Raids and housing coming to GW2!

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


French interview confirms raids and housing coming to GW2

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Raids have been mentioned on Massively have not heard about housing.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Housing? This is news! Can’t wait to see the additional information promised on that site.

First autoloot now rumors of more housing mechanics? All this news is making my a happy GW2 camper.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Ugh. More conflicting design decisions. Cool news about housing though for those who care about it!

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MicroCuts.9510


Raids!? oh no ….

please no item progression

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I love both, hope it’s true

RIP in peace Robert

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Raids!? oh no ….

please no item progression

Raiding doesn’t have to be about item progression when a game isn’t worried about needless timesinks to keep players paying sub fees. The B2P model opens up new possibilities.

Imagine the idea of designing raiding content whose main goal is to be fun for a large group of people, rather than having a main goal of throttling progression and limiting access to items. The article talking about them putting a GW2 touch on raiding, I am interested to see what they do.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heylo.4938


I would love raid like content to do with my guild. The missions are fun, but not as coordinated or combat heavy as I’d like. I wouldn’t care for a tier of gear above ascended, but skins that only drop from specific instances, like the fractal ones, would be awesome.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Housing has always been on the docket for those that followed production for years pre-release. Our home districts were supposed to be evolving areas that showed our accomplishments, trophies, special NPCs and vendors. And we were supposed to be able to have guests into our home district to show off.

Seems like they are finally getting around to that stuff.

The Kismet

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


If only I could read the article! Exciting news if that’s true. Raids... Yes..finally.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


If only I could read the article! Exciting news if that’s true. Raids… Yes..finally.

Here is the article (as mangled by Google translate!)

I discussed with Mike Zadorojny, ArenaNet Lead Content Designer for Guild Wars 2 this morning by phone. It was quite difficult given the quality of the phone call and that I could not properly record our conversation. Here is a summary of the topics that we discussed!

They try to create an innovative and creative MMORPG based on stories of living as Flame and Cold , The Secret of Southern Sun , The Fair Dragon and recently Pirates of Heaven . Mike’s role is to constantly create content for players and at a much higher than any other MMO on the market rate. This is a quality assurance Guild Wars 2 and the job is wonderfully orchestrated since the launch of the game through these events .

Their goal is to disseminate new game content every two weeks , which beat the game updates, enhancements, and content available to players.

Regarding the claims of the players on the permanent content , their teams take the subject seriously and are working to develop more content remain anchored in the game It’s a long work to prepare this content but that will come as soon as possible. New dungeons could be created as well as dynamic events, everything would be provided by a new event size. But I repeat, this is not for now.

The seasonal events such as Halloween and Yuletide game and will remain in their repeated annually content if the players have enjoyed. A new story could be added and the new dungeon content, activities, dynamic events, quests, and other equipment. Teams always work to provide new content, but in fact, repetitive seasonal events for components could be retained. So surely we will retry the belfry crazy for Halloween!

No new activities in game yet but maybe others will be added later for our greatest pleasure. Participate you from time to time in these activities? eg Launched barrels beside ’s Hoelbrak .

Ready to shoot? Fire!

I then asked if they had add PvE content which may include more than 5 players , such as raids in other MMOs. Mike confirmed that they are currently working on this content, but it will be different from what we know about other games approach “Guild Wars 2 touch” on this facet of the game They take their time to this experience is innovative, creative and really fun for the players.

To return to the events of the game, is currently between 40 and 70 people working on the events that we are offered every two weeks. This component is essential for the functioning of the game since it is thanks to system events they always incorporate more content (permanent or not) Guild Wars 2. These events support the addition of a particular component. Some teams are working on the current event and others are already preparing for the future event. I do not have more information on that course. They can quickly provide quality content for the players and the community in general remains active. They generally follow the events that players feel really involved in the game’s history

About guild halls , they will be implemented when it comes into play … The housing ! They want these halls are more than meeting places and RolePlay offering various exciting services.

I had some other issues but we have discussed and allocated 30 minutes went by very quickly. Additional information will arrive shortly from other fan sites that have or will also be able to discuss with Mike Zadorojny.

So I say to you very soon and have fun in the game!

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Yes, please, for once arena net, do something right, add 8 player raids.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


I would think that the GW2 raid could be something more like a 10+ man dungeon that scales for guilds. Where all you get are guild commendations coin and karma.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Follow the GW1 formula, 8 Normal Instances, 12 Elite Instances.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


The only reason this news would upset me is if Anet decides to give non-raiders the middle finger and add items that are only attainable via raids. That would change the dynamic of this game too far into a direction that I simply want nothing to do with anymore (I used to be a hardcore raider, years ago…).

