Orr and Southsun or whatever that doesn’t require any guild functionality to work or work better, you can join a “Fractals” society, or an “Explorer society” or a “Monster hunt society” or a “Boss hunter society”. And you can enable its chat and can visit its BBS in a panel in the game (which uses the in-game browser) without having to leave your guild nor having tostop representing it.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jenstone.6891


Right now I belong to 5 guilds(the max, as I understand it.)
The main guild that I do pretty much everything with, does not require repping all the time. This is fortunate, because the other 4 guilds I belong to are with guild mates that are looking for additional storage space. So, during guild missions with the main guild, we rep the main guild. For everything else, until we get the influence up for the upgrades, we rep each others guilds. Even the main guild leaders have alt guild banks.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


As someone who is part of the leadership of a 100% rep guild, hopefully I can give some insight as to why we require 100% rep.

For starters, upon recruitment (we interview all potential members), we make it very clear that we require rep across all characters. There are no hard feelings if someone decides that’s not for them. We say our pleasantries and go our separate ways.

Our guild is in GW2 for the long haul. We are trying to build the guild into something great. We don’t want to just have numbers, we want quality. We want members that are helpful and we want them representing our guild as a way to show others what our guild is about. Had a blast running in a PUG with 3 members from <insert guild>? Awesome, maybe you will ask about their guild. Maybe you see another member in a different setting and you think “Oh man, I had a good time with those other guys, I bet this guy is cool too!”

Beyond that, we want to recruit people into the guild that are looking for a home. We are in GW2 for the long haul and want to find others that are as well and want to create a long-lasting community that stretches across various games, not just GW2. You simply cannot create a strong community identity if your members aren’t even identifying themselves as one of your guild members. You may as well not be a member at that point.

We aren’t simply a guild with a bunch of people to use as a /LFG channel. We are after a specific type of player, and that player is one that is OK with 100% rep across all characters. If you are not OK with that, that’s fine with us, you simply will not be a member.

Now, we aren’t stupid, we understand that there are reasons to be members of other guilds. We allow you to have your own guild for banking purposes. We allow you to join a guild like TTS for world boss purposes. We allow you to join a guild that runs all guild missions (even though we do all at this point, earlier in our timeline we did not) on specific days.

But if you want to join another guild for the social aspect, then you need to pick them or us.

We could care less about influence, merits, etc. We have everything we need from that. It’s more about having our guild synonymous with good players, strong characters, solid values, etc. We want others to see our guild tag and know right off the bat that they are playing with genuinely good people.

That’s what I think people don’t understand. Some guilds are in it for numbers, influence, whatever, but others, like us, are in it to create a reputation over the many years we will be playing this game.

I know many mega guilds with 500 players that have maybe 10% active. We have 120 members and 107 of them have logged in within the last 4 days…

Don’t hate on guilds that want 100% rep. We simply have a different mindset than you do and goals for our guild that are beyond simply having numbers. Quality over quantity. And we want that quality to reflect on the guild, and you can’t have it reflect on the guild if your members aren’t representing your tag….

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547



They politely remind you that they’re 100% rep, and you get offended?

Some guild have rules about repping. If you don’t like them, you don’t have to stay. It’s not worth getting worked up over.

And in GW2, you do join guilds with your account. If you want to rep different guilds for different toons, you’ll need to check with them to make sure it’s ok. I really don’t see what’s invasive or rude about it.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


neither right nor wrong, but simply up to them.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Interesting views. I’m loath to leave a guild once I’ve joined. Leads to guild hopping. Which I don’t disdain. I just don’t have the energy to spare for it. Been there. Done that. Own the t-shirt shop. But my stance stays. Demanding 100% rep is invasive and rude. I didn’t join your guild(s) with my ACCOUNT. I joined with my CHARACTER. You don’t like it, bite me.

So because you don’t agree with the rules you agreed on upon joining, you won’t leave – making them force to kick you (as you don’t obey rules) and then you still gonna be a hopper.

