Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Wait, what??!!

Should I be happy because I have bought extra gifts before hands? Even though my ranks is barely 8 or 9. But what’s about new players who do not enjoy this grind?

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


But what’s about new players who do not enjoy this grind?

Yeah getting rank 30 in WvW is really going to hurt their legendary hunt. Poor new players who can easily get :
-200 skill point
-250 obsidian shards
-77 mystic clovers
-250 ectos
-250 of all T6 mats
-100 g
-400 in a crafting profession
-the precursor
-the mats needed for the gifts
-100% explorer

Yeah new players are going to have an easy time with that and a terrible grind with getting to rank 30 :/

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I play a lot of WvW I can gain 30 ranks in 1 weekend. A casual player can easily do it in a month or 2 if the dedicate 1 evening a week to WvW. If you are really impatient and have a ton of laurels burning your pocket you can always buy your ranks from the laurel vendor.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

Bumping this, because within will you find the truth.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

Bumping this, because within will you find the truth.

Yes, they want PvE players to participate in WvW because they want PvE players to participate in WvW. Hard to disagree with it. [/sarcasm]Still doesn’t answer anything and is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand.
We know it was not accidental. We question whether it was wise.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

Bumping this, because within will you find the truth.

Yes, they want PvE players to participate in WvW because they want PvE players to participate in WvW. Hard to disagree with it. [/sarcasm]Still doesn’t answer anything and is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand.
We know it was not accidental. We question whether it was wise.

The people you are quoting were answering someone whose question was, “why,” not whether the reason was wise.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

Bumping this, because within will you find the truth.

Except…there are still easy ways to circumvent it.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

Bumping this, because within will you find the truth.

Yes, they want PvE players to participate in WvW because they want PvE players to participate in WvW. Hard to disagree with it. [/sarcasm]Still doesn’t answer anything and is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand.
We know it was not accidental. We question whether it was wise.

They needed to add something that at least motivated players to at least step into WvW and actually play WvW (not just go to captured points and what not to get map completion).

To me, making it require a rank was the best option.

1. There is still an option to not have to actually play WvW. So for those who can’t or absolutely hate WvW, there’s an option for them.

2. Removing the BOH from the AP chests would have been a worse decision. It completely removes the ability for those who can’t or absolutely hate WvW to achieve the Gift of Battle.

Now is Rank 30 the best rank? I don’t know. I don’t know what the max rank is. For all I know there are more than 100 ranks and those who hate WvW should be lucky it wasn’t higher to counteract the fact that those who only like WvW have to do a lot more to get their legendary than we do in areas of the game that are not our favorite.

In the end, I think it was a wise decision to add in needing Ranks to get the Gift of Battle. Makes the legendary a bit more legendary for those who craft their own.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cinemapaula.8673


Stupid move. Id hate to say it, but this is one of the last steps thats forcing me to dislike the game. I HATE WvW with a PASSION… I cannot explain how much. Horrible.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adrenaline.2854


Legendary weapons don’t even feel legendary.

You wanna wield a legendary weapon, you have to do more than gather mats, walk around the map and do a couple dungeon runs.

I for one think making a WvW rank 30 minimum is a great idea.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Stupid move. Id hate to say it, but this is one of the last steps thats forcing me to dislike the game. I HATE WvW with a PASSION… I cannot explain how much. Horrible.

Nd you cans till get the legendary without us ing to buy one off the TP or play WvW past the map exploration required.

Laurels and badges of honor gotten from achievement point chests can buy you enough liquid eve experience to get to rank 30 without taking five years to earn.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


Arena.net wants you to zerg in order to get a legendary.

Deal with it.


Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

All the more reason never to grind for that garbage
Maybe I will buy a legendary on the tp one day.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

^this becomes more hilarious with each update.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


those who hate WvW should be lucky it wasn’t higher to counteract the fact that those who only like WvW have to do a lot more to get their legendary than we do in areas of the game that are not our favorite.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


those who hate WvW should be lucky it wasn’t higher to counteract the fact that those who only like WvW have to do a lot more to get their legendary than we do in areas of the game that are not our favorite.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

No but things typically happen to appease the squeaky wheel and the WvW community has been fairly squeaky about the fact that they have to do a lot more in places they don’t like than the PvE crowd.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


All the more reason never to grind for that garbage
Maybe I will buy a legendary on the tp one day.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

^this becomes more hilarious with each update.

