Sad Tequatl in his cage
Doesn’t matter if one select guild is doing it in overflows. It’s poorly designed from the ground up.
Anyone who can’t see that is not worth talking with about it. And it can only do more harm than good if anet keeps taking things in the same direction.
Everything in the open world should be accessible and doable by a group of random strangers without the assistance of VoIP programs. If it’s not there’s a massive design flaw considering how this product was shipped.
Guesting and then go into the overflow .. that is exactly how the game was designed to play. How can you really think that content should be played on your own server in the “normal” Zone ?
I really really just hope they change their mind an leave Jormags Claw how it is. Shatterer could maybe use some changes, but when more in the direction of Jormag and not like Teq.
If they want to make more of this stuff they should create NEW encounters but don’t destroy the old ones that are played regulary for 99% of the players.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
It is sad, an event that I once had a lot of fun with sitting totally empty on most servers. A strange plan but it was so obvious that would happen I have to think this is what intended. Can’t wait to see how they plan to make us desert the rest of the game world…
This encounter has fallen off to about 5% completion in the past 5 days across all servers. THAT is not good. THAT is not what they should be striving for. HOPEFULLY they will learn from this and not make the same mistakes with the other world bosses. Providing content for certain players is one thing, but altering/removing content from all to do so is another.
If the idea is that TEQ is this really exclusive bit of content that only the hardcore players will take on, then why oh why is it spawning every 3 hours? If it’s spawning more often than, say once a day, then I expect it to be possible to kill on any open world, by any server, at any time of day; maybe not necessarily as part of your average daily activities, such as exploring or what have you but…
(edited to add: ok that sounded too farm-y. I meant, it should be do-able with a little bit of coordination on any server. sure, you get the annoyance that certain people will farm the hell out of it but better that than having an entire map deserted because the hardcore players have gone guesting and the more casual players have found something else to do.)
As it is now, I get the impression that Anet really wants us to kill it but focus ONLY on killing it. Like, mobilize EVERYONE. Sorry, but there’s other content too, vying for our attention. Content that is actually unique and might not be repeated after the current month. Content that is less demanding but not nearly as repetitive and more fun to do as a group. Content that doesn’t have a 15 min finish window.
I get that there ought to be more challenging parts to the game, and tastes vary and all that, I do. But really, teq is just sending mixed messages. Well, really the way it goes most of the time I’m on is “come get me!! nah, never mind, try again in a few hours” – why would I continue trying to do it then; if it’s 1) not fun 2) not rewarding 3) not unique 4) doesn’t advance my character nor my guild
Yak’s Bend
(edited by yksdoris.2194)
Except that I’m A) not alone in my views and
there are more people on the other side of the coin, who don’t play like I do that would agree with me.
Who do you think the people generally are that think that it’s okay to have ultra hard content that requires organization? I’ll give you a hint…it’s not carebears like me. lol
I know you’re not alone in your views, that’s why I didn’t say “all” forum goers.
But what I mean is this: You basically just said “I don’t see why people would want to experience every part of the game they just bought.”
It just seems like a silly thing to say, in my opinion.
I’m saying that in a themepark game (and this game is very much a theme park) not everything will be for everyone. It would be like going to Disneyworld and paying the admission price and then insisting every single ride be something you’d enjoy. If you only like roller coasters, then you’re going to be very disappointed. If you don’t like roller coasters, you don’t go on space mountain.
It’s the same here. There are, in every single MMO, a percentage of people who want to be challenged. This isn’t news to anyone. And there are a percentage of people who want to bang around the world and have a good time without any risk at all. This also shouldn’t be news to anyone.
All I’m saying is that this game has a bevy of stuff for the latter group, but relatively little for the group that wants a challenge. Providing stuff for the group that wants a challenge IS going to leave some people out…probably most people. But you can’t leave out an entire portion of the population just because it’s not your portion.
I think it’s a silly thing to assume that most people expect everything in the game to be for them, or even finishable by them. I think some people do expect that, but I don’t think they’re the majority. Any more than most people who buy a five day pass to Disneyworld expect to enjoy every ride.
