Similarities between GW2 and GW1
Meh, it’s kind of the thing heroes do. Look at commander Shepard in Mass Effect. That’s what he did too, bring races together to fight a common big bad.
Yes…. i agree.
Even in Dragon Age they always fight the same guys.
But for god sakes they write different storys.
And i actually turned it on again after not playing it for years.
It was super refreshing how much fun a game can be and how well the storys are told.
But this is another topicA dragon didn’t pop up in GW1, no one in lore told the player about a elder dragon. We didn’t fight a dragon.
Guild wars 1 is full of Dragons.
Bone Dragons
Rot Scale
Kuwalavange(or how ever you spell it.)
Glints child
Sea spray dragons.
They are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
There is also that dragon frozen in the lake in the far north, in the Norn area. As well as the dragon bones in the Charr area.
Meh, it’s kind of the thing heroes do. Look at commander Shepard in Mass Effect. That’s what he did too, bring races together to fight a common big bad.
Yes…. i agree.
Even in Dragon Age they always fight the same guys.
But for god sakes they write different storys.
And i actually turned it on again after not playing it for years.
It was super refreshing how much fun a game can be and how well the storys are told.
But this is another topicA dragon didn’t pop up in GW1, no one in lore told the player about a elder dragon. We didn’t fight a dragon.
lol what ????
Have you ever played Eye of the North ??
The dwarf chamber ? The great Destroyer ???Yes it’s not Primordus but it’s still a Dragon
Its not a dragon its a destroyer
Your are telling me this is not a Dragon ??
The Great Destroyer was the champion of Primordus. Just like Teqalt is the champion of Zaithan and Shatterer the champion of Kralkatorik.
Also he had the look of a dragon.!!
Still not a dragon
Then Primordus isn’t a dragon either.
I think you missed the part where Guildwars 2 is the sequel to Guildwars 1.
I think you missed the part where there is no Guild Wars in this Guild Wars sequel.
Meh, it’s kind of the thing heroes do. Look at commander Shepard in Mass Effect. That’s what he did too, bring races together to fight a common big bad.
Yes…. i agree.
Even in Dragon Age they always fight the same guys.
But for god sakes they write different storys.
And i actually turned it on again after not playing it for years.
It was super refreshing how much fun a game can be and how well the storys are told.
But this is another topic
They tried that with the first season of Living Story, where the badguy wasn’t a dragon but a crazed Sylvari. And people went nuts over that, complaining that they wanted to fight a dragon. Now Anet introduced a new dragon, and people are complaining that they have to fight a dragon.
Have you been paying any attention to the game the past year?
They tried that with the first season of Living Story, where the badguy wasn’t a dragon but a crazed Sylvari. And people went nuts over that, complaining that they wanted to fight a dragon. Now Anet introduced a new dragon, and people are complaining that they have to fight a dragon.
Have you been paying any attention to the game the past year?
I don’t think that had too much to do with Scarlet instead a Dragon.
It was more about how poor the story has been presented and how even worse it was executed.
Mass zerking fests without any point and any fun.
For myself i wouldn’t say the story itself was bad. It was actually descent and
Scarlet was an interesting character.
It’s just the gameplay and how the the story was presented itself that was horrible bad.
I wish they “stole” more from GW1…
@ kurrilino
I do agree with you, that the first season LS was decent. And Scarlet wasn’t a bad villain. But Omai is right, many people on the forums weren’t too happy with Scarlet. They wanted Anet to drop her asap. And they did, even when her actions had major repercussions in LS2 – people were still complaining about Scarlet. Even though she’s dead.
I think GW2, whilst remaining / having links as part of the GW1 lore. It’s trying to be it’s own game. This being – creating its own lore. Look at how much attention the sylvari are getting. And all I’ve read is how “the sylvari are Mary-sue type characters” on the forums. GW2 looks almost (or was) scared of creating it’s own lore, due to it being in GW1 shadow. As you can tell the stark difference between LS1 & LS2.
They tried that with the first season of Living Story, where the badguy wasn’t a dragon but a crazed Sylvari. And people went nuts over that, complaining that they wanted to fight a dragon. Now Anet introduced a new dragon, and people are complaining that they have to fight a dragon.
Have you been paying any attention to the game the past year?
I didn’t play the first season and really didn’t pay any attention to it other than watching the trailers on youtube when they were released.
People hated Scarlet is because she was a bad villain. A super genius evil salad teen clown girl that posses an army and all the riches of the world comes out of no where with no real plans or motivation and you must eliminate her because.
