There’s one thing most people do not know.Those who know,keep this as secret,in order to keep high price of t4 materials.Hate inc.
All bags you get in SW,in order to get most gold,you need to open them on level from 53 to 56.Did not test above 56,but i tested below 53,and is not working,because you don’t get expensive materials.
So,all bags you get from SW,open on level 53-56.Only Bags Of Rare Gear,open on level 80.Why?Because Bags of rare gear,gives you only rare’s and sometimes exotic.Bags of rare gear,if opened on lvel 80,gives you most profit.
Rest of the bags such as [Embroidered Coin Purses] [Heirloom Seed Pouches][Bags of Gear] straight bank,log in level 53-56 character and enjoy all goodies.
Only difference between opening bags on level 80 and 56,is items you get scales with your level,and those blue and green items is where you get most of the gold.Salvage those,and enjoy rivers of gold my friends.By salvaging low level items,you get t4 materials worth from 7 gold stack to 19 gold stack.
Opening bags on level 80,gives you less gold,because items you salvage,gives you 2-3 gold per stack,and that’s 16 gold less than t4 most expensive material,aka Rugged Leather.
When you open bags on low level,you still get exotic materials,like Vial of Powerful Blood, Powerful Venom Sac,Elaborate Totem,Armored Scale,and many many other materials.
So again,only difference when you open bags on low level is,items you get,scales with level you open on.Everything else is same.
I saw a lot of people,who don’t want to do low level opening,because you don’t get Ectoplasm on low level,let me tell you,for that,you have Bags of rare gear.
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Marting Luther King JR.
Oh,how blind i was,i farmed SW 7 months,without knowing for this trick,and month ago,one guy told me about this,my weekly income was increased from 500 gold week,to 1200 gold week.
Lots of people asking in SW maps what to do with Bandit Crests?Buy Sandy Bag of Gear from SW vendor.15 crests and 80 copper.You can get some exotic item,in every bag you get item,and 5-9 Pile Of Silky Sand.With current price of Pile of Coarse Sand (16-17 gold stack) + low level items salvaging,there’s tons of gold waiting for you right there.
There’s one test i ran.
250 Bags of Gear opened on level 80 – 18 gold earned.
250 Bags of Gear opened on level 56 – 67 gold earned.
Feel free to compare price of materials and see for yourself
Level 80 materials (Silk Scrap,Mithril Ore,Thick Leather Sections,Elder Wood Logs)
Level 56 materials ( Rugged Leather,Linen Scrap,Hard Wood Log,Platinum Ore)
Spread out this “guide”.There’s no reason for you to earn less gold for your effort.
Even if 50 people find this useful,i will be happy.Lots of people have school,exams,wife and kids,job…And they do not have a lot time to farm gold,which they need in big numbers,especially because everything is locked behind heavy farm.
Happy Holidays
(edited by Werdx.2059)