Raids are coming to GW2!
The link doesn’t work for me. It could just be that they’re trying to design harder more challenging encounters and want someone with experience in that field you know.
I don’t think they’ll be raids in the traditional sense of the word. I’d be very very cautious about saying raids are coming full stop.
There is an existing thread on this topic…second page.
There is an existing thread on this topic…second page.
Sorry, didnt see that.
What is Raid exactly? noob here..
Raid? Isn’t that a bug spray?
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Raids = 25 person dungeons.
What is Raid exactly? noob here..
Raids are dungeons made for more people than you’d typically be able to party with. They are generally harder than normal dungeons and require far more people and coordination. Many MMOs are centered around raids.
As time progresses, the number of people that make a raid is less and less. In the old EQ days raids were 75 man. In vanilla WoW they were 40-man, and later became 20 main. Rift even had 10 man raids.
The bottom line is they’re supposed to be challenging, instanced content done with more people than a standard party.
as you can only have 5 people in a group, is gonna make ‘raiding’ a bit, meh!
raid ? in gw2 ? isn’t Teq and the 3-headed Wurm kinda raid content already ?
Archeage = Farmville with PK
raid ? in gw2 ? isn’t Teq and the 3-headed Wurm kinda raid content already ?
Open world raid content, yes they are. And I’d imagine more coming World Bosses will likely be done in the same manner, and they did at one point mention the idea of instanced content that could require more than 5 players.
I wouldn’t think that they would do it in a traditional sense though, so be cautionary with your excitement about it. They will likely go at it in a GW2’s style.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
What is Raid exactly? noob here..
Raids are dungeons made for more people than you’d typically be able to party with. They are generally harder than normal dungeons and require far more people and coordination. Many MMOs are centered around raids.
As time progresses, the number of people that make a raid is less and less. In the old EQ days raids were 75 man. In vanilla WoW they were 40-man, and later became 20 main. Rift even had 10 man raids.
The bottom line is they’re supposed to be challenging, instanced content done with more people than a standard party.
ahhh it’s kinda Dungeon only with more people XD
YES YES YES!!! Bring it on!! cannot wait standing on LA with my bad-bump looking raid gear (or skins) YES!!!!! Thats all i want from gw2 and it will be a full MMO for me
What is Raid exactly? noob here..
Raids are dungeons made for more people than you’d typically be able to party with. They are generally harder than normal dungeons and require far more people and coordination. Many MMOs are centered around raids.
As time progresses, the number of people that make a raid is less and less. In the old EQ days raids were 75 man. In vanilla WoW they were 40-man, and later became 20 main. Rift even had 10 man raids.
The bottom line is they’re supposed to be challenging, instanced content done with more people than a standard party.
ahhh it’s kinda Dungeon only with more people XD
they’re also way longer with a weekly ID (since you need more days to complete a raid) , way harder and with more complex tactics, no idea how a raid would work on gw2 anyway cuz the lack of the trinity and since most of the bosses get facetanked.
What is Raid exactly? noob here..
Raids are dungeons made for more people than you’d typically be able to party with. They are generally harder than normal dungeons and require far more people and coordination. Many MMOs are centered around raids.
As time progresses, the number of people that make a raid is less and less. In the old EQ days raids were 75 man. In vanilla WoW they were 40-man, and later became 20 main. Rift even had 10 man raids.
The bottom line is they’re supposed to be challenging, instanced content done with more people than a standard party.
ahhh it’s kinda Dungeon only with more people XD
they’re also way longer with a weekly ID (since you need more days to complete a raid) , way harder and with more complex tactics, no idea how a raid would work on gw2 anyway cuz the lack of the trinity and since most of the bosses get facetanked.
takes days?? O_O hmm example we raid 5pm to 10pm we reach 50% so we get out the raid. Then we can roam around other areas then get back to where we left?
I don’t want traditional MMO raids.
I want GW1 elite instances.
But of course knowing Arena Net, and how they’re abandoning * almost everything* that made GW1 great, I doubt we’ll see it happening.
These raids will most likely be another Wurm/Tquatl no one does due to lag, randoms, bugs and overflows.
I don’t want traditional MMO raids.
I want GW1 elite instances.