The only grind they promised at launch to not be in the game was needed grind grind you would have to do in order to do the end game. Legendaries aren’t needed so therebcan be grind for them.

I do think they did break the promise with ascended gear. You need that to do high level fractals. And to get to the higher levels you need the crafted varieties and that is a grind to get.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erick Alastor.3917

Erick Alastor.3917

It really isn’t a matter of whether or not rank 30 is obtainable, easily or not. It is a question of why bother to put this additional restriction in place in the first place?

If you’re really asking why…

This move is being made to revert the WvW participation for a Legendary back to where it was before badges were put into Achievement chests. It’s possible to earn map completion without ever fighting a player. It was (is?) also possible to get badges from the JP. The requirement was put in originally to give people a chance to experience the game mode. ANet has decided their intent was not being served and changed the game so their intent is being served.

Feel free to disagree with their intent, but the “why” is readily apparent.

They introduced badges inside achivement chests because they didn’t want PvE players to steal spots that should be reserved to WvW players.

What are your thoughts on the PvE aspect of WvW, including jumping puzzles and world completion?
Colin: For the jumping puzzle, I would prefer that they not be in the WvW map and it’s a separate thing.
Especially when there’s a queue like that and people are trying to get in. It disconnects players from the content that they are trying to play.
How we answer that is going to be interesting. There’s a lot of different ways that we can separate that out, but in long run it’s very unlikely
that that will stay in the WvW map where it’s eating up population queue. We’ll go somewhere else and we’ll have to figure out the best way to do that.
“World Complete” is an interesting one. We’ve seen from our data metrics, that because [WvW] is on “World Complete”, there’s a bunch of people who play
WvW because it takes them there to actually get to know it and they end up having so much fun, that they stay.

What they are doing now is just wrong in my opinion.
Trying to achieve world completion is not enought to reach rank 30 and even if it was, what about people who already got their gift of exploration disliking the WvW endgame?
Why are they forced to come back now?
Again, I understand the point of WvW completion, it is a way to explore new mechanics, but if after trying it you don’t like it, it stops there.
Why force people into specific content.

Yeah you can also spend bedges from the achivements chest and laurels, just as you can use 40 laurels (days) and 50 ecto per piece for ascended Accessories instead of 12 guild commendation and 5 gold.
So you can say they are not forcing us, it is just a really strong advice to play the way they want you to play.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

(edited by Erick Alastor.3917)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Why are people still harping on about being “forced”?

When you cannot complete any content without a legendary weapon and as such when they become compulsory, when you are not able to simply buy them from the TP. Then the whole “forced” argument will have a little more gravitas. Until then it is utterly ridiculous.

If you want a specific item which is not needed but has reqs, then do the reqs and stop crying about being forced. Otherwise buy one or simply don’t have one at all, the choice is yours.

Actually, this reminds me a (little bit) of the Jinsu Razor in SWG. The pve only crowds crying now is as lame as it was back then.

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Why are people still harping on about being “forced”?

Perhaps because they still strongly dislike it.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erick Alastor.3917

Erick Alastor.3917

Why are people still harping on about being “forced”?

When you cannot complete any content without a legendary weapon and as such when they become compulsory, when you are not able to simply buy them from the TP. Then the whole “forced” argument will have a little more gravitas. Until then it is utterly ridiculous.

If you want a specific item which is not needed but has reqs, then do the reqs and stop crying about being forced. Otherwise buy one or simply don’t have one at all, the choice is yours.

Actually, this reminds me a (little bit) of the Jinsu Razor in SWG. The pve only crowds crying now is as lame as it was back then.

Because WvW/PvE/PvP are very different kind of game.
Also the sentence “play the way you want” was a quite strong one.
If you want something there should be x number of ways to obtain it, all equally balanced.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Why are people still harping on about being “forced”?

