Raids and housing coming to GW2!

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Play the first game, then compare it to GW2, play “Insert generic MMO here” and compare it to GW2.
Which share more similarities?
Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and throw it out of the window.

My point is – theres absolutely nothing GW2 has common with GW1 except for lore.

I started playing GW1 just a few months after release of Prophecies, and still play it.

Similarities to GW1:
-Skill over gear
-No mandatory grind
-Cooperation over Competition

Similarities to WoW:
-Higher levels

Funnily enough I find more similarities to GW1 than WoW.

One major difference between Guild Wars 2 and WoW is a monthly fee. Another is that WoW had a taunt mechanic which completely changes the game. Another is that WoW has mounts (and they’re very significant to the game), Guild Wars 2 does not.

Well if you want to be technical about it, GW2 does have mounts.

Just cause it doesn’t give you a speed boost, doesn’t mean it’s not a mount. You still mount it and ride it, and it is specifically called a Riding Broom. Thus a mount.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Play the first game, then compare it to GW2, play “Insert generic MMO here” and compare it to GW2.
Which share more similarities?
Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and throw it out of the window.

My point is – theres absolutely nothing GW2 has common with GW1 except for lore.

I started playing GW1 just a few months after release of Prophecies, and still play it.

Similarities to GW1:
-Skill over gear
-No mandatory grind
-Cooperation over Competition

Similarities to WoW:
-Higher levels

Funnily enough I find more similarities to GW1 than WoW.

One major difference between Guild Wars 2 and WoW is a monthly fee. Another is that WoW had a taunt mechanic which completely changes the game. Another is that WoW has mounts (and they’re very significant to the game), Guild Wars 2 does not.

Well if you want to be technical about it, GW2 does have mounts.

Just cause it doesn’t give you a speed boost, doesn’t mean it’s not a mount. You still mount it and ride it, and it is specifically called a Riding Broom. Thus a mount.

It doesn’t have mounts or use them in the sense that WoW does though. Even if it did have mounts, in WoW mounts are a “thing”. They’re central to the game. Everywhere you look, there are mounts. There are mounts in their cash shop. You can buy mounts in game.

When I played Rift, people played to get mounts. There were speed differences.

To say Guild Wars 2 is like WoW because they have a broom in their cash shop is pretty misleading.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Play the first game, then compare it to GW2, play “Insert generic MMO here” and compare it to GW2.
Which share more similarities?
Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and throw it out of the window.

My point is – theres absolutely nothing GW2 has common with GW1 except for lore.

I started playing GW1 just a few months after release of Prophecies, and still play it.

Similarities to GW1:
-Skill over gear
-No mandatory grind
-Cooperation over Competition

Similarities to WoW:
-Higher levels

Funnily enough I find more similarities to GW1 than WoW.

One major difference between Guild Wars 2 and WoW is a monthly fee. Another is that WoW had a taunt mechanic which completely changes the game. Another is that WoW has mounts (and they’re very significant to the game), Guild Wars 2 does not.

Well if you want to be technical about it, GW2 does have mounts.

Just cause it doesn’t give you a speed boost, doesn’t mean it’s not a mount. You still mount it and ride it, and it is specifically called a Riding Broom. Thus a mount.

It doesn’t have mounts or use them in the sense that WoW does though. Even if it did have mounts, in WoW mounts are a “thing”. They’re central to the game. Everywhere you look, there are mounts. There are mounts in their cash shop. You can buy mounts in game.

When I played Rift, people played to get mounts. There were speed differences.

To say Guild Wars 2 is like WoW because they have a broom in their cash shop is pretty misleading.

It doesn’t matter how they were used or how detrimental they are to the game, they are there. I was just meaning that you can’t really say that GW2 doesn’t have mounts, when they clearly do. They might not be exactly how they are in WoW or Rift or any other game that has them, but they are present and that is what matters.

And I didn’t mean that GW2 is like WoW cause it has mounts. I was just covering that bit of “misinformation” for those that didn’t know. GW2 has mounts yes, but that doesn’t mean it is like WoW because of it.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Play the first game, then compare it to GW2, play “Insert generic MMO here” and compare it to GW2.
Which share more similarities?
Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and throw it out of the window.