Guild Wars lore already have good villains and some of them could even easily be brought back. There’s really no reason to create new one that arrives out of no where and are suddenly a big threat only because an npc that also came out of no where said so.. When people say Anet should have used dragons instead of scarlet, they meant the one that are already there and waiting for the devs to do something with them.
An example you ask ?
GW1 Eye of the North:
-Dragon pops up, having minions destroying the country.
-Group of people who could fight them have no interest being involved
-You bond group to fight the Dragon
-Defeat itrings a bell ?
You do realize you’ve just described nearly every epic hero story ever written? Beowulf, Odysseus, Jason and the Argonauts, King Arthur, etc.
- Bad thing happens
- People are disorganized/disheartened and flee
- Group bands together to fight the bad thing
- Wins
About the only difference with the GW epics is that there’s no main hero (presumably the player is supposed to fill that role).
Those things you mentioned have better main characters. :/ I don’t think my Queen Of The Moors is as epic as Beowulf, Odysseus, Jason or King Arthur.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Rotscale is a bone dragon, Kuunavang and Shiny are Saltspray dragons, and Glint was a dragon (who only had eggs).
Therefore, we have one species of extinct dragon, and two species of living dragon (including Glint, assuming there are more because she had eggs). The whole “elder dragons” and “Glint was a champion” thing shouldn’t be factored in here because that was just a way to explain away the contradictions when they made the game.
In conclusion, there are/were three different types of known dragons in GW1 (minus GW2-lite AKA GW;EN). None of them made any appearance in GW2.
I personally wish they WOULD steal from GW1; steal some imagination maybe. We could do with less “it’s this because dragons” and “we must kill dragons because dragons are bad”.
Meh, it’s kind of the thing heroes do. Look at commander Shepard in Mass Effect. That’s what he did too, bring races together to fight a common big bad.
Yes…. i agree.
Even in Dragon Age they always fight the same guys.
But for god sakes they write different storys.
And i actually turned it on again after not playing it for years.
It was super refreshing how much fun a game can be and how well the storys are told.
But this is another topicA dragon didn’t pop up in GW1, no one in lore told the player about a elder dragon. We didn’t fight a dragon.
Guild wars 1 is full of Dragons.
Bone Dragons
Rot Scale
Kuwalavange(or how ever you spell it.)
Glints child
Sea spray dragons.
They are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Elder dragon
How does one …. steal from their own franchise?
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
How does one …. steal from their own franchise?
Also,Guild Wars is called Guild Wars because of the lore,not because of GvG.
Just imagine if they started a brand new lore in GW2 and it had nothing to do with GW1.
How does one …. steal from their own franchise?
Also,Guild Wars is called Guild Wars because of the lore,not because of GvG.@
Just imagine if they started a brand new lore in GW2 and it had nothing to do with GW1.“OMG WHY ARENT WE KILLING DAT DRAGON FROM EOTN ENDING CUTSCENE???? ARENANET IS LITERALLY HITLER "
10/10 post
would read again
Meh, it’s kind of the thing heroes do. Look at commander Shepard in Mass Effect. That’s what he did too, bring races together to fight a common big bad.
Yes…. i agree.
Even in Dragon Age they always fight the same guys.
But for god sakes they write different storys.
And i actually turned it on again after not playing it for years.
It was super refreshing how much fun a game can be and how well the storys are told.
But this is another topicA dragon didn’t pop up in GW1, no one in lore told the player about a elder dragon. We didn’t fight a dragon.
Guild wars 1 is full of Dragons.
Bone Dragons
Rot Scale
Kuwalavange(or how ever you spell it.)
Glints child
Sea spray dragons.
They are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.Elder dragon
We fight dragon minions in prophecies. The undead from Orr. After a powerful magical artifact. We know from GW2 PS that Zhitan sends out minions to gather items so it can feed. The same way that the destroyers started to clear the way for when they’re master would rise. So Elder dragons are there, and we do right them. Just not directly.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
How does one …. steal from their own franchise?
Also,Guild Wars is called Guild Wars because of the lore,not because of GvG.@
Just imagine if they started a brand new lore in GW2 and it had nothing to do with GW1.“OMG WHY ARENT WE KILLING DAT DRAGON FROM EOTN ENDING CUTSCENE???? ARENANET IS LITERALLY HITLER "
10/10 post
would read again
Aaaaand godwins law.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.
Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
I do sometimes miss the story of gw1 triology. I seem to recall not all but most of the different stories happening in vastly different maps from three different campaigns. I do actually miss the excitement and emotions invested when I felt like I was bonding with those characters (prince Rurik, Gwen, Master Togo, Shiro, Komir) and the characters are relevant and memorable. Personal story in gw2 is just boring.
If they had actually taken a leaf (well, most leaves) out of GW’s book and worked on improving the bad parts while keeping the good ones, you’d have less defunct and all-over-the-place of a game you have now. But that’s a no-go cuz…reasonz.
I think you missed the part where Guildwars 2 is the sequel to Guildwars 1.
I think you missed the part where there is no Guild Wars in this Guild Wars sequel.
I think you missed the part where the Guild Wars was something that happened during the century of which the first campaign, Guild Wars: Prophecies, plays out. You start playing 10 years after the Guild Wars has ended. So.. since it’s lore-based, that is still a part of the history, and as such, is present in Guild Wars 2.
Seafarer’s Rest
I think you missed the part where there is no Guild Wars in this Guild Wars sequel.
I think you missed the part where there were no Guild Wars in the first Guild Wars game either.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I think you missed the part where there is no Guild Wars in this Guild Wars sequel.
I think you missed the part where there were no Guild Wars in the first Guild Wars game either.
Except for GvG and AB, but those were less “wars” and more “skirmishes for fun and profit”.
If anyone here thinks the GD is a dragon… are really dumb
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
Actually, the sole reason why it all stopped on EoTN and GW2 came out is because it turned out that there were so many changes that ANet wanted to introduce ( including new graphic design ) that they just decided to go on with a sequel.
I don’t have any problem with fighting Dragons. Not at all.
But why the heck is every story same ????
There is so much to do here in Kryta.
The Dragons waking up one right after the last one was killes is
incredible unbelievable.
Dragons fighting yes…….. but please connect it with a journey and a unique story.
We should look forward to face Dragons not getting used to it.
I don’t know….. i guess i just lose it. Since i learned GW2 is a complete different team
i just lost interest because the quality standards for GW franchise are so high
that the new staff has no chance to come even close
If anyone here thinks the GD is a dragon… are really dumb
It is a “Great Destroyer” that looks and behave as a Dragon…… happy ????
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuff
And all these storys are written by A-Net
So why do we suddenly have a story problem here in GW2 ???
Unless the OP has a valid argument gameplay wise then i suggest he/she uninstall the game and stay off the forums. Story wise this is a sequel and id be really disappointed if it was completely different from GW1.
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuff
Shiro Tagachi is pretty mean and evil.
We need help. What about them Kurzicks and Luxons? They’re pretty powerful.
But they hate each other :o
Oh, let’s help them and get them to work together.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go kill Shiro.
Oh noes! Varesh beat the Sunspears and is awaking Abaddon!
We need help. What about them Vabbians? They might be useful.
But they’re lazy and complacent.
Let’s show them the error of their ways and get them to help us.
Oh look! That enemy general and those centaurs. They want to help us too? Sweet.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go re-imprison Abaddon.
Yeah… none of that ever happened…
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuffAnd all these storys are written by A-Net
So why do we suddenly have a story problem here in GW2 ???
There were no cliches in Guild Wars 1? Really? We must have been playing very different games.
How about the bad guys (White Mantle) all talking with stupid foreign accents? You didn’t know they were bad guys when you met them? You didn’t know that the Vizier was a bad guy when you met him and that giving him the staff was a mistake?
Guild Wars 1 is filled with cliches.
you are highlighting the similarities and willfully ignore the differences, either because you really don´t understand or for your “lols”.
doing that, I can reduce all of Shakespeare´s plays to 2-3 basic plots. And most stories ever written in human history. Yes, they are all the same “lololol”. Yawn.
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuffShiro Tagachi is pretty mean and evil.
We need help. What about them Kurzicks and Luxons? They’re pretty powerful.
But they hate each other :o
Oh, let’s help them and get them to work together.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go kill Shiro.Oh noes! Varesh beat the Sunspears and is awaking Abaddon!
We need help. What about them Vabbians? They might be useful.
But they’re lazy and complacent.
Let’s show them the error of their ways and get them to help us.
Oh look! That enemy general and those centaurs. They want to help us too? Sweet.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go re-imprison Abaddon.Yeah… none of that ever happened…
Well all of that is by miles better than:
-Text Box Queen Jennah:
What about my people ???
Text Box you:
But Dragons are bad
Text Box Jennah:
Thats true, lets fight them
-Text Box Norn Guy
“We have to much to do with Svanir’s guys
Text Box You:
“But Dragons are bad”
Text Box Norn Guy:
Right, let’s fight them
ect.etc. ….
wow…………….. epic gaming experience
Do you really compare that to Rurik, Shiro and Abadon ????
