Hello everyone,
this is going to be another post about legendary precursors and the game in general and chances are slim that you are going to read here anything that hasn’t been already written hundreds of times before.
I have started playing shortly after launch and played really hardcore to this day, got 2600+ playing time. I really enjoyed leveling my first two characters, exploring the scenery, vistas, personal story (how different races have different story lines that connect at some point). Afterwards leveling another character through regular gameplay seemed boring so started dungeoning and swapped chars at end, then crafted the remaining levels. I got 6 80s, used them in different dungeons (got dungeon master title, all dungeon sets), fractals (got to a high level but cant progress anymore) , sPvP, WvW etc. Long story short, enjoyed most aspects of the game.
After dungeon master title, it was time to learn how to speedrun every dungeon, learned that too but doing them were kind of boring because the difficulty was always the same. Fractals were introduced at that point and they were going to be a thing! Getting harder and harder each level, finding new tactics using team builds etc. Could have grinded that thing for years but our progression was stopped! You wanna go on? Infuse your backpiece! (Not to mention this costed around 100gold) Do your daily fractals, maybe you will get lucky and get a ring from your daily fractals! Wanna proceed more? Wait till we introduce ascended amulets but wait another 30 days to get them! Wanna go on even further? Join a big guild and do guild missions and in 3 weeks you will get an ascended earring! Or you can just wait another 40 days + 50 ectos to buy one! Oooh wait noone wants the class you play on high level fractals? Guess you have to level another class through fractals and wait 2 months to get ascended stuff on that! Anyways enough whining about fractal and ascended gear progression.
So now we are proficient in dungeons, cannot proceed anymore in fractals (unless we pay some high level so that they open an odd number fractal where we dont have to go through Maw agony), what is left to do? WvW and sPvP! It was a great fix to culling and made WvW playable. We are no longer charging into 50+ people without being aware of it and getting insta wiped but zerging is still a problem, endless sieges are still a problem. sPvP has its own issues but Anet really doesnt care about it that much probably except for nerfing elemanalists all the time.
Since all the gear in the game has same stats, the end game fun is character armor combination, finding perfect dyes and with the end goal of getting a legendary. The gear progression is fun but legendary isn’t. I understand that getting the legendary is a long term goal but the randomness is taking all the fun out of it. Lets go through the steps to get a legendary.
Gift of Mastery: Skill points, map completion, WvW badges (gift of zerging/jumping as some call it), karma (which is way easier now with those karma jugs etc). In my opinion the easiest gift to get.
Gift of Fortune: 250 of all T6 mats, mystic clovers, ectos. The name implies fortune and you have to have fortune to get those clovers from Mystic forge and those ectos from rares and T6 mat from monsters. Or just grind money and buy those stuff.
Legendary weapon Gift: 100 Icy runestone (which is a pain to buy since it asks all the time if I want to buy it), and other gifts which you need to either farm those elementals or dungeon to get the lodestones or just grind money to buy them from TP.
And the final component is the precursor. The real pain! The real reason I decided to write this post.
Some of the players are extremely lucky and get it in their first attempt while others dump thousands of rares/exotics into Mystic Forge in an attempt to get the final component that is necessary. Another aspect of the game where our progress is stopped. I can still hear Zommoros, he is telling me:
“More rares! More exotics!”
“What are you going to do with them?”
“Give me 4 and I’ll give you 1 back”
“Sounds like a good deal, here 4 Corrupted Avengers”
“I award you with: Crafted Exotic Greatsword”
“Wow thanks! Crafted Exotic Greatsword for 4 Corrupted Avengers! Sounds like a perfect deal”
Anyways, I have whined enough and my last words will be:
The randomness is killing this game. I don’t wanna play a game where a single party member gets 3 Charged Lodestones from one path and I get nothing from 13 paths. I don’t want to play a game where some lucky guy gets a Precursor on his first attempt, sells it, buys 4 rares, gets another precursor and becomes super rich in 10 seconds while I have to dump thousands of items to get Craftable Items. Therefore I am quitting the game. I still have some items I want to give away, so send me a mail in game or forums. And lets hope the randomness works in your favor too!
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