ANet may give it to you.
Quaggans and Lack of Content (Very Important)
ANet may give it to you.
I placed a Quaggan in an outhouse and fired the outhouse from a trebuchet and everyone started clapping and cheering. But I’m no hero, just a guy
urgh another Quaggan lover. Quaggans need to go the way of the gargoyles
NAIVE YOUTH: mister, do you ever get tired of having good opinions about filthy Quaggan?
ME: [surprisingly beautiful laugh] does the eagle tire of soaring above the flock
Personally, I would like to see Shashoo get an admiral hat and epaulets… something like Captain Crunch wears.
I did come across this recipe though it is quite rare
1 guava
1 tsp quaggan rage
1 goalie of your choice (footie or hockey or…)
Combine in the Ronco Bass-o-matic
Blend until chummy
Serves 9/u-rite
Bnoo out
(edited by BnooMaGoo.5690)
Personally, I would like to see Shashoo get an admiral hat and epaulets… something like Captain Crunch wears.
I did come across this recipe though it is quite rare
1 guava
1 tsp quaggan rage
1 goalie of your choice (footie or hockey or…)Combine in the Ronco Bass-o-matic
Blend until chummyServes 9/u-rite
Bnoo out
I attempted your recipe, but when I approached famously violent goalie barbarian Ron Hextall with an avocado and a dead Quaggan and told him to, “Get in my machine, quick,” all I received was a savage beating to my head and body and most importantly, my head.
Now that I have suffered severe blunt force trauma to 90% of my body and take the good of traumatic brain injury on me yes, I would get like to go say you the word bad. Me sick. I snort the nose, Lucifer. Go like up as to for banana is not in my bed and watch a real quick then he should had went.
Orby Boot
Man of Getting Now
I attempted your recipe, but when I approached famously violent goalie barbarian Ron Hextall with an avocado and…
Toldja it was a rare recipe & you swapped avocado for guava
Will Smith wants you for a cameo in Concussion Too
Bnoo out
I Orbimbal Bott. Please to remind thread, never do avocado to Philadelphia Flyer Ron Hextall. Only Guava do to them, themselves into anger and smash face and brain. Follow recipie or electrician. Eat the 4 hot foods.
In deep enough water the eggs are usually called the Crabs. Be sure to milk the eggs until they turn into fish mixture
be filled with bread or toast or a combination of these two extremes
Quaggan bad
Orb Bun
There’s a place for all quaggans in this world.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
Dear Heavenly Dwayna!
I am shocked by this. I tell you: shocked!
Quaggans are sweet and loving, and they would never treat you meanly. Or disparage you as an individual or a race. Or ~gasp!~ have the temerity to suggest a tasty side dish to accompany your human, charr, sylvari, asura, or norn flesh!
Embrace the quaggan, for they are wonderful!
~head in hand~
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I’ll embrace them all right. The cold embrace of the grave, where I will put them, using my powerful hands and karate chops
Dear Heavenly Dwayna!
I am shocked by this. I tell you: shocked!
Quaggans are sweet and loving, and they would never treat you meanly. Or disparage you as an individual or a race. Or ~gasp!~ have the temerity to suggest a tasty side dish to accompany your human, charr, sylvari, asura, or norn flesh!
Embrace the quaggan, for they are wonderful!
~head in hand~
Quaggan are indeed wonderful. Sweet but not too sweet, and only needing a bit of salt. And maybe some crackers and a glass of the Tyrian beer of the month.
ANet may give it to you.
Let’s be honest, quaggans are prey animals and makers of bad decisions but very good sushi.
Quaggan is best prepared slow cooked over sylvari. Can’t beat that smoky flavor.
Dear Heavenly Dwayna!
I am shocked by this. I tell you: shocked!
Quaggans are sweet and loving, and they would never treat you meanly. Or disparage you as an individual or a race. Or ~gasp!~ have the temerity to suggest a tasty side dish to accompany your human, charr, sylvari, asura, or norn flesh!
Embrace the quaggan, for they are wonderful!
~head in hand~
Everyone needs to follow the example that myself and Gaile has set. (That is correct I got Dev support here.) Quaggans are vital to gamer development in the game.
a. Development does not mean eating for nutrition.