My point is – theres absolutely nothing GW2 has common with GW1 except for lore.

I started playing GW1 just a few months after release of Prophecies, and still play it.

Similarities to GW1:
-Skill over gear
-No mandatory grind
-Cooperation over Competition

Similarities to WoW:
-Higher levels

Funnily enough I find more similarities to GW1 than WoW.

One major difference between Guild Wars 2 and WoW is a monthly fee. Another is that WoW had a taunt mechanic which completely changes the game. Another is that WoW has mounts (and they’re very significant to the game), Guild Wars 2 does not.

Well if you want to be technical about it, GW2 does have mounts.

Just cause it doesn’t give you a speed boost, doesn’t mean it’s not a mount. You still mount it and ride it, and it is specifically called a Riding Broom. Thus a mount.

It doesn’t have mounts or use them in the sense that WoW does though. Even if it did have mounts, in WoW mounts are a “thing”. They’re central to the game. Everywhere you look, there are mounts. There are mounts in their cash shop. You can buy mounts in game.

When I played Rift, people played to get mounts. There were speed differences.

To say Guild Wars 2 is like WoW because they have a broom in their cash shop is pretty misleading.

It doesn’t matter how they were used or how detrimental they are to the game, they are there. I was just meaning that you can’t really say that GW2 doesn’t have mounts, when they clearly do. They might not be exactly how they are in WoW or Rift or any other game that has them, but they are present and that is what matters.

And I didn’t mean that GW2 is like WoW cause it has mounts. I was just covering that bit of “misinformation” for those that didn’t know. GW2 has mounts yes, but that doesn’t mean it is like WoW because of it.

Right, the way you said it makes it sound like the contradiction invalidated my point, which it doesn’t.

However, for the sake of accuracy, I will agree that Guild Wars 2 as a mount.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

After the initial Fractals only release, which Anet admitted was a mistake, they gave people ways to get ascended gear that pretty much EVERYONE could get. Yes, you can only get Amulets from dailies, but getting 30 dailies is not the same thing is raiding.

You’re comparing time gating with skill gating. No one can raid solo and I don’t think Anet will abandon their solo player base, which is larger than most people think.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

After the initial Fractals only release, which Anet admitted was a mistake, they gave people ways to get ascended gear that pretty much EVERYONE could get. Yes, you can only get Amulets from dailies, but getting 30 dailies is not the same thing is raiding.

You’re comparing time gating with skill gating. No one can raid solo and I don’t think Anet will abandon their solo player base, which is larger than most people think.

Except you still can’t get Ascended gear solo.

The Backpack can only be obtained via doing Fractals for the Vial and Gift. You can’t craft it without doing Fractals. So you can’t get that solo.

Gating is still gating whether it is skill based or time based. And if they do introduce Ascended gear in their new raid feature, I don’t expect them to release the gear any other way. Unless they add yet another currency vendor, which in turn would just upset the players cause we have too many currencies as it is.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

After the initial Fractals only release, which Anet admitted was a mistake, they gave people ways to get ascended gear that pretty much EVERYONE could get. Yes, you can only get Amulets from dailies, but getting 30 dailies is not the same thing is raiding.

You’re comparing time gating with skill gating. No one can raid solo and I don’t think Anet will abandon their solo player base, which is larger than most people think.

Except you still can’t get Ascended gear solo.

The Backpack can only be obtained via doing Fractals for the Vial and Gift. You can’t craft it without doing Fractals. So you can’t get that solo.

Gating is still gating whether it is skill based or time based. And if they do introduce Ascended gear in their new raid feature, I don’t expect them to release the gear any other way. Unless they add yet another currency vendor, which in turn would just upset the players cause we have too many currencies as it is.

Gating is not gating whether it’s skill or time based. That is to say, it makes a huge difference to a casual player base.

A casual player base can deal with time gating far more easily than it can deal with skill gating.

The way Guild Wars 2 is set up now, if you want an ascended amulet, pretty much anyone can get one. You make claim that the only way to get an ascended back piece is the Fractals, but that’s only partially true, since I got an exotic back piece from the Living Story, just by doing a few of the achievements. Anet gave people another way to get an ascended back piece. I’m sure a lot of people are thrilled you can hide back pieces lol.

