Rich Iron veins and others.
Just from observing the way Anet does things I wouldn’t be surprised if they prioritized something like this over something more important lol.
Hmm. What’s the more important stuff right now? That should obviously come first if it’s more important, but sometimes I just wish that one of their development teams might notice these little things already in the game and improve upon them. Meanwhile, the Living Story team gets 4 teams for it, or so I’ve heard…
No, no! This is not a complaint thread! Please don’t let it become that!
Hmm. What’s the more important stuff right now? That should obviously come first if it’s more important, but sometimes I just wish that one of their development teams might notice these little things already in the game and improve upon them. Meanwhile, the Living Story team gets 4 teams for it, or so I’ve heard…
No, no! This is not a complaint thread! Please don’t let it become that!
No I’m not bashing your idea. But I just thought it was funny because it was such a random and small/trivial thing in the game lol.
What I would suggest though is try making a compilation thread full of TINY things like this so they could have a nice list of things they could fix each patch really easily.
I know.. Hmm, what things do you consider to be more important right now? They probably are worth doing something about. Good idea on the compilation thread.
Still, I do wish all the rich veins either all had the sparkles or not at all. I’m still leaning towards them all having the little sparkle animation, because it makes you feel more special for reaching them..
“So shiny! It’s like it wants me to take all its ore!”
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
Iron ore is used for two different tiers of items, iron and steel, so maybe they wanted to make sure that there is more of it being harvested than other metals.
So is platinum ore, for platinum and darksteel. While those tiers are for separate crafting disciplines, it still would benefit from there being more as well. Same with copper ore, for copper and bronze, although copper’s everywhere.
So is platinum ore, for platinum and darksteel. While those tiers are for separate crafting disciplines, it still would benefit from there being more as well. Same with copper ore, for copper and bronze, although copper’s everywhere.
Copper/Bronze and Platinum/Darksteel are the same tier for different crafts, while Iron/Steel are different tiers for a single craft.
That is, while levelling a single craft, you need twice as much iron compared to copper or platinum.
Makes sense. Still, I just wish all the rich veins had that neat sparkle.
Here’s a rich copper vein. While it does look distinct form the regular nodes, there isn’t a sparkle like the rich iron veins. :/
Just from observing the way Anet does things I wouldn’t be surprised if they prioritized something like this over something more important lol.
Artists don’t code.
RIP City of Heroes
It’s been like this for as long as I can remember.
Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]
On top of that, while the other rich veins give you just 10 of the ore, (except orichalcum
) the iron ones have a chance of giving you up to 15-17 of it. I wonder if it was intended, and why just for iron rich veins and not the others. It’d be neat if they all had the little sparkles too, and had chance to give more than 10 as well.
All veins have a chance to give more, Rich or not. You can get 5-7 (maybe more) ore from a normal vein. RNG is everywhere.
Iron Ingot takes 3 to make
Other ingots 2.
There. You have your reason now why it gives more.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Just from observing the way Anet does things I wouldn’t be surprised if they prioritized something like this over something more important lol.
game designers are not graphic designers are not programmers. They are not always on the same schedule by the hour. As easy as that.