Perhaps because they still strongly dislike it.

“I don’t like” and “I am forced” are two very, very different things.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Why are people still harping on about being “forced”?

When you cannot complete any content without a legendary weapon and as such when they become compulsory, when you are not able to simply buy them from the TP. Then the whole “forced” argument will have a little more gravitas. Until then it is utterly ridiculous.

If you want a specific item which is not needed but has reqs, then do the reqs and stop crying about being forced. Otherwise buy one or simply don’t have one at all, the choice is yours.

Actually, this reminds me a (little bit) of the Jinsu Razor in SWG. The pve only crowds crying now is as lame as it was back then.

Because WvW/PvE/PvP are very different kind of game.
Also the sentence “play the way you want” was a quite strong one.
If you want something there should be x number of ways to obtain it, all equally balanced.

1. No they are not really. sPvP is very different. WvW and PvE are not.

2. “Play your own way” does not mean “I must have everything and anything exactly how I want”.

3. Even if your supposition was correct (which it isn’t), it still wouldn’t counter the point that the whole “forced” argument is a complete fallacy. No one is being forced due to the reasons stated in previous post.

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bredegi.1943


I remember when i had to get my GIft of Battle before achievement rewards were added, i had to do Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle every day at 6am. for a really long time to craft the piece i needed. and yes, unless i wanted to get killed 14 times before reaching the chest, i had to wake up 15minutes earlier so i could do a jumping puzzle before i went to school.
BUT, if you look at the bigger picture, legendaries are supposed to be difficult to get.. grinding is not the worst case scenario

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hangman.8219


This will make alot of people quit as more than 50% of gw2 player dislike the WvW aspect of the game. to have them endure 30 ranks of boredom (plausibly 2 months of WvW) sooner or later people will be fed up with the game.

its like forcing someone to go to college for a degree. Sooner or later they will dropout!

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverence.6915


I remember when i had to get my GIft of Battle before achievement rewards were added, i had to do Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle every day at 6am. for a really long time to craft the piece i needed. and yes, unless i wanted to get killed 14 times before reaching the chest, i had to wake up 15minutes earlier so i could do a jumping puzzle before i went to school.
BUT, if you look at the bigger picture, legendaries are supposed to be difficult to get.. grinding is not the worst case scenario

Would you say it’s easier now with the rank 30 and 500 badge requirement (keeping in mind that rank up chests contain badges)? or before they added badges to achievement chests?

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Light.7493


Now that I’ve grinded my Gift of Battle. I expect new legendaries to be introduced because the current ones dont seem so legendary anymore. And plz Account bind them with no soulbind..

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


This will make alot of people quit…..

No it wont, but it will help them crystallise the decision as to how much they want a legendary.

I have heard people describe the map completion element similar to how you describe the 30 wvw ranks…..

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starwind.1069


The way i see it, for a person who is truly building a legendary, it requires about 2 months of game play to achieve and in this requirement the only wvw you have to do is the Map completion. With the requirement of lvl 30 world rank to get gift of battle, they have removed various forms of grief systems from the game. Lets face it if you aren’t a wvw player you where always dying or enduring hours of torture just to achieve the 500 badge requirement it use to cost before you could get them in achievement chests. The addition of Achievement chests actually made the work to get gift of battle way easier to get. The addition of wvw rank 30 to get the Gift to me seems like a good addition to even the work between wvw players and pve players to achieve the same goal. The way i see it is PvE players are just crying that they have to do Map completion in wvw, but thats also true for wvw players lol they to have to stop doing what they like and do Map completion in the open pve world.

Another way to look at it is to look at the changes in the game.

FIRST it use to just cost 500 badges which ment pve players had to actually do wvw or risk the torment of being griefed while trying to do the 4 JPs in wvw, and wvw players had to spend hours on end outside of wvw in the open world just to get the Materials to lvl up their crafting and to get the T6 mats.

AFTER that many changes kept tipping the scale towards pves playstyle as the only viable way to get everything for a legendary since boss chests and achievement chests made it so that pve players never had to do anything more then wvw map completion. While wvw players had to still spend all that time outside of wvw to get a legendary.

