Reached 80 Started an Alt but just got bored of it...
I’m 53 right now and I can see this happening once I hit 80.
Will be hard to play it again unless I do it just for the main story.
O man… I don’t want to spoil it for you but the final mission of the storyline where you fight zhaitan…. is so…. disappointing…
Take a break from the game.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I’ve never really played it in excess from the start though. I’ve always played it casually, I work full time, get home around 8pm. I only get to play the game for 2-3 hours a day, abit more on the weekends, but thats about it.
I was thinking about this the other day. I am working on 100% map completion and have finished most of the starting zones. If I decide to make an alt, there will be no new areas to explore. I guess it’s no different from WoW though since I’ve done all the zones there 1000 times too. Regardless, it’s still fun to learn a new class.
I’m not going to roll and alt.
I’m at 80 and if WvW doesn’t do it for me, I’m going to check out all the new games that have come out recently.
This is exactly what caused me to quit SWTOR. Then TSW. I think a big part of it is, honestly, the fact that you can solo 95% of the content in the game. The thing that got me hooked on GW1 and the only other MMORPG that every got me hooked for more than a year (decade, actually), Anarchy Online, was that you had to group up for a lot of the content. Here, you don’t even have to group up for a World Boss. Just a bunch of people show up, kill it, and leave without saying a word to each other 90% of the time. I never got bored re-doing even the most basic zones in GW1 because there was always a new and (most of the time) interesting group of people to do the content with, in a way that required you to talk to each other. Welcome to the Massively Singleplayer Online Game experience ;p
481 hours in, and I am still having a blast.
This is exactly what caused me to quit SWTOR. Then TSW. I think a big part of it is, honestly, the fact that you can solo 95% of the content in the game.
you cant solo any of the pvp, which is like 50% of the game. this isnt a PVE-only game…GW2 is known for its pvp, like its predecessor. the PVE is above average. we just need more content.
481 hours in, and I am still having a blast.
lol wow. i just passed the 200 mark…for some reason im playing more now =P
Nerva, you know what I mean. First off, by Anet’s statistics only 30% of players PvP. I myself spend more time in WvW than anything now that I’ve hit 80, but excellent PvP does not excuse lacking PvE. That’s a cop-out. Game needs more high-level content.
Is there a way to check your in game played time?
These threads really need to be consolidated.
IdunazIs there a way to check your in game played time?
Type /age in game.
I only had to read the title of the thread and the first sentence to get the gist of it. You rushed to reach level 80 and are now burned out on the game. There’s plenty to do, though no MMO exists to entertain someone 24/7.
These threads really need to be consolidated.
IdunazIs there a way to check your in game played time?
Type /age in game.
they do but its hard to find the old threads because its so active and the search doesnt work well
There are (or were) like six of them on the front page of this forum. They are actively closing them now…which is okay, but it would be so much more tidy if they just had a sticky “ENDGAME” thread where everyone could add their 2 cents, rather than starting their own.
I know I really shouldn’t be commenting on how forums are modded. It’s a hard job, and I know they are actively working on it. It’s just frustrating to come on here every morning and find a bunch of new threads on exactly the same topics pushing out any useful discussion of anything else.
I’ve never really played it in excess from the start though. I’ve always played it casually, I work full time, get home around 8pm. I only get to play the game for 2-3 hours a day, abit more on the weekends, but thats about it.
Erm, I really begin to wonder if there is something wrong with me. You say you hit Lvl 80, did several dungeons 10-20 times, did PvP alot, run an alt?? The game is out for a month or so and considering that you really played it 2-3 hours a day you can’t have spend much more than 100 hours or so.
Erm I played like 60 or 70 hours and I’m around Lvl 30, did no dungeons at all and I’ve done only a tiny bit of PvP so far. So even considering that I’m ulitmately slow I still don’t get it how you can have done all this in that short time.
after 70 hours yous should be closer to 60’s the highest exp cap is designed to take you an hourish
diu u say u got all the titles in the game? oh, yes u can quit now
@wookie slayer: Well, like I said I AM slow, but still…
hey its no big deal you still got a lot of game in front of you be happy
any game that you play 400h+ gotto be one of the best investment in entertainment.. thats like what 15cents per hour! what other entertainment can you get that from!!
