(edited by Malas.9425)
Remember WoW put STAMINA on your gear for a REASON!!!
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.
And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
I was just trying to put things in perspective to WoW, and yes I know it is Vit. Just seems no one has it lol.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
Carrion gear is the glass cannonist of glass cannony gear. No toughness at all.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
I think the point was that it is not on every piece of gear, so you have to choose whether you want Carrion for survivability or something else for a damage buff.
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
You forget, Malas. Some people here want everything handed to them in a day while being able to produce giant crit damage without having to worry about all that other stuff. It’s just too complicated.
Which is fine, but you better be sure that you can dodge EVERYTHING and know every encounter like that back of your hand to do so.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
I was just trying to put things in perspective to WoW, and yes I know it is Vit. Just seems no one has it lol.
Some people want to play the glass cannon role. The game kinda forces you to play like everyone else though.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
I was just trying to put things in perspective to WoW, and yes I know it is Vit. Just seems no one has it lol.
Some people want to play the glass cannon role. The game kinda forces you to play like everyone else though.
Glass cannon works if you can dodge everything lol. You see Anet wanted YOU to make the choices of how much of each stat you have, I view pure class cannon builds as PvP builds for the simple fact that you are going to get hit in a dungeon.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
Carrion gear is the glass cannonist of glass cannony gear. No toughness at all.
Berserker’s gear is glass cannon incarnate. At least Carrion increases your HP total, Berserker doesn’t have neither vitality nor toughness, just raw power, precision, and crit damage.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
I was just trying to put things in perspective to WoW, and yes I know it is Vit. Just seems no one has it lol.
Some people want to play the glass cannon role. The game kinda forces you to play like everyone else though.
Glass cannon works if you can dodge everything lol. You see Anet wanted YOU to make the choices of how much of each stat you have, I view pure class cannon builds as PvP builds for the simple fact that you are going to get hit in a dungeon.
Heh, I fight lots of people with glass cannon builds in WvW and they get destroyed. Glass cannon is ok if you’re sitting in a keep but in an open field fight you’ll lose pretty bad most of the time.
Thieves and to a lesser extent mesmers are the only ones who can pull it off very well because they have a multitude of escapes.
Um… we call it vitality
If you want HP and defence try going for Carrion gear.And stack your traits on vitality and toughness lines.
Carrion gear is the glass cannonist of glass cannony gear. No toughness at all.
Berserker’s gear is glass cannon incarnate. At least Carrion increases your HP total, Berserker doesn’t have neither vitality nor toughness, just raw power, precision, and crit damage.
I am almost positive that Warriors are the only class that can sort of get away with this. Considering they have huge innate health pools and are in heavy armor, which makes them OP imo….but that is for another discussion lol.
Not everything can be dodged. There is constant radiating AoE damage that doesn’t even have a spell effect. I tried glass cannon, and I was constantly 1 shot by things that you cannot see. I tried a healing power build, and my heals were a joke. No, your only option is to balance our your stats so that you can simultaneously heal tank and dps. Trying to focus on one is a recipe for disaster.
Not everything can be dodged. There is constant radiating AoE damage that doesn’t even have a spell effect. I tried glass cannon, and I was constantly 1 shot by things that you cannot see. I tried a healing power build, and my heals were a joke. No, your only option is to balance our your stats so that you can simultaneously heal tank and dps. Trying to focus on one is a recipe for disaster.
Exactly! You decide how much of each though, it is all up to you weather you do just slightly more damage then someone else or are slightly more survivable. It is a amazing design.
This isn’t Blizzard, this is Anet. They have a different design philosophy.
And this isn’t WoW this is GW2. Two completely different games.
Dunno, I like the dungeons are hard. Challenge accepted
This isn’t Blizzard, this is Anet. They have a different design philosophy.
And this isn’t WoW this is GW2. Two completely different games.Dunno, I like the dungeons are hard. Challenge accepted
That was kind of the whole point of the post….one company allows FULL customization of stats and one gives you set stats, and barley allows room for adjustment.
Not everything can be dodged. There is constant radiating AoE damage that doesn’t even have a spell effect. I tried glass cannon, and I was constantly 1 shot by things that you cannot see. I tried a healing power build, and my heals were a joke. No, your only option is to balance our your stats so that you can simultaneously heal tank and dps. Trying to focus on one is a recipe for disaster.
Exactly! You decide how much of each though, it is all up to you weather you do just slightly more damage then someone else or are slightly more survivable. It is a amazing design.
You’re joking right?
“You can do 10% more or less dmg than everyone else! AMAZING customization!”
And really all this does is screw class balance further because a few classes by default have absolute crap base HP. While other’s can have more and do the same dmg, or have similar hp and do much more dmg.
