Revert back the GM reset timing

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


While not nescesary, a reset time for whatever before the peak playing times would be ideal imo.

Most people have normal working/school weeks and thus guildmissions are generally held in the weekend (speculation?), Instead of looking forward to see if you’re available that weekend and needing to do your guild missions in that week, I’ve often felt a reset time on thursday or friday evening would be nicer. Since then if you missed your general GM time for the guild in the weekend you still have the rest of the week to potentially do it.

For one you need to plan ahead while with the other if something hindered you that weekend you could catch up during the next week.

So it would merely be my preference that anything that takes some planning would have its reset before the weekend.

But yeah potayto potahto really.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


you know you can do guild missions whenever right ?

Like whenever you want….

Try doing a guild challenge solo then?

Is your guild really that underwhelming that no one can go “Hey guy’s i’d like to run X mission, we only need 5 people”

I’m gonna ignore you, you have been making irrelevant posts and now making assumptions.

Actually it was quite relevant, what was irrelevant was you trying to make a snide comment about running missions solo.

You can now run missions whenever, without cost. There’s no time at which if a player is online they cannot run missions. Therefore the concept of reset is a joke used to gate people to once a week. You have 7 days to find 1hr a week to complete the missions. If you or the people in your guild can’t do this than the mission timer isn’t the problem.

In that case I have misunderstood that you actually understood the subject. Again, it is about individuals who can’t play 7 days per week, about individuals who can only play at weekends, about individuals who can only play bi-weekly. People who have a lot of time constraints.

The timer technically, has no issue. I 100% agree with you. But can it not be reverted to the old timing so less people will be left out?

Also, you still assuming that I have issue which throughout the thread, I’ve said it isn’t mine issue but doesn’t mean it should be overlooked.

But here’s the thing, other people have different days they work and different days and times that they can guarantee being able to play. Why should the people who only have availability on the weekend be the only group ANet considers when deciding whether or not to change a reset time? What proof do you have that your minority of players who can only play on Saturday and Sunday outnumber the other combinations out there?

And why has no one in this boat come to the forums and posted their displeasure with it (and I’m talking about since the change, not players’ worries before the change happened)? I’ve also not seen anything in any chats in the game either. Why has no one come forward in this thread to agree with you? Shouldn’t that tell you that maybe this problem you see isn’t as big of a deal as you think and that maybe ANet needs to put their resources towards things that more people who are actually affected by the problem are actually posting about. Like the precursor armor clipping issue with Charr tails and Asura feet. Like account bound BLTC weapon skins obtained via the scraps and tickets that come from the horrible RNG BLTC chests. Like Gifts of Battle switching from being obtained via Badges of Honor and the WvW reward track and the fact that they did not effectively communicate this change beforehand.

What combinations are you referring to? You mean like people who work night shift, day shift, 2 days 1 rest shift and so on? Let’s put it this in other way. Does changing the timing affect current people’s accessibility negatively? Does it affect your accessibility? Does it affect anyone’s accessibility here who are disagreeing it negatively? If no one can prove to me that changing the timing can affect the current people’s accessibility negatively, then how can you tell me to accept that reverting the time is a bad thing to do? At most, I can only leave it “agree to disagree” but to accept that it is bad thing to do, is different story.

There certainly is some displeasure but it isn’t that big as it is the minority, instead of complaining, decided to move on.

Yes, I can agree to you about the resources part, coming from the business perspective. However, it doesn’t mean the issue should be buried and not highlighted. Otherwise, it will be just like the years old bug, for example, AC merge path, buried and forgotten it as bugs, then people doing it publicly like a norm.

I’m referring to every other player who only has 2 days where they can play and those two days aren’t Saturday and Sunday.

Changing the reset time would negatively affect players whose only days off fall on top of the current reset time for the same reasons you say the current reset time is bad. And you have not put forth enough evidence to show that your small subset of players has more players than that subset of players who care that they may miss out on guild missions that week should they not be on.

I’m not saying changing it to the old time isn’t the best thing. Just that the reason to change it needs to be more than “It’s currently inconvenient for a small group of players”. Because if you change it it will still be “currently inconvenient for a small group of players.” You just haven’t given a reason other than that for it to change. A reason that wouldn’t still be true after the change happens.


There are a lot of different reset times. It’s hard to keep track of which one is on what day and what time. I recommend having a single reset day and I think the WvW one for NA is the best time. WvW reset is early Saturday morning, I believe.

