Rares. Lots of them.
The more rares the better. Ectos grew way too expensive, and needed a way to have their price brought under control.
The more rares the better. Ectos grew way too expensive, and needed a way to have their price brought under control.
Also, they’re being used as currency for Guild Items. When I saw that Ectos were being used for these, I was about to rage since Ectos were expensive. Now that they upped the drop rate of Rares and Exotics, I think it balances out in the end.
And now I can work on my legendary!
Drop rate of Rare items was nowhere near 50%, if you were getting that lucky I can see why you think this change is bad because you made tons of gold from farming those events. For me personally it was about 5% I would say. I could kill dragons all day and not see a rare. Same for tempe events. Good change, if they see its getting out of control I’m pretty sure they will adjust it again.
Jaded [JADE] co-leader
If the new loot floods the markets with ectos and the cost drops, it won’t be any more profitable than doing anything else before long. Cheaper/easier to get ectos is a good thing. /thread
I think this is a perfect change, I said it so many times in my guild, 1 rare from a chest and people will jump to events with chests, for months after the so called nothing happened to the loot table in november, is was boring in orr and there was no point in doing grenth or big events like dragons, now finally people are playing again.
And people who want to farm can finally do that to a certain extend. The only thing they need to give priority to fix now is the massive lag but thats another topic.
and make the events fun to play.
grenth is cool most of the time.
but facerolling jorlag ? ugh….
anyway, you get my point.
I would’ve agreed with the OP, but then I saw this
The more rares the better. Ectos grew way too expensive, and needed a way to have their price brought under control.
and he does make a point. The amount of ectos leaving the market grew steadily as more people become better geared. This way, it’ll cushion the prices of the ectos. I doubt it’ll last long though. They’ll probably make them account-bound soon after more people got more ectos.
At least one good thing that this made is that people “felt” richer now than pre-patch and hence, will probably have more money to spend facilitating in more trades in the TP. (Either more people who have money will now buy ectos, or people will sell them now for fear of prices going down more).
From being one of the people who would never receive rares outside of Fractals and the general ignorance of the people in those threads that contained the ever-so-popular “Oh, it’s not happening to ME, so it must not exist.” mentality —- I’m not too surprised to see this thread.
Just gonna shake my head in disgrace and enjoy my first rares in months until you guys get it nerfed. At that time, I quit. Enjoy your mindless grind.
Seriously. for the first time I have the money to BUY BAGS… more shocking I have a reason to have them, because I can actually FILL them for once.
I just don’t understand you, OP… There are games that would satisfy your hardcore no-reward mentality, why don’t you try them?
Here here!
Good, about time we had normal loot back to how it was in early stages of the game. One update I’m pleased with, well done Anet!
So every boss chest holds at least 1 rare now.
-Ectoplasm lowering – in 2 days the price has lowered from high 30’s to high 20’s. Still dropping. Fast.
-Rares dropping in price as well, near same scenario.
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
-As opposed to the meaning (as I understood) ArenaNet attempted to get people to play more in the previously dead areas. The only activity is boss farming in a corner of the map.Is this really what was intended? Pre-patch I was happy whenever I got the occasional rare, which was actually just that – RARE. Now – I’m just hoping for more than one rare. Seriously, WAY too many rares are being generated in the game now. Just for today on 1 character I have looted close to 10 rares from various bosses, + a few on the 1 alt i have. Players with more characters can farm all day long.
Summed up, I feel this was taken away in the patch:
- Any sense of joy from looting a rare item
- Any sense of having accomplished something when the boss goes down (It’s just farm)
- Gameplay. I spent half the day farming. And while I got some serious cash.. Well. It wasn’t really that fun to be honest. (Go do something fun then; Don’t worry I will, but gold is gold)
- Any sense of rare items being valuable; Currently I’m getting rid of them ASAP, underbidding other players, since prices are in free fall. Even sold my ecto yesterday, while the price was still reasonable.Anyone else feel that a middle ground should be found? While I were quite satisfied yesterday when Maw got me 2 rares and an exotic in one chest, I immediately feltthis was out of hand.