Anet isn’t going to make something really desirable that gives better stats that is also a skin that’s only available to a small percentage of the population.

Rings are different. You cant’ see them. Earrings you can’t see.

But when they come out with new armor and weapons that have higher stats, if they’re only available from raids, the casual population of this game will scream. And Anet can’t afford that.

Because it’s targeting casuals, not hard core.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


A casual player base can deal with time gating far more easily than it can deal with skill gating.

Not really. In MMORPGs, the difference between “casual” and “hardcore” is basically the time spent grinding. Doesn’t really make a difference if a casual player could possible achieve something with enough time spent or not. A Legendary, for example, has been almost exactly described as a reward for hardcore players, yet it’s something any casual player could get one after playing ten years or more.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

After the initial Fractals only release, which Anet admitted was a mistake, they gave people ways to get ascended gear that pretty much EVERYONE could get. Yes, you can only get Amulets from dailies, but getting 30 dailies is not the same thing is raiding.

You’re comparing time gating with skill gating. No one can raid solo and I don’t think Anet will abandon their solo player base, which is larger than most people think.

Except you still can’t get Ascended gear solo.

The Backpack can only be obtained via doing Fractals for the Vial and Gift. You can’t craft it without doing Fractals. So you can’t get that solo.

Gating is still gating whether it is skill based or time based. And if they do introduce Ascended gear in their new raid feature, I don’t expect them to release the gear any other way. Unless they add yet another currency vendor, which in turn would just upset the players cause we have too many currencies as it is.

Gating is not gating whether it’s skill or time based. That is to say, it makes a huge difference to a casual player base.

A casual player base can deal with time gating far more easily than it can deal with skill gating.

The way Guild Wars 2 is set up now, if you want an ascended amulet, pretty much anyone can get one. You make claim that the only way to get an ascended back piece is the Fractals, but that’s only partially true, since I got an exotic back piece from the Living Story, just by doing a few of the achievements. Anet gave people another way to get an ascended back piece. I’m sure a lot of people are thrilled you can hide back pieces lol.

Anet isn’t going to make something really desirable that gives better stats that is also a skin that’s only available to a small percentage of the population.

Rings are different. You cant’ see them. Earrings you can’t see.

But when they come out with new armor and weapons that have higher stats, if they’re only available from raids, the casual population of this game will scream. And Anet can’t afford that.

Because it’s targeting casuals, not hard core.

You have to remember though, that other backpack they added, was only for a limited time (yay for temp content giving us the upper hand eh?). No one can get it now. So while you are happy that you found an alternate way to get an Ascended backpack, no one else can get it that way now.

So still, you have to do Fractals to get an Ascended backpack. There currently is no other way to obtain one.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


The Backpack can only be obtained via doing Fractals for the Vial and Gift. You can’t craft it without doing Fractals. So you can’t get that solo.(…)

Just to have the list complete.

Edit: Too slow *lol.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


A casual player base can deal with time gating far more easily than it can deal with skill gating.

Not really. In MMORPGs, the difference between “casual” and “hardcore” is basically the time spent grinding. Doesn’t really make a difference if a casual player could possible achieve something with enough time spent or not. A Legendary, for example, has been almost exactly described as a reward for hardcore players, yet it’s something any casual player could get one after playing ten years or more.

Any casual player can get an ascended amulet. Any solo player who is casual can get an ascended amulet. Ascended amulets are time gated.

Once ascended gear again becomes the purview of raids only, particularly if a skin and stats are involved, it will cause a huge problem with a large percentage of the player base. Anet tried it once, and admitted it was a mistake.

Why do you think they’ll do it again?

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


The Backpack can only be obtained via doing Fractals for the Vial and Gift. You can’t craft it without doing Fractals. So you can’t get that solo.(…)

Just to have the list complete.

Edit: Too slow *lol.

Like I stated above, you could only obtain that via temporary content. Temporary content that is no longer available. Meaning you can’t get it anymore.

So as I stated, you can ONLY get an Ascended backpack from Fractals.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Like I stated above, you could only obtain that via temporary content. Temporary content that is no longer available. Meaning you can’t get it anymore.

So as I stated, you can ONLY get an Ascended backpack from Fractals.

