Rift going Free-to-play and its effect on Gw2
I wont be going back to rift. It may have raids but the whole raiding thing is a massive chore. Competing for drops, organising huge groups, getting everyone on vent, dealing with all the bickering & elitism. And all for what? A gear treadmill that never ends.
The rest of the stuff Rift offers in terms of open world is good, but I prefer the way Gw2 does it.
Isn’t a Rift some place in the Fractals?
Oh it is another game. Good luck to them, I’m going to log back into GW2 when I can today.
I don’t think we’ll permanently lose a chunk of the gamer base. People tend to have habits where they will drop a game but then come back to see if its dead yet or they are curious about something new.
Rift is fun, but my guess is the f2p version will be heavy cash shop with a bonus to subscribers.
Rift going F2P will effect GW2 about as much as SWTOR going F2P affected GW2.
Which is to say, next to none.
People would do well to remember why they left or why it went F2P to begin with.
Going to download and play well. I said the same thing about neverwinter, and I haven’t been on that since day 1…
I stream sometimes: http://www.twitch.tv/kidtofu/
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum”
I’d never go back to Rift. I didn’t like the game enough in the first place. Well, not completely true. I started off liking it, but ran out of like in a couple of months. I’ve already played GW 2 3 times as much as I played Rift.
What Anet really need to do now though, is lower the price of the GW2 box in the shops/online. Literally slash it in half, it’s been out 8 months and is still expensive imo. I have a few friends who if the box was cheaper would definitely pick it up.
And come on, it’s not like they aren’t making money on all these ridiculous RNG boxes every kitten month.
Ava Solaris – Warrior SFR
I dont think any former sub based game that goes F2P will be much of a competition for a F2P based game. However, other F2P based games might give GW2 competition, like Neverwinter Online, which I personally enjoy alot at the moment.
What Anet really need to do now though, is lower the price of the GW2 box in the shops/online. Literally slash it in half, it’s been out 8 months and is still expensive imo. I have a few friends who if the box was cheaper would definitely pick it up.
And come on, it’s not like they aren’t making money on all these ridiculous RNG boxes every kitten month.
The box price is one of their few and far between sources of money, and thusly the continuation of GW2. Secondly, it is nowhere near ‘expensive’ by the standards of anyone who has two pennies to rub together. It is average. No, in some areas the price is below the average. If your friends are too poor and impotent to raise a little money to buy a game or perhaps too lazy to work for it, they wouldn’t fit in here anyway.
I think GW2 could pull off the ‘Raid-like’ feel if they would make the big DE chains visible on the entire map. Half the time you don’t even know they’re happening because you aren’t in range, unless someone announces in /map.
Make it a toggle on/off in the UI to show all the map’s DE’s.
I played Rift for the two week free trial or lvl14 whichever came first. Gear grind + drama = opposite of fun. I almost went back until I heard about the release of GW2. I haven’t looked back and don’t regret pre-ordering this game a year ago, April.
There is still a lot of room for improvement but I like the concepts and co-op feel.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Rift is fun, but my guess is the f2p version will be heavy cash shop with a bonus to subscribers.
So break it down for us: What will the free portion of RIFT’s F2P include, and what will be monetized?
All of our content is available completely for free: every quest, every chronicle, every dungeon, every continent, every level, and every raid. You can level to 60 without spending a dime. You can earn the best gear in the game without giving us a credit card. No tricks; no traps.
The RIFT Store will have a variety of boosts available to increase your XP gain or token gain — but these are just accelerations of things you can already earn. We will also be offering mounts, costumes, treasure boxes, storage space, more role slots, more wardrobe slots, and a slew of services.
We will also have gear for sale. Our guidelines for gear on the store are generally as follows: The best gear in the game must be earned and high-level items on the store must also be available to be earned in-game.
So with Rift going f2p in June , how do you guys think it will affect the gw2 player base,if at all. The reason I ask this is, Ive heard hundreds of times where people say gw2 is fun/good but there is no good " end-game" content ie raids and such. To which I usually say, that the entire thing is like that with the world events and such. But I can understand what they mean and it’s true, there rly isn’t anything raid-like in gw2 that would scratch that itch. So with Rift going f2p will we lose a chunk of our player base that will only return when there is new content? Similar to WoW and it’s expansions?
I guess this is more of a concern rather than a question. It’s pretty epic seeing huge ZvZ in WvW and hundreds of ppl rushing the dragons.
