Simple changes that might be useful

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


This is a list of small changes I think would be useful. Feel free to add your own ideas (even if diametrically opposed to mine).

However, please don’t comment on other peoples’ ideas. Let the developers decide if an idea has merit.

To save space, put all your ideas in one post, and edit it if you come up with other ideas later. Just put the date on the line with your ideas, so the devs can know whether they’ve already evaluated your idea(s).

Disclaimer: If you post an idea in this thread, you agree that you do not need any sort of compensation from ANet should they adopt it.

  1. Allow the crafting window to be resized. (4/21/2015)
  2. Add a capability to mark items as “junk” for purposes of selling to merchants (personally only, obviously). For example, minor sigils of earth are something I never want to hang onto. It would be nice if merchants would take them off my hands when I click the “sell junk” button. (4/21/2015)
  3. When right-clicking a “currently equipped” box for implements, you give us a nice drop-down with all the implements we currently have on our person. It would be nice if you could add a parenthetical number of charges remaining. For instance, if I have two iron mining picks, one with 8 charges and one full at 100, I want to pick the one with 8 (usually), but it’s 50/50 the way it is now. (4/21/2015)
  4. In the “currently equipped” box’s right-click pop-up, sort the implements by tier. If you do this, you could also sort secondarily by number of charges remaining. If you implement both of these, bullet #3 becomes obsolete. (4/21/2015)
  5. In the story journal of the H display, when viewing Living Story episodes that have achievements, add a note of how many I already have attained and how many I have left (2/3, for instance). (4/21/2015)
  6. In a crafting window’s discovery pane, give us a checkbox to not show items which we can’t use at our current rating. This would allow us to avoid a lot of scrolling.(4/21/2015)
  7. In a crafting window’s Search drop-down, if you click between two checkboxes, you end up selecting whatever item is in the list underneath the Search pop-up. It would be good, I think, if these small areas were not clickable or did not click through the pop-up. (4/21/2015)
  8. Make some (or all) crafting components bankable. For instance, piles of salt and pepper, green wood dowels, and/or cheese pizza slices. (4/21/2015)
  9. It’s possible in the game to forget to equip the right implement. For example, I have a copper mining pick equipped, but I need an iron mining pick. In real life, nobody would make that kind of mistake. However, for new people, they need to learn that using an improper implement wastes the resource. How about allowing players to “learn” that this mistake happens? After a certain number of instances where we mangle some orichalcum by using an steel pick, you pop up a message asking if that’s really what we want to do. (4/21/2015)
  10. Once we attain a certain level of competence at crafting and adventuring, there comes a point when we no longer want to craft or discover certain items. Specifically, 8-slot bags, 10-slot, etc. Runes of life also come to mind. How about giving characters who have already crafted those items the ability to turn off their discovery for all other characters on the account? (4/21/2015)
  11. Offer an item in the gem store that allows higher stacking limits in bank panes, similar to the way Storage Expanders work for items in material storage. (4/21/2015)
  12. In the Achievements pane of the Hero window, add a checkbox to no longer show achievements already attained. (4/21/2015)
  13. Add things we can craft using the nodes we purchased or earned in our home instances. For instance, because there are no recipes currently available using watchwork sprockets, they’re effectively useless once we’ve built all the spinal blade items and portals we desire. (4/21/2015)
  14. Add a colored border around slots in material storage indicating we’re getting close to full in that slot. For example, if I have purchased 3 storage expanders, my limits are 1000 items. Show the ones above 900 with a red border so we can see them without squinting. Alternately, change the font color of the number of items in the boxes when this warning limit has been reached. (4/21/2015)
  15. Give us something to do with our dragonite ore, similar to Mawdrey. Or, let us sell them to merchants. Or convert them to empyreal fragments in the Mystic Forge. As a pack rat, I hate just throwing them away. (4/21/2015)

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Alot of crafting QoL improvements which would be nice
Ohh I have a few to add ~

16. Let us get rid of the black jaggy edge trim around hte outskirts of the game screen. (I never noticed this till someone mentioned it, now I can’t stop noticing it xD)

17. More ear type head pieces.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Alot of crafting QoL improvements which would be nice
Ohh I have a few to add ~

16. Let us get rid of the black jaggy edge trim around hte outskirts of the game screen. (I never noticed this till someone mentioned it, now I can’t stop noticing it xD)

17. More ear type head pieces.

Once again, WTB fox ears so my ele can be Holo the Wise Wolf…

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


18. the reintroduction of armor already in game(tribal, studded leather shoulders, and mask) etc…

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Wait….Miku, Purple Miku……Hmmmm Alt accounts? Or a couple? DUN DUN DUN!!

As for QoL stuff.
A “Use All” button for stacks of essences of luck.
Zone currency (i.e. Geodes, Bandit Crests, etc.) added to wallet.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


More likely both Vocaloid fans ^^

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Just for clarification: To enable ArenaNet (as defined below) to make use of forum member contributions and suggestions related to its games, including but not limited to any text, ideas, art, bug reports, suggestions of any kind or other contributions (“Contributions”), all such Contributions are hereby assigned with all right, title, and interest, including without limitation all intellectual property rights, to ArenaNet, Inc. and its affiliates (including without limitation NCsoft Corporation, NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Ltd.), successors and assigns (collectively “ArenaNet”) and shall be deemed the property of ArenaNet. Users agree that no further permission or payment of any kind is necessary to fully exploit Contributions in any medium now known or hereinafter invented throughout the world. ArenaNet hereby grants a limited license back to users to use, distribute, re-publish, and create derivative works from such Contributions solely for non-commercial purposes. Such license to Contributions may be revoked by ArenaNet for any violation of this Code of Conduct.

It’s already in the ToS for using the forums that all users agree to when accepting the terms upon creating an account.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128



Just for clarification: To enable ArenaNet ….

It’s already in the ToS for using the forums that all users agree to when accepting the terms upon creating an account.

Agreed. I deliberately wrote it all-encompassing, so nobody would think they’re entitled to anything except possibly a better game.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tink.9486


I would also like more added to our wallet in terms of currency , so sick of 1000 bandit crests and keys, and Geodes sitting in my bags taking up space, I mean after all they are Currency so put them in my wallet pls!

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riku.4821


Not to many useful suggestions that I can see, since a lot of them are boring QoL changes. But I’ll keep an eye on this forum.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Not to many useful suggestions that I can see, since a lot of them are boring QoL changes. But I’ll keep an eye on this forum.

Forum Specialist should try to stay objective and impartial in any discussions about the game in order to provide high-quality feedback that represents the views of the overall community, rather than expressing the specialist’s personal opinions.

The Burninator

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gern.2978


Removing Hobosacks.

Why is this useful (and important)? Because let’s be honest: this is Skin Wars 2.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Of course, there is this Dev response about Forum Specialists, as well:

‘Based on their level of experience with the forums and the game, they’ll make a judgment on the quality of a topic and share it with the FCT who will do a second review and analyze it before relaying it to the devs’.

Now, perhaps, the Forum Specialists are not to state in what way they judge the quality of a topic, but it seems they are encouraged to make the judgment, nevertheless. I suppose it really all comes down to the FCT.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Not to many useful suggestions that I can see, since a lot of them are boring QoL changes. But I’ll keep an eye on this forum.

That’s why I bolded “small” in the first sentence. The devs already have their work cut out for them with “big” changes. These are intended to be (we hope) quick and easy to implement.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Of course, there is this Dev response about Forum Specialists, as well:

‘Based on their level of experience with the forums and the game, they’ll make a judgment on the quality of a topic and share it with the FCT who will do a second review and analyze it before relaying it to the devs’.

Now, perhaps, the Forum Specialists are not to state in what way they judge the quality of a topic, but it seems they are encouraged to make the judgment, nevertheless. I suppose it really all comes down to the FCT.

My last post on this so as to not totally derail the thread. You are quoting what forum specialists are expected to include in their reports to the FCT. My quote was how forum specialists are expected to engage with the community on the forums. I personally find it a bit disrespectful for a forum specialist to tell people their suggestions are boring and not useful. If the forum specialist feels that way fine, but that is why they can leave it out of their reports to the FCT if they so choose. Imagine if a red post stated something similar. People would be up in arms. Forum specialists by design are in a middle ground where they are representing both Anet and the players after all.

The message the forum specialist sends with such a post is, “Don’t waste time with minor QoL suggestions because I think they are boring and not useful.”

Personally, I find some of the suggestions interesting even if they are just minor QoL changes. Obviously the people making the suggestions didn’t find them useless or boring either.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I tried to add you other folks’ entries to my list, but there’s a limit to how many characters it can have. So, I can’t do that.

Please go back and edit your posts to include bullets or numbers, so they can find actual entries (vs. comments). Maybe boldface them, too.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riku.4821


On the off topic, we specialists are allowed to say our opinion. We aren’t mindless drones, that’s Google. We point to the General conclusion of a thread, not our preference. If I think something is a waste of time and all other 20 posts are all in agreement to add something. That report will be telling the developers to add it to the game.
The reason for my first post, is simply because they have a plan for what is going to be in HoT, and I’ve been specifically told by a producer, " what would you rather have, a lot of QoL changes, or some amazing things in HoT" this was paraphrased of course. Every thing is a push and pull when it comes to doing things. If they spend time to add the check box idea(#6) that is a day or two a programmer isn’t working on HoT.

An idea is simple on paper, and even easier in thought. But when it comes to design or development(programming) it isn’t as simple. Lots of testing and attention is needed. That is wanted else where at the moment.

Lastly as I mentioned. I would keep an eye on this, and would continue to do so if anyone wishes to give more examples of “simple” changes.

If I have offended anyone with my first post, it was not my intention to do so, and my apologizes for doing so.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.

(edited by Riku.4821)

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


19) Create a trade board similar to gems for gold that allows trading bandit crests for geodes and vice versa. But, don’t allow cash transactions (that would remove the account-bound nature of the items, which you presumably have a reason for doing).

NOTE: This probably isn’t as simple as it sounds. But, it’s an idea.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


20) Create a table where I can tell which characters on my account have completed mapping a zone. I’m thinking for dailies: I would really like to know without logging into each character whether I’ve finished today’s daily event zone with that character. So, let me see it at the choose character screen (logged in, but not all the way in).

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


21) While crafting, for recipes I already know all the pieces for, list the components which will be required. This would be similar to the way the wiki shows components for recipes when you click that link.

The game could also show me how many I already have as well, making it easier to know if I have everything I need when crafting that next ascended item.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


For dungeon achievements, it should show which paths have/haven’t been completed for a given dungeon. Right now it just says 2/4 completed and I have no idea which 2 were completed and which ones weren’t.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


22) Have gold that is currently going into the trading post go directly into our wallet. Not items, though; for those we should still have to go pick them up.

You might want to put a daily limit on the amount directly transferred to bank. That would prevent some as-yet-unseen exploits from occurring.

Simple changes that might be useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shimmershine.3156


23) A couple simple things i can think of are material storage spots in the bank for blade shards, foxfire clusters, and some of the other crafting materials which only serve as crafting materials.