Don’t like 100% rep guilds? Don’t join them.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I really do not understand why someone who isnt willing to 100% rep would join a guild asking for it.

Of course if the guild isnt up front about that requirement there may be a problem.

2 guilds I was formerly in both had similar situations to this.

Basically I play with them, they suggest I join the guild, ask if it’s 100% rep, get told “yeah but don’t worry about it, we’re not strict about it, just like make it your main guild, if you rep for other stuff when you’re doing stuff that’s cool” Then I get hounded by some overly strict officer who apparently didn’t know that the leader was relaxed about it… yeah… /shrug

Again, those 2 guilds are former guilds though I couldn’t keep up with their demanding ways.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


That’s what I think people don’t understand. Some guilds are in it for numbers, influence, whatever, but others, like us, are in it to create a reputation over the many years we will be playing this game.

As a guild that does not require 100% rep, with all due respect, we’re in for the exact same thing. Except that our methods are different. If we lose people because their friend insists that they play with them, we don’t lose them for forever, they still hang out with us. We’re in to create a long lasting community with a friendly casual environment and one way to do that is to make sure that our guildies don’t feel chained to us.
The same way that we don’t have log in requirements. The idea is, by being a good guild we’ll make them want to play with us and want to log in. That’s what we strive for every day. And surprisingly enough we had pretty good results so far. There are a few guildies that are in multiple guilds, however they still drop by daily, they represent, talk with us, help out, run events and stay on our teamspeak with us. The idea is to have fun, not to raise ultimatums.
And just like you we’re a multiguild community. Just a different one at that. So no. Not only 100% rep guilds are in for the long haul and the community, not just numbers.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Some guilds recruit characters. Some guilds recruit players. Some guilds expect to be your main focus. Some guilds expect to be your focus only for specific events or content.

The guild isn’t being pushy. You’re overreacting. You joined a guild That expects to you represent them, as you’re a member of that community, and for the guild to benefit from your membership you have to be repping.

Some guilds aren’t designed to be a community, and are just organizational (for example, world boss or champ run guilds) and thus only use those rep tags as communication, as the influence they gain from people only repping for thos events is sufficient for those guilds needs (generally they don’t need to spend much inf)

If you are not interested in being in a community that expects its members to treat it as their primary community, find a guild that more closely meets your expectation of what your relationship with a guild should be.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Because some people are too narrow-minded to understand that others’ different interests may be rooted in inherently different values or goals, and far too egocentric to concede that those values and goals could be as legitimate as their own.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Because some people are too narrow-minded to understand that others’ different interests may be rooted in inherently different values or goals, and far too egocentric to concede that those values and goals could be as legitimate as their own.

Too many fance words: You are saying that because players have personal goals they shouldn’t have to care for guild rules which hold them back??

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Because some people are too narrow-minded to understand that others’ different interests may be rooted in inherently different values or goals, and far too egocentric to concede that those values and goals could be as legitimate as their own.

Too many fance words: You are saying that because players have personal goals they shouldn’t have to care for guild rules which hold them back??

I don’t see how you came to that conclusion from what I wrote. I’m saying that if their personal goals don’t align with the goals of a guild, then perhaps the guild is not the right fit for them.

I’m also saying that starting a crusade against all such goals whose goals and/or values do not align with your own is sort of narrow-minded and egocentric.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Because some people are too narrow-minded to understand that others’ different interests may be rooted in inherently different values or goals, and far too egocentric to concede that those values and goals could be as legitimate as their own.

Too many fance words: You are saying that because players have personal goals they shouldn’t have to care for guild rules which hold them back??

I don’t see how you came to that conclusion from what I wrote. I’m saying that if their personal goals don’t align with the goals of a guild, then perhaps the guild is not the right fit for them.

I’m also saying that starting a crusade against all such goals whose goals and/or values do not align with your own is sort of narrow-minded and egocentric.