It’s simply not reasonable.
I can see what ur saying about a group that wants challenge.
Well lets see. Would u say that group represents 1/3rd of the player base? I doubt it very much. And if they don’t, why should they get 1 of the 3 dragon events? Why didn’t Anet do one of the other bosses (or even 2) that no one bothers with and make them attractive to this so called hard core group that desire this extreme challenge? And why do it in the open world anyway if it was meant for this elite group and not for everyone? Parts of open world should never, ever be exclusive to any group in an MMO period!
Why alienate a huge portion of players that used to able to do and did Teq on regular basis, but now they can’t. And as a result, the whole map has become a ghost town even when Teq is up. That group that wants challenge don’t want to really share it with the rest of us plebs and have used the game’s OF system to create their own private instance….by invitation only? And you know how human nature works? when one feels they’re excluded, that something is denied to them they have a right to, they want it all the more. And why shouldn’t they feel the right to it? We all bought the game and it was supposed to include access to all the content in the game, all of it, not just some of it.
You think this is sad, wait till they revamp Jormag and Shatterer and they never get done on your server to. Come back then and tell Anet how ya feel.
Trust me, I know, it never gets done anymore on any server I don’t think, it’s just like the Karka Queen, they introduced it, people did it, now it never gets done anymore, cept on very very rare occasions.
They should leave Jornag and Shatterer as it is for the casuals (change the end of the fight and make him fly away instead of dying) and do another revamped fight as guild mission (guilds activate it, summon the dragon and have the real challenge, of course; casuals can join as any other guild challenge).
Tequatl still gets done on some servers and guesting is free. Anyone who insists on getting it done on their server is being stubborn.
The store down the block from where I live was out of milk. Now I have to go without milk. It’s a tragedy. Why doesn’t my store have milk….I mean I have to go to the next shop now, and that’s a couple of blocks away. Oh the pain.
Teq still gets done. The Karka Queen still gets done. You can join a server that does them both if you want…or you can post to the forums and never get your achievement.
It’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.
On the topic of other boss redesigns, I’m pretty sure none of them will require the coordination of Tequatl. Anet does learn from these things, the way they learned from the original Karka event.
^_^ Do you still play Vayne? I think you comment on every thread since release (not a bad thing as you have some very good views) but on the down side, you really defend stuff that shouldn’t be defended… Stubborn or not, Guesting is not what I call fun. I wanted to play on my Server, and if it is only do-able by Guesting, then it is a failed event.
It is sad, an event that I once had a lot of fun with sitting totally empty on most servers. A strange plan but it was so obvious that would happen I have to think this is what intended. Can’t wait to see how they plan to make us desert the rest of the game world…
My idea is that they want to bring in instanced raids for all these ex-WoW players that can’t love without that , but most of the players were always against that.
So now they give us Tequatl and wait that suddenly a lot of players cry to make that an instanced raid instead of what we have now, and bring back old Teq to the Open World.
And then they can finally make instanced Raids and say : Hey we only did that because all the players wanted that.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
You think this is sad, wait till they revamp Jormag and Shatterer and they never get done on your server to. Come back then and tell Anet how ya feel.
Trust me, I know, it never gets done anymore on any server I don’t think, it’s just like the Karka Queen, they introduced it, people did it, now it never gets done anymore, cept on very very rare occasions.
They should leave Jornag and Shatterer as it is for the casuals (change the end of the fight and make him fly away instead of dying) and do another revamped fight as guild mission (guilds activate it, summon the dragon and have the real challenge, of course; casuals can join as any other guild challenge).
Sorry but no. They added Guild Content already. Removing content from casual players once, and yet again ?
No, just no. Teq and any open world encounter should be open to all players. If you want “hard mode content” there’s this handy guild challenges thing Anet could use to fulfill that quota while bringing more usefulness to the “Hardcore” crowd.
Dragonbrand is the server I am on and he gets killed once a day, usually in the evening.