NOW With all the changes and such PvE and WvW players only have to do the map completion in the other mode of game play that they don’t like. The time pve players have spent getting the other mats and such for the legendary they should be close to if not way past 5000 achievement points which will give them all the laurels and badges they need to get to rank 30 and buy their gift.

BTW Rank 30 wvw lvl requires only 26 liquid wxp which costs 52 laurels and 1300 badges to get all 26 of them. You should have over 60 laurels and 2000 badges just from dailies and achievement chests in 2-4 months.

So why is everyone crying about getting to lvl 30 world rank, OR is pve players now crying that they can’t get a free set of exotic gear with all those badges they get free from doing achievements while wvw players have to still actually earn the badges for the armor?

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


So why is everyone crying about getting to lvl 30 world rank, OR is pve players now crying that they can’t get a free set of exotic gear with all those badges they get free from doing achievements while wvw players have to still actually earn the badges for the armor?

PvE people are crying because that is what they do. They think that they are entitled to everything in their form of play only, screw the WvW player that doesn’t like to PvE and has to endure a boring grind to get their shiny skin.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nemesis.2019


I have no issues with this, i got my 500badges before Anet decided to give them away in achievement rewards, deal with it new gamers…

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Becka Williams.4978

Becka Williams.4978

SOOOOO many people complaining about anet removing the rank 30 to get a gift of battle. SOOOOOO few people complaining about how easy it is to get a commander tag. I would’ve thought you guys would far prefer a rank time gate for a commander tag than a stupid gift of battle.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


SOOOOO many people complaining about anet removing the rank 30 to get a gift of battle. SOOOOOO few people complaining about how easy it is to get a commander tag. I would’ve thought you guys would far prefer a rank time gate for a commander tag than a stupid gift of battle.

PvE players will then complain about how they can’t get the blue tag for their PvE maps and it will get changed.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Becka Williams.4978

Becka Williams.4978

SOOOOO many people complaining about anet removing the rank 30 to get a gift of battle. SOOOOOO few people complaining about how easy it is to get a commander tag. I would’ve thought you guys would far prefer a rank time gate for a commander tag than a stupid gift of battle.

PvE players will then complain about how they can’t get the blue tag for their PvE maps and it will get changed.

I literally don’t care about pvemanders. I think there’s far to many of them, and all the commander tag shows now is that you have 100 gold, and 500 badges (and I think you need to be level 80) Meanwhile, you WvWers claim as your god given right the ability to force people to get to level 30 (or even higher) to get a legendary. I think there’s a huge contradiction here. “You have to master ALL aspects of the game to get a legendary. Oh, but being a commander? Yeah, don’t need to master WvW for that.”

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

But what’s about new players who do not enjoy this grind?

Yeah getting rank 30 in WvW is really going to hurt their legendary hunt. Poor new players who can easily get :
-200 skill point
-250 obsidian shards
-77 mystic clovers
-250 ectos
-250 of all T6 mats
-100 g
-400 in a crafting profession
-the precursor
-the mats needed for the gifts
-100% explorer

Yeah new players are going to have an easy time with that and a terrible grind with getting to rank 30 :/

I play dungeons and fractals, and I have 100% exploration map on 3 of my characters with enough badges for at least 4 legendaries well before the ranking system was implemented. The problem is I now resides in a server which ceases any sort of WvW activities, so grinding to rank 30 is like putting myself in a tribulation mode: to cap camps and to get rolled by enemy zergs. So do I have to pay for transfer to get my leggies done? Is it fair for new folks in my server to go through all this?

By the ways, I know some splendid people who can get everything in your list (except the gift of battle) without the need to go to WvW. They don’t like zerging but it seems the only fast way to get to rank 30. Imagine the frustration.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The problem is I now resides in a server which ceases any sort of WvW activities, so grinding to rank 30 is like putting myself in a tribulation mode: to cap camps and to get rolled by enemy zergs. So do I have to pay for transfer to get my leggies done? Is it fair for new folks in my server to go through all this?