But of course knowing Arena Net, and how they’re abandoning * almost everything* that made GW1 great, I doubt we’ll see it happening.
These raids will most likely be another Wurm/Tquatl no one does due to lag, randoms, bugs and overflows.
So apparently I’m called “no one” since I did a lot of tequatl/wurm before I stopped playing (because of IRL constraints).
Quick reminder here : Just because you don’t like a certain type of content doesn’t mean it’s terrible. It just means you don’t like it
Back on topic : I doubt we’ll see any instanced raid anytime soon. My guess is on more open world megabosses. Which is a great thing.
Be it instanced raids or World Bosses, GW2community and DV will be on the front lines, fighting the good fight.
I know Chris Whiteside has mentioned raids and raid content on numerous occasions.
Just remember, when last time thay said something about introducing raids, what we got was tequatl revamp.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Here’s a question for you to ponder.
If Tequatl/Wurm was instanced and limited to certain number of people, e.g. 25, would it be played more often than it is right now?
The answer is yes.
Be it instanced raids or World Bosses, GW2community and DV will be on the front lines, fighting the good fight.
That^ and making them instanced is only good since we wont have to deal with the awful overflow system that you spamming Join in 1 hour only to get DCed 5 mins after you finally joined
If it’s instanced it’ll be dominated by GWSCR.
Fine as long as they do not add new armor and weapon tiers that require raiding to get.
I don’t want GW to turn into ancient style “raid or die” MMO.
imo people misunderstand this application. imo this is about raids like world bosses but not like 25man dungeon raid.
Also I would like to see some more dungeons with at least more than 5 man and less than a full server (150man). But I think we have to wait a few years before that comes into GW2, raids to remember the fall of the elder dragons :P
As title says but………………… Soon™
Fine as long as they do not add new armor and weapon tiers that require raiding to get.
I don’t want GW to turn into ancient style “raid or die” MMO.
My sentiments exactly, if they want to add raiding fine, heck even if they’re planning on adding instanced raiding… (well I’m less fine with that but as long as…) just no gear treadmill!
I hate to burst some peoples bubbles, but there is nothing stating that this raid designer will be specifically designing instanced raids. This could just as easily be designed for large scale open world events, an area where we haven’t gotten anything new in quite some time. An actual raid designer incorporated into that design could definitely bring some interesting stuff.
Here’s a question for you to ponder.
If Tequatl/Wurm was instanced and limited to certain number of people, e.g. 25, would it be played more often than it is right now?
The answer is yes.
The real answer is you don’t know. You think the answer is yes. I think the answer is no. I don’t know that we’ll ever get to find out.
If Tripple Threat and Tequatl are going to be similar to what these theorized raids are then I don’t think it’s so good for pve.
Having a crap shoot if you can even get into the map instance to participate is not what I would call good design.
Besides that if they’re truly wanting that sort of content in their game and are just hiring for it now that means at best we won’t see it in the game within the next years. So it’s really not worth it at all to get excited about it.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Tbh all they need to do is work on scaling. If scaling were made so events were comparable regardless of numbers, then instance crap shoots wouldn’t matter.
I bet that would increase participation.
I think these “Raids” will be the new “Guild Puzzles”. Instanced contents for guilds with a bunch of objectives and an end boss, hopefully they’ll add “levels” like fractals so that difficulty and rewards scale overtime.
I know Chris Whiteside has mentioned raids and raid content on numerous occasions.
Just remember, when last time thay said something about introducing raids, what we got was tequatl revamp.
And several months later, it’s not nearly as big a thing as it was back then. So long as you have someone able/willing to lead an instance who knows what to do . . . and players who can/will listen . . . it’s highly likely to win.
Also . . . have they said they’re introducing raids or is this just conjecture from seeing a want ad?
Here’s a question for you to ponder.
If Tequatl/Wurm was instanced and limited to certain number of people, e.g. 25, would it be played more often than it is right now?
The answer is yes.The real answer is you don’t know. You think the answer is yes. I think the answer is no. I don’t know that we’ll ever get to find out.