I would say you can ONLY get an ascended backpack right NOW. Might even change again in three days, eh?
In other words, you can look at it just as another form of time gate.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Eh, I don’t know why people would fear that. Off the top of my head, the most in-depth housing system I’ve ever seen was in EQ2, and FFXI had a decent one also. Both had cities full of people. You’d only invite people in when you wanted to show them your stuff.

I loved the housing in EQ2 und would really like to see something like that here. However in never liked raiding and that is one of the main reasons i’m here.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sai of Winter.2539

Sai of Winter.2539

If housing and guild halls were finally added to the game in the future, I hope they are not premade. Rather, give us the tools to make houses and halls on how we want them to look. Also include a crafting element to building, for example: seasoned wood planks = dark walls,floors,etc. I would love it if the game had sandbox elements and that could be a good start.

~Go Away Nexon~

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

If there is one thing that would make me quit the game, it would be to add exclusive power items like ascended armor and weapons just for raiding.

If it is just a cosmetic difference, like the rest of the game is, then fine. But if they go the route of WoW/SWTOR/Rift of exclusivity, then I am out.

With that said, I would be super surprised if they did that. They would have a revolt and mass exodus if they did.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


crosses fingers for no ascended items in raids
Give people cosmetic items for raiding, sure, I wouldn’t mind. Hell allow them to earn ascended accessories, necklaces and rings (that we already have other ways to earn), just don’t give them a higher reward than what you give for other people.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


If there is one thing that would make me quit the game, it would be to add exclusive power items like ascended armor and weapons just for raiding.

To paraphrase an attitude I’ve heard multiple times from GW2 players(not just on here): What’s the point of endgame/raiding if you don’t get better gear? And in GW2s case, you might argue that they have a point. Ascended gear is viewed by ANet as a successful compromise between the need for hardcore players to feel superior and the oppositions fear that the game forces you to grind for them through having content that cannot be completed without said gear. I’m sure they will add ascended gear as raid reward, because having only exotics would defeat the purpose of satisfying the kind of player who generally want to raid.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


ASB, I’m not really bothered by adding another layer of gear like a lot of folks are. But what I am against is tying that gear to be exclusive to a raid (for example). As long as there are multiple ways of attaining said gear then I’m ok with that.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


What’s the point of endgame/raiding if you don’t get better gear?

Beating the hardest content of a game? Isn’t that enough?

I’ve been doing that in WoW for years, gear was never the reason why I raided, it was (very sadly) necessary but not my goal, my goal was to defeat the hardest content of the game. Once done, the subsequent forced gear grind to be able to continue the next raid “tier” was utterly boring, and if GW2 adds anything remotely close to that, I will stop playing – and of course paying.

Let’s get real – what happens in “raid gear tiers” based games? You spend 10% of the time having fun beating the raid instance. And then, 90% of the time in a boring grind of bosses you’ve already killed dozens of times just to get the gear upgrades you will need when the next raid tier will come. That sounds like a hamster in a wheel, or some donkey chasing a carrot, not a human being playing a game for fun.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

(edited by Korrigan.4837)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


Beating the hardest content of a game? Isn’t that enough?

For many, it really is not. A lot of casual and hardcore gamers have been playing games with long term gear progression, both in PvP and PvE, for years now. An extrinsic reward of “I’m +5 better than you.” is a lot more popular and an expected form of reward. Extrinsic rewards are easier for the brain to grasp(and easier to experience joy through), but their drawback is that they don’t last as long, and the fading feeling of being awesome has to be refreshed with something new. Skins and titles alone aren’t tangible enough reward concepts to trigger the pleasure center in most of our brains as hard as “+5”. Beating hard content can be very satisfying, regardless of what kind of player you are, but most of us simply wouldn’t work out weekly or do our jobs if we didn’t get any tangible reward(money/fitness) out of it. Enjoying what you do just makes reaching that gold more pleasurable.

I mean, if you look at GW1, the only reason they didn’t implement long term gear progression seems to be because they didn’t expect PvE to take off as much as it did, and couldn’t rewrite the core of the game without messing it up too much. ANet however never was afraid to put in long term progression that award you a statistical advantage over other players in PvE, as the addition of PvE only skills and stat altering titles with each new campaign demonstrates. Factions has allegiance titles, Nightfall has faction titles with built in enemy resistance, an EotN has quite a few faction titles as well.

