As someone that’s motivation to play this game is collecting AP but cares nothing about leaderboard AP. This could kill one of my biggest motivators to continue playing.
There will likely be dozens if not hundreds of collections. Only a small percentage will be tied to the gem store. And in theory people do farm keys to get tickets anyway, and will still be able to do so (if not quite as efficiently). It’s another thing to do. Many people got their skins without buying keys.
Still though, to me if they are going to require every black lion weapon set since they made it still going to feel like a cash grab just because of the sheer volume of tickets you would need, the market price of them since they have been released, and RNG related to the gem shop involved in the achievement system now.
With the exception of miniatures that were very obtainable, the AP system has always been game based accomplishments. Now we are seeing a gem store creep into the achievement system which understandably some people have a problem with. I am one of these people.
I’m not actually disagreeing with you. I just don’t care personally. 5 achievement points here and there aren’t going to make any difference at all to the game for me. Not even a little.
I don’t watch where I am on the leaderboards. I’m not competing with anyone. From my point of view, I just want buy the stuff I don’t like. Just like I decided not to collect gem store minis.
I still enjoy the game.
It may be just a hand full of collections worth of gemstore creep into the system now 5 here and 5 there, but that adds up. If people that don’t approve don’t say something now it could turn into collection of outfits, toys, and gathering tools from the gemstore as well. It could be well on down the line where AP is strongly gemstore based depending on how they handle the AP in these collections and anything else they might add.
There are already very few ways to measure and track your player accomplishment progression in this game. This is not something I would like to see get even partially based in what is purchased in the gem store. If AP turns into something that can be reasonably progressed by sliding your credit card, it would lose meaning…. atleast to me.
But by all means, have the collections, have rewards for them. Just leave AP out of it when it comes to things related to the gemstore.
I hate to tell you but it already is that. You can buy legendaries. Spent money on minis, spend money on gems to convert to gold to get all your cultural armors done, buy all the stuff you need to get to max level crafting, you can even buy dungeon runs to get your dungeon master title.
If that’s your complaint, you’re about two years too late.
Theoretically yeah you could. But are any of these things advertised on the gemstore besides the minis? No they are not. That is what makes them different. Thats what makes them a purchase or a gamble instead of an accomplishment, because the primary means of acquisition is the real money shop.
I would argue against the minis too, but those have been there since day 1.
Sounds a bit like you’re splitting hairs. A lot of people bought precusors or even legendaries with at least some real money. People have been spending real money for ages to get what they want in this game.
You can say this is a change, but in reality, it’s a relatively minor one. Anyway I don’t see enough complaints going live to stop it, but by all means. I’ll complain about it if you do. lol
The change is that there are now achievement points locked behind a RNG mechanism that is almost entirely (we will find out tomorrow) locked behind a gemstone item.
That is going backwards from your stand point of people buying gems to achieve in in-game objective such as a legendary For the first time ever in this game the primary avenue for achieving a in-game objective is purchasing gems. Spending money has really has nothing to do with it. Its the fact that an in-game accomplishment pushes you into a gemstore purchase is whats wrong and backwards.
Except for people who farm keys you mean.
What won’t be possible anymore from today on did I hear