This might have had some merit some time ago.
But not now since we got Edge of the Mists, which gives you both WXP and Badges, and thus even if your server never play WvW you can get a rather big group in EotM and get your rank.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverence.6915


By the ways, I know some splendid people who can get everything in your list (except the gift of battle) without the need to go to WvW. They don’t like zerging but it seems the only fast way to get to rank 30. Imagine the frustration.

I don’t know what tier you’re in, but in T1, zerging is the slowest way to reach rank 30. Stuff actually gets defended, so it’s pretty difficult to cap structures for wxp.

Anyway, reaching rank 30 takes me around 12 hours. Faster with outmanned buff. I have nearly 700 ranks in total across my characters. It’s the easiest part of legendary to obtain from my perspective.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


But what’s about new players who do not enjoy this grind?

Yeah getting rank 30 in WvW is really going to hurt their legendary hunt. Poor new players who can easily get :
-200 skill point
-250 obsidian shards
-77 mystic clovers
-250 ectos
-250 of all T6 mats
-100 g
-400 in a crafting profession
-the precursor
-the mats needed for the gifts
-100% explorer

Yeah new players are going to have an easy time with that and a terrible grind with getting to rank 30 :/

I play dungeons and fractals, and I have 100% exploration map on 3 of my characters with enough badges for at least 4 legendaries well before the ranking system was implemented. The problem is I now resides in a server which ceases any sort of WvW activities, so grinding to rank 30 is like putting myself in a tribulation mode: to cap camps and to get rolled by enemy zergs. So do I have to pay for transfer to get my leggies done? Is it fair for new folks in my server to go through all this?

By the ways, I know some splendid people who can get everything in your list (except the gift of battle) without the need to go to WvW. They don’t like zerging but it seems the only fast way to get to rank 30. Imagine the frustration.

You don’t have to ever do any kind of WvW for ranks. You can get them with laurels.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I play dungeons and fractals, and I have 100% exploration map on 3 of my characters with enough badges for at least 4 legendaries well before the ranking system was implemented. The problem is I now resides in a server which ceases any sort of WvW activities, so grinding to rank 30 is like putting myself in a tribulation mode: to cap camps and to get rolled by enemy zergs. So do I have to pay for transfer to get my leggies done? Is it fair for new folks in my server to go through all this?

By the ways, I know some splendid people who can get everything in your list (except the gift of battle) without the need to go to WvW. They don’t like zerging but it seems the only fast way to get to rank 30. Imagine the frustration.

52 laurels and 1300 additional BOH will get you to Rank 30 if you have 0 ranks. Through Taste of Liquid WXP.

PvE’ers (I am a PvE’er) can still get their Gift of Battle without really doing WvW at all. It’s just going to take you longer if you don’t have at least 52 Laurels and 1800 BOH if you have 0 ranks in WvW.

I bought my Gift of Battle shortly before this and I’m tempted to actually play WvW enough to get to Rank 30 because that’s what a legendary is supposed to show. That you’ve played all aspects of the game that you can take a legendary to. Plus, it will be a way to get gold and mats and such.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Thank you Seera bout the tip for liquid WXP, im gonna save up my laurels, cause I have more then enough BoH.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

I already have to grind karma because of that nerf, now wvw levels… Just keep adding bit by bit hoping we don’t notice, soon it would take a whole year of hard work and dedication just for one legendary

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I already have to grind karma because of that nerf, now wvw levels… Just keep adding bit by bit hoping we don’t notice, soon it would take a whole year of hard work and dedication just for one legendary

Well, it’s not supposed to be something you get in a week unless you open up your wallet and buy one.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I only just found out that 8 days ago Arenanet made a statement. For some reason it is given in the WvW-subforum:

We will be removing all rank requirements for the Gift of Battle in the February 18th build and further evaluate what those requirements will be. We do not currently have an ETA for when rank requirements will be reinstated.


Just to be clear – there was some confusion around the requirement and how it is messaged in-game, which is part of why it is being temporarily removed.