It is sad, an event that I once had a lot of fun with sitting totally empty on most servers. A strange plan but it was so obvious that would happen I have to think this is what intended. Can’t wait to see how they plan to make us desert the rest of the game world…
My idea is that they want to bring in instanced raids for all these ex-WoW players that can’t love without that , but most of the players were always against that.
So now they give us Tequatl and wait that suddenly a lot of players cry to make that an instanced raid instead of what we have now, and bring back old Teq to the Open World.
And then they can finally make instanced Raids and say : Hey we only did that because all the players wanted that.
Possibly…I just can’t see how they sat down, redesigned an encounter that was done daily intending that it wouldn’t be completed for literally weeks and then patted themselves on the back thinking it was a good idea. There’s got to be a bigger plan here and instanced raids just might be it…
hate on the word “instanced”
Anyone who wants to do it, can find out where it’s being done and make it their business to be there.
I’m not sure why people think every single aspect of a game needs to be able to be done by every single player in the game in the first place.
Dude, just cause Teq is in window, does not mean it is being done, I have showed up to numerous Teq events cause he was in window and no one was there, no overflow, just nothing, maybe a dozen people, this has to be planned now and if you don’t get in that planned event you are screwed, and who wants to get an organized group together for a meta event? Anet has just gone and ruined one of the daily meta events, and if they do this to Shatterer and Jormag, they will ruin them also.
No one has time to waste to get 50-80 people together just to take down a dragon for what, 4-8 greens and the daily rare, and a very, very rare chance at something nice, no thanks, this is a total waste of space in game imo. Just like all of Southsun.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
Anyone who wants to do it, can find out where it’s being done and make it their business to be there.
I’m not sure why people think every single aspect of a game needs to be able to be done by every single player in the game in the first place.
Dude, just cause Teq is in window, does not mean it is being done, I have showed up to numerous Teq events cause he was in window and no one was there, no overflow, just nothing, maybe a dozen people, this has to be planned now and if you don’t get in that planned event you are screwed, and who wants to get an organized group together for a meta event? Anet has just gone and ruined one of the daily meta events, and if they do this to Shatterer and Jormag, they will ruin them also.
No one has time to waste to get 50-80 people together just to take down a dragon for what, 4-8 greens and the daily rare, and a very, very rare chance at something nice, no thanks, this is a total waste of space in game imo. Just like all of Southsun.
Dude…you don’t think I know this? I never implied that Teq is done every minute of every day by anyone. I only implied that people do it, during scheduled times, much like an open world raid.
Today we saw Maguuma attempt it at a certain time. They were in LA getting people to come. They had guys lined up for the turrets. There are large guilds that do it. They do it on TC around server reset time at least a couple of times a week (probably more).
I didn’t say it’s done 24/7 every time the window is up. I don’t think every meta event in the game needs to be done every time the window is up. Do you not see how that trivializes content? How it becomes assembly line farming.
Anet put a single hard dynamic event in the game, and everyone screams bloody murder. There are 1500 events in this game and less than ten of them (probably way less) require your full attention or even half your attention. Most dynamic events are relatively mindless and not very challenging.
People on these forums, some of them, have been asking for challenging content for a long time. Those are the people who organize and do the Karka Queen and Tequatl.
What difference does it make if a single even is only done on certain servers a couple of times a week? Is it interfering with your champion run or something?
You think this is sad, wait till they revamp Jormag and Shatterer and they never get done on your server to. Come back then and tell Anet how ya feel.
Trust me, I know, it never gets done anymore on any server I don’t think, it’s just like the Karka Queen, they introduced it, people did it, now it never gets done anymore, cept on very very rare occasions.
They should leave Jornag and Shatterer as it is for the casuals (change the end of the fight and make him fly away instead of dying) and do another revamped fight as guild mission (guilds activate it, summon the dragon and have the real challenge, of course; casuals can join as any other guild challenge).
Sorry but no. They added Guild Content already. Removing content from casual players once, and yet again ?
No, just no. Teq and any open world encounter should be open to all players. If you want “hard mode content” there’s this handy guild challenges thing Anet could use to fulfill that quota while bringing more usefulness to the “Hardcore” crowd.
please read it again… i think you missed the part where I mentioned leave it for the casuals as well 2 times.
guild challenges are started by guilds but happens in the open world. Anyone can join and get a chest at the end.