I am so very glad that at this point I can make money to buy armor, exotic weapons, runes, mini-pets — anything I might happen to want — by actually playing the game and killing the bad guys instead of trying to flip Vials of Blood or some-such in the trading post. It greatly improves my enjoyment of the time I spend in GW2. Plus! I can do all of those things with members of my guild and make influence to spend on guild missions so that I can play with members of my guild which is always, always, the most fun way to spend my time in the game.
I’m glad of the change.
With that said, I also understand that people who play the TP and use money as their scoreboard were just slapped with far more challenging play.
Sorrows Furnace
WTH is wrong with you!!!
“This guy keeps giving me 10 dollar bills. I’m like dude, I don’t want your money, I like to be surprised when somebody gives me money, stop it”
Seriously…. what… just… ugh! You people!
This will also greatly help the inflation issue. Before it was mostly blues and greens. People would either vendor these, or salvage them and vendor the junk material like leathers. This CREATED money.
Now, people will be selling the items on the TP, or salvaging and selling the ectos. This transfers money from people and is actually a sink because of the 15%
(edited by Ethics.4519)
Ha! TP kittenhurt, now go learn to play TP again while 90% of the players can actually do something in the WORLD and not just stand in LA.
If you dont like the way its going on bosses dont go do them simple as that and the folks who like it go do it .
I am kinda enjoying finally getting some good loot myself.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer
After all that time with next to nothing to show for it; I am so glad they fixed the loot. I am beginning to feel rewarded.
For people complaining about ectos and the TP, it will stabilize.
The devs are adding ecto sinks with every patch.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
If you dont like the way its going on bosses dont go do them simple as that and the folks who like it go do it .
I am kinda enjoying finally getting some good loot myself.
true and sad.
keep zergin..
I think they made this change due to the recent increase in prices on exotics on the TP that resulted in the increase in ecto-prices (which are, besides the other fine materials (which are relatively stable), what determines how much exotics cost, if I’m not largely mistaken) Exotics seemed to be too pricy lately. Therefore, I can understand this move. I am curious, though, if it won’t be taken back, due to the major impact it has on the market now. I wonder if I should sell all my ectos now or should wait for them to rise again
What’s really sad about the whole thing is that all the events are now so overfarmed that it’s really not fun to do them. Most of them weren’t hard before, but now, it’s more like “guildy posts a waypoint: xy event. I port immediately and barely arrive in time to get a hit on it.” I remember when I did the frost maw event on my, now lvl 80 ,guard, when he was still younger, with two aides. That was a fight with multiple rezzes among us and a decent feeling of accomplishment, when you’ve fulfilled them.
That is why WvW is the only interesting part of this game for me (tPVP I’m not that interested in): It’s the only thing in this game where you can really accomplish something (when you take some structure after hours of siege or something like that).
Everything in PVE is just so vain. I mean, why is CoF even there. I’ve been there twice and after my introductory run a week ago, I’ve been whipped through it in not much more than 10 minutes today, without even so much as a challenge (Except the thing where you have to dodge the boulders….haven’t quite figured out how that works….But after all, I don’t have to…only three have to.).
If you make dungeons sooo easy (And by that I mean make it so that you can skip all trashmobs….In WoW, if you aggro’d a group of mobs in a dungeon they followed you to the entrance and oblivion) then you could as easily give out the reward just for running into the portal (Keep a timer on it, so that it only gives out the reward every 15 minutes probably)
[DP] Diamond Pirates
(edited by Turkman.1089)
>Complain about the state of and end-game dependence on ectos
>Complain when rare drops are increased
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
so basically the OP is a farmer and is upset that others are getting rewarded because they wont pay outrageous prices for his goods..
