Remove Xp from Crafting Already

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullcrusher.7849


Nothing i hate more then exploring in a zone ie 40 -50 , and your lvl 48, go do some crafting and end up lvling 3 levels.

Why is there xp for crafting and finding nodes?

I like remaining the same level for the zone, and i know it DElevels you, but thats not the point. Unlike most people , i like grinding a little for levels. But we cant in gw2 , as we level WAY too quick.

And yes, i have a few 80,s already, and no, i dont want to skip content and get to 80. i still want to explore everything on my alts. Thats another thing, whats with all the items with xp boosts? I havnt used 1 yet , i got a bank full of them. Like i said, leveling is way too quick already…

Just remove XP from crafting please

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythrandor.6045


Nothing is stopping you from exploring with your alts….

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eveningstar.6940


You don’t have to do crafting to make up for the level deficiency. I’ve been leveling a lot of alts to 80, and one of the things I do (in fact, all I do), is split my leveling between zones.

So I’ll do Kessex Hills until I’m level 19 or 20, and then stop and hit Plains of Ashford for a few levels, then come back and finish Kessex.

There are very few level brackets that don’t have multiple zones. Spread your leveling out a bit.

Valerie Cross: Roleplayer, Writer, Tarnished Coast

A Beginner’s Guide to Guardians

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crater.1625


Oh, god, no. Crafting is the only way to get a character Dungeon-ready or fitted out with Grandmaster traits for a WvW build without having to slog through 50-100 hours of boring, too-easy Dynamic Events.

Do all your crafting on characters that are already level 80, if it’s so important that you slow your leveling down.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: monepipi.5160


Just because you don’t like it doesnt mean they should remove it. Yes, you do get delvled, so whats the issue? just explore the whole zone as you would and don’t care so much about your level.

Removing exp from crafting and gathering will make this game grindy. We don’t need any more of that kind of mmo.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mik Hell.8206

Mik Hell.8206

You get deleveled, as long as you dont upgrade your equip and keep the same set of armor and weapon you had at level 48 there wont be any difference but a few trait points.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Simple solution is to do your crafting on lvl 80 characters only. Or finish zones early, I don’t see anything wrong with that, either.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Good idea, it would also fix the problem of crafted items being worth the same or even less than crafting materials.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasoon.3758


They’re not going to remove it now, I can promise you that.

If you don’t like it, don’t do it. The whole purpose is to provide alternate ways of leveling. Besides, being out leveled for a zone does NOT stop you from doing it, that’s what downscaling is for, scaling you for the zone.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jasher.6580


I disagree with the OP. Please keep xp for crafting. I have nothing more to say.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Unlike most people , i like grinding a little for levels.

I think this is the key point here. If the majority of players like getting xp from crafting (myself included), why should it be changed to suit the minority?

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirevanac.3178


I hate grinding. The difference is that i can skip it, you can do it anyway! : )

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


The game was advertised such that players can do anything in this game and still earn decent experience. Since this is one of Anet’s core philosophies for the design of this game, I highly doubt this will change. This is in addition to the argument that there is only going to be an incredibly small minority preferring to grind out levels from traditional means.

Knowledge is power.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


content to level flow is already stunted enough.

and with rising mat prices thanks mainly to people mass playing the market + dev market manipulation, crafting as a viable alternative to getting over one’s personal hump level range is getting kinda rough.

mmo’s are not games that are meant for YOU to be able to do 100% of the content at level with a single character. they are meant to have replayability, and gw2 is already lacking in that department for several reasons ranging from too much of the total leveling journey relying on personal story exp and current lack of DEs proccing due to diminishing population(as projected since beta by MANY of us).

this is not kotor or nwn. you are meant to have an abundance of content. you are meant to have to choose between doing content overleveled on asingle toon, or spread across multiple toons. that’s a basic part of mmo’s. and it’s been far too lacking as is in the current generation of mmo games.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loswaith.3829


I wouldn’t want to see them remove it but having the option to turn on or off getting the XP would be nice to have as an option. For the times I have characters I want to play specifically with frineds yet have them make crafting stuff for my other characters as well, without my friends feeling my level is leaving them behind, I can turn it off. For other characters I can have it turned on.

Alternativly it could switched to karma, so you still gaining something, if you have just started crafting at level 80, or hit level 80 at some point before reaching 400 skill.

(edited by Loswaith.3829)

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Just play the game to have fun and stop worrying about your level.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Just remove XP from crafting please

Absolutely ludicrous idea !

If you don’t want the XP from crafting because you want to level while playing in PVE zones that’s fine, there are plenty of zones to go to in the different 5 cities and leveling areas of the world.

But, I for one like the idea that no matter what you decide to do you get XP for it, are you gonna also request they remove XP gain from zone discovery and map completion because you wanna only gain XP from killing mobs !

Like I said ridiculous and backwards 90’s style mmorpg idea mate !

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


@Loswaith- I can understand seeing a level difference feels like you’re leaving your friends behind, but that just seems to be a conscience decision every player makes. We all do things for our friends. A lot of gamers intentionally don’t play a specific character or the game entirely just to keep from “leaving their friends in the dust.” If people really wish to get dedicated to being the same level with their friends, then they would need to be more aware of their exp gain from all sources.

