Tyria, Underworld
Set useless living story items as 'junk'
Tyria, Underworld
OR, you could just not hoard. From past history, they haven’t really used past LS items after the time is over and now that the scarlet story arc is going to be over, more than likely all this stuff will never be seen again.
What kinds of things are you holding on to that you think you will need down the line? I don’t hold anything and have never regretted it.
For all the key parts or stuff that is in no way useful anymore, I’d say they should just delete the items from the game, but for “flavor” items like Scarlet’s diary, I’d prefer they update the UI to hold them, like… in the depositables…. way way at the bottom
Well I guess I’d just prefer it if there was a bit more clarity from ArenaNet as to what is safe to delete. For example, whilst I’m mostly sure that it’s safe to delete Mystical Cogs and Toy Soldier Frames (that were used in Wintersday 2012 but not Wintersday 2013), I’m less sure about items like left over Aetherblade Code Fragments (will these drop in the future?), and Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Tickets (will the Queen’s Gauntlet return?).
Tyria, Underworld
Anet should just turn some of the quest items ect. later into Decoration Items for housing
Marjories Diary would make up for a perfect decoration item, you you could put intio a bokkshelf or put onto a desk somewhere ecz.
The Zephirite Model would make up also for a pefect decoration on a desk or somwwhere in the living room.
Other Stuff could be turned into different Decoration items, like those 4 crytals or so of asuran origin, don’t have the names now in my head, but i know, ive just hoarded them, because i liked their skill icons
these could be put for example into the mystic forge and you could receive an asuran style “Crystal Lava Lamp” That would be awesome and that way anet would make in a cool way non useable old items useful for something different in the game to show also off in that way, what you have done all in the past to own these special decoration items.
Set useless living story as ‘junk’
Fixed the titel for you.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Any comments from ArenaNet about this?
Tyria, Underworld
Any comments from ArenaNet about this?
Don’t see any.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?