A skin or title for most players isn’t regarded as a symbol showing other players that they completed difficult content. What most players see when they look at BiS gear with a unique appearance is the stats behind them, not the dedication and/or skill it took the wearer to attain it. If that skin had no superior stats, most players would feel disappointed, or wouldn’t see any value in it apart from its aesthetics, which is simply not enough value for a big part of the population GW2 has playing.

Whether or not gear grinds, treadmills or superior stats are a negative influence on the evolution of the game(power creep, etc.) remains to be seen, but better stats on prestige gear is simply something that is needed to give players a reward they deem worthy of their time spend playing. I’m not saying that is my opinion, though.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirusDibley.3716


Im looking forward to raids , just please no more stupid dungeon mechanics that make me feel like im playing super mario on steriods. Give us enjoyable battles that are not boring….

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

Raids? The servers can’t even handle the loads now. This will end in tears..

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


I’m 99,99% sure ArenaNet won’t introduce gear trademil with the new raid-like content. They would have to thorw up their philosophy to the trash box and rename the game to the World of Guild Wars 2

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


Beating the hardest content of a game? Isn’t that enough?

For many, it really is not. A lot of casual and hardcore gamers have been playing games with long term gear progression, both in PvP and PvE, for years now. An extrinsic reward of “I’m +5 better than you.” is a lot more popular and an expected form of reward.

Oh I know, and my question was kind of rhetorical, which is made more obvious in the rest of my previous post, which you hopefully also read before answering…

Many player turn into Pavlov’s dogs when logged into a MMORPG, or even other video games. They drool when they see something shiny, they somehow turn into some hungry animal looking for their epic raid item food.

I don’t agree with you when you say “a lot more popular”. Unless you have a reliable source of numbers, of course. WoW and clones made a whole generation of new players think it was the only way to do a MMORPG, because all those people didn’t know any better. Thinking chocolate ice cream is the best when you’ve actually never tried any other taste is not “a lot more popular”, is denial based on ignorance and also “Pavlov’s dog” style training, drooling at the mention of chocolate ice cream.

If don’t believe in being a “Pavlov’s dog”. My pleasure when I killed the heroic Lich King server first was because we (our team) did it, I didn’t give the start of a care about what he had dropped, I don’t even remember it, I even think I got some item on the first kill, but that was totally secondary to the pleasure of having dropped the baddie. I’ve seen people addicted to gear instead of dedicated to beating the content though, and I have always felt a lot of pity for them. Talk about taking a game way too seriously. I’ve seen guildies who were raiding together for years insult each other in chat and on voice chat because one thought the other didn’t deserve the piece of epic trash he actually won fair and square using his DKP. I don’t want to see that in GW2. I’ve seen people asking to do the “easier bosses” we already killed several times, just for loot, instead of trying to tackle the harder ones we hadn’t killed yet.

I want to “raid”, if such a thing is ever added to the game, with people who do it for the fun of it, not to get a bigger in game “ego”, and not so see the gear balance of PvP completely destroyed by those who are playing 12 hours a day.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

(edited by Korrigan.4837)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


Massive LOL at everyone deciding to pay attention to the ‘Raid’ part of the post and not the ‘different to raids that you might know’ part.

The guild wars 2 touch can change a hell of alot, albeit good or bad.

Im gonna assume the doomsday prochecies of a tiered gear grind progression system will not come to be. As most loyal fans of the game will insta-forumrage-quit.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Raids? The servers can’t even handle the loads now. This will end in tears..

So, how big raids are you thinking about?

The servers can handle 50vs10 quite well in WvW.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Bring back UW and FoW as raid content, make the zones hard and worth doing.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


For example, I think most people who like instances in most MMOs would probably have enjoyed Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Domain of Anguish, The Deep, Urgoz’s Warren and Slaver’s Exile.

They wouldn’t.

The goal of “instances in most MMOs” (aka raids) is to get more powerful gear. None of your examples provides more powerful gear. Ergo, raiders would have hated them.

In fact, adding raids to Guild Wars 2 without giving them more powerful gear would only make raiders complain about how they wouldn’t be properly rewarded for their “work”.