Quaggans are vital to maintaining and growing, emphasis on growing, the player base across all facets. The sooner people understand this the sooner people can really enhance their gaming experience.
a. And i do mean ALL facets.
Leader of ninja ops
SC: Quaggans are vital to maintaining and growing, emphasis on growing, the player base across all facets
WERNER HERZOG: This man has a sickness of the soul
Dear Heavenly Dwayna!
I am shocked by this. I tell you: shocked!
Quaggans are sweet and loving, and they would never treat you meanly. Or disparage you as an individual or a race. Or ~gasp!~ have the temerity to suggest a tasty side dish to accompany your human, charr, sylvari, asura, or norn flesh!
Embrace the quaggan, for they are wonderful!
~head in hand~Everyone needs to follow the example that myself and Gaile has set. (That is correct I got Dev support here.) Quaggans are vital to gamer development in the game.
a. Development does not mean eating for nutrition.Quaggans are vital to maintaining and growing, emphasis on growing, the player base across all facets. The sooner people understand this the sooner people can really enhance their gaming experience.
a. And i do mean ALL facets.
All facets is correct. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are facets of my life and I regularly invite Quaggan to join me in order to maintain and enhance my growing appetite appreciation of all they can offer.
ANet may give it to you.
I can haz quaggan-burger?
Waiter, I’d like to order a Gin and Quaggan Tonic, please!
You are all corrupting yourselves consuming the flesh of the demon
Next expansion when its the water dragon / underwater expansion, all the quaggan will turn like the sylvari. Then we will have lots of quaggan!
we need Quaggan to play a bigger role in this game
Throw the Quaggan down the well, so my country can be free
We must keep pushing until the Dev’s hear our important message!!!!
Leader of ninja ops
we need Quaggan to play a bigger role in this game
I still want a Quaggan mount. See a larger role.
Come on we all know what Anet really thinks of Quaggans, They sell their skins for us to wear on our backs.
Let our battle cry carry forwards “The only good quaggan, is a dead quaggan.”
Meh, waste of space race that aren’t even worth corrupting.
They’re just a burden on other races that can actually take care of themselves.
Foo the Quaggan!
I’d like a story where the Quaggans become prized because their skin makes incredible clothing. Then this evil Krait witch wants to kidnap all the Quaggan, and manages to assemble 101 Quaggan in a Krait cave. She then starts an incredibly fashionable clothing line and rises to fame. However, she struggles to cope with the stresses of fame and the story kinda revolves around these struggles.
However, with support from the playable character, we encourage her to believe in herself. She overcomes her personal problems and becomes a strong, independent Krait witch who don’t need no man.
This thread will never fall from the front page until our demands are met. This I swear
Destroy Quaggan
The sheer barbarism shown by certain players must not underscore the importance of this Quaggan movement! Gaile understands this.
Leader of ninja ops
The sheer barbarism shown by certain players must not underscore the importance of this Quaggan movement! Gaile understands this.
Gaile is one of the ones selling quaggan skin backpacks. Last time I checked appealing to a person who sells fur coat for a living to protect animal rights won’t get you very far.
Meh, waste of space race that aren’t even worth corrupting.
They’re just a burden on other races that can actually take care of themselves.Foo the Quaggan!
I’d like a story where the Quaggans become prized because their skin makes incredible clothing. Then this evil Krait witch wants to kidnap all the Quaggan, and manages to assemble 101 Quaggan in a Krait cave. She then starts an incredibly fashionable clothing line and rises to fame. However, she struggles to cope with the stresses of fame and the story kinda revolves around these struggles.
However, with support from the playable character, we encourage her to believe in herself. She overcomes her personal problems and becomes a strong, independent Krait witch who don’t need no man.
I support this +1 million or something
The Quaggan is a demon and you are being taken in by his lies. Resist! Spurn the Quaggan, civilization demands it
Quaggan is best prepared slow cooked over sylvari. Can’t beat that smoky flavor.
As long as you get a noice CHARR first?
There is another rare recipe utilizing the original “Poobag” name
It’s for Poobag-pie
Gives you bad breath & a particular kind of grin