Than we are on the same page
(mumbles something about english not being my native language :$)

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


all the 100% rep guilds I’ve joined I’ve quickly left because they’re just too pushy, uptight or srsbsns. the decent guilds don’t need to ask for 100% rep, because they make you WANT to rep, not because they need it

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


The people who claim to have seen so many bad guilds and/or bad groups should realize that the one single thing always present in every one of those situations is themselves.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

all the 100% rep guilds I’ve joined I’ve quickly left because they’re just too pushy, uptight or srsbsns. the decent guilds don’t need to ask for 100% rep, because they make you WANT to rep, not because they need it

In my vision the higher the represent, the more of a community the guild will become (players see another talk, can join in on anything said in guild chat, etc).

Though to state a 100% rep guild isn’t a decent guild, that’s just a clouded one sided view.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

(edited by Guardian of Angels.9867)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gregori.5807


To those who insist on 100% rep, what would you tell a member who, for instance, wanted the Ambrite weapons, which require T6 Dry Tops? DTop takes 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Saturday… 4 hours out of the week, if you want to do all 4 T6’s. The rest of the time I rep my main guild.

If they tell you that they want Ambrite weapons, what do you tell them? Can you provide a T6 DT for these members… or any of the other things offered by specialty guilds?

~~On Blackgate since Beta~~
80s: Necro x2, Ranger, Warr, Guardian x2, Ele x2, Mes, Thief

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranos.5913


Guilds are supposed to be a place to chat, help each other out and have fun. If you don’t rep you can’t even see guild chat so how are you going to do any of that? This system of allowing you to join multiple guilds only to completely ignore all but one at a time is just not working. As an officer in a guild I can understand them pushing for 100% rep uptime.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


To those who insist on 100% rep, what would you tell a member who, for instance, wanted the Ambrite weapons, which require T6 Dry Tops? DTop takes 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Saturday… 4 hours out of the week, if you want to do all 4 T6’s. The rest of the time I rep my main guild.

If they tell you that they want Ambrite weapons, what do you tell them? Can you provide a T6 DT for these members… or any of the other things offered by specialty guilds?

I’m not sure there would be much conflict here. If the strawman “100% rep” guilds in your mind seem unreasonable to you, perhaps you should start examining real ones.

I’m sure that if an officer of a 100% rep guild heard about the Dry Top dilemma from a prospective member they’d be very understanding and appreciative of the fact that communication occurred, instead of kneejerk strawman assumptions.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranos.5913


To those who insist on 100% rep, what would you tell a member who, for instance, wanted the Ambrite weapons, which require T6 Dry Tops? DTop takes 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Saturday… 4 hours out of the week, if you want to do all 4 T6’s. The rest of the time I rep my main guild.

If they tell you that they want Ambrite weapons, what do you tell them? Can you provide a T6 DT for these members… or any of the other things offered by specialty guilds?

I’m not sure there would be much conflict here. If the strawman “100% rep” guilds in your mind seem unreasonable to you, perhaps you should start examining real ones.

I’m sure that if an officer of a 100% rep guild heard about the Dry Top dilemma from a prospective member they’d be very understanding and appreciative of the fact that communication occurred, instead of kneejerk strawman assumptions.

This, we have quite a few people who do WvW/pvp with other guilds and we have no problem with it, like many other guilds that don’t offer that stuff.

From experience I can say though that people coming with these excuses usually only rep to leech gm yet keep insisting your guild is their “main guild” and that’s where the problem starts.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gregori.5807


To those who insist on 100% rep, what would you tell a member who, for instance, wanted the Ambrite weapons, which require T6 Dry Tops? DTop takes 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Saturday… 4 hours out of the week, if you want to do all 4 T6’s. The rest of the time I rep my main guild.

If they tell you that they want Ambrite weapons, what do you tell them? Can you provide a T6 DT for these members… or any of the other things offered by specialty guilds?

