Should titles be more noticeable?

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Something a lot of us work hard to get in mmo’s are title’s, they make you feel proud about something you have achieved and let’s you share that achievement with others.

Now, Guild Wars 2 does have titles implemented and for things such as PvP there are a huge amount of title’s that you can earn in game. However, these titles are extremely hard to spot and when asking my guild what they thought of this matter some didn’t even know that titles existed.

The method behind my madness is that if Arena Net spend the time and effort to implement achievements that award a title, i think the titles should be noticeable to other players. Currently, the title’s reside under a players health bar if you have them targeted.

I would personally prefer prefix’s or suffix’s that appeared in the name itself. Such as ‘Dragon Slayer Kaeyi’ or ‘Kaeyi the Risen’. Something of this nature would be much more appealing and encourage players to get those achievements all in all creating a lot more content for players who were otherwise oblivious to the goals they could complete.

Simply adding more noticeable titles would add a wealth of interest into these specific tasks keeping players busy for great amount of time. I know that if i could get a title such as ‘Kaeyi the Dragon Slayer’ by killing every dragon in game, i would certainly go for that achievement.

What do you all think? Does this go against Arena Net’s design ethic or do you think it would improve the game and provide more things to do in Tyria?

Kaeyi <3

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Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


I’ll just say… “there are titles in the game?!”

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soothsayer.9476


I don’t think so. I don’t care what your title is and I’d rather keep information on the screen to a minimal.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erin.7521


I am not sure of implementing them as part of the name simply because that devalues them for me, as you just make a character with the title already there. “Fi the Dragon Slayer” fits in the chracter limit for instance and no work needed!

Perhaps most people do not notice them yet as not as many people have them so people just do not know to look.

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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ele.6318


Answering the OP: Yes, they should be. Let’s make them as in GW1, you see them mouse-pointing at someone

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xyanide.4607


There should at least be an option so that it can be seen under your name without having to actually click on the person, y’know?

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vargs.6234


Seems fine as-is to me. No need to clutter everything with titles.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ikavan.2876


I would like to to be more noticeable, but not so much that it takes up screen space. There is already a lot going on during large battles and having titles everywhere would take up space. I do like the idea of prefix or suffix for people with one name. If they have a full name though it would not work as well. ‘Dragon Slayer Ikavan Arow’ would take up too much screen space again.

Main: Ikavan (Human Theif)
Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Raiders of the Four Lakes [ROFL]

(edited by Ikavan.2876)

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenicord.9803


I know there are titles but I don’t even see anyone’s title so I say yes.. at least have it how it is in guild wars 1 where you mouse over. People should be able to show off their achievements more as that is a big part of guild wars..

“Our Time Is Now”
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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nessie.1348


Although I’d like to show off my titles from GW1, I personally like the way it is right now. Keeps things very uncluttered & doesn’t force people to feel like they need these titles. A nice bonus, as it should be.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I haven’t noticed any titles yet but I would prefer they show up either next to or above the character name as I run past you, without you having to mouse over or click on me at all. Why work so hard for a title if people don’t see it all the time? I’m not going to mouse over someone’s character and I don’t want them to have to do that to see my title. If it’s something I worked hard for, I want to be able to “turn on” the title and show it to the world. People like to show off the things they worked hard for – they can do it with gear, why not let them with titles? You can always turn off character names and not see them.

On that note, I would prefer the ability to see my own character name above my character. Just a toggle in the options menu please. Some of us don’t like the minimalist look.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylvan.4125


I think this is a really important thing for making everyone more proud of their achievements. Atm only your friends and guildies can see your achievement points. Titles are a way to show off the thing you are most proud of or perhaps like the name of.

Currently nobody sees anyone’s titles and you shouldn’t have to target someone just for that reason. It seems like a secondary thing rather than an important feature like I feel it should be.

It could be a feature to turn it on or off like you can player names if people feel it takes up more space than they care to see but I for one would love to see them more obvious.

Glad you brought this up Kaeyi.


Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I personally like the idea of having titles either next to or under the our names. Should be easy enough to include in the options to turn them on or off. So those who don’t like to see them on others, they can just uncheck that option.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


You only see tittles if your clicked on to the person which is a shame. I would of thought they would of displayed under your name.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seraph.8315


Titles? How do I get titles?

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shanna.4762


I want titles! and more noticeable ones, too. I have like…One..and I didn’t even realize it for a long time. I rarely see anyone else with titles either and it’s kind of depressing!