I’m not even thinking anything raid like. I’m excited about this because it has all of the elements I thought would be in GW2 by now being that it’s almost a year later AND the adventurer (scout) class I was playing in Rift doesn’t suffer from ANY of the PVE nerfs and problems imposed on us Engineers who wish to be explosives focused because the Devs have priority/favoritism issues in fixing the class, specifically the PVE nerfs, the problems with explosives not doing anywhere near the damage they should, and the imposed problems of requiring a hand breaking mechanic to the #1 ability in the grenade kit.
When I played the Rogue Saboteur on Rift, they did initially make the mistake of nerfing the sab just like they did in this game with explosives engineers because people in PVP were too lazy to think up ways of defending themselves against this type of attack, but they quickly fixed it within a two month period and they NEVER hindered gameplay by forcing the sab to require a ground target attack for it’s main attacks that no other class has ever had to deal with.
They also didn’t limit currency. Remember all those plans in GW2 prelaunch to have mobile apps? Rift’s had one since the beginning. I used to spend hours while at work on that thing gathering currency for gear/cosmetics thru logging in and playing their mobile games.
I wonder how they’ll handle their already in game housing and fishing system on Rift. That’s another thing missing from GW2, they make this beautiful world in GW2 and there’s nothing to do but RP to enjoy it. Most of it is spent running around doing combat which really doesn’t give you time to appreciate it.
I think if there’s anyone left doing anything other then PVP on GW2 this might spell trouble considering the sheer number of problems many of us have faced with the lack of development in this title post launch to flesh out the world, and to fix design flaws in the classes.
I think GW2 could pull off the ‘Raid-like’ feel if they would make the big DE chains visible on the entire map. Half the time you don’t even know they’re happening because you aren’t in range, unless someone announces in /map.
Make it a toggle on/off in the UI to show all the map’s DE’s.I played Rift for the two week free trial or lvl14 whichever came first. Gear grind + drama = opposite of fun. I almost went back until I heard about the release of GW2. I haven’t looked back and don’t regret pre-ordering this game a year ago, April.
There is still a lot of room for improvement but I like the concepts and co-op feel.
I had the same issues on GW2 with the map notifications being out of range. If one makes a big map to run around on without mounts, then give people indicators about where stuff is happening because most of the time even with a permaswift on you don’t make it in time to do anything.
Not that it’s worth it considering the loot/currency issues in this game spssh.
I think Rift will affect WoW player base more than GW2. Rift has more things that are alike wow – its quest, combat, raid system, etc. Now what’s the difference between WoW and Rift going to be? Well one doesn’t ask you to pay a subscription fee.
GW2 did so many things in an unique way that I think if Rift will influence us at all it will be because players will play both and will probably talk about Rift in their Guild chats.
I dont think any former sub based game that goes F2P will be much of a competition for a F2P based game. However, other F2P based games might give GW2 competition, like Neverwinter Online, which I personally enjoy alot at the moment.
One of the other games I like and play because PWE has been doing the F2P thing for a very long time and knows that people are more likely to spend money if you don’t completely cut off in game sources of income for players (DR).
The best economies in the current mmo’s out there are from CoH and STO, NWO will become the next one as soon as it’s in full launch (many people are holding off until beta is over).
Things Rift has that GW2 does not:
- raiding (this is a reason I wouldn’t play, personally)
- trinity (as above)
- five spec slots
- collections system, including in-game books
- mounts (meh)
Things GW2 has that Rift does not:
- level scaling
- active combat
- waypoints
- non-competitive looting and gathering
- mesmers
- WvW
Personally, I also feel Rift’s graphics have a muddy/claymation sort of look, compared to the lush, colorful, painterly GW2. I don’t really see a reason to jump ship, but I would like it if ANet added collections systems and especially readable lore books.
A free gear treadmill.
Hey at least you’re not paying money for running on a gear treadmill right? LOL!
Going to download and play
well. I said the same thing about neverwinter, and I haven’t been on that since day 1…
I really tried to like neverwinter. The cutscenes alone stand way above the GW2 scenes. But I just could not get used to standing still to attack anymore. Gw2 ruined this for me
Rift announced that you could buy your gear through the shop – if people are turned off about that, then…
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I left Rift to come here. Basically because of the PvP/WvW. Rift has horrible PvP. GW2’s WvW is so much better than anything Rift has come up with that I don’t plan on going back.
I loved leveling in GW2 but frankly if you are not endgaming by playing WvW you are missing alot.
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