(edited by Mesket.5728)
That’s why you make content like this instanced.
Everything in the open world should be accessible and doable by a group of random strangers without the assistance of VoIP programs. If it’s not there’s a massive design flaw considering how this product was shipped.
Tequatl can be done by random people, no voice. It ISNT done, because there arent enough people at the event. So what though? If I wantguildies, and friends from all servers, and Instancing him takes away from the open world aspect of events. Hell, it makes it easier for people to not fight him. You wanna beat it? Gather up 60-70 friends and do it. More if you feel you need it
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
(edited by Warcry.1596)
Anet put a single hard dynamic event in the game, and everyone screams bloody murder.
No, they took a previously enjoyable event and turned it into a procedural nightmare. It requires no more skill than it did previously, just the addition of 3rd party software and a level of organization that their software is incapable of handling. If they would have put a new event in the game that was a procedural nightmare I wouldn’t care nearly as much because I could safely ignore it, but taking out something fun and making it specifically unfun is amazingly bad design philosophy.
Content like Tequatl should simply NOT be open world, it should be instanced. And limit timers are such a terrible design… make it much more difficult with unlimited attempts – another reason this shouldn’t be open world, events either succeed or fail and timers reset.
I don’t remember having to wait 2 and a half hours after failing Liadri. Hell, even WoW lets you try to down a boss however amount of times you want in a night. My guild could spend 1 hour to 6 hours at a heroic kill attempt. The trade is very high difficulty.
What waste of 80 handy players… that could fil some WvW spots.. :].
The is no point in PVE
I wonder if we could get a screenshot of Tequatl in ‘prison’ on every server, with no one around at all?
I wonder if Tequatl is happy or sad no one visits anymore?
Back, ‘in the day’, I heard he was very popular with many thousands visiting him everyday…
Some servers can’t even manage to do the Shatterer anymore. Hopefully ANet will eventually realize that strict timers just aren’t fun. There’s not even any skill involved in it, it’s just a matter of bringing out enough warm bodies and popping out embers to combat the ridiculous amount of health these bosses have.
What waste of 80 handy players… that could fil some WvW spots.. :].
The is no point in PVE
There is no point in WvW either… The game is not oriented towards PvP. It’s just a minigame for when you are tired of the same things.
I really have a hard time to think of anyone who was asking for an open world boss, that is not killable in open world.
People have asked for hard raidcontent, and they were probably thinking of instanced challenges. But the outcry was loud, even though I personally think, why not.
People have asked to make Tequatl less boring. Not simply impossible for most times he is up. If I go there at any time on my server, he is sitting in his cage.
This is content for noone. It is a wasteland, the big thing, one of the big fights they said will be an awesome thing in this game is now just a chore, noone is willing to do.
Guesting and creating an artificial instance with joining an overflow may keep the WoW type of player happy, but for everyone else, this is just wrong.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
This encounter has fallen off to about 5% completion in the past 5 days across all servers.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
It is good to hear others who view Teq as now being dead content. I remember when people used to gather and hang out and chat waiting for Teq to spawn. Now I only see that beach as an empty desert.
I know there are players who have Teq on farm status but I think there is a number of the player population who are excluded for various reasons.
I really hope it was not ArenaNet’s intention to drive people into joining the Teq-killing guilds months after the game’s release. I already used up my 5 guild slots in the first 6 months, I don’t have room for another. If this was their intent they really should have at least increased out guild slots.
I also hope they did not intend for Teq to become segregated content. The encounter may still getting done by some guilds that are gaming the Overflow system but that basically turns the encounter into an instanced raid rather than an open-world encounter. This is hardly the kind of inclusive feeling the game seemed to mean to foster.
I’ve heard the suggestion to have Teq hang around if he not killed and I think it’s a good one. If ArenaNet must incorporate the annoying timer, it should only activate if he has been defeated. The time limit on the event was probably the worst thing that they could have done for an open world event that will naturally have more zerg to it than organized players.