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathByCactus.3954


As long as there is then an option for me to disable your titles thus ruining your effort anyway… sure.

Idc about what you did, I don’t want my screen clogged with your stuff.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


Tittles are under your achievements tab at the top. I been working on getting “combat healer.”

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Licht.5168


Titles? How do I get titles?

When you are looking at your achievements, on the right side of the bar representing an achievements completion, there is usually a roman numeral, the infinity sign, or a crown there. The crown represents the title that you can earn, the infinity symbol represents that you’ve gotten the core part of the achievement and that you are still being rewarded repeatedly by a new one that contains a similar, generally easier goal (an example is the Salvage Kit usage one), and the roman numeral represents the tier you are on for a specific achievement.

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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seraph.8315


Titles? How do I get titles?

When you are looking…

Thanks for the info!

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AstroCat.7628


UI option to show titles on PCs would seem like a good thing to me.

Wardens of Destiny – Tarnished Coast
M: Aedan Nightshade (Sylvari Necromancer)

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


I’m a fan of the clean, uncluttered look. If I want to see whether you’re titled, I’ll target you.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

They don’t need to become part of the name, but they should definitely appear on mouse-over.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Levian.7683


Would be cool to see titles like in GW1 <3

Can You Keep a Secret?

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sophie.9428


As Erin.7521 points out, I’m not sure how they’d implement that seeing as a person can name their character anything they want. Although making a title more obvious would be nicer, I think it might clutter the screen and that’s never a good thing.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


I’d rather keep my screen clear of unneeded text clutter. I like that titles only show up when I click on an individual. Because more information is displayed at that point, it allows me to focus on that individual and his or her title (rather than the title and character name being lost in a sea of text in crowded areas).

I would suggest that there be an option to display titles on other players always, never, or only when targeted, and allow each player to choose their preference. But players who want other players to see their titles (whether they want to or not) rarely like that compromise.

Right now I can’t even see my own title outside of my hero panel. Trust me when I say seeing my own title is way more important to me than seeing yours. I suspect most players probably feel that way.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dizzr.1524


YES! I definitely think they should be noticeable. Otherwise I feel they are totally pointless to include in the game.

If people really want to keep their ui uncluttered, fine, add an option to disable them, but they should be displayed by default.

In guild wars 1, it’s one of the things that kept me motivated to keep playing for a long time. In WoW, same thing. It keeps you coming back to pursue something that can make your player unique. GW2 definitely needs more longer term achievable goals that players can shoot for. It adds to the “end game” answer of what to do when you’re out of content and don’t want to PVP.

I also think it’s an opportunity for ANet to offer in the cash shop. I might spend 200 gems on something interesting, especially if displaying the title adds aesthetics to the character beyond text.

Rift did it pretty awesome where it had separate prefix/suffix to add (E.g. Sir {name} the Senseless).

But as it is, I feel it’s a mostly useless feature because it’s so hidden.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I like the suggestions that its an option people can toggle, that way we have the choice on whether to show titles or not.

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keziah.2653


Agree with the suggestions to show titles on mouse-over, as it was done in GW1.

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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melana.8345


Titles in GW2 are cosmetic … Not being able to really show them kinda misses the point for a cosmetic item.

I miss the way they were displayed under your name in GW1. By all means make the display of titles under character names an option…but please do provide a display. Under the health bar when selected only is actually really disappointing.

Despaired Ranger: Crafted The Dreamer, lost range, lost GS condi damage for synergy.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


I want them to display under names. The final batch of HoM points give nothing but titles, it’s a bit disappointing that you can hardly even see them.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DistantStatic.6098


I don’t think so. I don’t care what your title is and I’d rather keep information on the screen to a minimal.

The information is already there, it’s just not noticeable. Player names and statuses don’t even come up unless you select them or turn them on in the option menu so I don’t see what your bad attitude about this is.

lvl80 Guardian lvl80 Ranger lvl80 Elementalist lvl80 Thief …. Why do I list these anymore?
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Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Venator.5780


They should be hidden by default, with an option to toggle them on when a player is clicked on.

I love the minimalist UI in this game, and titles and other tertiary data should take a far back seat to what’s relavant to display.

On the other hand, when in a capital city or in town clothes, sure – have them on by default.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Since this thread has come down to “yes” or “no”, we’ll be closing it. Thanks again for everyone’s participation!