Complaining for getting too many rares? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
So every boss chest holds at least 1 rare now.
-Ectoplasm lowering – in 2 days the price has lowered from high 30’s to high 20’s. Still dropping. Fast.
-Rares dropping in price as well, near same scenario.
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
-As opposed to the meaning (as I understood) ArenaNet attempted to get people to play more in the previously dead areas. The only activity is boss farming in a corner of the map.Is this really what was intended? Pre-patch I was happy whenever I got the occasional rare, which was actually just that – RARE. Now – I’m just hoping for more than one rare. Seriously, WAY too many rares are being generated in the game now. Just for today on 1 character I have looted close to 10 rares from various bosses, + a few on the 1 alt i have. Players with more characters can farm all day long.
Summed up, I feel this was taken away in the patch:
- Any sense of joy from looting a rare item
- Any sense of having accomplished something when the boss goes down (It’s just farm)
- Gameplay. I spent half the day farming. And while I got some serious cash.. Well. It wasn’t really that fun to be honest. (Go do something fun then; Don’t worry I will, but gold is gold)
- Any sense of rare items being valuable; Currently I’m getting rid of them ASAP, underbidding other players, since prices are in free fall. Even sold my ecto yesterday, while the price was still reasonable.Anyone else feel that a middle ground should be found? While I were quite satisfied yesterday when Maw got me 2 rares and an exotic in one chest, I immediately feltthis was out of hand.
You sir are crazy… This patch is a welcomed change for most of us. When you have played for 600 hours and never gotten an exotic drop, and rares are something you never really got. Maybe one in 20 hours of play time, this is a wonderful change.
I myself am finding the game much more enjoyable as a WvW player, I went from getting 10 badges in 12 hours of play, to ~90 – 100 in 6 hours.
Thank you ANET, now just fix All 3 paths of AC, cause they broken and gravelings causing unimaginable lag!
I will just repeat myself yet another time; If people really got 0 rares and 0 exotics over the last 6 months, it is reason for Anet to look at their general RNG system, which must not be working, since a lot of other players looted rares and an occasional exotic just fine. It is not reason to hand them out for free. It is simply the wrong solution to the problem, even if I agree that ecto were a bit steep.
Also no, I am not a farmer, but I can sure see the incentive to do it now. If it matters I’m a completionist. You know minipets, achievements, highest level fractals possible, all dungeons done, getting all PvP gear etc.
The lag issue is probably the biggest hit for many players, especially with guesting. An easy fix would be just to limit chests to be per ACCOUNT instead of per CHARACTER. This prevents alt farming and you won’t have people guesting on all the servers with their X number of alts. That or make it so guesting on servers doesn’t qualify you for drops.
the thing is with the new scaling software they are trialling which will make event much much harder to complete then you’d be really annoyed once that happens to only get a few blues
Why should anyone have sentimental value for rare (yellow) equipment? All a rare amounts to is an ecto lottery ticket..
(edited by roamzero.9486)
Well, after this update I finally have a reason to leave Orr and visit other areas…
Yep with this update I’m actually going to other zones and doing other events.
My guild and I are still in awe at the people are complaining about having more free content and now people are complaining about more drops on rare loot. I mean seriously wth.
Yak’s Bend
I am baffled too. I haven’t seen any more rares drop in PvE but then again I don’t farm the big events either. I have noticed that I get drops now. A BIG THANK YOU for that that.
Seriously though? The ecto prices are not a valid argument. From day one certain builds in certain classes were not qualifying for loot. Now that they are there will be an influx on the TP of all kinds, not just rares.
I still haven’t seen an exotic drop but I now feel as though I can afford to run my condi builds around and explore. That is a HUGE difference from before.
I would like to remind those complaining that if everyone was qualifying for loot properly since the day of launch, the TP would not look like it does right now.
Prices will stabilize and since the dev’s are constantly adding new ecto sinks; they will always be in high demand.
