Q: What will make GW2 even better?
- No.1 Some stuf from GW1
More open world PVP zones.
It depends on the person personal tastes and interests.
In short no matter what they do or who they satisfy people will always complain about every update that is released because the game is not their perfect game they spent every day and night dreaming about.
Capturing skills.
GW1 end game zones like underworld.
More weapons
Anything that makes it more like WoW apparently.
It depends on the person personal tastes and interests.
In short no matter what they do or who they satisfy people will always complain about every update that is released because the game is not their perfect game they spent every day and night dreaming about.
I think that everyone wants a better experience, this is what devs try to do. Its not about what each individual want it’s about making the game better.
Its need only time, Pve And PVP balance, LESS PR STUFF ( with more direct communication ) and NO STATS GRIND.
Anet have the artists, and they are quite good. they have to focus on more skins from armor and weapons (i dont care if a have to farm a month for a single skin, because its my choice to do that). The game in its actual form, its like a huge betatest, and its not a problem if they return on the good road, they return to bugfix and balance classes, and they prepare more mature content. (like new weapon skills)
I dont care if we have to miss the christmas event, if the give us the game that they promise us.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
-Removal of ascended gear and the agony mechanic.
-Addition of more PvE dungeons like fractal where you can keep increasing the difficulty. This idea is pretty solid as it allows for the hardcore crowd to see the same content as everyone else while still feeling challenged.
-PvE balance is pretty out of whack. Not sure about PvP as I only do PvE and WvW. Certain classes have to work much harder for less DPS, Rangers are kinda awful, etc.
-More PvP modes. More WvW objectives. Without the orbs WvW feels pretty bland.
-Put in some armor that has different styles. Medium armor especially feels like the same set has been slightly modified and copied 10 times.
1. Remove stat increase.
2. Keep new content coming (looks, effects, zones, dungeons, bosses, events, fixes, etc.)
3. Listen to the GW1-minded players, not the WoW-minded players…
4. Stick to your promises, don’t crush the trust people had in you.
Other human players playing instead of grinding dungeons and Orr.
Personally, stop releasing new stuff. Fix old things first.
Fix rendering issues, hacking, bugs, DE’s first.
Properly balance the classes (PvP and PvE separate).
Fix traits and skills (I play ele and the bugs are unbelievable, half of the traits don’t work or are useless. im told necro is similar). Many skills are bugged as hell. RTL, magnetic grasp for example.
Balance the classes properly (no knee jerk reactions we are told then we get tons of them like huge nerfs to thieves, eles).
Other bugs such as monster invulnerability, etc.
There really is no excuse for there to be a difference between what a skill does and what the tool tip says. How hard can it be to 1) Fix the skill or 2) change the text on the tooltip. These are the things I am talking about.
Guys, seriously stop asking for more stuff and then complaining its broken. We put pressure on them for new content, content that is broken because they cant create new content and fix the old stuff at the same time. In my opinion, Halloween was a fail and the effort should have gone to fixing the game in the first place.
For me, after major bugs are fixed I would like
1) New enemies (not a billion types of moa, drake or skale).
2) Better interface, (why its messed up when I choose small, I am unsure), thank you for the FOV change.
Small things but the things that differentiate between a game and a quality game. I am impressed at the zones and their differences but this is decreased when every one of them has moa and skale.