One of the devs already commented awhile back on why we don’t have sitting animations.
For one, you have several distinct races, which presents problems when sitting. You’d have to animate everything from a tiny Asura to a huge Charr. And don’t forget the wide range of heights that you have to deal with.
Then you have the different types of sitting furniture. Bar stools, logs, chairs, e.t.c. You’d have to animate every single piece of furniture in the world.
Then you have to deal with clipping issues. Do we ignore them (and have people continue to complain about them) or do we just go forward and spend a ton of time towards fixing it?
All that time invested in fixing such a novelty feature is simply not worth it, especially when there are toher more important QOL fixes this game has.
Not to mention the RP community in GW2 is a very, very small minority.
Perhaps it is so small in this game as well as in other games because the game itself does not encourage it by design or by intent?
I remember reading or watching a video in the past I’m sure in which I heard them clearly say they don’t want this to seem just like another mmo. They want you to feel like you are in this world, in another world actually living there as part of it.
To me it seems they have done little to push this so far but I understand they are polishing the core game right now which is much needed. But from what they described I certainly don’t think that JUST dynamic events/living story are or should be the only ways for them to add this to be a “living world”.
You need things such as player housing (yes, yes I know it’s coming), game content that is not just combat, combat, combat, combat such as fishing etc. Heck go as far as give us “jobs” if you have to, to make it believable that we are existing in this world and playing our part as well as give us something ELSE to do.
And yes even the little things like sitting in a chair and such makes all the difference in the world to all of this. They could slowly work on these small things. I undersand for some races there could be issues but they could work around them for now. For example they could have Asura, humans, Sylvari be able to sit on chairs possibly even Norn if not they and charr could instead sit on the edge of a table or the floor. There are ALWAYS work arounds if a little bit of time and thought are put into it.
I also remember reading so many months ago that Anet fixed a glitch that people were abusing to get into the Home instance in Divinity’s Reach so that they could RP there. Seemed a shame to me that was done but since it was a glitch I agree it had to be done. Even Anet themselves however said they liked that the community were embracing the RP element and such and were looking into more ways to implement it into the future. So lets just all hope it’s not too far off and yes, some day, maybe some day we can do something as simple as sit in a chair.
Lastly I would like to say, while sitting in a chair may seem silly and small just remember that once upon a time jumping was looked at in the same manner. Woah me look how much that one silly little thing impacted on this game! 
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?