People are pre-wired to find the path of least resistance, to be highly efficient.
Just wait until they re-scale the difficulty of events, and certain dungeons being farmed.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Rares aren’t really amazing enough to warrant them being… well. ‘rare’. It’s not like it’s much easier for exotics to drop. I don’t really see your point. Just because they’re called rare doesn’t mean that they are worth hours of grinding just to find one.
I like the change because 5 days a week? I’m lucky if I get an hour or two free. Before, things like Dungeons and Fractals were the best way to earn gold. Problem is, those things take time. Not everyone has time, and some of those people would like a little incentive for that bit of time they do have.
The new rare drops allow casuals like me to make a little progress when they don’t really have the time to actually farm. Now on the days when I have school work and internship work and fast food work I can quickly run Maw or SB and get a rare or two. Before, I’d pretty much just sign on the 30 minutes for Dailies. What would be the point of anything else? Why waste the other 1 hour and 30 minutes farming when there’s a chance I’d basically get nothing out of it when I could have used that time to continue reading a book or playing another game or catching up on some TV show that I’ve been meaning to watch?
Now I actually have reason to stay on for a little longer. Because now I know something will come out of it, rather than just waiting for the other 2 days to come around so that I can play catch up with all the farmers.
I know it’s all personal, and people who actually have the time to farm may feel a little insulted that it’s now easier to get better items, but it seems to me that before all this the majority of the gw2 community were complaining about loot drops anyway. Now the majority are happy with them. Keyword: The majority.
In the end, the benefits outweigh the fact that low level bosses are too easy to farm. Now some of us who actually have other things to do than play this game actually have a reason to play more often.
The community asked for this improvement to drops and ecto gain every day since launch, loudly, often offensively. Anet listened and responded. I sort of know what you mean, but I’d much prefer the way it now is. It’s a little unfair to the devs to start complaining too much about the very things they changed because the community asked them to.
Completely this.
I totally understand where the OP is coming from, I thought the same thing myself.
However I much prefer this over how it used to be. We just need a few tweaks to flesh it out.
Firstly, Ive done every boss but Herathi since they changed this. Rares are not a guarantee on them at all as I have had blue/green drops for all the other bosses.
Secondly, it makes me feel a little sick that people play this game this way and like doing the same events over and over again just for a few pixels on a sword and that they would actually want to be made to do that even more for those pixels. I mean really, what has humanity come to. Im serious, what is with these people?
Reading forums threads like this one is far more interesting, rewarding and fun than playing the game itself.
Sad but true.
It’s the masochism of gamers: if rare loot is rare they complain they rarely get it, if rare loot is made more common it isn’t worth a lot so they complain.
A much needed change – a lot of people have been asking for this for a long time and I’m really pleased to see that Anet are listening.
The economy will settle into a new equilibrium, power traders will quickly learn to adapt – but the most important thing is that the ‘feel-good factor’ is coming back to the game.
Much better to be out in the open world with other players hunting bosses and having fun, and feeling like you are making a little progress towards your legendary or other high-end gear you’re aiming for. It’s not like we’re suddenly getting exotics drop all over the place.
Anyway – I’m happy with the way this seems to be going.
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
Well, the fact that ecto’s and rares were going up in price everyday this is what they needed to do. Unless you want rares for 10 gold
-As opposed to the meaning (as I understood) ArenaNet attempted to get people to play more in the previously dead areas. The only activity is boss farming in a corner of the map.
And as soon as that world boss drops the herd jumps en masse to the next one. It’s like Cursed Shore’s tunnel farming on a global scale. And it’s going to lead to hyper-deflation. I’m sure the developers thought this through, and I hope it wasn’t just a knee-jerk reaction to the vocal complainers that plague this forum, but it strikes me as a very shortsighted move.