I’m not sure there would be much conflict here. If the strawman “100% rep” guilds in your mind seem unreasonable to you, perhaps you should start examining real ones.

I’m sure that if an officer of a 100% rep guild heard about the Dry Top dilemma from a prospective member they’d be very understanding and appreciative of the fact that communication occurred, instead of kneejerk strawman assumptions.

My question is not for people who make exceptions for specialty guilds… all specialty guilds, not just for Dry Top. It is for guild leaders who do not make exceptions… there is one that I know of and some I have heard of.

~~On Blackgate since Beta~~
80s: Necro x2, Ranger, Warr, Guardian x2, Ele x2, Mes, Thief

(edited by Gregori.5807)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


The point was that exceptions tend to be the norm, and guild leaders who do or do not make exceptions are already aware of this norm and make their decision with these things in mind.

If they have decided that Dry Top is not representative of their community, then they will not grant the exception for it (the same way a dungeon guild may not feel like granting an exception for WvW while Tequatl is fine). It also suggests that people who are interested in Dry Top may not be the right fit for the guild, nor the guild the right fit for those people.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Not sure what the conflict is here. If you want to join a guild with 100% rep, then join it. If you don’t want to rep all the time, then join a guild that doesn’t require it. Simple as that.

Nothing is wrong with 100% rep guilds, just as nothing is wrong with guilds that don’t require it. It is a player sort of preference.

The first question I always ask when joining a guild is….do you require 100% rep? I don’t like repping a guild 100% of the time, so I don’t want to join a guild like that. Nothing wrong with that….its just the way I play. I belong to a pve guild and a wvw guild…..neither require 100% rep, and they’re great guilds.

But if you enjoy repping a guild 100%…..cool. That’s the way you like playing, and that is fine, too.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Dude it’s like…ye know..easy. Each guild may have certain rules. Since repping is a guild mechanic of sorts every guild takes a position regarding it.

Some go “no rep needed” or “rep from time to time” or “we want to be your main guild” or “100% rep no exceptions omg!”. Or whatever.
There are plenty of no representation guilds. Before you thrasing their rules please go and join one of those and see how dead it looks.

The issue with 100% representation guilds is that they tend to be these huge conglomerates or 500-something people that have literally nothing in common because the guild has been recruiting spamming stupid map chat texts of “pvp/pve/wvw/world boss tour/fractals/farming everybody welcome” when they actually can only do world bosses and even that ineffectively.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gregori.5807


The point was that exceptions tend to be the norm, and guild leaders who do or do not make exceptions are already aware of this norm and make their decision with these things in mind.

If they have decided that Dry Top is not representative of their community, then they will not grant the exception for it (the same way a dungeon guild may not feel like granting an exception for WvW while Tequatl is fine). It also suggests that people who are interested in Dry Top may not be the right fit for the guild, nor the guild the right fit for those people.

And the accusations of straw manning were absolutely required to make your point.

~~On Blackgate since Beta~~
80s: Necro x2, Ranger, Warr, Guardian x2, Ele x2, Mes, Thief

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


The point was that exceptions tend to be the norm, and guild leaders who do or do not make exceptions are already aware of this norm and make their decision with these things in mind.

If they have decided that Dry Top is not representative of their community, then they will not grant the exception for it (the same way a dungeon guild may not feel like granting an exception for WvW while Tequatl is fine). It also suggests that people who are interested in Dry Top may not be the right fit for the guild, nor the guild the right fit for those people.

And the accusations of straw manning were absolutely required to make your point.

Although not required, the accusations were convenient and not without merit.

Your initial question “To those who insist on 100% rep” was reduced to clarified as “To those who insist on 100% rep with absolutely no exceptions”, which is a far weaker question to far fewer people.

Feelings may have been hurt. You may have felt violated. Sorry not sorry, especially when you double down and continue the hyperbole.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942



You joined a guild, didn’t ask for rules, and they have them…. uhm… what a shocker?