And maybe they decided to move on because it’s not that big of a deal that they miss guild missions every now and then. The fact that no one in the situation you describe has come and said “I’m in this boat, I agree, reset should change.” or “I know someone in this boat, they’d like for reset to change.” says something towards how much of a minority that you’re trying to get the game to change for.

(edited by Seera.5916)

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I totally understand the reasons given why it isn’t worth the efforts, again, totally. It was based on the majority and business perspective but I am looking at the minority perspective.

When the points were stated and if people disagree and consider minority as not worth it, there isn’t really much to argue about other then “effort” and “worth”. “Effort” to change and “worth” of the minority.

There isn’t anything to argue about in anyone’s proposal except “effort” and “worth” — that’s the whole point of these discussions. What doesn’t seem to be getting through to you is that there is more effort involved than you think and especially that some of that effort affects everyone else playing the game.

Further, while you acknowledge that the “worth” of the proposal goes only to a minority, you aren’t accepting that (a) that’s a very, very tiny minority and (b) it’s a very, very small benefit.

There are times when it makes sense to do something that has a minor value to a small group. But you haven’t said anything that helps any of us understand why this is one of those times.

Instead, it sounds more of a personal/guild dilemma that can be resolved without requiring ANet to plan|test|implement a new reset time and without the rest of the community adapting to a schedule preferred by a minority.

tl;dr there might be reasons to change the current G-Mish reset times; those reasons aren’t (yet) stated in this thread.

(So I again recommend that you instead ask for help resolving the core issue, rather than recommending a solution that hardly anyone else wants to see implemented.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



That solid evidence is not obtainable, only anet is has what it takes to analyse the online activities of the players. Furthermore, as a counter argument, there isn’t anyone who claimed himself/herself that the reset will be a inconvenient to him as he’s belong to that 2-days period. Any further debate using “evidence” is pointless as, again, it can only be supported by analysing the records which can only be done by anet.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781
The debate on “effort” is, to me, pointless which is why I didn’t put much focus on that and more onto trying to explain the purpose of changing the reset. Only anet can tell us how much effort it is to change a reset timing. What you say and what I say cannot be backed up by anything worth believing. Rather, what we are doing are nothing more than logical assumption.

As for the worth, please refer to the conversations I had with Seera.5916.

Also, you seems to be fixtuared on thinking it is a personal / guild issue which again I highlighted, it isn’t. Well, if you insist, I can’t stop you.

Overall, to put it really simple, the whole thread is a feedback to change the timing to fit as much people as possible, people of different gaming timing. Telling me to do something like convincing people, realistically speaking, I think is futile as solid evidence require to do so is not obtainable by any outsider means, which means no average person can obtain it and even if obtained by some means, the credibility can be doubted. So, further argument is really pointless.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



That solid evidence is not obtainable, only anet is has what it takes to analyse the online activities of the players. Furthermore, as a counter argument, there isn’t anyone who claimed himself/herself that the reset will be a inconvenient to him as he’s belong to that 2-days period. Any further debate using “evidence” is pointless as, again, it can only be supported by analysing the records which can only be done by anet.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781
The debate on “effort” is, to me, pointless which is why I didn’t put much focus on that and more onto trying to explain the purpose of changing the reset. Only anet can tell us how much effort it is to change a reset timing. What you say and what I say cannot be backed up by anything worth believing. Rather, what we are doing are nothing more than logical assumption.

As for the worth, please refer to the conversations I had with Seera.5916.

Also, you seems to be fixtuared on thinking it is a personal / guild issue which again I highlighted, it isn’t. Well, if you insist, I can’t stop you.

Overall, to put it really simple, the whole thread is a feedback to change the timing to fit as much people as possible, people of different gaming timing. Telling me to do something like convincing people, realistically speaking, I think is futile as solid evidence require to do so is not obtainable by any outsider means, which means no average person can obtain it and even if obtained by some means, the credibility can be doubted. So, further argument is really pointless.

If numbers are impossible to prove, which I knew the moment I asked it, please stop treating the group that you’re arguing for as the group that ANet should change reset times for.

Changing it from where it is now will affect guild mission days. Some guilds like to do things on reset days. It will also take resources on ANet’s end to implement.

Resources that you have yet to prove should work on changing the guild reset time. You haven’t produced any evidence that the majority of players out there period want the time changed nor have you provided any other benefits of changing the time besides one. That it will be better for a small group of players. When if you change it, it will become worse for a different small group of players.

So when someone comes arguing in their defense that they game should change the reset time back to Monday, ANet should because changing to best fit the time line of a small group of players is worth doing.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellieanna.5027


you know you can do guild missions whenever right ?