Although I’m sure ArenaNet knows about this. I will be surprised if the GW2 “raids” aren’t when we will see the introduction of Ascended weapons and armors.

I’d be pretty surprised if Anet didn’t have ways outside of raids to get ascended weapons and armor.

Wait, why would you be surprised?

They have always gated Ascended gear. So why would this be any different if they add it to raids only?

When Ascended gear first came out, you could only get rings and a backpack. Rings were only Fractals and Backpack was only Mystic Forge (Rings are now available via Laurels as well). Then amulets came, and they were only Laurels. Then Trinkets came, and they are only Guild Missions and Laurels.

Ascended gear has always been gated. This would be no different.

After the initial Fractals only release, which Anet admitted was a mistake, they gave people ways to get ascended gear that pretty much EVERYONE could get. Yes, you can only get Amulets from dailies, but getting 30 dailies is not the same thing is raiding.

You’re comparing time gating with skill gating. No one can raid solo and I don’t think Anet will abandon their solo player base, which is larger than most people think.

The thing that concerns me is that raiding may be the only practical way to get that gear (if it’s actually coming which is still supposition.)

For example, you can get ascended accessories without guild commendations, but it’s really not practical to do so.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I would think that the GW2 raid could be something more like a 10+ man dungeon that scales for guilds. Where all you get are guild commendations coin and karma.

Having raids tied directly to guilds is a BAD idea, I hate that stupid comms reward system it limits me way to much, if they do it like you propose I will be saying goodbye to Guild Wars 2 for good.

Implement them like dungeons you only need to assemble 10+ players and go do it.
no guild attachment BS please !

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159



Oh my god, I think my heart just fell in love a little bit.

I cannot wait for housing. I’ve been looking for another cool gold sink to throw my time into!

Tybalt plushies, tybalt bedsheeds…tybalt beanbag chair…

Quaggan patterned carpets…

AHHHHHH, I’m so excited now.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I imagine the raids will be something like the Underworld and FoW from GW1, where you had to spend hours upon hours completing every quest, unlocking new quests and finally defeating the end boss for epic skins. I can also seeing a PvP-based raid system like the Hall of Heroes from GW1, where your team’s name was announced game-wide for winning it to the end.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I hope it is open world housing like Archeage That is the best housing system I ever saw.. And to give it a GW2 look they can give dyes for the bricks.. Same for guild halls.

Please no boring instance instance based housing.

Just select specific places where you can get a place to put your house and put some extra maps for it as well.

Here is a brief youtube video of housing in Wildstar. ANet will have to work their kitten off to create something that won’t be an embarrassment in comparison:

Wildstar housing is nothing compared to the Archeage housing. Boring instance housing.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I hope it is open world housing like Archeage That is the best housing system I ever saw.. And to give it a GW2 look they can give dyes for the bricks.. Same for guild halls.

Please no boring instance instance based housing.

Just select specific places where you can get a place to put your house and put some extra maps for it as well.

Here is a brief youtube video of housing in Wildstar. ANet will have to work their kitten off to create something that won’t be an embarrassment in comparison:

Wildstar housing is nothing compared to the Archeage housing. Boring instance housing.

I agree. Having a timer on housing in the open world (designated areas, of course) would also ensure that players maintain their houses and have a reason to go there, to prevent their houses from being demolished. If other players can see your house it becomes a vanity item, and enforces that need to play more and spend time polishing it to perfection. Open world housing is really what this game needs, though it might be a programming nightmare.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Oh man, if I’m able to get my own house, I hope we can customize WHERE it’s at. I wouldn’t mind some beachfront property to have my house at. Especially then if you can design how it looks and all, I’d have an underwater portion of the house leading to the bedroom. I like water, if you couldn’t tell. XD

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akechi Hotaru.7129

Akechi Hotaru.7129

ok so from what i gathered from the google translated version they intend on making guild “cities”? I just hope they dont use the same model they did with the custom arenas where you have to buy time tokens from the gem store, pretty sure thats how it will be though.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I hope it is open world housing like Archeage That is the best housing system I ever saw.. And to give it a GW2 look they can give dyes for the bricks.. Same for guild halls.