If you don’t like it, why not just leave it and find one that suits you needs? I mean sure, it could take like 2 whole minutes standing in LA.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


In my vision the higher the represent, the more of a community the guild will become (players see another talk, can join in on anything said in guild chat, etc).

Is it a cause or effect here? Because i see it otherwise – the better the community a guild is, the better its represent rate will naturally be. Because players will want to be part of that community.
Guild identity and pride, as well as social group cohesion is not something that can be enforced – if you have to enforce it, then it is a sign that you have problems you should address. And forcing representation is nthing more than trying to duct-tape those problems – a quick and crude fix that may work short-term, but is no replacement for more appropriate solution.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


In my vision the higher the represent, the more of a community the guild will become (players see another talk, can join in on anything said in guild chat, etc).

Is it a cause or effect here? Because i see it otherwise – the better the community a guild is, the better its represent rate will naturally be. Because players will want to be part of that community.
Guild identity and pride, as well as social group cohesion is not something that can be enforced – if you have to enforce it, then it is a sign that you have problems you should address. And forcing representation is nthing more than trying to duct-tape those problems – a quick and crude fix that may work short-term, but is no replacement for more appropriate solution.

That would be the case if you were talking about a set group of 15 people and make them a team.

However here you can set rules, and people may apply from tens of thousands if they see they are fit into that group. So if I enforce 100% rep, only people who are okay with that will join (or at least should). So it’s a win-win.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: metaldude.4132


It is the guild’s choice to require 100% rep or not. If you don’t agree with their policy leave the guild. It is that simple and nothing to be offended over. Personally I don’t join guilds that require it.

+1..nuff said

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


There is a reason why friend list exist and why someone needs to join a guild. Guild list should never exist from the very start. Account or character should join only 1 guild , and guilds should have the option to join a greater group, an alliance as in any other mmo, and gw1.
I am an officer in the largest greek guild on gw2, and yes we demand from our members 100% represent. Being 100% represent and using VOIP has many benefits (active-live help to every newbie, fast group forming for dungeons/fractals, guild missions, etc everything based on communication). Ofc “guild banks” are allowed as the only exception. A guild, an organised guild at least, has a lot to offer and the only thing that asks back, is to be and stay active. Guild members that do not represent they give/produce nothing in a guild, other than keep an extra slot. Guild merits / guild influence, the game itself ask from the guild members to be and stay active. Some guilds instead of asking represent they just ask gold in return so they can apply guild buffs etc.
Some ppl said, they dont want to join a guild 100% rep. They wanna have a guild that organises tri-wyrm, another one that does dry top t6 runs, another guild that farms a seasonal event, etc. Yes you have the freedom to join all these guilds, but you have not the right to be called a guild member, because you are not. Because all these can be done by just adding some more peeps in the friendlist. An organised guild has a purpose, for example a wvw oriented guild, does wvw. It is normal that asks 100% represent and it does not need members that occasionaly go to wvw, same goes for guilds that do PvE or PvP only.
Everyone have the freedom to join and leave a guild, and a guild has the right to ask for 100% rep or other rules and the right to kick, this is called democracy. But joining a guild and complaining for the 100% rep, while in the same time asking for max buffs from a guild that someone represent for 20% of their time and contribute nothing (no influence nor gold to buy influence), or complaining and asking for group while someone doesnt represent, this is called anarchy. There is also the option to stay without guild and play solo or join 5 guilds that do not require 100% rep, and exist for occasional/seasonal purposes (seasonal events farming, dry top farming, etc)

Sorry for my bad english, but people should understand the difference between Friend List and Guild. Just because there is a guild list, it doesn’t mean that you have to fill it.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


In my vision the higher the represent, the more of a community the guild will become (players see another talk, can join in on anything said in guild chat, etc).

Is it a cause or effect here? Because i see it otherwise – the better the community a guild is, the better its represent rate will naturally be. Because players will want to be part of that community.
Guild identity and pride, as well as social group cohesion is not something that can be enforced – if you have to enforce it, then it is a sign that you have problems you should address. And forcing representation is nthing more than trying to duct-tape those problems – a quick and crude fix that may work short-term, but is no replacement for more appropriate solution.