And i guess we ignore that Luxon and Kurzick was a story about their sacred items…
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuffShiro Tagachi is pretty mean and evil.
We need help. What about them Kurzicks and Luxons? They’re pretty powerful.
But they hate each other :o
Oh, let’s help them and get them to work together.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go kill Shiro.Oh noes! Varesh beat the Sunspears and is awaking Abaddon!
We need help. What about them Vabbians? They might be useful.
But they’re lazy and complacent.
Let’s show them the error of their ways and get them to help us.
Oh look! That enemy general and those centaurs. They want to help us too? Sweet.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go re-imprison Abaddon.Yeah… none of that ever happened…
Well all of that is by miles better than:
-Text Box Queen Jennah:
What about my people ???
Text Box you:
But Dragons are bad
Text Box Jennah:
Thats true, lets fight them-Text Box Norn Guy
“We have to much to do with Svanir’s guys
Text Box You:
“But Dragons are bad”
Text Box Norn Guy:
Right, let’s fight them
ect.etc. ….wow…………….. epic gaming experience
Do you really compare that to Rurik, Shiro and Abadon ????
And i guess we ignore that Luxon and Kurzick was a story about their sacred items…
congratulations, you found the worst part in LS2 but it was so bad i have to grin a bit
(and the rest of the story is way better)
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuffShiro Tagachi is pretty mean and evil.
We need help. What about them Kurzicks and Luxons? They’re pretty powerful.
But they hate each other :o
Oh, let’s help them and get them to work together.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go kill Shiro.Oh noes! Varesh beat the Sunspears and is awaking Abaddon!
We need help. What about them Vabbians? They might be useful.
But they’re lazy and complacent.
Let’s show them the error of their ways and get them to help us.
Oh look! That enemy general and those centaurs. They want to help us too? Sweet.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go re-imprison Abaddon.Yeah… none of that ever happened…
Well all of that is by miles better than:
-Text Box Queen Jennah:
What about my people ???
Text Box you:
But Dragons are bad
Text Box Jennah:
Thats true, lets fight them-Text Box Norn Guy
“We have to much to do with Svanir’s guys
Text Box You:
“But Dragons are bad”
Text Box Norn Guy:
Right, let’s fight them
ect.etc. ….wow…………….. epic gaming experience
Do you really compare that to Rurik, Shiro and Abadon ????
And i guess we ignore that Luxon and Kurzick was a story about their sacred items…congratulations, you found the worst part in LS2
but it was so bad i have to grin a bit
(and the rest of the story is way better)
I had to grin to. Especially with Jennah.
What did she think is she invited to summit for ????
But there is more to it. An episode ends with a Charr jumping into a portal following his super sword and the next episode never ever touches it again ?
Instead you are going to a party and listen to rumors about Jennah……. epic
I hope you realize that Eye of the North was supposed to be the prequel to GW2. Primordus was introduced to show what you would be doing in GW2 = hunting the Elder Dragons. That was not stealing, it was paving the way as an introduction to GW2. Get your facts straight.
I guess you missed the point of repeating the same story over and over again.
They can have 2567 Dragons in GW2 announced by GW1.
I really don’t care.
The sad thing is the story repeating.Obviously not a fan of fantasy or science fiction or you’d know this. There are only so many plots. That’s it.
So we knew there were six elder dragons. We knew they were awakening. Logic would then dictate that we have to kill six elder dragons.
It’s not much different from most fantasy and science fiction. The difference is we also had some some plots here that are interesting, including the much maligned Scarlet. The Zephyrites and their connection to Glint. There’s been a lot of side stuff that’s pretty interesting, down to the ley lines.
Way to trivialize a plot and try to say that it’s copied from Guild Wars 1. In fact, the only dragons I remember facing in Guild Wars 1 were Glint, who was an allie, and the Kunnevang who was an ally.
Almost every plot can be boiled down to one of seven things (some people claim 14). There are more than 14 games, hence plots have to get reused.
Well GW1 had tons of Dragons around and still had descent plots without them.
-Rurik was entertaining because it led to an epic journey.
-Shiro wasn’t really the bad guys he was just influenced by the crystal ball lady. Also connected to a journey.
-Abadon was my least favorite but mostly because i didn’t like the nightmare lands.
The story itself was enjoyable.
In all these story i couldn’t find a single “let’s get a group”, “they don’t want to”,
“we make them”, “group defeats” cliche stuffShiro Tagachi is pretty mean and evil.
We need help. What about them Kurzicks and Luxons? They’re pretty powerful.
But they hate each other :o
Oh, let’s help them and get them to work together.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go kill Shiro.Oh noes! Varesh beat the Sunspears and is awaking Abaddon!
We need help. What about them Vabbians? They might be useful.
But they’re lazy and complacent.
Let’s show them the error of their ways and get them to help us.
Oh look! That enemy general and those centaurs. They want to help us too? Sweet.
Now we’re all friendly, let’s go re-imprison Abaddon.Yeah… none of that ever happened…
Well all of that is by miles better than:
-Text Box Queen Jennah:
What about my people ???
Text Box you:
But Dragons are bad
Text Box Jennah:
Thats true, lets fight them-Text Box Norn Guy
“We have to much to do with Svanir’s guys
Text Box You:
“But Dragons are bad”
Text Box Norn Guy:
Right, let’s fight them
ect.etc. ….wow…………….. epic gaming experience
Do you really compare that to Rurik, Shiro and Abadon ????
And i guess we ignore that Luxon and Kurzick was a story about their sacred items…
Yep, I can compare them. Easily.
See Guild Wars 2 has a much better thing going on, because it grows suddenly and involves people.
The Nightmare Tower didn’t just appear. First we tried swimming in the lake in Kessex Hills and there was a force field there. We couldn’t figure out what was going on. Then trees started disappearing. Then Kasmeer broke the illusion and revealed the Nightmare Tower, after days, perhaps weeks of speculation. No matter what you say, nothing in the Guild Wars 1 story involved me as much as that, or the way they waypoints were getting attacked by vines.
I think you’re picking out the most general plotline and saying that the most general plotline is cliche. But it’s just an overview. The leylines, and Scarlet you’re not talking about. The way that Zhaitan turned the rules of Orr into his eyes you’re not talking about. You’re only talking about the stuff you want to talk about to prove your point.
It’s all opinion anyway.
Well all of that is by miles better than:
-Text Box Queen Jennah:
What about my people ???
Text Box you:
But Dragons are bad
Text Box Jennah:
Thats true, lets fight them-Text Box Norn Guy
“We have to much to do with Svanir’s guys
Text Box You:
“But Dragons are bad”
Text Box Norn Guy:
Right, let’s fight them
ect.etc. ….wow…………….. epic gaming experience
Do you really compare that to Rurik, Shiro and Abadon ????
And i guess we ignore that Luxon and Kurzick was a story about their sacred items…
So now your problem isn’t with the plotline, it’s with the lack of voice actors and cutscenes? Do try to be consistent.
But there is more to it. An episode ends with a Charr jumping into a portal following his super sword and the next episode never ever touches it again ?
Instead you are going to a party and listen to rumors about Jennah……. epic
It’s called a cliff hanger. And besides the portal closed before any of the characters can do a thing. The PC even asked, if they should do something. Was told not to bother and that Rytlock will be fine. Many TV shows do this.
It’s called a cliff hanger. And besides the portal closed before any of the characters can do a thing. The PC even asked, if they should do something. Was told not to bother and that Rytlock will be fine. Many TV shows do this.
Of course. Fringe and Lost come to mind. Very quickly.
-Dragon pops up, having minions destroying the country.
-Group of people who could fight them have no interest being involved
-You bond group to fight the Dragon
We still don’t know why Scarlet awakened Mordremoth. He might be a benevolent elder dragon and Scarlet was a good guy in an insane sort of way :/ . Would be cool to see 2 elder dragons fight!
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
-Dragon pops up, having minions destroying the country.
-Group of people who could fight them have no interest being involved
-You bond group to fight the DragonWe still don’t know why Scarlet awakened Mordremoth. He might be a benevolent elder dragon and Scarlet was a good guy in an insane sort of way :/ . Would be cool to see 2 elder dragons fight!
You realize he sent one of his champions (or whatever the shadow is specifically) to kill the pale tree right?
-Dragon pops up, having minions destroying the country.
-Group of people who could fight them have no interest being involved
-You bond group to fight the DragonWe still don’t know why Scarlet awakened Mordremoth. He might be a benevolent elder dragon and Scarlet was a good guy in an insane sort of way :/ . Would be cool to see 2 elder dragons fight!
I thought we did know. I thought she awakened him to confront him. Or at least that was the original plan. She wanted him out of her head. I think at the end though, he’d taken over completely.