You guys need to read the thread, player housing was a mistranslation.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


Raids!? oh no ….

please no item progression

Raiding doesn’t have to be about item progression when a game isn’t worried about needless timesinks to keep players paying sub fees. The B2P model opens up new possibilities.

Imagine the idea of designing raiding content whose main goal is to be fun for a large group of people, rather than having a main goal of throttling progression and limiting access to items. The article talking about them putting a GW2 touch on raiding, I am interested to see what they do.

Yea, instead of time sinks for monthly payments, we get incentives to buy from the cash shop.


Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


What good will raids do when boss mechanics are so dull and predictable.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621



Oh my god, I think my heart just fell in love a little bit.

I cannot wait for housing. I’ve been looking for another cool gold sink to throw my time into!

Tybalt plushies, tybalt bedsheeds…tybalt beanbag chair…

Quaggan patterned carpets…

AHHHHHH, I’m so excited now.

Hooks to hang your backpacks on near the front door

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Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I hope it is open world housing like Archeage That is the best housing system I ever saw.. And to give it a GW2 look they can give dyes for the bricks.. Same for guild halls.

You guys need to read the thread, player housing was a mistranslation.

Yeah true I read the translation but then again. Now with Wildstar (even that there housing is not that great) and Archeage around the corner they can not really stay behind. Might be the stuff that needs to be put in the first expansion. Besides that, I did read that there would be housing during the beta time and the fact that there is not official reactions on the rumors that there would be housing (because of this wrong translation) also is a sign they are most likely working on it or planning to put it in an expansion. But like I said before I just hope they are smart enough to put it in the open world. Instance bases housing not a lot of people really care about. It would even be great if the guild-house would be in the open world but f that would be instance based I would be oke with it but housing should be in the open world.

I guess the fact that the personal story is not the most loved part in this game (by many players.. not all of course) should be a sign for that. If people play an MMO they want to play is with many people and not work with instances. This is GW2, an MMO. Not GW1.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


No open world housing. It clutters the landscape.

Instanced housing based on real world location like in R###. Or use the city instances for housing.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


No open world housing. It clutters the landscape.

Instanced housing based on real world location like in R###. Or use the city instances for housing.

No both are boring.. City’s lesser boring then instanced houses but still boring. Why would it clutter the landscape?. When allowing housing in the open world it would not mean you could build it every where (then it would maybe get cluttered and that might be what you have in mind). There are places where you are allowed to build a house (and then there is x land around your house where nobody else is allowed to place a house). Watch the ArcheAge video You just will get a building and city’s like they are now already in the game with the only difference that they are placed there by the players not be ArenaNet and that they can change over time. It will make the world much more lively and attack players back to maps that would else be empty. (However most of the housing would be in new maps.. I still would allow some housing in the current maps just like I said to get more people there)

(edited by Devata.6589)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


The downward spiral began with ascended gear and item progression and will culminate with their crappy version of a raid. Unless this content is accessible by anyone, guilded or not, geared or not, this will be horse kitten and I will finally quit the game for good.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I bet all the furniture will be ONLY available from gem store, pass no thanks, brah. Never raided in any game so i’ll try that and hopefully it’ll be fun for more than 2-3 runs.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I bet all the furniture will be ONLY available from gem store, pass no thanks, brah. Never raided in any game so i’ll try that and hopefully it’ll be fun for more than 2-3 runs.

I wouldnt mind if the furniture was only avial in gem store. cosmetic, it should be.

what I dont want are gates to content. They’ve walked a fine line thus far, and wavered a bit with guild missions. Lets see how they do with this.

Make or break for me.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I bet all the furniture will be ONLY available from gem store, pass no thanks, brah. Never raided in any game so i’ll try that and hopefully it’ll be fun for more than 2-3 runs.

I wouldnt mind if the furniture was only avial in gem store. cosmetic, it should be.

what I dont want are gates to content. They’ve walked a fine line thus far, and wavered a bit with guild missions. Lets see how they do with this.

Make or break for me.

Would’ve been much better if all the furniture/trophies and whatever you’ll be decorating your house with would drop/come from dungeon chests. I really enjoyed this in PSU and no way in hell im exchanging gold for gems at these absolutely stupid prices (its what? 30gems for 1g? wtf…). At the end, if furniture is only available in the gem store i will ignore it completely.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.