Besides the numerical difference in terms of level, exactly how much different is it really to play with a friend simply because you are 10 levels higher? I find friends get more upset when you do things without them that involve party members rather then just being more leveled.

Knowledge is power.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420



If this was any other game without downlevel mechanics I can understand why some people’s friends might get upset if your level is higher than theirs but in this game that doesn’t matter that much.

I’m in a guild with 500 other players, we play together and very rarely does the what is your level question come into play.

On a side note:
If you have a friend in this game that gets mad at you because you left him behind in levels
he might not yet understand that levels are not the end of the world in this game just the beginning, he might need some more deprogramming from the old ways into the new.

(edited by Latinkuro.9420)

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullcrusher.7849


Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Noir.3804

Artemis Noir.3804

Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Are you trolling, or are you simply passive aggressive and self-entitled? Did you seriously expect with a thread like this that people would happily chime in with your whining?

Believe it or not, plenty of people who game have REAL LIVES to attend to. They do not have the time to make a video game into a job because they are out working, or they have families, or any number of other things.
Anet advertised this as a non-grindy game that would appeal to the casual player, perhaps you should have taken note of that.

As others have already noted, there are plenty of MMOS out there that focus on being tedious and grinding, go play them, clearly GW2 is not your cup of tea.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Whatever you may think of the typical MMO player these days, it appears that at least some of them are capable of doing basic research before buying a game, anyone that did would know GW2 is anti-grind, that the levelling is fast.

If you want risk vs reward then I suggest EVE, Mortal Online, Darkfall, etc you won’t find much risk when levelling in games without PvP servers and full loot.

If you want something that takes forever to get to cap, then I’d suggest something Asian.

And in future do a bit of research before buying a game.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Why did you buy GW2?

I assume you knew something about the game before buying it, which websites or reviews advertised it as a grindy, generic, WoW clone?

Because, as far as I have seen, it’s always been advertised as what it is. No grind required, play how you want (you can level to 80 by WvW, PvE, crafting, exploring, etc), easy to get max stats (no gear grind, lvl 80 exotics available via loot, mystic forge, crafting, karma vendors, etc) so that skill decides the outcome instead of who has the longest playtime and has farmed the best gear.

You need to accept that your personal preferences are just that, yours. You do not get to decide who this game is aimed at, nor do you get to decide what the playerbase as a whole wants.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


lol You do realize that they only gave us levels so we’d feel like there’s some progression outside of the “Personal Story”, right? Level scaling works great until you end up getting top gear (ie wearing exotics in 1-15 zones). And you don’t even need to starting thinking about that kind of gear until you’re well past 75.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amra.6028


What’s keeping you from staying in the zone? Do you get SOOOOOO powerful from those 3 levels? Not very much thought given to the topic, eh?

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caelib.2497


I completely disagree with this — XP from crafting is a great alternative to exploration/heart/kill XP. After 20 or 30 levels on a character, I usually wait until Thursday when the WvW Artisan bonus is the highest … then I pop a Crafting Booster and power my way from 0 – 250ish and gain 6 levels in the process.

Now let’s break down WHY this is in the game:
– crafting is alternate source of leveling progression
– no XP means less incentive, meaning a lot less people will do it
– crafting puts demand on player-gathered resources, which sucks A LOT of money out of the economy via TP (keep it strong)

TLDR: XP from crafting is fun and necessary.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Hello brick wall!

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


Absolutely not. Experience from crafting is one of the best aspects about this game imo. Had it not been for crafting I probably wouldn’t have had the heart to level my alts to 80.

I did all my exploring on my first character and these days, when zones level 20-60 feel like ghost towns on a populated server and low levels get slaughtered in WvW the leveling experience is nearly unbearable to me. I’m actually considering doing 3 crafts on my next character.

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loswaith.3829


@Loswaith- I can understand seeing a level difference feels like you’re leaving your friends behind, but that just seems to be a conscience decision every player makes. We all do things for our friends. A lot of gamers intentionally don’t play a specific character or the game entirely just to keep from “leaving their friends in the dust.” If people really wish to get dedicated to being the same level with their friends, then they would need to be more aware of their exp gain from all sources.

Besides the numerical difference in terms of level, exactly how much different is it really to play with a friend simply because you are 10 levels higher? I find friends get more upset when you do things without them that involve party members rather then just being more leveled.

Though while true, you still end up slightly more powerful than the curve (though for the most part level is meaningless), and if you happen to be playing one of the more self sustainable classes it can lead someone to feel they arent realy providing anything to your group (other than their company).

It’s also given the limits on character slots (if you arent buying heaps of extras), it’s better to spread out the crafting skills, you may inevitably only end up with one character that you use for soloing while others are for groups.

Ultimatly though how can it hurt to have a choice, its then up to you whether you want your character to advance via crafting or not, and because everyone else also has the choice it doesnt force them into a way they would prefer not to go.

This would let the OP not gain xp on crafting, other can turn it off and have to grind out their xp more (if they had more options to turn xp awards on or off they could grind as much as they like too), while the majority that like it can leave it turned on.

Everyone wins.