I loved them too, and I also argued in the other Thread (where I got accused of being abelist, exclusionary and downplaying the issue), but my opinion still stands.
Don’t change the mounts feeling, but give the people with issues an Option.
Honestly, if they don’t change them, Anet will not make a big loss, maybe they loss few hundred players, but the people with motion sickness are not in the majority, far from it. That said, their issue should be looked into, as I always felt GW2 was a very inclusive MMORPG.
I have a few suggestions HOW you could change it and as MS is a very personal problem, triggers differ from person to person, there will be MANY options needed.
1. For the people that get sick from seeing the Raptor bounce:
Give the option to remove the Raptor Animation and just let it fly over the ground, without any animation. Seems kittenty, but the solutions we are searching for, will never ever give those players with MS a satisfying mount system. Might as well go all out. If it helps, then hey, they can use mounts, as some that are affected here are say “visuals don’t matter, sickness does”.
I saw some people race the Raptors across the desert and their animations were bugged for me, that’s where this Idea comes from.
2. For the people that get sick from a too narrow field of view:
Give a bigger field of view, should not be too hard.
3. For the people that get sick from the Raptor not being in the center of the screen:
Give sliders to adjust your viewpoint. Also not too hard.
4. For the players that have a problem with the overall steering of the mount:
Give them an option to have the same movement as the player character. In exchange for more control, ,make their mount move slower or implement the same drawbacks the normal raptor has in another way. Like, having it instant full stop, but then not being able to walk again until the normal raptor would be able to walk again.
Again, would be really clunky, but the some people with problems, don’t really seem to care, that we want a visually appealing mount, as, understandbly, for them even having some system to use, would be a way better deal than what they have now.
5. For players where all this above wouldn’t help:
Give them an option to not have the mount, and just give them the mounts abilities on activation of the mount, normal movement, ability gone when entering combat, no swiftness gain. Maybe even giving them buffed aspect abilities, those seem to have most of the things needed, that the mounts have.
This is the most drastic, but only solution, that comes to mind, that would negate ALL instances of motion sickness. But they can play the maps. That is a far bigger priority than a satisfying mount. For some people, that’s just not possible.
That’s all Ideas I have. I have yet to see more than a few players with problems bring up such detailed ideas on what to change. They need change, but they also have to say, what kind of change, how far it can go and where the line for them would be crossed. For me, if I had problems, I would even be able to live with the fifth option. Everyone that dislikes mount, based on a “Gw2 said no mounts” stance, could also use that feature. It would be, in my mind the easiest option to implement and the option that would remove all instances of motion sickness.
Sorry, if I’m being a bit sarcastic at points, but reading that satisfying gameplay does not matter, cause some people get sick because of it, is a wrong as saying those people don’t need help for Anet. We people with no problems should be able to keep what we have.
As sorry as I am, the only solution I see is making the mounts optional for those with motion sickness, and just giving them the bare minimum they need to traverse the map.
EDIT: And honestly, someone at Anet should have thought about this problem. There were far more beta weekends needed than those two now :/ Movement is a very finicky thing and we should have been able to test all standard mounts.
Also changed some wording, as I was a bit salty, about the people that said, my enjyoment does not matter, when they can’t enjoy it. Our all enjoyment matters! We should fight together and give Anet ideas so we can both be happy.