Besides having one shot mechanics that’s just impossible to avoid is terrible design.
The reason is rather simple. Blizzard didn’t profit from player deaths. AN/NCSoft does.
— ASP, “Tiefenrausch”
The reason is rather simple. Blizzard didn’t profit from player deaths. AN/NCSoft does.
Actually, the more you die in WoW the longer it takes for you to get the gear that you want, so that will make you stay SUBed so they do profit from death. Your point is invalid.
This isn’t Blizzard, this is Anet. They have a different design philosophy.
And this isn’t WoW this is GW2. Two completely different games.Dunno, I like the dungeons are hard. Challenge accepted
They aren’t hard at all. I haven’t failed any dungeon I’ve done. Story or explore.
This isn’t Blizzard, this is Anet. They have a different design philosophy.
And this isn’t WoW this is GW2. Two completely different games.Dunno, I like the dungeons are hard. Challenge accepted
They aren’t hard at all. I haven’t failed any dungeon I’ve done. Story or explore.
Teach me your ways! Must have a really good guild!
My guild is pvp. I just do them with rl friends and a couple pugs usually. zerg and faceroll seems to be the most effective and time efficient way to get through these.
@ OP
WoW isnt a very good comparison. A lot of the gear in WoW had your main stat along with stam. Only a very very small portion of blue or purple gear had straight agi/int/str on it. I dont even think they have gear like that anymore (greens not included).
I saw this problem when i started playing TSW too. You had to choose between health, power or healing pieces. I would say that both new people and wow vets alike go for the stat that fits their role. New players do it, because it makes sense, vet MMO players may do it because they think they can get away with it or they want to min-max. Of those though, new players will be easier to convince that you need to have some health and that you cant just stack 1 stat.
The reason is rather simple. Blizzard didn’t profit from player deaths. AN/NCSoft does.
Actually, the more you die in WoW the longer it takes for you to get the gear that you want, so that will make you stay SUBed so they do profit from death. Your point is invalid.
Also…this kinda doesnt make sense. People dont play WoW, get all their gear and then unsub until the next content patch or expac. I do know people that do this but thats at the end of a expac when they are waiting for the next expac, but they are a very small minority.
@ OP
WoW isnt a very good comparison. A lot of the gear in WoW had your main stat along with stam. Only a very very small portion of blue or purple gear had straight agi/int/str on it. I dont even think they have gear like that anymore (greens not included).
I saw this problem when i started playing TSW too. You had to choose between health, power or healing pieces. I would say that both new people and wow vets alike go for the stat that fits their role. New players do it, because it makes sense, vet MMO players may do it because they think they can get away with it or they want to min-max. Of those though, new players will be easier to convince that you need to have some health and that you cant just stack 1 stat.
I am more using WoW as a comparison Guild Wars 2 in the way of stat customization and how WoW forces you to have Stamina(health) and Guild wars 2 doesn’t.
i have a gear philosophy for GW2, isnt anything hard but many don’t see it this way:
the 2-1
2 “dmg” or “tank” stats
1 “tank” or “dmg” stats
all other affixes with 3 stats of only 1 category is kinda worthless for me, i play a ranger (30-0-20-20-0 with Carrion gear – if you care)
it works perfectly for me (Spvp, dungeon and WvW) and i think everyone should try it once, you will be happy.
Toughness is much better for dungeons as it improves your sustainability whereas vitality is good for stopping burst damage (hence it’s great in pvp).
Toughness is much better for dungeons as it improves your sustainability whereas vitality is good for stopping burst damage (hence it’s great in pvp).
I haven’t tested toughness enough, and In my opinion it is hard to see the effects immediately just cause you can’t see how much damage it is mitigating.
Toughness is much better for dungeons as it improves your sustainability whereas vitality is good for stopping burst damage (hence it’s great in pvp).
as a ranger, i found vit better, since you can get power from it, our heal have a small CD and we can’t remove conditions (atleast with my build)
with toughtness you can probably take more hits, but since i’m far from the boss, i can dodge from more things.
Vitality > toughness >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> healing power (I think someone proved with the math that healing power is literally worse than every other stat possible)
toughness just seems… pretty bad. I had 300 bonus toughness at one point. I switched it to 150 toughness and 150 vitality and my survivability skyrocketed. This is mostly because enemies just hit ridiculously hard regardless of your defense. And having 3000 extra hp is better than 150 defense.
The idea in GW2 is not to stack vitality. It’s to avoid getting hit in the first place. Stacking health and toughness won’t save you if you just stand there whacking the mobs with your sword.