As long as I’m pidgeonholed into raiding in order to attain certain items, like we originally were to get ascended gear when FotM came out, I’m really happy that they are adding this in for those who like to. The more playstyles they add to the game, the happier the overall population will be.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The only reason this news would upset me is if Anet decides to give non-raiders the middle finger and add items that are only attainable via raids. That would change the dynamic of this game too far into a direction that I simply want nothing to do with anymore (I used to be a hardcore raider, years ago…).

That would only really be an issue if those items would be better/stronger than the others.
If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


I seriously doubt they would have gear progression tied to raiding.

I can see them having elite areas, similar to DoA in Guild Wars 1. And then adding a GW2 twist such as dynamic events.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


@karizee, Thanks! Couldn’t use google translate since I’m on my phone.

The items you get via raids in this game obviously won’t be superior to what non-raiders can access, even know it would take a higher degree of teamwork and skill to attain them, it would go against the core belief the the developers have.

I also don’t know if a few cosmetic items are enough of a reward to even warrant a dedicated raid force.

I look forward to seeing the kind of rewards they come up with. Something to appease those willing to tackle the games most difficult PvE content, but added in a way that doesn’t make non-raiders qq. Difficult stuff.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teckos.1305


link not working

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


That would only really be an issue if those items would be better/stronger than the others.
If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

Yeah, Legendary weapons are just skins, Twilight isn’t any stronger than a 1g exotic greatsword you get from the TP, and no one ever complains about them…

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

I would think that the GW2 raid could be something more like a 10+ man dungeon that scales for guilds. Where all you get are guild commendations coin and karma.

Guild commendations and karma are essentially worthless to me at this point. Unless they ever add something new to buy with either.

I’m sure there are others that have already geared out with ascended items and are now just stockpiling useless guild commendations to go along with that pile of karma.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

There’s already tons of stuff in the game that you can’t gain access to if you “don’t enjoy the content” Dungeon skins, guild commendation skins, living story skins, etc.

Want the skin? Do the content.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

It sucks that it’s there… but what can I do? It’s already in the game. All I can do is desperately try to reason with Anet not to make the same mistake twice and hope maybe they listen.

Raiders have nothing to lose, except maybe their sense of entitlement, by having the gear readily available via other means in the games. Non raiders, who could well constitute a LARGE portion of the playerbase, have all the new gear and skins to lose by not having it available to them via a means worth playing.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

It sucks that it’s there… but what can I do? It’s already in the game. All I can do is desperately try to reason with Anet not to make the same mistake twice and hope maybe they listen.

Raiders have nothing to lose, except maybe their sense of entitlement, by having the gear readily available via other means in the games. Non raiders, who could well constitute a LARGE portion of the playerbase, have all the new gear and skins to lose by not having it available to them via a means worth playing.

Sense of entitlement indeed. The players in this game have a hard enough time working as a team with only 5 people, I think if 8-10 people manage to work as a team and beat the hardest PvE content available, they deserve access to something special.

Its your sense of entitlement that says, “I should have it too, even if I’m not willing to do the content.”

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.

The only entitlement involved is the entitlement of raiders who feel they DESERVE some item or another. Having multiple paths to get an item type would deal with this issue and open up the items to more than just a single group of players in the game.

Sometimes you have to be willing to share your toys.

As for incentive to do the raids? How about making them fun, and not just sticking a carrot at the end of the raid so that people will suffer through it for the sake of getting said carrot. That mentality within MMOs that no unique reward = no reason to do something is why MMO content is going downhill. Single players games don’t suffer from this issue- you do content because it’s fun, not because you are desperately grinding for some item or another.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

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Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heylo.4938


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

If the items are available elsewhere, there is really no reward for doing the content. If you could buy TA armor, who would really do TA? I, myself, probably would since I do enjoy that dungeon, but the majority of people who run it for the gear, wouldn’t.
I think that there needs to be some “rewards” specific to certain content. I like the fractal weapon skins, but I don’t really like high level fractals. What does that mean? Well, I wont be getting those fractal skins and that’s fine. Let the people who love fractals and are willing to put time into them have those skins.