Like whenever you want….

Try doing a guild challenge solo then?

Is your guild really that underwhelming that no one can go “Hey guy’s i’d like to run X mission, we only need 5 people”

I’m gonna ignore you, you have been making irrelevant posts and now making assumptions.

Actually it was quite relevant, what was irrelevant was you trying to make a snide comment about running missions solo.

You can now run missions whenever, without cost. There’s no time at which if a player is online they cannot run missions. Therefore the concept of reset is a joke used to gate people to once a week. You have 7 days to find 1hr a week to complete the missions. If you or the people in your guild can’t do this than the mission timer isn’t the problem.

In that case I have misunderstood that you actually understood the subject. Again, it is about individuals who can’t play 7 days per week, about individuals who can only play at weekends, about individuals who can only play bi-weekly. People who have a lot of time constraints.

The timer technically, has no issue. I 100% agree with you. But can it not be reverted to the old timing so less people will be left out?

Also, you still assuming that I have issue which throughout the thread, I’ve said it isn’t mine issue but doesn’t mean it should be overlooked.

If someone can only play bi-weekly, then they will miss out on things. It happens. When you can’t play this game a lot, you’ll miss out on things. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not like guild missions are going to end in 6 weeks.

I’m a Moose, a ginger moose even.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


Not really against changing or not changing the time since I only do GMs once a week anyway and I’m starting to be less and less bothered with doing them.

If it goes back to middle of weekend reset then people can do them biweekly and still get full credit which isn’t a bad thing.

Week 1: Sat <→ Reset <→ Week 1: Sun <→ Skips week 2 <→ Week 3: Sat <→ Reset <→ Week 3: Sun

It’d also be nice to have raid resets on weekends too, even though the current raid time is great for OCX players it’s pretty bad for everyone else.


Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


If numbers are impossible to prove, which I knew the moment I asked it, please stop treating the group that you’re arguing for as the group that ANet should change reset times for.

Everyone argues in their own preferences, to ask to stop that is completely ridiculous as this whole forums premise is built on people voicing their preferences. The numbers are also not impossible to prove as they are in ArenaNets hands, which is great, since they can make a way more sensible assessment than any of us. This includes resources it takes, numbers of people that do guild missions on a certain time and how much difference it makes to change that.

I don’t think his idea is completely nonsensical. If there’s a better time to reset guild missions, then they might want to look into that, depending on how much time it takes.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



You have been repeating the same, like I have, you have no way to prove that it is inconvenience for the current group of subset of players as none of such players have come out and say, " don’t change it please, i can only do biweekly". This is base on using your argument as basis.

Like I have said to you previously, no people on this very forums except people working for anet has access to the records, records that can literally provide a solid proof. Asking for proof, is really, absurd. I can ask for the same thing from you and you won’t be able to prove a single thing. If you insist to have more reasons to change, fine, I will repeat what others have already mentioned.

A few people not belonging to that subset has expressed that they don’t mind having the reset timing changed as there are benefits pertaining to the majority like more people are likely to come on during the weekend which means smaller guilds, if they want to, can create a makeup missions. Of course, some nitpicking people will say they can just find another guild to do missions with which wasn’t the point, the point is people will have greater number of choices who to do missions with.

Likewise, other also have said that people will have a new choice to do missions biweekly on the weekend (both saturday and sunday biweekly) instead of the current weekly.

Furthermore, on the point that you said guilds that like to do it right on reset, the timing change will be even more convenient to them since the current reset timing is either midnight for NA or monday (a work day) in other part of the world which is strictly speaking, inconvenient for most.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I, personally, as well as my Guild members, would be inconvenienced if the Guild Mission reset time was changed, yet again.

Please, Devs, don’t change it.

Thank you.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


If numbers are impossible to prove, which I knew the moment I asked it, please stop treating the group that you’re arguing for as the group that ANet should change reset times for.

Everyone argues in their own preferences, to ask to stop that is completely ridiculous as this whole forums premise is built on people voicing their preferences. The numbers are also not impossible to prove as they are in ArenaNets hands, which is great, since they can make a way more sensible assessment than any of us. This includes resources it takes, numbers of people that do guild missions on a certain time and how much difference it makes to change that.

I don’t think his idea is completely nonsensical. If there’s a better time to reset guild missions, then they might want to look into that, depending on how much time it takes.

I just don’t think they should change the reset time just because of a small number of players. Because another small number of players will become inconvenienced by the new reset time. And then when does the changing stop, because no time will be perfect for everyone?