Some players may be doing Teq on a regular basis, I think there are a good number who simply view it as content to be ignored (and this includes some of those who have already killed him).
An encouraging note is that ArenaNet has shown they learn from what they’ve done in their past. I am hopeful they are looking at the metrics of Teq and letting that shape their future direction.
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
I see it this way:
First Tequatl was undead and we had to kill him.
Now Tequatl is simply dead and noone cares anymore.
We won!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Tequatl can be both an exhilarating and frustrating experience. That said, when he reaches half his health or some other reasonable milestone he should just fly away as any reasonable, sane, intelligent dragon would do.
Tequatl can be both an exhilarating and frustrating experience. That said, when he reaches half his health or some other reasonable milestone he should just fly away as any reasonable, sane, intelligent dragon would do.
Well then it’s a good thing it’s just a mindless minion of Zhaitan.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Tequatl can be both an exhilarating and frustrating experience. That said, when he reaches half his health or some other reasonable milestone he should just fly away as any reasonable, sane, intelligent dragon would do.
Well then it’s a good thing it’s just a mindless minion of Zhaitan.
From the Wiki: “The difference between a champion and other minions of a dragon is that champions are imbued with much greater amount of the Elder Dragons’ will, possessing an intellect of their own, to realize the will of the dragons and act according to them.”
I liked Tequatl much more when it was easy. I don’t think open world content should be super hard and require a huge effort of concentration, save that for dungeons (where are the Underworlds, Fissures and Urgoz/Deeps of GW2, btw?).
This encounter has fallen off to about 5% completion in the past 5 days across all servers.
Lists all of the Taco kills across all servers. And completion is well below 5%.
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
Lists all of the Taco kills across all servers. And completion is well below 5%.
Does this include overflow kills? Because that’s where I imagine most of Teq kills happen these days.
Lists all of the Taco kills across all servers. And completion is well below 5%.
Does this include overflow kills? Because that’s where I imagine most of Teq kills happen these days.
That’s a good question. Unfortunately idk the answer to that. One thing to note though is there will only be overflows on servers that have not given up… not many.
That’s a good question. Unfortunately idk the answer to that. One thing to note though is there will only be overflows on servers that have not given up… not many.
The majority of overflow kills will be by TTS. They average around 5-6 overflows each during their 3 main raid times, with a bunch of other random smattering of times, in which there’s usually 1-2 overflows.
I believe it counts overflows, but not 100% sure. According to that API, 50 out of 51 Servers have killed him at least once. And there have been 1449 kills since he was upgraded.
But over the last week he has only been killed an average of 20 times a day (sometimes more, sometimes less) and he has spawned at least 612 times a day(51 servers at 12 spawns a day, not counting overflows) which is a 3.3% competion rate.
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
(edited by RagingDragon.9475)
I believe it counts overflows, but not 100% sure. According to that API, 50 out of 51 Servers have killed him at least once. And there have been 1449 kills since he was upgraded.
But over the last week he has only been killed an average of 20 times a day (sometimes more, sometimes less) and he has spawned at least 612 times a day(51 servers at 12 spawns a day, not counting overflows) which is a 3.3% competion rate.
That sounds about right. Assuming TTS averages around 5 overflows 3 times a day, and add in the random servers/off-time Teq kills, 20 sounds like it definitely counts the TTS overflow kills. (Unless there’s servers that do Teq multiple times daily, which I’m not aware of.)
EDIT: As an addendum, completion rate is a really misleading and not-so-useful stat. The rate is really low because Teq comes and fails, even without player intervention. Content such as dungeons have an incredibly high (probably?) completion rate, just because it only occurs when players trigger it. Heck, certain escort quests in Brisbane probably has 100% completion, but that’s only because those events goes undone for loooong time and just sits there, waiting to be completed. It’s not a really good metric to gauge the “popularity” of the content.