I’m guessing its to level out the high amount of ectos needed for Ascended gear in laurels..it also really helps crafting again +1 Anet
I would of rather gone for a less RNG drop maybe giving us 1-5 ectos and 5-20 silver with a chance to get 2 random pieces of gear ranging from a crap blue to a awesome precursor.
This would mix RNG and Confirmed drops into one awesome way that makes everyone happy. We all could use money we all could use ectos and those extra peices of gear are just a plus.
I am happy that im getting rares though just keep getting 0-2 ectos so it would be cool to get a guaranteed ecto although im not complaining that im not.
Why should anyone have sentimental value for rare (yellow) equipment? All a rare amounts to is an ecto lottery ticket..
and you need ecto to “infuse” your gear.
and for legendaries.
which are both endgame gear stuff for now.
anyway, im disapointed with the gear grind in the game.
i know i dont need to participate, but just seeing most people in the hamster wheel, farming rares and scrap to salvage on world bosses using timers (make them spawn on random timers!!) makes me really, really sad about the deepness of the game.
I like the new drop rates. Considering the previous prices and the amount of ectos you needed for things such as weapons and recipes, it overall prices was ridiculous. Not everyone likes to run dungeons/fracs. I’m an avid PvP/WvWer and the net income was pretty bad. Now I can take a quick break from those to do my daily + a few dragons and earn 2g-3g. Doing this daily and counting funds spent in WvW I make about 15g a week. This allows me to actually not be discouraged at some of the insanely priced items in the TP.
Where are these events that give you rares?
I’ve taken down champions in Frostgorge Sound in group events and all I got was 1.82 silver and one level 76 blue, not even worth the time.
I would still like to see specific weekend events (Molten Weekend, Destroyer Weekend, etc.) that would have increased drop rates for rares featured in that weekend.
Where are these events that give you rares?
I’ve taken down champions in Frostgorge Sound in group events and all I got was 1.82 silver and one level 76 blue, not even worth the time.
I would still like to see specific weekend events (Molten Weekend, Destroyer Weekend, etc.) that would have increased drop rates for rares featured in that weekend.
Shadow behemoth in queensdale, Claw of Jormag in frostgorge, Tequatl the Sunless in Sparkfly Fen, The Shatterer in Blazeridge Mountains, and Frozen Maw in Wayfarer foothills are the ones that I know they increased the drops for. Megadestroyer, Fire elemental still have bad drops.
Yea, you’re still not guaranteed to get a rare with every boss chance, but the likelihood that you will has gone up significantly. I’ve done several world events over the past few days and got blues and greens, but no rares.
Rares, at one time, were something to be proud of if you looted it from a chest. Now, it’s like ‘meh, whatever’. Even though I am pleased with the direction that Anet has chosen to go with the loot drops, I’m not happy with the extent that they went. I’m all for increasing the chances of rare drops, but not by this much.
I bet OP and most of other people that complains about the new drop rate(which is only 0.000000000001% of the player base) is the one that have been keeping their ectos for ages to sell them at a higher price, but now it backfires them.
Either way, I’m happy with the new drop rate as it does help a lot for a casual player like me that play the game to have fun instead of farming tons of game gold to do… nothing?
Oh no, ectos are worth 25% less but yellows will actually drop. I find myself unable to care.
It’s best not to use hyperbole. It’s not like every other monster dropes yellows. It is still admist a heap of white, green, and blue junk. And porous bones.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
the rares easily drop now so that people can salvage it to get ecto to be used to create various in-game items. if you salvage/sell them for profit, but not getting much now, it is not ANET’s problem….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Yellows are basically just mats and gold. Which is what most of the pve endgame revolves around accumulating. You get every skill by mid level, and at level 80 continuing to play is only about buying looks and stats. And both those paths require ridiculous amounts of mats and gold.
It’s not a guaranteed rare, 13 dragons and counting and 1 rare in total so far………..
If it drops too low less will salvage= less ecto =demand will go up again
my 2 bucks.