On topic: I would love guild halls. My guild likes to hang out in an area and goof around. Right now, we do that in DR but it’d be a lot nicer if we just had our own lil area. I really hope these show up before the end of the year.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.

That mentality within MMOs that no unique reward = no reason to do something is why MMO content is going downhill.

Got news for you bud, that mentality is what built MMO’s. Its practically the core principle that spawned this entire genre.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

It sucks that it’s there… but what can I do? It’s already in the game. All I can do is desperately try to reason with Anet not to make the same mistake twice and hope maybe they listen.

Raiders have nothing to lose, except maybe their sense of entitlement, by having the gear readily available via other means in the games. Non raiders, who could well constitute a LARGE portion of the playerbase, have all the new gear and skins to lose by not having it available to them via a means worth playing.

Sense of entitlement indeed. The players in this game have a hard enough time working as a team with only 5 people, I think if 8-10 people manage to work as a team and beat the hardest PvE content available, they deserve access to something special.

Its your sense of entitlement that says, “I should have it too, even if I’m not willing to do the content.”

As a long time and hardcore raider, I disagree that raids are the hardest PvE content by a longshot. The “hard” part is working everyone’s schedules around each other. After that the tank (usually my job) and the healers kinda sorta have it hard, and the DPS just make sure they tabbed the right mob before spamming their rotation and going back to watching whatever is on their tv at the time. And once in a while, the raid will incorporate a “simon says” mechanic that makes you bounce from one square to another, move at a specific time, pick up an item and take it somewhere in a specific amount of time, etc. That’s about as exciting as it gets :-\

Difficulty isn’t a factor in an MMO. Period. There is nothing designed to be difficult in MMOs, and this won’t be any different. The content is all ridiculously easy so that anyone can do it- that’s the point. So yes, it is a sense of entitlement that raiders feel their playstyle is so much better than everyone else’s that they deserve everything.

I’ve been raiding since Everquest and have NEVER understood that mindset. I raided for the fun. Maybe I was the only one.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.

That mentality within MMOs that no unique reward = no reason to do something is why MMO content is going downhill.

Got news for you bud, that mentality is what built MMO’s. Its practically the core principle that spawned this entire genre.

lolnope. It spawned 1 branch of the genre- the themepark MMOs that have all come from Everquest. There is another branch, which came from Ultima Online, that has nothing to do with that. At all.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


link not working

Either he let something slip that he wasn’t supposed to, or he was BSing up a storm just to get some attention.

Seems unlikely to be the former… if that were the case, why in the world would the dev tell all that to a REPORTER? >_>

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.

If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.

The only entitlement involved is the entitlement of raiders who feel they DESERVE some item or another. Having multiple paths to get an item type would deal with this issue and open up the items to more than just a single group of players in the game.

Sometimes you have to be willing to share your toys.

As for incentive to do the raids? How about making them fun, and not just sticking a carrot at the end of the raid so that people will suffer through it for the sake of getting said carrot. That mentality within MMOs that no unique reward = no reason to do something is why MMO content is going downhill. Single players games don’t suffer from this issue- you do content because it’s fun, not because you are desperately grinding for some item or another.

Who said I deserve something? I’d still have to complete the task however many times over however length of period. You, however, are requesting to have the rewards of difficult content be made available through other means just so everyone can look the same? It’s not like I’m saying there can’t be cool rewards outside of raiding, just that raiding should provide some unique cosmetics; just like there are already loads of unique cosmetics through various means in this game.

As far as “making raids fun” – the system hasn’t even been released, let alone any details provided. This is a moot point, not to mention fun is entirely subjective.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

It sucks that it’s there… but what can I do? It’s already in the game. All I can do is desperately try to reason with Anet not to make the same mistake twice and hope maybe they listen.

Raiders have nothing to lose, except maybe their sense of entitlement, by having the gear readily available via other means in the games. Non raiders, who could well constitute a LARGE portion of the playerbase, have all the new gear and skins to lose by not having it available to them via a means worth playing.

Sense of entitlement indeed. The players in this game have a hard enough time working as a team with only 5 people, I think if 8-10 people manage to work as a team and beat the hardest PvE content available, they deserve access to something special.

Its your sense of entitlement that says, “I should have it too, even if I’m not willing to do the content.”