The better metric would be to calculate the percentage of the active population who are able to complete Teq. Say 20 Teqs are completed. Assume all different players, and around 200 (Random guess) per overflow/server. That’s about 4000 players Considering there’s like 8 TTSs now, with 500 per guild, that sounds just about right actually. Of course, we have no idea what PERCENTAGE that is, since we don’t know the total active population. But I think about 4000 players a day completing Teq is a pretty good estimate.
(edited by Ursan.7846)
Unfortunately as they keep churning out content, people will be headed to the new content and will ignore the old un-rewarding content. And we currently have WvW seasons and Halloween going at the same time. But ultimately they need to either tone down Teq (maybe just increase the timer or increase his stunned state duration), or increase the rewards yet again, for people to go back to him. Or just turn him into a Raided Instance, or a Guild Mission of some sort. Either that or they will have to make him a Living Story event again so the achievement hunters go back.
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
I believe it counts overflows, but not 100% sure. According to that API, 50 out of 51 Servers have killed him at least once. And there have been 1449 kills since he was upgraded.
But over the last week he has only been killed an average of 20 times a day (sometimes more, sometimes less) and he has spawned at least 612 times a day(51 servers at 12 spawns a day, not counting overflows) which is a 3.3% competion rate.
That sounds about right. Assuming TTS averages around 5 overflows 3 times a day, and add in the random servers/off-time Teq kills, 20 sounds like it definitely counts the TTS overflow kills. (Unless there’s servers that do Teq multiple times daily, which I’m not aware of.)
EDIT: As an addendum, completion rate is a really misleading and not-so-useful stat. The rate is really low because Teq comes and fails, even without player intervention. Content such as dungeons have an incredibly high (probably?) completion rate, just because it only occurs when players trigger it. Heck, certain escort quests in Brisbane probably has 100% completion, but that’s only because those events goes undone for loooong time and just sits there, waiting to be completed. It’s not a really good metric to gauge the “popularity” of the content.
The better metric would be to calculate the percentage of the active population who are able to complete Teq. Say 20 Teqs are completed. Assume all different players, and around 200 (Random guess) per overflow/server. That’s about 4000 players Considering there’s like 8 TTSs now, with 500 per guild, that sounds just about right actually. Of course, we have no idea what PERCENTAGE that is, since we don’t know the total active population. But I think about 4000 players a day completing Teq is a pretty good estimate.
Considering that the old teq was pretty much completed 100% of the time and concurrent players avg around 450k (leaving teg guilds at less than 1% of concurrent)…the numbers for the new teq aren’t good.
EDIT: As an addendum, completion rate is a really misleading and not-so-useful stat. The rate is really low because Teq comes and fails, even without player intervention. Content such as dungeons have an incredibly high (probably?) completion rate, just because it only occurs when players trigger it. Heck, certain escort quests in Brisbane probably has 100% completion, but that’s only because those events goes undone for loooong time and just sits there, waiting to be completed. It’s not a really good metric to gauge the “popularity” of the content.
The better metric would be to calculate the percentage of the active population who are able to complete Teq. Say 20 Teqs are completed. Assume all different players, and around 200 (Random guess) per overflow/server. That’s about 4000 players Considering there’s like 8 TTSs now, with 500 per guild, that sounds just about right actually. Of course, we have no idea what PERCENTAGE that is, since we don’t know the total active population. But I think about 4000 players a day completing Teq is a pretty good estimate.
I would agree that using player count would probably give us a more precise statistic. I actually do the raids with TTS occasionally and even though they have 8 guilds now, they usually only fill 4 – 5 overflows per attempt (not counting weekends), and don’t forget there are only 200 people per Overflow. I do agree that 4000 players is a pretty good estimate though (20 kills a day at around 200 players each). If there are 100,000 players daily that is 4% of the population, but if there are let’s say 400,000 (which is a more likely number) that is only 1% of the population.
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
(edited by RagingDragon.9475)
Thanks to everyone posting the stats, I know most numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt but it sounds like these can at least give us an idea of the usage the upgraded Teq content is seeing.
A stat I would be interested to see is how many of the playerbase have killed Teq multiple times (which would include those farming him) and how many still have not killed him once (and are no longer trying), but I doubt it’s possible to get that number outside of ArenaNet.