That would be the case if you were talking about a set group of 15 people and make them a team.

However here you can set rules, and people may apply from tens of thousands if they see they are fit into that group. So if I enforce 100% rep, only people who are okay with that will join (or at least should). So it’s a win-win.

Win for what? It’s not like that 100% representation will make those people fit your guild more (or less). If the new players will feel in your guild at home, no rep requirement would be necessary. At the same time, if they won’t fit, because they won’t feel the “community magic”, no rep requirement will help. All that is good for is creating a big guild (usually with a mass recruitment tactics), with a fast member turnover and no strong ties of friendship that would bind members together in times of hardship. Guilds like that may seem strong as long as everything is going fine, but (in my experience) tend to disintegrate very fast as soon as kitten hits the fan.

TL/DR: Carrots usually work better than sticks

I see here two different approaches to guilds. I believe, that they are primarily groups of friends that like to do stuff together. Some seems to look upon them as some sort of military/business organizations, with social interactions adjusted accordingly.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Well my guild is 100%rep (ish) with a pretty practical reason. It’s a WvW guild and it’s pretty annoying to whisper every member: “Hey, raid is about to start, get on TS and get in gear!” every day.

I guess a guild without any goals or purpose doesn’t need it.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

if you have to enforce it, then it is a sign that you have problems you should address. And forcing representation is nthing more than trying to duct-tape those problems – a quick and crude fix that may work short-term, but is no replacement for more appropriate solution.

I don’t see your issue, guilds that have been 99/100% represent from creation don’t have these problems. They’re merely looking for long time players, you could say they move away from non rep issues since start but I don’t see how that’s valid to your opinion.

“A quick and crude fix” that works very well with many 100% represent guilds, various sizes and ages. Though in my opinion it’s not a fix but a mindset.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Well To get back at an interesting point

I play in multiple guilds. I have explained my guild leaders I’m not going to represent them unless playing with the guild


- I have 5 dungeon characters, meta zerk (W,N,R,G,E)
- I have 5 WvW characters, meta WVW (W,N,R,G,M
- I have 5 characters with “personal builds”, They do not fit any meta (W,N,R,T,E)

I represent the PvE guild with the 5 dungeoncharacters, mand most of the time with the 5 “personal builds”. I represent a WVW guild (depending on which day for whcih of the 2 is raiding) with the other 5.

If I would play both types of game the same amount I would rep the PvE guild 60-66% time and the WvW 30-33 , the other 1-10% is my guild bank mostly…

So whatever the case I will not promise people I can rep 100%. I also find moist guilds can say they are true PvX and WvW and I know they are jacks of all trades, being everywhere and mediocre in most areas. I do consider me a versatile player, not leet or something but quite often online. I know most dungeons I like by heart and head. I know most tactics in Wvw, though i sometimes queue up with the worng character /-.-
If people say they need 100% rep to stay alive I honestly wonder: Why?

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


if you have to enforce it, then it is a sign that you have problems you should address. And forcing representation is nthing more than trying to duct-tape those problems – a quick and crude fix that may work short-term, but is no replacement for more appropriate solution.

I don’t see your issue, guilds that have been 99/100% represent from creation don’t have these problems.

Then they most likely don’t need the 100% represent rule. Notice by the way, how i have never said that lack of that rule equals to people splitting their time between multiple guilds, prevents the leader to specify that they only want dedicated members, that will consider this guild a primary one or prevents picking new members with care.

“A quick and crude fix” that works very well with many 100% represent guilds, various sizes and ages. Though in my opinion it’s not a fix but a mindset.

While i agree that there may be guilds that are not harmed by the full rep requirement, i doubt there are any that actually benefit from it longterm.