As a long time and hardcore raider, I disagree that raids are the hardest PvE content by a longshot. The “hard” part is working everyone’s schedules around each other. After that the tank (usually my job) and the healers kinda sorta have it hard, and the DPS just make sure they tabbed the right mob before spamming their rotation and going back to watching whatever is on their tv at the time. And once in a while, the raid will incorporate a “simon says” mechanic that makes you bounce from one square to another, move at a specific time, pick up an item and take it somewhere in a specific amount of time, etc. That’s about as exciting as it gets :-\

Difficulty isn’t a factor in an MMO. Period. There is nothing designed to be difficult in MMOs, and this won’t be any different. The content is all ridiculously easy so that anyone can do it- that’s the point. So yes, it is a sense of entitlement that raiders feel their playstyle is so much better than everyone else’s that they deserve everything.

I’ve been raiding since Everquest and have NEVER understood that mindset. I raided for the fun. Maybe I was the only one.

Been raiding since EQ1 myself and I seem to remember many, many people and guilds that were unable to make the cut. Unable to beat the content or get as far as other guilds. Every MMO with raiding has seen successful guilds that move through content, and terrible guilds that can’t get it together.

So to quote a friend..
“There may not be any skill, but there sure is a well defined level of suck.” – Synter

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


Here is the article (as mangled by Google translate!)

… Pirates of Heaven …

Yes! YES! Celestial Corsairs! Swashbuckling Saints! Notorious Nautical Nephilim vs. Pious Privateers Priests! YESSS!!!

In a world where the Armies of Hell have conquered the land and diabolical agents roam the seas with impunity, the Agents of Virtue will sometimes issue a Writ of Marque bearing the Almighty’s own seal to those with the daring to raid the Devil’s coffers. Angels with Flaming Cutlasses! Canon Cannons! Holy Rum! Clashing with Revelations-tier infernal sea monsters and Apocalyptic Horse-persons re-imagined as dire admirals of baleful fleets!! Freeing the conscripted crews of the Armadas of Hell!


Err. Right. I’m also excited about Housing in GW2. I enjoyed the personal housing in FFXI (even though I was frustrated with how limited it was), and really went nuts with the Super Group Bases in City of Heroes (which was and is the greatest MMO of all time, kitten NCSoft). I’d really enjoy something like that in GW2, primarily as a Roleplaying Location.

But for the time being, I have a D&D campaign setting to put on paper.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

(edited by Melchior.2135)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.

So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.

So what about the dungeon specific stuff that is currently in the game?

It sucks that it’s there… but what can I do? It’s already in the game. All I can do is desperately try to reason with Anet not to make the same mistake twice and hope maybe they listen.

Raiders have nothing to lose, except maybe their sense of entitlement, by having the gear readily available via other means in the games. Non raiders, who could well constitute a LARGE portion of the playerbase, have all the new gear and skins to lose by not having it available to them via a means worth playing.

Sense of entitlement indeed. The players in this game have a hard enough time working as a team with only 5 people, I think if 8-10 people manage to work as a team and beat the hardest PvE content available, they deserve access to something special.

Its your sense of entitlement that says, “I should have it too, even if I’m not willing to do the content.”

As a long time and hardcore raider, I disagree that raids are the hardest PvE content by a longshot. The “hard” part is working everyone’s schedules around each other. After that the tank (usually my job) and the healers kinda sorta have it hard, and the DPS just make sure they tabbed the right mob before spamming their rotation and going back to watching whatever is on their tv at the time. And once in a while, the raid will incorporate a “simon says” mechanic that makes you bounce from one square to another, move at a specific time, pick up an item and take it somewhere in a specific amount of time, etc. That’s about as exciting as it gets :-\

Difficulty isn’t a factor in an MMO. Period. There is nothing designed to be difficult in MMOs, and this won’t be any different. The content is all ridiculously easy so that anyone can do it- that’s the point. So yes, it is a sense of entitlement that raiders feel their playstyle is so much better than everyone else’s that they deserve everything.

I’ve been raiding since Everquest and have NEVER understood that mindset. I raided for the fun. Maybe I was the only one.

Been raiding since EQ1 myself and I seem to remember many, many people and guilds that were unable to make the cut. Unable to beat the content or get as far as other guilds. Every MMO with raiding has seen successful guilds that move through content, and terrible guilds that can’t get it together.

So to quote a friend..
“There may not be any skill, but there sure is a well defined level of suck.” – Synter

Heh, that quote is very true.

That said, 9 times out of 10 its a lack of gear that causes a guild to fail to make it. Some guild decides they want to go for tier 2 gear before even getting their tier 1 completely, and get roflstomped. Nothing will slaughter a guild faster than having someone in “uncommon” quality gear (vs rares) trying to do a higher level raid.

