Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperios.2543


For the convenience of the developers, I think we should make a series of polls regarding the Feature Pack changes.

This way, ANet can understand what we want more clearly.

I have already made a few polls but more are welcome and will be added here.

1) Should the Personal Story’s post-September mission order remain as it is?
2) How often should personal story missions be given (per level)?
3) Should weapon skills be unlocked earlier?

Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


I played through the full personal story after the recent patch. There are several NPC’s that pop up that are apparently a part of the story that I should know about, but didn’t. I thought I was just being stupid, but I guess the PS is kitten ing, at least for humans.

I think every 5 levels is more reasonable than every 10, if they absolutely must gate them

I feel that weapon skills should be available fully by level 5, and the underwater/downed 2/3 skill gating should be removed. When you are downed, 90% of the time 2/3 are required to rally unless you have help. By locking out 2/3 from the downed state, it’s more likely to cause frustration in players when they are downed and find they can’t do anything about it

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

(edited by rapthorne.7345)

Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thanatos.2691


My own preference:

1) Revert Personal Story to the way it was before the patch. PS has sadly been some of the best content in the game which bad a much bigger impact on my GW2 gaming experience than the shallow Living Story. Although Zhaitan could be buffed at the end, PS was fine the way it was.

2) The missions unlocked every 10 levels seems alright to me, but post by rapthorne above me suggested every 5 levels which does indeed sound more reasonable.

3) Weapon skills should definitely be unlocked earlier as they were before the patch. We the players aren’t all mentally impaired and can figure out which button does what.

Golden shackles are still golden.

Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

You do know that poster run polls, on this forum are against the rules?

This thread will more than likely be blocked.

Septermber Feature Pack Feedback: Polls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


You do know that poster run polls, on this forum are against the rules?

This thread will more than likely be blocked.

Having just read through the Forum Code of Conduct, Website Terms of Use, and Guild Wars 2 Code of Conduct, I see no where that suggests player-run polls are a violation of any rules. Might I ask for a link to this “no polls” policy?

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.