So.. about beta's and subscription on HoT
There is no confirmation mail.
The latest newsletter came on March 5th, and was about PAX East, Rezzed and Twitch.
If you got that mail you are on the list.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yes, i haven’t received any e-mail, ever.
Yes, checked spam and trash box, and tried to subscribe into almost a weekly base to check if it is working or not.
If you didn’t sign up until after the blog post about the betas, you wouldn’t have any mails, since no mails have been sent since (except for the invites for those who got them).
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I’ve had the same issue. I signed up for the newsletters, but have received no conformation email or newsletter since. I understand there might not have been any newsletters since the time I subscribed, but at the very least you’d think ANet would send a confirmation email so you at least knew that your efforts to sign up were a success.
As it is right now, players are being left in the dark with no indication as to whether or not they are actually even subscribed for the newsletters.
I’ve had the same issue. I signed up for the newsletters, but have received no conformation email or newsletter since. I understand there might not have been any newsletters since the time I subscribed, but at the very least you’d think ANet would send a confirmation email so you at least knew that your efforts to sign up were a success.
As it is right now, players are being left in the dark with no indication as to whether or not they are actually even subscribed for the newsletters.
Did you check your spam and junk folders? Some emails send it there.
Source: Not getting our emails
ANet may give it to you.
I’ve had the same issue. I signed up for the newsletters, but have received no conformation email or newsletter since. I understand there might not have been any newsletters since the time I subscribed, but at the very least you’d think ANet would send a confirmation email so you at least knew that your efforts to sign up were a success.
You might think so, but in actuality there is no confirmation email.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’ve been signed up since… pre-release?, have occasionally re-signed up and have never gotten an email, though the page says I am signed up. Signing up right now using a Gmail account however, I immediately received a confirmation email:
Dear Subscriber,
Click the link below to automatically confirm your subscription to the Guild Wars 2 Email List:
Confirm Your Subscription
You have 30 days to submit your confirmation.
I’ve been signed up since… pre-release?, have occasionally re-signed up and have never gotten an email. Signing up right now using a Gmail account however, I immediately received a confirmation email:
Dear Subscriber,
Click the link below to automatically confirm your subscription to the Guild Wars 2 Email List:
Confirm Your Subscription
You have 30 days to submit your confirmation.
So it works better with Gmail? But, if you want to sign up for the beta, the surely using the same email address that is associated with your GW2 account is best right? It would suck if only certain mail clients work. X__X
I been signed up for Anet’s GW2 newsletters for over 2 years and entered my email the day they started accepting and didn’t get in so whatever, it’s completely random. Just gotta wait for next betas or release. There’ll be plenty of videos and articles from news queen dulfy to help you survive till then.
So it works better with Gmail?
No. I got it working on other email providers, however, it’s just that my original account that was already signed up doesn’t receive anything. I can only assume I have a bugged registration from pre-release. I’ll be able to confirm as soon as they send out a new newsletter.
When you try to signup with an email that is already registered, the signup page gives you a different response. If you’re already signed up and never received a confirmation, you’re probably not signed up, or maybe you are and just don’t receive the emails (I didn’t get into beta, can’t verify).
Considering how HoT invitations were sent out, if you want in, you must use an email that is actually registered to a GW2 account.
Everyone in our guild applied,
every male was rejected, every female in our guild got an invite,
so if u want in the beta, next time sign up as a girl,
Around five people from our guild have gotten an invitation. None of them were female.
If you ask me, you probably wouldn’t be missing much with what the stress test will offer which is just seeing how stable can they get servers running and all that stuff. Besides, there are many opportunities to get in.
I’ve had the same issue. I signed up for the newsletters, but have received no conformation email or newsletter since. I understand there might not have been any newsletters since the time I subscribed, but at the very least you’d think ANet would send a confirmation email so you at least knew that your efforts to sign up were a success.
You might think so, but in actuality there is no confirmation email.