That’s more greed and impatience than a lack of skill, though.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Despite my dislike for the idea of raids, and my extreme like for the idea of housing… it’s the housing that makes me doubt this guy’s story is true.

Many AAA MMOs since WoW have refused to add housing because of a fear that players will abandon the major cities and just chill out in their houses. I can’t say they are entirely wrong, since I would probably do exactly that. So for me, I have a hard time believing Anet would add housing, since some players already complain that cities other than DR and LA are rather hurting for people, even on big servers.

I would love it if that was true, but I have a sneaking suspicion we’re going to see a red post saying “nope” soon.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


Eh, I don’t know why people would fear that. Off the top of my head, the most in-depth housing system I’ve ever seen was in EQ2, and FFXI had a decent one also. Both had cities full of people. You’d only invite people in when you wanted to show them your stuff.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I hope housing is not like PSO 2 in one resepect, as it costs real money and only lasts 30 to 90 days based on how much you pay (or lease) for the room.

As for decor they do it pretty well. only 100 points of space to use up and 1000s of stuff to add to it. 100% customizable!

I would like us to use up all that wood and silk though to make things. Bring new life to the economy and the crafting professions Yet add low (by that, I mean high chances to get stuff but lots of stuff some rarer than others but easy to get everything at least once) RNG and cash shop direct buy stuff for the housing here in GW 2.

Anet need to play competitor’s games more and NOW!

And the idea that housing ruins community is totally wrong. PSO 2 as its housing bit it is more for people with credit cards (at this time as the cash cards are not in the US as its JP only atm). Yet people that even FUN point RNG (free player’s way to get stuff you can only buy via cash) lotteries a 3 day pass to a room, still play with others. Its more for, “Look what I have and you don’t!” bragging rights and than anything!

If Anet does housing, it must be free yet be as robust as another pay per month mmo or a F2P with heavy p2w.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UrMom.4205


kitten housing how about a fix to the ranger class that they completely screwed over with this last patch.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


“About guild halls , they will be implemented when it comes into play … The housing ! They want these halls are more than meeting places and RolePlay offering various exciting services.”

Not housing from reading this mangled version, but guild halls. Still, guild halls would be quite nice, especially if they’re not simply empty shells we gather in.


Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


kitten housing how about a fix to the ranger class that they completely screwed over with this last patch.

Because the teams that would work on Housing and Class Balance are the exact same people, and you can’t contribute to one without stealing from the other. Obviously.

I agree that Ranger needs a lot of work, but there are threads actually about that topic for you to voice your concerns in.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Eh, I don’t know why people would fear that. Off the top of my head, the most in-depth housing system I’ve ever seen was in EQ2, and FFXI had a decent one also. Both had cities full of people. You’d only invite people in when you wanted to show them your stuff.

I agree entirely. Hope Anet agrees, too. Housing has always been a fun addition to a game for me.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


Ok for housing and guild house.

No for raids, they are taking away the things that made GW1 a great game and use many WoW things.

After kill many small guilds with Guild Missions they are planning kill more with raids ?

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Ok for housing and guild house.

No for raids, they are taking away the things that made GW1 a great game and use many WoW things.

After kill many small guilds with Guild Missions they are planning kill more with raids ?

I suppose you never played Factions then?

They had “raids” there as well, in the only two end-game things in that campaign.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


Ok for housing and guild house.

No for raids, they are taking away the things that made GW1 a great game and use many WoW things.

After kill many small guilds with Guild Missions they are planning kill more with raids ?

Yes, because raids are WoW things, Jesus…

Also, whats the point of your small guild? a guild is a large collection of people for the most part, did you want them to add in guild missions for 5 people? they already did that, its called a dungeon.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Ok for housing and guild house.

No for raids, they are taking away the things that made GW1 a great game and use many WoW things.

After kill many small guilds with Guild Missions they are planning kill more with raids ?

The original GW had “raids” so to speak. The Deep and Urgoz. They were just dungeons that were a little harder than normal dungeons and allowed for parties of twelve instead of eight. The rewards were a nice faction boost and possibly a dungeon specific weapon skin.

Also, though it’s sort of a stretch, Factions had raid type missions. Multiple parties (up to 16 players) in an instance that had to work together to complete the goals.

It would be neat for GW2 to have something similar.

The Kismet