And SkyShroud has yet to provide any better argument than what is in her OP. And she’s arguing like they are the only ones kittenet time should consider.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



You have been repeating the same, like I have, you have no way to prove that it is inconvenience for the current group of subset of players as none of such players have come out and say, " don’t change it please, i can only do biweekly". This is base on using your argument as basis.

Like I have said to you previously, no people on this very forums except people working for anet has access to the records, records that can literally provide a solid proof. Asking for proof, is really, absurd. I can ask for the same thing from you and you won’t be able to prove a single thing. If you insist to have more reasons to change, fine, I will repeat what others have already mentioned.

A few people not belonging to that subset has expressed that they don’t mind having the reset timing changed as there are benefits pertaining to the majority like more people are likely to come on during the weekend which means smaller guilds, if they want to, can create a makeup missions. Of course, some nitpicking people will say they can just find another guild to do missions with which wasn’t the point, the point is people will have greater number of choices who to do missions with.

Likewise, other also have said that people will have a new choice to do missions biweekly on the weekend (both saturday and sunday biweekly) instead of the current weekly.

Furthermore, on the point that you said guilds that like to do it right on reset, the timing change will be even more convenient to them since the current reset timing is either midnight for NA or monday (a work day) in other part of the world which is strictly speaking, inconvenient for most.

Then stop acting like your group is the largest. You don’t know.

And when are you going to answer my question on whether or not you can think of other reasons to change the reset time? Because nothing you’ve said has convinced me that a “small group of players can’t play at this time” will ever be a valid reason to change the timing of something.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



It is tiring when replying to you since you have been using a few types of informal fallacies since your last third posts (count from this post).

For example, while I admit that I can never prove (from my last 2nd posts from one) if changing the reset time can benefit a greater amount of people, you continue to push that point while not providing any evidence that there will be similar subset being inconvenient by the change. This is a type of fallacy. Not only that, you continue to misrepresent my statements.

Also, I noticed your have been asking the same thing since your last 2nd post (from this post) and I end up replying the same thing while rephrasing it (since the previous can’t get to you, I change to attacking your claims) with some new additional statements (since you wanted more reasons), not because my previous answer cannot answer your 2nd last questions but because you have been selectively reading the posts.

Once again, (I retyping this), to put it really simple, the purpose of the thread is a feedback to change the timing to fit as much people as possible, people of different gaming timing. As if it is worth changing, it isn’t up to you or me to decide as only anet has the data to make that decisions.

PS: I am done replying this thread.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Judging by the feedback in this thread, the consensus, overwhelmingly, is leave the reset time as is.

Good luck.

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

A person who isn’t having a problem with reset and doesn’t know anyone who has a problem with reset but who argues in behalf of hypothetical people who have a problem because they only play twice a month is not as compelling to the Devs than a post by someone who actually has that problem.

If there are people who can only play twice a month (biweekly) on the weekend and care that much about missing guild missions then they should post and make their arguments. My guess is though that if they play that rarely, guild missions are not high on the list of their concerns and doing the ones they can do are sufficient.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


I’m happy for reset to remain on Mondays.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Revert back the GM reset timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



It is tiring when replying to you since you have been using a few types of informal fallacies since your last third posts (count from this post).

For example, while I admit that I can never prove (from my last 2nd posts from one) if changing the reset time can benefit a greater amount of people, you continue to push that point while not providing any evidence that there will be similar subset being inconvenient by the change. This is a type of fallacy. Not only that, you continue to misrepresent my statements.

Also, I noticed your have been asking the same thing since your last 2nd post (from this post) and I end up replying the same thing while rephrasing it (since the previous can’t get to you, I change to attacking your claims) with some new additional statements (since you wanted more reasons), not because my previous answer cannot answer your 2nd last questions but because you have been selectively reading the posts.

Once again, (I retyping this), to put it really simple, the purpose of the thread is a feedback to change the timing to fit as much people as possible, people of different gaming timing. As if it is worth changing, it isn’t up to you or me to decide as only anet has the data to make that decisions.

PS: I am done replying this thread.

You keep saying that it will benefit more players if they move it back to where it was so all I asked was for you to prove it or stop saying that it will benefit more players than it will inconvenience.

I have [read all of your posts to this thread again and I have not found a single one giving another reason that doesn’t boil down to “it’s inconvenient or bad time for this subset of players.” Please quote the exact phrase that gives a reason that’s not that. That’s what I’ve been asking you to do. Rephrasing the reason doesn’t change what it boils down to.

And maybe take Inculpatus’ suggestions about coming up with other solutions to the problem that inconveniences such a small number of players.