Correct. I have never received any confirmation email or anything else from Anet snce they announced subscribing to the newsletter for a chance at beta. I did get a beta invite.
Its just a 2 hour stress test, nothing fancy. And selections were entirely random. More chances will come soon.
There really isnt anymore to the discussion, despite dozens of threads popping up daily.
I’ve had the same issue. I signed up for the newsletters, but have received no conformation email or newsletter since. I understand there might not have been any newsletters since the time I subscribed, but at the very least you’d think ANet would send a confirmation email so you at least knew that your efforts to sign up were a success.
As it is right now, players are being left in the dark with no indication as to whether or not they are actually even subscribed for the newsletters.
Did you check your spam and junk folders? Some emails send it there.
Source: Not getting our emails
Sorry, I overlooked this question earlier, but to answer, I did indeed check my spam/junk email folder with no success.
People didn’t get it right. I am only asking for the fix on the subscription for HoT news. And of couse, that I am actually into the pool of the “Possible” selecteded betas.
What this topic is about, is tht the subscription is bugged, and what is more appealing, is that it is bugged for ppl that is already signed up from years (Like me).
But how do you know it is bugged?
There have simply not been any newsletters since they announced the beta-sign up.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
This is the first thread I found, but there’s more, I just have not the time to dig in deeper.
Also, As I said, I’ve been trying to sign up into a weekly basis and have not ever, ever received any e-mail from anet about heart of thorns. So, maybes, maybes it not bugged, but it is very likely it is. Would be nice have some more clarification into it. =)
It isn’t bugged. Go back to what lordkrall said: If you got the March 5 newsletter about PAX East, Rezzed and Twitch, you’re on the mailing list and therefore in the pool for possible selection for closed beta events. I did (received that newsletter, that is).
I really wish that people would chill out about not being selected for tomorrow’s stress test. If what happened last week is any guide, the beta – or should I say alpha? – that’s going to be available for testing tomorrow will be so clunky and full of holes that it’ll be a positive headache to play – which is exactly the point: what ANet wants is (1) to find out how well the new content performs under server stress and (2) to identify areas for further work/improvement. Running around on a new revenant character is really, REALLY not the point of this exercise, as much as some people may think it is. As for me, I’m going to wait for the next closed beta event, or maybe just stand by for the public betas by which time the expansion will have been shaped into a form that’s actually fun to play (the way it was back in 2012 with the base game).
This is the first thread I found, but there’s more, I just have not the time to dig in deeper.
Also, As I said, I’ve been trying to sign up into a weekly basis and have not ever, ever received any e-mail from anet about heart of thorns. So, maybes, maybes it not bugged, but it is very likely it is. Would be nice have some more clarification into it. =)
You may find this informational:
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
For those asking about a confirmation e-mail in relation to a newsletter subscription, I want to mention that I asked our newsletter person about this, and he said that the note indicating that a confirmation mail would be sent was in error. If you signed up for the newsletter, you’re subscribed. If you were previously receiving our GW2 newsletters, you’re subscribed. No confirmation will be sent in relation to an existing or new newsletter subscription.
This is the first thread I found, but there’s more, I just have not the time to dig in deeper.
Also, As I said, I’ve been trying to sign up into a weekly basis and have not ever, ever received any e-mail from anet about heart of thorns. So, maybes, maybes it not bugged, but it is very likely it is. Would be nice have some more clarification into it. =)
FYI, I signed up on the moment the HoT announcement page was put up, and never received any newsletter from them, not even confirmation that I had signed up.
I did receive an invite to the beta, so they have my email. But don’t send out any newsletters.
^Beaten to it.
Last newsletter was 3/5/15
See Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns at PAX East, Rezzed, and on Twitch this week!?
Either your email provider or something in your email settings are blocking bulk emails (newsletters often fall into that category).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Why do people even whine about this? its a 2 hour stress test that you will be able to experience ALL of HoT when it gets released. Why spoil it for yourself with no profit?