The idea in GW2 is not to stack vitality. It’s to avoid getting hit in the first place. Stacking health and toughness won’t save you if you just stand there whacking the mobs with your sword.
I think you need a health combination. In short, you aren’t perfect and you will not be able to dodge everything.
And having 3000 extra hp is better than 150 defense.
Depends on how much regen you can maintain.
I use Knight gear with Soldier runes. I am going to go after the Invader gear though as it has Soldier stats. I might swap the runes around then to give more Precission so I can crit. Need to check but if there is a Pre/Tough/Vit rune then i’ll probably pick that one.
Now in terms of Invasion gear I will say something should be done to increase badge drops in WvW zones. I killed around 40 people in 2 yours of playtime last night and got 2 badges. I don’t mind taking a month or two to save up for T3 Cultural Armor or Dungeon sets but my luck has to be quite bad for getting 2 in 2 hours when each piece is 300. Maybe make it where ever kill grants 1 badge? Still need to kill a couple thousand players to get it, but at least RNG wont screw you over. At least I get 20 or so from the jump puzzles.
…can’t NOT…
Thanks, and Edited.
I use Knight gear with Soldier runes. I am going to go after the Invader gear though as it has Soldier stats. I might swap the runes around then to give more Precission so I can crit. Need to check but if there is a Pre/Tough/Vit rune then i’ll probably pick that one.
Now in terms of Invasion gear I will say something should be done to increase badge drops in WvW zones. I killed around 40 people in 2 yours of playtime last night and got 2 badges. I don’t mind taking a month or two to save up for T3 Cultural Armor or Dungeon sets but my luck has to be quite bad for getting 2 in 2 hours when each piece is 300. Maybe make it where ever kill grants 1 badge? Still need to kill a couple thousand players to get it, but at least RNG wont screw you over. At least I get 20 or so from the jump puzzles.
Mind asking what class you play???
Elementalist. Was my first toon in GW1 so I had to go with it as well here. :-)
Another : but but this is not how WoW does it.. thread.
I don’t think you read the OP. He/she is stating if you go in with glass cannon specs/gear don’t come and complain about dieing so easily in dungeons.
Another : but but this is not how WoW does it.. thread.
Another ignorant post that didn’t even read what I wrote. I will sum it up. WoW puts STAM on your gear for a reason and Guild Wars 2 doesn’t. It is a MECHANIC thread not a WoW does it better thread. I think Guild Wars 2 has a perfectly fine system in place and I was just trying to relate the games for some people.
Please READ my thread before POSTING.
Uhm yes i know that…..but… do you ?
You are arguing how WoW handles mechanics in direct comparison to GW2 and how WoW does it for a reason so why does GW2 do it like this…. I know i know and thus,
Another : but but this is not how WoW does it.. thread.
keep it spinning tho
Edited by moderator: Quotes deleted since the original messages are not there any more
If you don’t like my thread then leave nothing compelling you to sit here and troll, plenty of QQing elsewhere.
(edited by Moderator)
Normally I don’t fall for petty things like that but pray tell, what was incorrect with the grammar besides the missing comma before too? That’s right, nothing. But hey, when you lack a counter argument then go with petty insults about grammar. Tis the trolling way after all.
Edit: After reading your post with you not capatilizing I, mispelling though,making another capitalized, and several other grammar mistakes, it is obvious your grammar is horrind and the last person to say they have decent grammar is you.
(edited by Artorous.8573)
And it is a “this is how Blizzard does it so it is gold” thread.
I mainly went with berserker-type stuff, but at the same time, my engineer is stated heavily in the alchemy trait so I have lots of +vitality…. I was considering toughness and even +healing power, but most people who have crunched numbers on this with the good ole Excel spreadsheet and such have found that investing in the non-offensive stats have little in return value relative to vitality and the offensive stats.
I don’t necessarily think vit needs to be slapped onto more gear, but at the same time Anet should make the defensive stats somewhat competitive with the offensive stats. Not saying that someone should never be a glass cannon in a dungeon, but if I want a more rounded character, I’m at least giving up an equal, or close to equal, amount of offense for defense.
As for this whole toughness>vitality debacle I would LOVE to do some testing on it. Just need a couple people to help with information, you can message me for more information.
You need a mix of both. If you only go with Toughness and no Vitality you’re going to drop quick, if you go for Vitality and no Toughness you are going to drop. You need to have a healthy dose of both in order to survive.
I feel that Toughness is still better. Though you should not need vit or tough at all because if you don’t get hit then you take no damage. Thus no vit or tough. With proper build and dodging you should take no damage at all. I know that it cant be perfect but that is the theory and how Anet designed this game.
Nevermind, now I can’t view it…..
If you want good dungeon gear, the grenth karma gear is good.