Cause this is appropiate for this thread too I wanted to share it.

Personally I think that Anet did the decent thing. These kinds of nerfs have always been comminicated before hand and never ninja’ed.
I think that WvW-rank requirement is a good thing, but such a change should be announced before hand. I do know I’ll be getting my gift of battle first thing after the update.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

I’ll probably get my 3 gifts the first thing the update hits. Even EotM in Kaineng is in such a sorry state that I don’t bother at all. And I save my laurels for ascended gear grinds and Fractals. I can’t quit that stuff.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Distaste.4801


I’ll probably get my 3 gifts the first thing the update hits. Even EotM in Kaineng is in such a sorry state that I don’t bother at all. And I save my laurels for ascended gear grinds and Fractals. I can’t quit that stuff.

You do realize that EotM is ALL servers combined, which would mean that all servers are a “sorry state”. Now I personally know that isn’t true, AT ALL. So let’s much this very clear, you don’t bother because YOU don’t like it. Stop trying to make blatant lies your excuses.

If you want a weapon that is supposed to encompass the entire game, don’t complain about having to play the entire game.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


I play dungeons and fractals, and I have 100% exploration map on 3 of my characters with enough badges for at least 4 legendaries well before the ranking system was implemented. The problem is I now resides in a server which ceases any sort of WvW activities, so grinding to rank 30 is like putting myself in a tribulation mode: to cap camps and to get rolled by enemy zergs. So do I have to pay for transfer to get my leggies done? Is it fair for new folks in my server to go through all this?

By the ways, I know some splendid people who can get everything in your list (except the gift of battle) without the need to go to WvW. They don’t like zerging but it seems the only fast way to get to rank 30. Imagine the frustration.

My point was that for new players, rank 30 in WvW isn’t really what’s going to limit them in crafting a legendary because they have all the other stuff to get. Even if you don’t zerg it’s faster to get rank 30 than 100% exploration. Or 100g.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


It really depends what each persons definition of zerging is. However it is, as stated above, the slowest way to get Wxp in general (there are of course the extremes where entires servers in match ups agree to train it).

The fastest way is being in a guild and FIGHTING enemies. The drops+kill exp amounts to more per hour in a hard/overwhelming odds match up which is what 90% of servers end up in. This of course is nullified if all 3 servers have essentially decided to I more rah other and train keeps/towers all day not defending anything at all. This almost meet happens though.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

It really depends what each persons definition of zerging is. However it is, as stated above, the slowest way to get Wxp in general (there are of course the extremes where entires servers in match ups agree to train it).

The fastest way is being in a guild and FIGHTING enemies. The drops+kill exp amounts to more per hour in a hard/overwhelming odds match up which is what 90% of servers end up in. This of course is nullified if all 3 servers have essentially decided to I more rah other and train keeps/towers all day not defending anything at all. This almost meet happens though.

Thing is that this step, is actually promoting zerging.
Imagine someone not really interested in WvW but interested in a legendary. They currently need 2 things in WvW.
-30 ranks
-map completion
The second will make that most people decide to go with the zerg, you see a lot of the map (and can explore it) while you still get your wxp up. I’m working on eternity, and got my first gift of battle after the introduction of AP-chests.

I have been working on WvW for other reasons on my ele, and have been zerging. I’m not a big fan of the concept, but had some fun. I reached rank 12 and did about 50% off the map. so logic dictates, that when hiding in the zerg to get 100% WvW map (with some exceptions like hard to do vistas/skillpoints that make you leave the zerg for a while), you will end up with 20-25 ranks. cause the formula is succesfull, why would people stop following the zerg to get to 30 (or whatever it will be)?

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Judge Banks.9018

Judge Banks.9018

Only 350 whine posts to get a feature removed? Why wasn’t ascended gear removed again?

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Only 350 whine posts to get a feature removed? Why wasn’t ascended gear removed again?

That was mostly WvW people asking for it to be removed. Need the PvE people to join your side to get things changed.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


lvl 30 takes what, 2 days at most :S

Shhhhhh. Don’t tell the pedants that. It hurts their inner being.