Considering that the old teq was pretty much completed 100% of the time and concurrent players avg around 450k (leaving teg guilds at less than 1% of concurrent)…the numbers for the new teq aren’t good.
That’s the wrong comparison. IIRC, old Teq had a 3-hour spawn timer/30 min window. assume 3 hours. 8 Teqs a day, 24 servers…is 192 Teqs.
Now, we need a guesstimate of how many people did old Teq each attempt. I’d peg the average kitten or 100(totally random guess, but 200 is impossible because only a handful of servers, at handful of primetime hours hit overflow), just an average between low-pop and over-pop servers.
That’s 9600 – 19200 players doing Teq daily, gone down to 4000. So around a 50-75% decrease, depending on the estimates.
EDIT: Addendum, but all these numbers are really misleading. 5% seems really low, but we must take into account that not everyone’s trying to do it. For example, we can use the same calculations for Jormag (3 hour respawn, 1:30 window). Assume 4 hours. That’s 6 Jormags a day, is a total of 144 Jormags. Assume 100 people per attempt. That’s 14400 people doing Jormag, a day. If we’re talking about 400,000 concurrent players, that’s 3.6% of the population. And yet I doubt anyone will talk about Jormag as a “failed” event.
So take all my maths with a healthy dose of scepticism and perspective.
EDIT 2: Upon further analysis, another reason why “completion percentage” is really misleading is the fact that Teq’s rather frequent (1 hour, as opposed to 3 hours) spawns really skews things.
(edited by Ursan.7846)
I would suggest that when an open world event’s mostly done by one guild, using the overflow system to create private instances for themselves, then that event is a complete failure. Turning an event that most people can do to an event that only 6k people can do isn’t good game design.
I would suggest that when an open world event’s mostly done by one guild, using the overflow system to create private instances for themselves, then that event is a complete failure. Turning an event that most people can do to an event that only 6k people can do isn’t good game design.
Yep. It’s not really a question of whether or not the new Teq is beatable as we all know it definitely is. The question is really whether taking away an event that was maybe lackluster but open to all players and putting it back as something only one guild does with any regularity is a good design decision. (and even when said one guild does it, it requires essentially glitching the way the game’s server system works to be successful)
According to that API, 50 out of 51 Servers have killed him at least once.
This is correct. Devona’s Rest has never killed Teq since the update, and most likely never will be able to.
And because of this, Tea Kettle may as well not even exist for this server.
So I ask, what good did the update do again? Because all I see is removed content, personally.
That’s the wrong comparison. IIRC, old Teq had a 3-hour spawn timer/30 min window. assume 3 hours. 8 Teqs a day, 24 servers…is 192 Teqs.
Now, we need a guesstimate of how many people did old Teq each attempt. I’d peg the average kitten or 100(totally random guess, but 200 is impossible because only a handful of servers, at handful of primetime hours hit overflow), just an average between low-pop and over-pop servers.
That’s 9600 – 19200 players doing Teq daily, gone down to 4000. So around a 50-75% decrease, depending on the estimates. .
There are 51 servers 24 for NA and 27 for EU.
All numbers aside, it’s rather obvious that the new event has not been a success.
That’s the wrong comparison. IIRC, old Teq had a 3-hour spawn timer/30 min window. assume 3 hours. 8 Teqs a day, 24 servers…is 192 Teqs.
Now, we need a guesstimate of how many people did old Teq each attempt. I’d peg the average kitten or 100(totally random guess, but 200 is impossible because only a handful of servers, at handful of primetime hours hit overflow), just an average between low-pop and over-pop servers.
That’s 9600 – 19200 players doing Teq daily, gone down to 4000. So around a 50-75% decrease, depending on the estimates. .
There are 51 servers 24 for NA and 27 for EU.
All numbers aside, it’s rather obvious that the new event has not been a success.
It’s the “open world” part of it that fails, they attempted to make an open world raid….raiders are instanced, they do it on their schedule not the games, etc. The development decisions made most of the time here is that gamers should bend to the game even when those decisions are obviously going to see the wide berth by the player base.