Depends on the rewards…no reason to do something that is this time consuming just for pathethic RNG boxes… gw2 has one of the least rewarding systems in MMOs IMO…it’s a “yay everybody is a winner! system”
heres your price box for joining a massive zerg fest and spamming an FGS at teq’s feet, good work soldier"
If there was an actual incentive to do teq/wurm outside of the daily reset, more ppl would prolly do it. The open world raid/bosses are OK imo… it’s just pathetic to see week after week of garbage loot.. its obvious that anet has put minimal effort in a justifiable reward system for the harder content in this game…fracs are fun, but rewards are abysmal
Anet’s has data showing ppl don’t really run dungs that much, so they pretty much gave up on dungs after aetherpath since no one runs it…maybe ppl would actually run them if anet could change this god forsaken reward system…instead they choose the easier path of, nah kitten it, we don’t care about dungs at all, since no one freaking runs dungs outside of quick, daily gold runs. Maybe ppl would do dungs if the rewards weren’t so PATHETIC.
on topic, if raids are coming, it will most likely be Guild Raids…and most likely will be in 2020 lol. You can’t have a 5man raid, and puggable…would be a mess. If raids come, they better have a better freaking reward system than kitten RNG box filled with yellows and greens and blues
(edited by SkiTz.4590)
So raids = elite dungeons/instances akin to The Deep and Urgoz’s Warren in GW1. Both of which were 12-man, organised instances, both challenging and epic requiring vast co-ordination.
I personally wouldn’t mind if FoW or UW were reintroduced into GW2, if nothing else but for the sake of the veterans.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
If I remember correctly I thought that ANet was considering making it possible for guilds to make their own overflows thus creating a work around for instanced raiding.
I also seem to remember a Wooden Potatoes video where he speculated that a new PVP map might have a PVE boss in the center of the map so perhaps you might see an evolution of WVW as well into Raid content.
imo people misunderstand this application. imo this is about raids like world bosses but not like 25man dungeon raid.
first of all, they have been talking about instanced guild raid content on the german and english forum. ramon domke, the german community manager, said in a thread when people were asking about instanced raid content and raid progression, that anet is currently looking at it.
2. they dont need to hire a raid content designer to make more open world afk 1111111 events. they can create those events already.
3. there is literally no challenging content in gw2 and instanced raid content would be a good way to introduce it.
4. anet has never, NEVER in their history, called open world content “raids”. never.
Here’s a question for you to ponder.
If Tequatl/Wurm was instanced and limited to certain number of people, e.g. 25, would it be played more often than it is right now?
The answer is yes.
would tequatl/wurm be more interesting if they made them instanced? no.
why not? because it would be just as easy, if not easier, to kill them because guilds would be fighting them without random people.
(edited by NoTrigger.8396)
Depends on the rewards…no reason to do something that is this time consuming just for pathethic RNG boxes… gw2 has one of the least rewarding systems in MMOs IMO…it’s a “yay everybody is a winner! system”
heres your price box for joining a massive zerg fest and spamming an FGS at teq’s feet, good work soldier"
Funny that line forgets about the people in the turrets who have to be attentive or else things get ugly. Or the people who have to split up and keep mobs off the batteries and turrets . . . or, again, things get bad.
And everyone is not a winner. Been in at least three instances for Tequatl in the last week which haven’t beaten him. Once due to the turrets being mulched by enemies due to everything trying to do exactly what you said . . . and another in which nobody did turrets at all.
Anet’s has data showing ppl don’t really run dungs that much, so they pretty much gave up on dungs after aetherpath since no one runs it…maybe ppl would actually run them if anet could change this god forsaken reward system…instead they choose the easier path of, nah kitten it, we don’t care about dungs at all, since no one freaking runs dungs outside of quick, daily gold runs. Maybe ppl would do dungs if the rewards weren’t so PATHETIC.
And if the rewards were so wonderful you’d see people grumbling about having to do them just to keep up with inflation. How many people ran CoF1 as fast and as often as possible for the profit of it rather than because it was hilariously fun? How many people do Coiled Watch Fail Farms because it’s too lucrative not to do?
That’s in this game. In other games, there’s far worse. And in recent games too! I don’t know how many will understand this but two words: “loot cave”
You have to be careful with reward systems.
Ahh finally ! Next step add trinity and this game is finally perfect .