I can’t also fail to notice that most of the 100% represent guilds have a strong core group of players that would have stayed together even without the rule, and an outer shell of members that come and go, whose existence the rule fails to prevent anyway.

(i say most, because there are also guilds that consist only of that outer shell, and a leader)

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Then they most likely don’t need the 100% represent rule. Notice by the way, how i have never said that lack of that rule equals to people splitting their time between multiple guilds, prevents the leader to specify that they only want dedicated members, that will consider this guild a primary one or prevents picking new members with care.

While i agree that there may be guilds that are not harmed by the full rep requirement, i doubt there are any that actually benefit from it longterm.

To be honest I think as a new guild with no rep requirement, you won’t last very long (I’ve even seen this happening to a FB page with 1000+ members, they created as non rep requirement, though as players didn’t represent them they forced a 50% represent)

I see your point in the longterm, however should a guild adept to the need of a few players? 100% might be counterproductive to those that “Evolve, doing new stuff” – if a PvE player turns WvW they can’t be in the 100% rep guild anymore agreed.

Then again, why would a PvE guild have WvW players?
I don’t think the need of the few should determine what a guild is about. A guild should have a focus, and with that focus get people in that play such content.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


That’s what I think people don’t understand. Some guilds are in it for numbers, influence, whatever, but others, like us, are in it to create a reputation over the many years we will be playing this game.

As a guild that does not require 100% rep, with all due respect, we’re in for the exact same thing. Except that our methods are different. If we lose people because their friend insists that they play with them, we don’t lose them for forever, they still hang out with us. We’re in to create a long lasting community with a friendly casual environment and one way to do that is to make sure that our guildies don’t feel chained to us.
The same way that we don’t have log in requirements. The idea is, by being a good guild we’ll make them want to play with us and want to log in. That’s what we strive for every day. And surprisingly enough we had pretty good results so far. There are a few guildies that are in multiple guilds, however they still drop by daily, they represent, talk with us, help out, run events and stay on our teamspeak with us. The idea is to have fun, not to raise ultimatums.
And just like you we’re a multiguild community. Just a different one at that. So no. Not only 100% rep guilds are in for the long haul and the community, not just numbers.

We encourage cross guild relationships. There are several guilds that we run events/dungeons/fotm with and honestly if a member of ours would like to join another guild, we don’t stop them, but they can’t represent the other guild (unless it’s a TTS/guild missions/bank situation).

I personally don’t feel that “I want to play with my friend” is a valid reason to represent another guild, simply because you can still play with your friend, regardless of guild tag. Do people feel that they aren’t able to party with their friend and talk to them anymore because of their guild tag? If that other guild doesn’t require 100% representation then what difference does it make anyway if you are representing us and your friend is representing another guild? You’re still friends and are still playing together.

But I appreciate your comments, it’s good to hear other guilds are in it to build a reputation beyond being a catch all for anyone and everyone. I am curious, if let’s say 95% of your members don’t represent (hypothetically), how you are able to have those players’ personalities, skill, values, etc. reflect on your guild and not whatever guild they are representing at the time. It’s not like people ask what other guilds you are in. They will have a smooth run with someone in a FoTM50, look at their tag, and associate that player with that guild, and not yours.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Thuras.8795

Artemis Thuras.8795

Yet again the arguments all sound like they would pretty much evaporate if two things happen:
1) you can view and talk in each of your 5 guilds chat ( similar to alliance chat in gw1), with the difference being you pick guild by tag, like whisper.

2) you generate influence for all 5, because.. you are a member of all 5.

with concept of a main guild for tag/emblem.

Kinda hoping this comes with a feature patch pre HoT ( sounds like we’re getting balance changes soon with the stabby change). If we do I’m hoping its going to be in the next couple of months.

Co-Leader of The Mythical Dragons [MYTH],
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Doesn’t really bother me

I honestly don’t see the point in being in more than 1 guild anyway..
since representing rewards the guild with influence etc then frankly it makes sense why guilds would go with a 100% rep rule