This is not a “Lifestyle” game.. its a single player (where you can play with some 4-5 friends) game disguised as a MMO… WoW in the hardcore guilds was a lifestyle choice, if you were not ready to spend between 5-10h per day you could not keep up, and people coming from that background, GW2 must appear very empty and short..
for me, with maybe 10-12h game time per week this is an awesome game where i feel i progress just at the right pace to enjoy the journey as well as the rate of progress.. but thats me..
diu u say u got all the titles in the game? oh, yes u can quit now
Titles are pretty well ehh, I dont care to get them if I do I do but I’m not got do random not necessarily fun things to get titles…not sure if you comment was a joke or not
I think a lot of it has to do with class and playstyle, tbh. First character I rolled was an Engineer, got to level 44 in about 4 days, including a weekend. Rolled a Guardian after that and hit 50 in two weekdays, 80 a few days after that. Even then, I spent a lot of time exploring, was by no means “rushing” to level as some people claim. Constantly. Even managed to keep both the crafting professions I chose initially on par with my level during that time.
There is no sub, so play something else for a while.
I was just chatting with a guildie last night about two things related to this. First, no MMO will ever give you that “wow, this is amazing” feeling ever again, like the first one you played. Second, this game doesn’t necessarily breed that “I have to log on, its all I think about” kind of feeling. but the good thing is, its not a sub, so it doesn’t matter if I don’t play for a day or two or three. It is here when I want to play. I can do any number of things when logged on, but most important is grouping and chatting with friends/guildies while doing them.
Oh, and if you zoom out and look at the entire map of Tyria, Arenanet has plenty of real estate to develop in the future. There is more to come, if all goes well.
Just my .02$
I only had to read the title of the thread and the first sentence to get the gist of it. You rushed to reach level 80 and are now burned out on the game. There’s plenty to do, though no MMO exists to entertain someone 24/7.
Actually I didn’t rush to 80 at all. It took me quite a while to get to 80, by the time i was 80 most of random guys around me were already 80 before me. I didn’t even realise that i was 80 when i reached it as i was crafting…
I’ve thought about this too and, after getting 100% completion on a few maps with my main, realized I should just play through until I’m high enough for the next zone and move on (aside from the skill challenges…need those). I’m an alt-oholic and I know I’ll be playing through this game a few more times with other characters so I don’t want to do it all right now. I scoured the Shiverpeaks with my Ranger for pets, but I didn’t explore too much…want it to be a surprise for my next character. I’ll get 100% map completion eventually though. Just not quite yet.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I’ve done everything possible in this game with my main character, except for crafting a legendary. Now I have a 24 level mesmer as my alternative, I’m still getting bored. I think I’ll make it 80 too but then, I’m totally done with this game until the next content update.
Seriously, this game is dead boring once you hit 80.
Direwolf, dont feel bad about it. This realisation will come to every player once they grow out of the hype.
The game has daring flaws, wich some of us can see straight away and others take a while.
Only reason i still bother to visit these forums is because i love GW1 and want to see GW2 reach that plateau of quality. The game tried too hard to be different to everything else, including GW1, and by doing that it lost its way to the plateau of fun gameplay. Anet needs to realise that and make changes to the game to save it.
To me its learning to play a new class. Because I want 100% map completion on my main I’ve been to all the starting zones and really only have the top 3 zones left to explore, so no matter what race I chose to play I have seen it all. I’ve gone solely down the Ranger route without really giving any of the other classes a fair chance to mature and see what they are like at least until all the weapon skills are opened up.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I don’t know why you guys did 100% map completion on one character. That seems like something you’d go for after you’re done with everything else. You basically killed the replay value of it by doing that. I’m waiting until I level up all of my alts first, then I’ll go back with my main and get 100% for the achievement.