/sarcasm off
I take adding raids in gw2 as final admission that ideas in original manifesto failed miserably, which is really sad. But still if change is needed, and it is needed imo, I would definitely prefer if they would be trying to turn gw2 into gw1 with improved engine and events. But making it just another WoW clone – which it will become if raids are to become elite end game, is just another mistake – you cant beat WoW at its own game …
I take it as a sign ANet has given up and is giving players what they keep asking for time and time again.
Which means mounts aren’t far behind.
Ahh finally ! Next step add trinity and this game is finally perfect .
/sarcasm off
I take adding raids in gw2 as final admission that ideas in original manifesto failed miserably, which is really sad. But still if change is needed, and it is needed imo, I would definitely prefer if they would be trying to turn gw2 into gw1 with improved engine and events. But making it just another WoW clone – which it will become if raids are to become elite end game, is just another mistake – you cant beat WoW at its own game …
adding raids to a game automatically means you want to turn the game into a WoW clone.
you are very smart.
Ahh finally ! Next step add trinity and this game is finally perfect .
/sarcasm off
I take adding raids in gw2 as final admission that ideas in original manifesto failed miserably, which is really sad. But still if change is needed, and it is needed imo, I would definitely prefer if they would be trying to turn gw2 into gw1 with improved engine and events. But making it just another WoW clone – which it will become if raids are to become elite end game, is just another mistake – you cant beat WoW at its own game …
adding raids to a game automatically means you want to turn the game into a WoW clone.
you are very smart.
Ah you noticed, yes, I’m very smart . Ofc it will become WoW clone, every game with raiding end game gets called WoW clone and every WoW clone fails to beat WoW anyway.
so introducing raids automatically means there wont be anything else to do? alright.
It’s okay to take a bit from the WoW. It’s seizing our dynamic events. Be a gelatinous cube, at least a little. Oh, and if you bagged that guy from Carbine to work on this stuff, kindly ask him not to design raids around the premise that the floor must be deadly at nearly every point in time. Not every encounter needs to be like the weapon tester in Molten Furnace times a million.
so introducing raids automatically means there wont be anything else to do? alright.
Topic of this thread are raids or that mysterious ‘anything else’ ? But back to the topic, yes raids are what most of their players wants … riiiight, thats why they are dumbing down NPE on the level of 6y olds (and now I’m insulting my younger son). They are for sure inspired by huge success of their fellow sister company producing next gen mmo with hc raiding end game, lets say hello together to huge success called Wildstar !
alright so adding a few raids automatically means the endgame will be only raids and nothing else?
do you even realize that alot of players and guilds are looking for a challenge and there is no challenge at all in gw2 PvE at the moment?
there is nothing to do in PvE except running in circles like mindless monkeys and clicking through living story dialogues.
raids would be a good way to give players challenge and something to strive for.
if you think this will turn the game into a WoW clone then there is something wrong with you.
(edited by NoTrigger.8396)
I seriously doubt they will ever make an actual raid. They don’t seem interested in creating any new content. They will probably just revamp another world boss to be harder.
alright so adding a few raids automatically means the endgame will be only raids and nothing else?
do you even realize that alot of players and guilds are looking for a challenge and there is no challenge at all in gw2 at the moment?
there is nothing to do in PvE except running in circles like mindless monkeys and clicking through living story dialogues.
raids would be a good way to give players challenge and something to strive for.
if you think this will turn the game into a WoW clone then there is something wrong with you.
Do you realize, that if they add raids and they don’t add incentive – aka better rewards then rest of the content – almost none will play them ? I was raider long enough to know this. But if raids will get better rewards they will become THE end game, that yours mysterious ’ anything else’ will be pointless.
do you realize the mysterious rewards could simply be skins and not any higher gear? so nobody will be forced to raid. optional content + optional rewards that are not making your character any better stat wise = everything is ok.
but your reaction seems to be the reaction of someone who is afraid of not being good enough to play through challenging content.
do you realize the mysterious rewards could simply be skins and not any higher gear? so nobody will be forced to raid. optional content + optional rewards that are not making your character any better stat wise = everything is ok.
but your reaction seems to be the reaction of someone who is afraid of not being good enough to play through challenging content.
You really got me here, I’m covering in fear behind my keyboard. I salute you, THE brave one !