Tis only what you can do for all
PvE Culling...
Tis only what you can do for all
I understand how this can ruin PvP, but in PvE it doesn’t bothers me since fellow players are not a threat, I mean ideally there would be no culling but if some of it is necessary so I can at least participate in a dragon event even if at 5 fps, or reduce loading times from minutes to seconds then so be it.
If we ever have another event similar to the Ancient Karka attacking Lion’s Arch, PvE culling may be all that stands between some players and total immobility.
yeh but i dont think it should be as heavy as it is right now its absolutley awful. It kills the feeling of a server being populated. This is the root cause of somepeople going to overflows yet saying there server seems emtpy. Of course its seeming empty if all the players are culled away, do you see my point here?
You see the culling is at a level constantly, why not compromise and perhaps have it switched onprior to large events that may cause this lag and turn it off when its not needed..
Surely this option is preferable?
Tis only what you can do for all
It is absolutely ridiculous as it stands right now. Even roleplay has been affected heavily by it. Having people disappear from in front of you when there are only 6 people around is just messed up.
I kinda wandered around looking for people wondering why I was in an overflow server when I saw no one around. It is pretty lame, and I miss seeing other people running around. It is pretty boring all around the world thinking you are totally alone. It is so bad some days that I feel like i am doing a group event by myself, and literally can’t see anyone other then my party members. I know it was not like this when the game launched. It was an amazing experience seeing people fighting all over and all the different abilities going off. I enjoyed saving people in trouble and helping others fight multiple enemies, but I can’t see anyone now. The community has vanished, and we are all ghosts in the game. If one person talks to me, I will be really surprised, because I honestly think no one can see me anymore… T_T
Seems like culling just gets worse and worse. It’s so bad at this point, moving your camera around slightly makes people appear and reappear like crazy.
Go into the bank building in Lions Arch and time how long it takes for the NPCs to appear, not just other players… even the main central graphic isn’t there initially.
Go into the trading post and time how long it takes for the NPCs to appear, much less the other players. You’ll see the little icons (the scales) that are over the NPCs heads a good ten seconds before the NPCs appear.
…and that’s a peaceful area.
In hostile zones, I no longer have any confidence in my situational awareness — bad enough already because of the kitten camera — because now mobs may be present — even attacking me — and I’m not going to see them.
I understand how this can ruin PvP, but in PvE it doesn’t bothers me since fellow players are not a threat, I mean ideally there would be no culling but if some of it is necessary so I can at least participate in a dragon event even if at 5 fps, or reduce loading times from minutes to seconds then so be it.
Unfortunately it is not only causing friendlies to be invisible. I’ve already run into several situations where hostile NPCs have been completely invisible to me until they initiated combat. These were not respawns out of thin air — they were culled as evidenced by the fact their names/details were visible but the characters themselves were not.
Normally, I play with all character names off except for players to improve immersion but this issue has on occasion forced me to turn the names for NPCs back on to save me unecessary repair bills.
I really hope the devs can do something to curb this seemingly worsening problem.
It is at an all time low for me too, i’ve been almost killed twice since the last patch, by multiple mobs appearing out of thin air on me, its insane at this time, i never had any of these issues when Guildwars 2 opened…
The Veteran karkas appearing out of no where was last time i visit south sun, till its fixed..
I have never seen a game where culling is this bad , Anet you should really do someting about this it effects every part of the game right now.
So what is it is their server gear that bad and cheap or what?
I have played a few games now and have never seen anything this bad as lag and culling.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer