Skill Balance Coming
I am a minority because half of WvW OG guilds and players quit game. / game mode because Anet killed hammer train meta. People are posting daily about the condition meta being horrible or the boon duration meta that existed before this. There were problems with hammer trains but it was far more balanced than current metas that are happened in WvW right now. You can’t speak of what sucks and what doesn’t by looking at forums. Forums is only 2% of the game.
Hammer 3 can do 5k to 8k with ease.. hammer 5 is 5k with ease hammer 4 is in built blocks projectiles and its a leech field. Hammer 1 easily hits 3k+ and CoR lol its easy 8k+ easy. Hammer isn’t that slow the only slow skills are hammer 5 and 3 but hey hammer 5 is an cc and the link of warding also the ring of warding are slow and they don’t do damage so your point? and they don’t have 1200 range lol… Guy go home, revenant hammers are broken.
Also you can’t really tell what WvW group comp runs by following a pug blob. Join a guild and each one of them runs at least 3+ revenants. Youtube current GvGs and if you don’t see 3+ revs lmk.
Many wvw players left due to new ridiculous desert borders. Also people been complaining since.. forever about any meta. Some consider cele meta to be best one now and back 2 years ago it was considered the worst one. Go figure. Also if you havent noticed most wvw people are nothing but pug. I havent seen a organized 60+ guild.. like ever. At best they were in 30man, no more. Pug in wvw is the reality and stuff that matters, not organized guilds.
And back to hammer. Have you realized that dh bow 1 actually has higher dps than rev hammer 1? No cus you look only at “big numbers” ignoring cast and aftercast. Let me tell you total cast time of hammer 1 – thats 1.25sec. Given how long it takes it should hit much harder than it does right now, reaper gs suffer from the same issues.
Hammer 3 is literally the worst move in this game, 1.25sec self root, highly telegraphed with mediocre damage. Hammer 5 is in even worse state due to 2 sec cast time, you can literally wall out of radius before it hit. Hammer 4 is probably the only good thing about hammer but still its nothing special – and for whatever reason it has cast time which means i cant use it right away to block smth like killshot, i have to cast it first and enemy have easy time waiting it out.
And now best skill you complain about called CoR – at max range you can strafe it, no need to dodge whatsoever. It also only works on flat ground so move up to a hill or w/e and CoR becomes totally useless. Hammer is a ranged weapon which scales it damage the futher the target is with 0 kiting tools, slow af and rather weak dps (id take ranger lb anyday over this junk).
I fail to see how hammer is broken when it is worst ranged weapon in gw actually. If you have so much issues with hammer revs then simply run over them, they have no answer to that, 0 def, full glass, cant run. They are literally free lootbags. But what do i know right? Nvm that nobody uses this weapon let it be spvp or pve for a very good reason. If it was so broken it would be meta in spvp dont you think? Its comes down to l2p issues.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
First of all who tf runs 60+ organized? well until you are magumma but that’s another story. Seriously tho what makes you think I am out here talking about pug comp? I am talking 15-30 man guilds each one of them nerd revenants because the class is super broken. How exactly hammer is the worst range lol? that kitten does so much damage and auto attack pierces. Also it takes 1 second to cast auto on rev not 1.25 I guess you don’t even know your own class. Also in WvW revenants sit 90% of the time on hammer. Hammer 3 is not useless its an evade and in WvW it’s considered a “leap” you can easily break necro marks and guardian traps with that skill. People so run it in sPvP… I did sPvP on hammer as a rev the only reason people run staff in sPvP because that staff 5 is instant and does kitten ton damage, that staff definitely needs a casting time and oh it’s also an evade so yeah. Then the staff 3 is a block, stack 4 is nice heal with a good condi cleanse also the staff autos alongside staff 2 do a great damage. Most fighting in PvP are on point close combat soul staff suits much better for that with sword/sheld. People don’t use hammer in sPvP not because it’s bad but staff just makes more sense in close quarter gameplay. You don’t have much range fights in sPvP. You can still run hammer and do great dps but it’s just gonna take more skills. Yeah it definitely comes down to l2p issues.
A video of my guild mate playing rev during our WvW rally and trust me he wasn’t full glass. He was running like 28kish armor and them dps. Also surprise 3:27 do watch that CoR hit.
(edited by CrimeMaker.8612)
Unless protection starts giving 100% damage resistance and cleanses return all power damage dealt within the last X seconds, condis are at a disadvantage. If condis get nerfed, power should, too.
Note that condi users need precision to trigger on crit traits/sigs for a big chunk of DPS. Ferocity is just a thing to make power be better than condis DPS-wise, when not counting in cleanses and resistance.
Most organized groups run 80% or more damage reduction to power-based attacks, while conditions are unaffected and ignore armor.
Currently, even in large-scale combat, condition damage off-tanks outright out-damage every power build option in the game unless it’s unorganized.
WvW seems impossible with all the one shots going on. Something is way out of spec, I get straight one shot downed all the time and I’m full ascended in tank gear. It’s not even getting targeted by a bunch of people in big fights, I’ll just be walking alone along a road and a thief will appear and down me in exactly one shot. It’s not fun or interesting to play anymore. This happens 10 times an hour, there’s more permastealthed people just abusing one shot bugs for laughs than playing on my tier. The game feels like a ghost town.
(edited by Asgaeroth.6427)
Thats how i would summarize your post. You are not even aware of such things like after cast so please at this point dont say that “i dont know my class” when you are not even aware of basic mechanic in this game. But well thats the classic wvw player who does nothing but zerging and on it own is completely useless. Also people dont run ranged in spvp? Druid? Dh? Necro? Mesmer? Even warrior to some extend with yolo gunflame? Please tell me more.
“Attack speed is approximately 1.25 seconds per attack.”
Something else?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
I read so many people talking against condition damage builds, but is it viable for pve? because so far everyone tells that it’s better to go the direct damage route.
so if it isn’t that good in pve, why asking for it to be nerfed even more?
Thats how i would summarize your post. You are not even aware of such things like after cast so please at this point dont say that “i dont know my class” when you are not even aware of basic mechanic in this game. But well thats the classic wvw player who does nothing but zerging and on it own is completely useless. Also people dont run ranged in spvp? Druid? Dh? Necro? Mesmer? Even warrior to some extend with yolo gunflame? Please tell me more.
“Attack speed is approximately 1.25 seconds per attack.”
Something else?
I will message you in game tomorrow for some duels
Thats how i would summarize your post. You are not even aware of such things like after cast so please at this point dont say that “i dont know my class” when you are not even aware of basic mechanic in this game. But well thats the classic wvw player who does nothing but zerging and on it own is completely useless. Also people dont run ranged in spvp? Druid? Dh? Necro? Mesmer? Even warrior to some extend with yolo gunflame? Please tell me more.
“Attack speed is approximately 1.25 seconds per attack.”
Something else?
I will message you in game tomorrow for some duels
Out of arguments? Not like i havent left this game and when i played (s1-s2) i was best rev around in eu and havent lost any 1v1 to other rev (including Fraelin). Either way good luck dueling someone who doesnt even log in game and is using forum smurf acc with like 100ap ingame
Your lack of knowledge already tells me that you have nothing to offer anyway, even more so when you when you call rev hammer “broken”. Good day sir. If you want you can duel my friend who still plays in gw tho
But now if you dont mind, stay on the topic please.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Not to even begin about all of the passive Direct-Damage-Reducing Effects in the game (Scrapper Runes, Mussels Gnashblade/Lemongrass Musselpasta etc.) that do nothing against Condition Damage.
There’s plenty of runes/food that reduce condition damage/duration as well, so I don’t know what your point even is.
He was running like 28kish armor and them dps.
Ah, the good old 28k armor build. Not only do you have 250,000+ hp, you also have 99.9% damage reduction.
Most organized groups run 80% or more damage reduction to power-based attacks, while conditions are unaffected and ignore armor.
Currently, even in large-scale combat, condition damage off-tanks outright out-damage every power build option in the game unless it’s unorganized.
If people massively invest into defense against power, while ignoring defense against condis, then of course condis will deal more dmg. And that’s how it should be. I mean, how else are you supposed to counter such ridiclous bunker comps? In the past condis were rendered useless in group combat due to aoe cleanses. Should they have nerfed power dmg to an equal useless level back then? Doesn’t make sense, right? But that’s basically what you are suggesting, just the other way arround. Those aoe cleanse options still exist btw, but aren’t used as much anymore, because obviously people tend to view power dmg to be more dangerous.
Btw PvErs there is another game mode called WvW and balance in WvW should matter more than it matters in PvE.
I’m going to blow some player and developers mind with this idea. I hope you all are sitting down and ready for it. How do you eliminate about half of your workload when it comes to balancing?
Make two separate stats for gear. One stat set is PvE and the other is for PvP
When you enter a PvP area, a hidden flag is activated on your character, and the PvP attributes are turned on.
So when you want to adjust power levels, boon duration, damage modifiers, ect. you make the adjustment to the game area that you want to make the balance for, that way it leaves the other game area unaffected by the change.
Not sure why this concept has not been conceived by developers before, but it would sure go a long way to pleasing the masses on both sides of the PvE/PvP argument when it comes to “balance” changes.
Btw PvErs there is another game mode called WvW and balance in WvW should matter more than it matters in PvE.
I’m going to blow some player and developers mind with this idea. I hope you all are sitting down and ready for it. How do you eliminate about half of your workload when it comes to balancing?
Make two separate stats for gear. One stat set is PvE and the other is for PvP
When you enter a PvP area, a hidden flag is activated on your character, and the PvP attributes are turned on.So when you want to adjust power levels, boon duration, damage modifiers, ect. you make the adjustment to the game area that you want to make the balance for, that way it leaves the other game area unaffected by the change.
Not sure why this concept has not been conceived by developers before, but it would sure go a long way to pleasing the masses on both sides of the PvE/PvP argument when it comes to “balance” changes.
Yeah and also it would be much simpler if the PvP gear only was one piece of gear (possibly a trinket)!!! I am a genius.
The more divergence you add to the game in terms of modes, the more difficult changes to the game become to manage, and the more confusing shifts between game modes become to players. Some skills are already scaled differently in PvP vs PvE, separate stats may “fix” game balance issues, but will introduce a whole new can of worms.
WvW seems impossible with all the one shots going on. Something is way out of spec, I get straight one shot downed all the time and I’m full ascended in tank gear. It’s not even getting targeted by a bunch of people in big fights, I’ll just be walking alone along a road and a thief will appear and down me in exactly one shot. It’s not fun or interesting to play anymore. This happens 10 times an hour, there’s more permastealthed people just abusing one shot bugs for laughs than playing on my tier. The game feels like a ghost town.
Playing on your tier??? What does that even mean? What class are you playing? I can tell you that the stealth thief that is killing you has that one shot, just one, to kill you. If you are running full glass with no way to protect yourself then yes you will eat it. If you are running full tank then you will a) do nothing for damage and b) its probably taking 3 hits to kill you, but it seems like one. See they are stealthing up to you probably with bask ven on a steal which can happen from far away while hitting you with a CnD to stealth on the hit along with mug doing damage on the steal. then while immobile they flip it around and backstab you.
Honestly thats a L2P thing because once you know how to counter it on your main it will take more than one thief doing that to you to overcome your initial hit defenses. And if they miss it they have to run or die.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
so any news on this? it’s supposed to be today, right?
so any news on this? it’s supposed to be today, right?
Yes, today is the 22nd. Its only 830am Pacific right now. Normal patches don’t roll out for at least another half hour, generally speaking. So, look for at after that point.
Sudden death in WvW is exacerbated by players occasionally popping in long after they’ve seen you first. Even if you spin your camera around like a madman, you can be caught off guard by players popping right before they are in range to teleport to you thanks to latency to/on the server.
so any news on this? it’s supposed to be today, right?
Yes, today is the 22nd. Its only 830am Pacific right now. Normal patches don’t roll out for at least another half hour, generally speaking. So, look for at after that point.
thanks for the info
so any news on this? it’s supposed to be today, right?
Yes, today is the 22nd. Its only 830am Pacific right now. Normal patches don’t roll out for at least another half hour, generally speaking. So, look for at after that point.
thanks for the info
(edited by Randulf.7614)
Unless protection starts giving 100% damage resistance and cleanses return all power damage dealt within the last X seconds, condis are at a disadvantage. If condis get nerfed, power should, too.
Note that condi users need precision to trigger on crit traits/sigs for a big chunk of DPS. Ferocity is just a thing to make power be better than condis DPS-wise, when not counting in cleanses and resistance.Most organized groups run 80% or more damage reduction to power-based attacks, while conditions are unaffected and ignore armor.
There, you have it. If condition damage was really more dangerous, all those people would be running anti-condi runes, food and traits and constant cleanses (leaving themselves a bit more open for power damage). They don’t do so. Why?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Condi hate has always been a phony complaint by power builds who want to 3 shot everything they encounter.
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
Hey, just wondering where that official post is to discuss some of these changes might be. I REALLY want to discuss them. Really.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Lol, the patch notes for the balance patch…
no words
All classes except thief (naturally) get powercreeped to hell even more.
Mostly only nearly everywhere Skill Recharge Time Reductions by 5-10 seconds and pure DPS increasements through the whole bank – exept thief – naturally
This patch clearly proves, that skill number changes solve NOTHING, especially when 95% of the patch is nothing else bit “give candies to 8 out of 9 classes-powercreep galore” which is like putting only oil into the fire
However, …lets see what the devs have to say about that.
Funny thing is, they say in the patch notes, they did take looks on “underused” skills, and basically ignore all really totally not used/bad designed useless skills completely.
Things like mostly all the stuff people name in this thread
Where are the devs to talk about the changes? I thought Gaile mentioned them being here after patch.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
good thing they looked into Ghost thief spec and totally made it worse…no wait….
Is this patch a joke???
No seriously is this a joke?
Do your balance devs really not know what a giant mess they created in wvw and just made even worse?
Do they even care?
Nothing about epidemic
Guardian buffs
Thief buffs
Nothing about all the warrior passive sustains.
Nothing about conditions except more of it
I am just baffled why you guys continue to destroy WvW by failing to fix what is so broken and continues to drive players away…
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
(edited by X T D.6458)
I hope, this patch makes more people realize now, that this game has reached by long already the point, where it needs a completely different approach of balancing, than only permanent Skill/Trait Changes…
That Skill/Trait Changes alone are no solution – this patch just shows perfectly that Anet seems to be so out of ideas with their own game, that they just only powercreep mostly all classes morte, in the hope, this will make “most” people just happy.
This Game is in an absolute toxic red alert state when it comes down to its Boons and Conditions especially.
Skill and Trait Changes there won’t solve this. Game Mechanic Changes and updating the Combat System will do – Skill & Trait Changes are made then AFTER to finetune the made changes on the gameplay mechanics, so that the made changes on the mechanics harmonize again with the skills and traits – motor and oil, motor and oil. Give the motor finally renewed oil and the game will run again, like freshly released 2012!!
And this will properly prepare the game for new E-Specs to come, Skill and Trait Changes only now will create only chaos, as long all other Combat System Mechanics get ignored constantly.
Taking a serious look over these outdated mechanics is inevitable sooner or later, but better sooner, than later, before its totally too late for this game, as we endure this mess already for 5 years now, when basically proper reworks would have been needed to be done already back when Anet changed the last time the Trait System – that would have been in the past the perfect moment to change more from the outdated mechanics together with them, but Anet did let this huge chance go by unused!!
OK, well for a bit of positive I will say I like the no points awarded for killed an outnumbered player in WvW.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
For me it was another great patch since it made the pets better to be used, especially Wyverns in which are the pets that made me buy the expansion, now against the classes I face using my ranger core, warrior is not op, dragon hunter too Is not op, no class is op, stop crying, the only class that should have received a real big buff was revenant, the rest was a gift to have gained buff, so stop complaining and learn to play with the class.
Revenant main here. At least they didn’t make the class any weaker.
Powercreep make fights in WvW and PvP less fun and yet they keep buffing more and more stuff. Terrible patch that doesn’t improve anything in the mentioned game modes.
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
The auto attack for phantasm casting seems really bad, unless the attack comes from the phantasm itself, as now I won’t be able to stay cloaked while casting a phantasm.
As a knight / tank class it should never have been given abilities like teleports, traps, and a bow.
That’s what happens when there isn’t a strict traditional guideline for a class like what happens in the trinity system(tank healer dps). You end up with classes being given access to things they shouldn’t traditional have, classes are given things to be frontline and backline. Eventually the elite specs will just dilute the skills to every class.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
What they need to do is separate skill balancing and fix what is actually broken, not continue this buff and nerf circus that goes on every few months.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
I feel like their idea of balancing is let’s make everything more powerful that has to fix something. This is going to make wvw a living nightmare now.
Potion Sella
What they need to do is separate skill balancing and fix what is actually broken, not continue this buff and nerf circus that goes on every few months.
Dude, logic much? Sheesh, chill out there. Next you’ll be wanting to solve world hunger or something.
No, he’s right, you are the one here, who’s disillusioned and doesn’t see anymore things how they actually are.
You are currently just blinded by your own overprotectionism for the game, because you don’t seem to understand, why other people aren’t satisfied with the patch right now.
It must not be your logic. He has his own logic for his reasons and they are completely legit. I absolutely agree with him, that this Game needs finally separate Skill Balancing.
Because all three Game Modes have completely different interests and target groups of Players.
If PvE Skills would get more freedom in their designs, then they could for example become more epic, fun and interesting, without that they will harm in any way the balance for PvP or WvW .
If PvP skills get their own seperate designs, then can anet make as many balance changes there as they want, without that any good and interesting builds get destroyed for PvE, or turns into something overpowered under mass player conditions in WvW unpredictedly.
And for WvW it would allow them also to make more flavorful interesting skill adjustments without that the skills are then for PvP totally overpowered or make PvE too easy somewhere in regard of World Bosses and other mass events there.
What they need to do is separate skill balancing and fix what is actually broken, not continue this buff and nerf circus that goes on every few months.
Dude, logic much? Sheesh, chill out there. Next you’ll be wanting to solve world hunger or something.
No, he’s right, you are the one here, who’s disillusioned and doesn’t see anymore things how they actually are.
You are currently just blinded by your own overprotectionism for the game, because you don’t seem to understand, why other people aren’t satisfied with the patch right now.It must not be your logic. He has his own logic for his reasons and they are completely legit. I absolutely agree with him, that this Game needs finally separate Skill Balancing.
Because all three Game Modes have completely different interests and target groups of Players.
If PvE Skills would get more freedom in their designs, then they could for example become more epic, fun and interesting, without that they will harm in any way the balance for PvP or WvW .
If PvP skills get their own seperate designs, then can anet make as many balance changes there as they want, without that any good and interesting builds get destroyed for PvE, or turns into something overpowered under mass player conditions in WvW unpredictedly.
And for WvW it would allow them also to make more flavorful interesting skill adjustments without that the skills are then for PvP totally overpowered or make PvE too easy somewhere in regard of World Bosses and other mass events there.
Pretty certain the person you quoted was agreeing with you and just being sarcastic
If thats the case, then I’m sorry and say I was blinded then by the tone of his words to not realize that this could have been eventually sarcasm.
Unless protection starts giving 100% damage resistance and cleanses return all power damage dealt within the last X seconds, condis are at a disadvantage. If condis get nerfed, power should, too.
Note that condi users need precision to trigger on crit traits/sigs for a big chunk of DPS. Ferocity is just a thing to make power be better than condis DPS-wise, when not counting in cleanses and resistance.Most organized groups run 80% or more damage reduction to power-based attacks, while conditions are unaffected and ignore armor.
There, you have it. If condition damage was really more dangerous, all those people would be running anti-condi runes, food and traits and constant cleanses (leaving themselves a bit more open for power damage). They don’t do so. Why?
They also run condi negation. Are you unfamiliar with how light and water finishers work in blobs or the purpose of necromancers? The only reason condi hasn’t historically been played in ZvZ is because conditions were cleansed too easily by blobbing. Conditions have been the optimal way to play small-scale or solo in WvW since the game pretty much released, exacerbated by dire gear.
Recall the resistance boonshare meta? Yea, that was the only thing upholding power builds for WvW, and the builds haven’t changed because they bring pretty much maxed-out condition removal, anyways.
And maxed-out condition removal is still not enough.
The problems with condition builds stem from their durability from stat combinations. Remove Dire/TB and things become pretty much instantly fine.
So toxic the ppl here O.o I like this patch. Showed Warrior some more love, im happy (:
Yes Arenanet fix the warrior you have make the game piano style auto hits an auto lock warrior still needs to land his hits an stand still wen use thousand blades also the auto target system does’t working i have enemies near me that can give me a kiss with tongue an wen i try to head butt them the system target an enemy 5000 miles away the world is laughing hard last time as i was play pvp the target system lock the windows cause they were having health bar i still SCREAMING wen i remember it.
I’m sure I don’t need to go deep into explaining, that how you counter any class heavily depends on many factors / circumstances, like your position / area of engagement, the number of opponents, the class you play and the skills / traits it offers you to counter with. You will run into trouble when you don’t have access to unblockable attacks or if you play a ranged class whose projectiles are easy to reflect with all the blocks / invuls / reflects the guard / warrior have, especially guards traps that everyone knows – especially those who chose to play it – that the CC + dmg input coming from those traps exceeds reasonable limits and comparing those traps to thief and ranger traps we guessed the winner correctly.
Of course a derogatory statement can only come from someone who chose to play a guard exactly for its simplistic gameplay that requires near zero thinking, making it a class for – that’s right you guessed it – dummies, who are not up for the really taxing challenge – to play a class that actually requires more brainpower than playing a class that almost entirely doesn’t require any skill to play yet still the odds of winning are always great.
I made a Warrior exactly twice, purely for experimentation and after I saw that getting to higher tier PVP with it required almost no effort I deleted it immediately and I refuse to play such classes, which is why I don’t roll a Guardian / Warrior.
“Of course a derogatory statement can only come from someone who chose to play a guard exactly for its simplistic gameplay that requires near zero thinking, making it a class for – that’s right you guessed it – dummies, who are not up for the really taxing challenge – to play a class that actually requires more brainpower than playing a class that almost entirely doesn’t require any skill to play yet still the odds of winning are always great.”
There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with people wanting to play a simple class, no matter how derogatory you put it. And I assume you are smart enough to know the reasons for it, and that the reason doesn’t revolve purely around PvP or whatever strikes your fancy. That the self-proclaimed high-skilled gamers who play more difficult classes will start to complain at one point is nothing surprising, really.
It’s basically the same BS with BnS’s Summoners where some kittens keep on kittening nonstop.
They also run condi negation.
No. They are using cleansing, but the times of zergs using melandru runes, anti-condi food and vitality instead of toughness is long gone. Anti-condi defense is not a primary concern of those players.
Otherwise you’d see the opposite situation – everyone running anti-condi setups, and people screaming on forums that power damage is OP because it can down in seconds someone that didn’t spec against it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
Just one question. Where are the member of balance team? Am I only one who didn’t found any post from them? (that’s make me think that there are no balance team, at least from what I’ve read in last patch notes…..)
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
Just one question. Where are the member of balance team? Am I only one who didn’t found any post from them? (that’s make me think that there are no balance team, at least from what I’ve read in last patch notes…..)
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
Just one question. Where are the member of balance team? Am I only one who didn’t found any post from them? (that’s make me think that there are no balance team, at least from what I’ve read in last patch notes…..)
Awesome I’ve missed the thread. Thanks and my apologize
We’ll be making a game update on Wednesday, February 22 that will include skill balancing. Members of our skills and balance team will be on the official forums for a while after the build goes live to discuss those changes with you.
To take part, please join the new thread we’ll post after the build goes live. For our players who participate on the French, German, or Spanish forums, we will provide a list of highlights from the conversation by the end of the week.
Just one question. Where are the member of balance team? Am I only one who didn’t found any post from them? (that’s make me think that there are no balance team, at least from what I’ve read in last patch notes…..)
I’ve missed the thread. Thanks and my apologize
No worries, it was only up for a couple of hours before it moved to the sticky, so most ppl prob missed it